EDITORIAL Keacn the most people tu chj ahtl District with au advertisement in the Dally Newa, Betty Wilkinson. i PAOB TWO THB DAILY NEWS -Friday, rgbrnm, J "HARTr SHOES Canada's Best Shoemakers You get extra wear and maximum comfort in every pair. Priced From $.00 7 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes CHINESE VICTORIES The recent Chinese victories indicate that the Japanese are not unbeatable. They are, undoubtedly, great fighters but it now seems as if the Chinese have taken their measure and anything may be expected. The bombing of the capital of Formosa was a spectacular move but may have nothing much to do with the success or failure of the war in China. ANTHONY EDEN There is something about Anthony Eden that appeals to the populace. He seems to be popular throughout the British Empire and equally disliked by those who wish to revert to the old type of statesmanship. In Prince Rupert, speaking generally, the people seem practically a unit for Eden and his policies, judging from expressions heard almost everywhere. And yet we feel hopeful that the Chamberlain policy may be more helpful to the world just now. We notice that in Vancouver the Province expresses appreciation of Eden but there is a reservation. The Sun also sees in Eden an idealist who has not been a success. It must not be believed that the boastings and threats of the European dictators have caused Britain's Prime Minister to set aside his brilliant young secretary of state for foreign affairs. There is mlore to it than that. The head of the British government must think he sees an opportunity of solving some of the troubles of the continent, j troubles that the Treaty of Versailles only aggravated, j We sincerely hope he is right. If Europe can settle down and the Oriental struggle be brought to a close the world may get an opportunity to carry on in a more normal manner and better times may return. rrrn i. r i i ri Prices of Raw Furs Up 30 Ship Your Goods To G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable And Be Sure To Get The 30 per cent for Yourself REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 658 Christian Youth Society Getting Big Show Ready At a meeting of the Circus com mlttee of First United Church Sun day School last evening, it was de cided to change the date of this .annual event from 11 and 12 to , March 25 and 26. Plans were made I for an entertainment that will be I a distinct improvement in many ways over last year's performance The main show will contain many new and original numbers. A clown band is to be organized as well as a plantation chorus under the dir ection of Mrs. L. I. Pugsley, A number of good side shows will be the main attraction of the evening, plans for which are in charge of the Tuxls Square. The C.G.I.T. groups will take full charge of the booths for the sale of refreshments. The committee appointed the following In charge of arrangements: General Manager and Advertising, Wilfrid Hicks. Program Director, Ken Harding. C.G.I.T. Performance, Mrs. W. A. Riddell. Plantation Chorus, Mrs. L. I, Pugsley. Side Shows, Fred Boles. Booths, Misses Helen Green and Wilding and Miss Joan Forrest. ! 1 Aston Villa Going Strong Famous Lnglish Football Team Expected to Get Hark Into First Division Again LONDON, Feb. 25: (CP) Aston Villa, which has been in the sec ond division for the last two years seems assured of promotion to tht first division of the English Foot ball League. The Vlllans continue at the top of the standing with a substantial margin. BOWLING AT Oeneral Office is in Lead of Three-Koiind Schedule OCEAN FALLS, Feb. 25. The Ocean Falls' Bowling Club Ten Pin League has now finished the second of a three-round schedule with the General Office in the lead. play were as follows: Finishers 1 D. Leddy 202 E. Osslnger 187 R. Tinkler 178 B. Hodson 189 C. Peterson 173 Handicap 46 Total 975 General Store 1 F. Oxenbury 165 I. W. Bell 146 J. Isbister 132 N. Cambell 168 K. McAllister 156 Handicap 76 Total 843 Townsilc 1 Mrs. Gilchrist : 162 O. Peterson' 155 Di Lee - 160 E. Barclay 191 Dr. R. Gilchrist 199 Handicap 64 Total ..v...931 Foremen 1 D. Rhodes 132 R. Ross 146 A. Charleston 156 J. Bird ...172 H. Taylor 172 Handicap 100 Total 878 General Store Office 1 G. J. Jessup 195 T. L. Christie 167 D. Boyd 136 R. H. Hartle 135 R. BrOwnhill -.169 Handicap 87 Totals -889 Iromides- 1 W.kovar 174" Thomas 148 Gillanders 172 F. Eadie 184 S. Peterson 246 Handicap 71 Total ........995 General Office 1 C. Wright 151 F. Fisher 146 R. Hughes 169 L. Clark 191 C. Morrow 179 Handicap 80 Total 916 Molly Hogans 1 J. McKay 180 M. Calderhead 167 G. Angus 160 R. Burr 132 P. Campbell 176 Handicap 88 Totals ..903 Papermakers 1 J. Cadorin 146 E. Barclay 131 W. Marchall 203 II. Gilfillan 215 I. McAllister J. Youden 182 Handicap 44 Total 921 Invincihles 1 F. Campbell 188 D. Orr 139 M. Fotherlngham 146 8. 'Askew 135 Animal construction, Malcolm Low Score 131 Treasurer, Ned Tobey., i NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE,. Eng., land, Feb. 25: (CP) Forty-thousand mlneworkers of all grades in Northumberlaikl have received a five-per-cent wage Increase, making an extra 4,000 ($20,000) in wages weekly. Handicap 61 Total 800 2 224 171 179 151 202 46 973 2 211 185 162 126 165 76 925 2 189 164 146 141 193 64 897 2 146 141 148 133 182 100 850 2 185 174 135 203 170 87 954 2 146 123 182 146 188 71 856 2 160 156 178 161 189 80 921 2 177 138 144 171 159 88 877 2 203 187 175 159 203 44 971 2 176 153 171 135 159 01 855 HOCKEY SCORES Wednesday Pacific Coast League Spokane, 2; Seattle, 7. Spokane, 1; Portland, 3. l! May Move 71 964 3 141 143i 202. 3 166 144 147 191 138 61 847 Olympics I TOKYO. Feb. 25: (CP) In view of the possibility of boy- cott, tne proposal nas Deen iiiuuv made to w tnJi- move the venue i viiuv of j the iiiv been originally planned they should be held. The idea Is that the 1944 games would be ' held In Tokyo. PAPER TOWN Big Crowd Saw i Brief Battle :l CAMERON fiat at Louis-Mann Affair Wednes day Night $111,000 Champion Was Surprised NEW YORK, Feb. 25 IS CHAMP Defeats Don Brewn to Itegaln City Billiard Championship The final block of the Prince Ru Cameron, holder of the trophy, regained the cup from Don Brown the holder. Final score was: Cameron, 1000,' Brown 871. Continuing from the previous block which gave Cameron 502 and Brown 372, Cameron had the better of the first half, 248 to 209, "having 750 at the three-quarter mark and Brown 581. The final half found Brown doing much better as he added 290 to his score" while Cameron scored 248. BroWn had a better night than In the first game. He had breaks of i 27, 29, 31 and 34, the latter being .! the best break of the evening. Cam- eron's best breaks were 20. 21. 22 'CP) A ttu-lnpl find $2 Rmwti's uniting wn near capacity crowd attended Mad-'not quite as cood as It was In the High average scorer for past week ison Square Garden Wednesday flrst block Dut nis au round piay Dr. R. Gilchrist with 205.66. contributed about $111.- was night and was more varieci anfj ne got some jnaiviauai resuns oi me weeKsuuu to see joe louis, woncs neavy clever cannons Cameron was nev- weight boxing champion, finish Na- er m anv dancer of beinc 'headed 3 .than Mann or Connecticut In the and nls positional play -was always 158 third round. The champion abrupt- a Dig factor In his game. 153 ly ended the match with explosive At the Conclusion of the series, 187 punching power after he had been President Jack Preece cohgratulat- 200 surprised and actually hurt by ed boUl piaj.ers and presented Cam- 157 Mann's brisk early bid In the first eron wlth the handsome trophy 40 round. The weight of Louis for the donated Dy llie prmce jiupert 901 scheduled fifteen-round title bout branch of the Canadian Legion and 3 : was 200 nounds while Mann weigh- . Rrnwn with rhp rnnnor.iin'i1 nrtvA 158 ed 193M. pounds. 213 174 166 168 76 954 3 165 197 149 132 176 of North Star being high average 151 161 159 911 3 177 169 143 120 180 87 87G 3 163 North Star And Railwaymen Win Defeated Uupert Motors And Printers in Commercial Bowl-ins I.eaffiie Last Night scorer tor tne evening wun nu. The second scheduled fixture between Electrical Workers and Bio- 100 lslcal Station was postponed un til aaturaay aiternoon. in a nx-lure deferred from Monday. Canadian National Recreation Association No. 2 took the measure of the league leading Printers tvc Karnes to one with scores as fol lows: 1 Jack ,..,....'..,,..,168 Menzles 113 Houston 163 Handicap .;..... 17 Total ..........-...,746 189 NORTH STAR-4 1 165 McMeekin .' .127 80 D. Wick 150 920 . Smith 150 3 (M. Young 133 158; Handicap 47 143 Total 757 130 133 188 2 3 Printers 705 757 819 C. N. R. A. No. 2 749 831 748 Individual scores In the retni- 177 lar fixture were as follows: RUPERT MOTORS 1 171 Taylor 126 wick 154 2 3 168 158 155 157 129 19i 128 11? 163 154 17 17 765 794 2 3. 114 161; 111 122 139 139 154 224 47 47 703 819 The-Commercial League standing , to date s as follows: 881 Won Lost Ptff. 840 Printers 18 3 Rupert Motors 14 173 Electrical Workers 13 162 C.N.R.A. No. 1 13 163 North Star 10 ; C N. R, A. No. 2 9 138 Oyo Club 8 189 Biological Station 8 58 " 88J 6 10 6 11 14 15 .22 7 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Pood Is Good The Rooras Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Frlehdly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasel N. M. Brasell 18 14 Both contestants thanked the president and expressed their apprccla-; Hon of the Legion's efforts in sponsoring the competition. It was to ' be hoped that a wider interest in the game would be a result and that next year there would be n I bigger entry list. 13', 13' 10 I 8 8 Jack Allan wis referee, c: L. Youngman scorer and a. J. Dawes marker, Other members Of the committee were President J.irk 2l5. Mnnh stnr Heff-ated ' Runert Greece, chairman and J: S. Judge, two tolfma"aS- There was a good at-3 932 Motors by a score of games one in the Commercial Bowling i lendance- 164 League last night, M. E. YounJ FIVE VS LKAfiUK Won Lost Pts Pioneer Laundry .. .15 - 6 15 C N. R. A. 14 10 14 Oyro Club 7 14 7 Old Empress 5 13 5 i i i M m rE 0 i RANGERS IN HOCKEY WIN Defeated Chicago "lack Hawk in Free-Scoring A.ffair Two Overtime Ties NEW YORK. Feb. 25: (UP)-Cllnt Smith, formerly of Vancouver, contributed two of the goals to help New Vnrk Ranecrs defeat Chicago PROYINCK OK Toronto Canadlens Americans black Ifawks in a National Hocke?JMarqn4 League fixture here last nujhl a score or C to 3. The seven-game winning streak of the Boston Bruins in the Amer- the Montreal Canaden. real. H The third fixture ed at Detroit, enrion W U i fivprtlmp tla Vint. ... 1 u,,ltn Mnr.trf,i oona and the Red WIn?.i The league stanrJin- to IloStdn Rangers pert city billiards championship , rjm nwision ended when they were Chicago - - . , . . - 1940 Olympic Games from To- j was played last evenmg ai tne can-. hdd tQ a Dne..aU overtlme tie by Detroit . . I adlan Ai4lnn T Legion nolnn clubrooms oliinrnnmc wnpn when Nell Nail kyo to Rome where it had International l)i,Woa W D L v 10 10 13 10 20 22 11 9 I S 5 9 10 111! J H 102)1 24 8I1J1 American l)lmnn 12 122 21 79 111 1 20 14 1U FORD MEETS PRACTICALLY EVERY HAULING AND DELIVERY NEED WITH THE NEW 1938 2-TON AND V2-TON FORD V-8 TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL CARS AH Ford Commercial Cart and Trvtkt havo boan rtiryUa. Took IMrl m4m apMronc It a raal bwtlnoit ami. Trio wtiolo lint lit kM Imaravtd. Important changti Inclvdoi NIW 114-INCH WHIEIIAM, wM cab-to-fliU mooiurtmtnt lnraid I 60 Inchtf . longtr Uad Itntrt I tha rtar axla Impravtt lead dlitrlbullon. LARGER IRAKIS ( mw, mK. anrgliln dttn. Thoy U a,vllir Itaet with lot aadal ardiwr. IASK1 STEERINO with now worm and rolUr typo goar thai roduttl frlcttoa. IMPROVED CAB CONSTRUCnON-tronj.r and aiore comfortooloi M W4-war and trim. All Ford changoi add up la lengor Irvck li'U, foitor,twWv . froo porformonco mora pay ovory payfoodL 2-ton trucli ara oqulpptd with Iho 95-tip. V-l rrvk angina. Imb hovo Iho (S-hp. truck angina. Commorclol cart ara pawarod with tho IHf. V-l angina. Como In and too tho now lino moVo an "en-lho-jot" tit. S. E. PARKER LTD. Third Avenue BRITISH FORI) DEALER COUJiMMA Prince Rupert, B. C INCOME TAX RETURNS ARE NOW I)UR TO BE FILED BY: (1.) Every person in receipt of salary, wages, or investment income. (2.) Employers, respecting salaries and wages paid to employees during the calendar year 19.T7. These Returns arc required to he filed not later than FEBRUARY 28th, 1938 Taxpayers should obtain forms from any Provincial Government office or chartered hank in the Province. An urgent request is made for these Returns to Ik; filed as much in advance of the final date as possible to enable the Department toflivc better service to taxpayers than can be provided during the rush of IN1 last day. s or professional income is required to be returned within three months after the end of the taxpayer's fiscal year. g Victoria, B.C. C. B. PETERSON, Commissioner of Income Tax. 11:1 mxMtMi':