A PAns: TWO Men's Comfortable and Durable (JULY EDITION Solid Leather WORKING BOOTS Iteceiie the Utmost in Quality, Wear and Value. Greb, Valentine and other High Grade Makes. Priced From $2.95 Up Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations Thursday, November 3, 1938 SPORT CHAT : ! ! Big names of Professional hockev banded together one yew Ago last night at Montreal to honoi jthe greatest of them all Howie Morenz, who died March 8, 1927. Before nearly 9,000 Jans a National Hockey League all-star team defeated a combined Montreal Ca- Athletics in 1928. Sea Hawks Are Going Strong In Puck Play Ladies' League (Blue Birds 11 "Rangers 8 "Parochiallv-mindpfl indivirfiiQlc" ie ,!, nr t 'Annette's Annette's 8 "ffiXwh0 oppose the bui,din of the p: ::::: .j ? " I Maple Leafs 6 CHAMBERLAIN'S POUf!Y Knox Hotal 2 The Ernpire policy, as promulgated by Prime Minister Chamberlain of Great Britain, is one of appeasement rather than provocation. The chief objection to it comes from those who were hoping there would be a rapprochement with Russia and that Russian methods and policies would gradually permeate the British Countries. It looked for some time as if Britain and Russia might have been close allies in helping to hold back the advancement of the Nazi and Fascist dictatorships. Then Chamber- loin rv r A f Zn, JMI t i. i- "l ... " uc m& m&turn; uignis io uermany and had a heart i to heart talk with the Feuhrer in which it was, doubtless,' pointed out that Britain was at the parting of the ways,' Either she and Francp wnnM rrn wth fiomnnw ifoi' prt if rebuffed, would go with Russia, lining all the de- . ' - - - - -- up mi vjic uc- 9 13 OLD LAND MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS National Labor Backed Nominees This Year In Civic Field mocracies and Russia atramstihe nther riiofnfnrcTninc .election campaign in England ani moved THE DAILT xtuS TEACHERS whist MEETING Drive-Dance Is Catherine ol I'&daeojus Ving Pong Tournament Very successful was the bridge The Prince Rupert Teachers' As-. party and dance held last night relation of the British Columbialby the Eagles' Lodge In the Aerie ieacners Federation neia ns res- nan on rum nvenuc cast, nitre , uiuuau-iviurouu aquuu o-a. rroceeas ' 7 " of more than $11,000 were placed!ular , Wy meeting last . evenlnguvere , were twenty-eight twenty-eight . . . tables tables . ., of of , cards cards , in trust for Morent' widow and three children. ajwvii iyitruiui 10.1 ail&a with the president, J. S. Wilson, in me cnair. Baseball's "Georgia Peach," I I In addit'n to dealing with a Cobb, resigned as player-manaeei . considerable amount of routine ;of Detroit Tigers twelve years ago!mattrs- e meeting made plans j today. Joining the American iigr Iulure gamenngs oi we League club in 1905, Cobb cracken ' Association. The report of a out a double in his first appear- j serial .committee of the provinjial ance and from that date started jeXCU,,ve on the guestlon of larger on a record-smashing career that administrative units was conslder-ls baseball history. He ended hi ed- This will be studied by the Jn- baseball career with Philadelphia divjaual teachers and will provta , the subject for the December meet ing. Other matters to be discussed at later meetines will include the con- ; slderation of the report of the com-Jmittee.on the matter of affiliation i The holding of Education Week : was discussed at the provincial con- Phee. of British Columbia Teachers' Fed-ld0"'. n Varietis Matters Dealt With at f-rpof .NlirrACQ and more people dropped in for the dance which cocupied the latter part of the evening. The prize-winners at cards were: ladies first, Mrs. Owens; second, Mrs. Sam Hougan; third, Mrs Peter Solem; fourth, Mrs. J. Mc-Rae; men's first, Robert McKay. second, Fred Rlffou; third, Gun Following cards, delicious refreshments were s?rved and dancing followed with music by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. Angelo Astorl was master oi ceremonies for cards and Robert McKay for the dancing. Frank Flllsnn nrplrlrl nf the eration with organizations of labor! Tne committer in charge con or civil servants. fisted of Andrew Ronald, W. Noble t An lritprtm renort of the tearhpr-'William Hutson and Hugh FergU- enAiwTi n . M tralntncy nsimmtttoo rloalt wtVi SOn. iiuiiiLEi, nuv. o; oeaiue aea vii."..vk. m Hawks scored their third straight summer schools, requirements for, victory in the Pacific Northwest entrance to teacher-training school, j xiuvivEjr league jasi UJJUJI uy ae- ' - """-"-- -"". i"- 'ifeating Spokane Clippers five to tiflcates of Junior high school and Jnil. technical teachers. j NAMED 11 jsultatlve meeting. In order to con- Si form with arrangements made for - - - Sjrnakin? the observance a contln- FOR SALE ,ent-wide feature H was decided iSwInJUI;UM EdMUCat," Week FOR SALE7-room house all new--should I be held in i November. As Jy remodelled, fully modern, 742 C, Education Week has been observed 7th Ave. w. PrJ $105o, part 2-already in the province this year; cash balance a, rent Duhamel, vu.,a..i.c win uc in iw . Camtnl Rarhpr Rhnn 9P4 vember, 1939. The question of a : teachers' fall convention had beenlFR SALE Recently built bunga-discussed, It was decided not to' low and two lots. Will sell cheap, hold one this year. The reorgani-i Write or call Phil Brentzen, Port zation of schools here had thrown Simpson, B.C. (257) a very heavy burden on the local .. " teachers and they felt they could 'T kT' . FOrd not carry the add tlonal sponsi-i , , " 1 . v" bllity for a dUtrict convention ply Tlirtft Cash & Car- In the ronrse nf trip Pvonlntr Mi- Wilson expressed his appreciation I WANTED By PAT USSHER "L"". 01 PrMiae OI! Wanted eirl to assist mnthpr ith' Canadian Press Staff Writer SnsSty JTkeTnT 1 mree chUdren r three He :."T: 3- CP!.S igLI H. Olstrom. Stewart. B. C. nignugm oi me mis ' municipal u""I - - t,onln nomne oe n.M 00 . and anu not uut merely lucinv as as a a 100 tool FOR RENT . " .w.vw. ii.i. miti. , .. ... r s"'"iain i - i here c was "rtoiiieeuiiif a meeting ui Of the meruiereoi rulerf of France rranceaild and iJn-'week BH-Veerr was the rtl derkinn l 7,7 f Vhl Vhf'of the ine Department Pment of of Education. Education. 2 ROOM Furnished suite. Phone!-; tain . with the dictators of Germany and "0Pertton was dirabie but Italy. They i1 - - . . , -"v came iiic Labor itu party party to ia throw mrow its us national national to to an an agreement agreement Which which meant meant that that France France and and Britain Britain organization organization into into the the contest nntPt in ,nintt :a one-sjded co-operation. The would ally themselves with Germany and Italy rather SU0P0It of loor candidates, than with Russia. It seemed like a raw deal for Russia 'A ?he umove marked an intensified RflRTOW Hnv 3- (PPI A varl. nrpnarp (hum fnr f ha toM. ety of 160 different kinds of fish that the housewife could serve a' Prior to this year's elections is available for Canadian or. Am- different dish for every day of the the Conservative party held the erican housewives, according to year with two on Fridays." i upper hand In some 400 borough, Frank T. Bell, United Gtates Coir-( By drawing on the sea, lakes and councils. Labor controlled 43 rouni- misstoner of Fisheries. ' rivers for food the housewife is do-idpalitles outside London, In the' "More than 160 different kinds Ing her family a good turn, says balance there have been fear, of fish and shellfish ac harvested Cammissioner Bell.. Recant studies changes since 1934 when Labor A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get it by using our famous Ed son, Bulkley Valley or Nanalmo-Wellintton coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 teachers, as the ones in direct con tan urUK V. nUIM.n . I ii z ' j . a 1 - . . i' uv Lau r in win pnnrrni T "v troMM. 1 1 , , , .., , . every nartv strueelPd ainst ho w a"uycf wwre interment will; A general wno disagreed Wim Unancellor illtler IS re-'ustomary apathy of the electors ' made' Deceased brother, flus ed. People with opinions Should not live in Germany, An electorate of 11 000,000 rate- su"ombeck 1 coming north from f Or or Russia. Russia. I iKayci- paver was was entitled enutiea to to vote vote but out! I. yanc,ouver J n the Princess -.vv. Adelaide nwuuc u . 1 LO take t hp rprruln. -I i rr.. e rema,ns In Jn V,o.- 1 Italy Different Fish Diet Each Day ionly about 3500JWO went to th, charge and UlUJd. I . J OUUU1, ved in many different wavs besides Onp nf iho .in J vvv4 nil uut no nussian inieresis nave oeen sacnticeri. Knss n , "''utility of anv cour of striv M.: . 259l IV T1IK M HtKMK t'Ol'UT or 11KITIMI l)l.r.MHIA mc wmmiui, were mei --. best fitted to Judge - r- properly - - the i Matirr of ti.e "i.imin.iratioii is safer today than she would have been' if the world had conservatives accepud theThau!111 sure that a 'PtWe yearwasim Mat.rr ,x't n.,f , 4rn. been plunged into a terrible war. She has everything to lege and vigorous campaigns goti iu"d 0T tne cal association. I impair ? ii vii. o i . . .. I Follnwlntr th aHlnnmmnf f lAjit. MOTICE thai by order ct hLi gain ana nOlJimg to lose irom peace. ,uuuer way mrougnout tne country.!.. : ., ' hcddt. w. b rutur. ta 28th day of bo tar the nolicies of EUrone seem to he wnrkiW nnf " e:uura 01 ine councillors m "? r irr ."tl ' ppoiw .""r""" P"B-pong ms;;'-; J Well. Forei i. -II1!:: hpino- .: , English tnlllsn and a.nd Welsh WeIsh municlDaUties municlpaUties .. uzeigu trnniw nre are wity . irom uoups oeing wimarayvn or boroughs retire annually Seatsplaf wUb, Iss Barbara Daniels , ;:eT"ttZ! apain. "ozecnosiovaKian territory is being redefined. The vacated this year were filled inla Howard Lejgns winners whllej required to furnish saw. pnjperiy people of Poland and Hungary are becoming more satis- 1934 when bor registered striking1" Eva cawiier and w. w. c. IVftf-J"? fled, Italy and Britain are forming a closer alliance and 6 n London' however, there France and Italv are eYPhnnrrinfr amWcsrWc Tf tl,n was. no VotlnS. Metropolitan bor- present trend continues the wo'rld will seWe down to'vTy tZZL O'Neill took the consolation prizes. K SSV -' ness as a war 1 preventive. m most places local issues were tZ night ?JJ g ll the will " I be . taken taken rmor" tomor- . to the fore. But canning nf 0n Princess Adelaide " py raie amount of thlr to mt forth vlth. The remains of the late John W., N?"A,N Alice Arm, who died: Prince Rupert. 'b.C tn 3,"t " ot a d l9w ,the familiar baked or broiled fish . Conservative platform Wl call, was a if you wish to wn mpti, P somethln8-;SEArtI5 ,-in salads, steaming chowders or for economy and a halt to steadily- Try a C,assIfled- ClalSSp? to th u.i appetizing hors-d'fiouvres. 'rising rate burdPn T.ahnr rJL . or o nd endoraed nMvtucu -Tde iwiuci ; "There are so many different dates sought to win approval oni e-icucs ui mn ana so many ways pledges or expanded civil welfare Sm REX T?""- ,, , , I i ..i.i.. j previously the Conservatives had, TAKE notice that by order of liti,Mmmn ci tender, or Bearer Bone, BtHMraTMaw always been In the majority andi"onor Juatt ruhe. Local JudM of Ui ? th Dominion of Canada or of thi I also contrnllPrf fh iv .,t,H Bupieme Court Court of of British BrltUh OolumhiJ Columbia cnadlftn National ion1 Railway RaJr Company Company and and NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE TUMID AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS IIILLMAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service -" --w wu I "UtQ nad rough of Edmonton, was a Three thousand (seats had l hp 'Eft Etftate Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 irom ne waters oi Horn America on the food value of fish had registered a net gain of 472 j.uti each year." he says. "If that num-shown the enormous reserves of !In "35 and 1936 Conservatives M the supreme couht of mimsii ber doesn't offer variety - enough, ' ' vitamins, "t fwvwaa proteins and wvt tWJ essential' 1 "captured some of the ground ... .... Columbia consider that most products of the minerals contained in fishery Dro anu iiiia.uu waLers can oe ser- aucis. i they had lost. Last year Labor jmaae a better showing, It won ; control of four boroughs where " And, And, ii. j i .1. ' . whprp" . i a.bove.nJnei aove.name! vTT'!a d ZZi iimMnl iliri ut ut. of t. . ' .. filled In the 289 hor,ueh Mayo j voting took place. Approximately AM P"' indebted to the aawut. k nnn ju.i . j . are reauirfi tv,. ... u.wuw lauuiuaies were enierea in fn.v;-. " . ' ' , i- oi meir niv vval lOli, HALIFAX, Nov. 3: (CD Halifax police have started a campaign against bicycle riders who violate traffic regulations. Among eight who were fined in one day were five convicted of carrying persons on tne handlebars of their bicycles float and Artnroaih. (lilinrf Pur - B. C- v,-m toe re-.c:vd viMl U o'vim k noon. Urilnmday, Noipinhrr 10, 1938, " ! fCT the renaial nf fl.iaj o.n M Osland Park, Skowna J.strl3t. B.C Plana, form of contract ana epeclflca. Won can be seen cuid forma of Unin obtained at the office of the Chief En. einttr, Department of Public Worlu, Ot-towa, ,t the lofftoc of, the District Engineer, Post Office BulldUlg. New Westminster, B. C.i also at the Poit Offloos at OBland, B. C, Prince ru. pert, B. c. Vancouver, B C. and Vlr. torla, B. C. Tender will not be conildered unleja made on printed forms supplied by the DoYMUtment tLrui in imrntfln.. vlfli conaitiona act forth therein. cn tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered .ixinic bank In in Canada, Canada, payable payable to to tl'e tl'e orde order , c Ine Mattrr of h. .. . . I cf the HononmhlA th. Minister nf tn - - v " , i'i nil ufi v.w in i w . - flnnvalM Conzalea, Deceaced I He WrH-kll Wbrfci, Mlllt equal to n 10 in percent rri.n. rf of tv. tie the ith day of October lgaa i l il f0011- companies, uncondi-was appointed ActolnrnrTf i? T 7vi I flonally gmanuiteed as to principal and within Biatlah Columhu. 7i .v!'1" tb Dominion of Canada, or th aforememUoned bonds and a certl- tvnrvn. rT ""''Ut ana an on n deposit acposit of oi a a sum sum of ot lio.oo, iiu.uu, in in t? t.e, pttos having claims against the aM'wm oi a certified bank cheque payable' required to file the same. 10 th "er of the Minister of Public ' P"?eriy vewied, wtth me within one Works. The deposit will bo released on u& from the first publication 0f.Ulc reUirn of the blueprints and apo. aaJd eeat hp mo. ., ! of retention of tenders. If not raturnnrt Vrd thereto; u within that period the deposit will be wvcq at Prlncp Itunart. n n - mi.,'"" 15th day of Oetnbrr. ion NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, I Prince .Rupert, B. O fled cheque If required to make up an odd amount NOTE; Tlie Department wln "upply B order. J. M. BOMEIIVIIXE. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, October 23, J938. ' W KMvSON Edmnnfnnrv, 5 The best coal is the cheapest. wmm. - mi ' PRESIDENT, iroeyBuSsei Chosen Head of Prince Rupert, Re- Tuo nA Half .Million k, tail Merchant Association Cast lt3u ' Transit mJ xigni I -WIUUH, WO, J. if. u. v. wniunsou waseieciea presi-i; , w 'A 0"lln-ma4rS. Merchants' Association at the an-iv hi beea vitrei 1 mill mmtlnn Inrf nl.tit tl ICll Ihi SJS t,,.t fifSt Xtpn In . "r " Br. fleers for the year being as fj lows: Vice-President, Joseph Scott Executive William McLeod, Ro rnodernlze te-n. Edmonton ij The POETam m. . . hert Gordon. Fred Hardv nini''Hl.'' V Norman D. Wiiw.., Hill and T. J. Williams. , int0, noled baffle amw. Various matters of interest to, ""rpaiCi nar Clavring; fourth, D. A. Mc- j the Association were discussed and, 1 amcng other things, the members! expressed themselves as belne ln; LONDON GOLD ntt accord with provincial legislation LONDON, Nov in maintaining a rive ner rent nrnf t TnnHnn , 0 - - - v.wvti (utu JJI1C j. minimum. yesterday at 34 M per fi! OF COURSE WE MAKE LOANS ... Qui Evety-day Business Yqu are. invited to discuss with us your re quircmcnts for personal or business purposes. BANK OF MONTREAL JCITAIUIHtP Prince Ruprt Branch: F. A. MacCALLUM, Manajfr Stewart IJMnch: H. V. LITTLER, Managff "A BANK WMPnr luiti ifminuas atiMnia Dl V.. COAL ORDER TODAY We handle the bet. W't r.. ! 1IT-I1? . ...... .IT and Bulklcy Valley Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. w - c teiennone BSl nr C52 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver' T.S.S. C ATA LA EVEItl TUE8- T.S.S. CARDF.NA FRIO1 DAY. t 2fl n m t A .OA h m Due Vancouver, Thars. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenlpnt pi.... t....i.... -i.i..i. . nfflre . . V m " " ' " Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket fJ A mfi u v. ftcivaiAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone December Frozen HERRING BA1 Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C.