MGE FOUR n Se! I for Go all SMITHERS Eric.G. Jone and Thomas Camp bett,; operators of the Lake Kathlyn Anthracite Coal Co. at Lake Kathlyn, have returned to Smithers after several months in Vancouver and' they have resumed operations at the coal mine at the foot of Hudson Bay Mountain. A meeting of the Omlneca Kep thU with jour recip GOLDEX BANTAM COM ect Royal City Brand Corn . . . here the field-fresh flavor of en Bantam is brought out in true richness. Smithers had one of the most1 quiet Hallowe'en nights on record Branch of the B. C. Chamber of Mines will be held in Smithers on Friday evening to discuss and con sider' the proposed new Mineral Act as it will affect the prospector. It seems to be the opinion locally that more restrictions are proposed for this necessary adjunct to the business of mining and that, with the prospector being gradually forced out of business, it will eventually bring disaster to the mining business as there are few mines dls when Juvenile marauders . weje rob- prospectors and, ? gT6l , ? hen these men stop roaming the h u, oration by the activities of local jhm there m an end new police and o her authorities On j di?coveries, pr0sPector. is a Halloween nignu gone Djr weiocai technlcai man and, when the Min-school houses have been the objects . ,t nhl. tn Act obUs Wm to perform , of - deal i of their -tJf...eral a great attention i thirty days' work on a claim to pro- a.SJl?2!2-!ace the equivalent of $100. it is v ' " " I held to be putting a small valuation ucailon they were met by guards (on Ws who: had been posted for the night: by the School Board of Trustees I . . who had experienced depredations I """""alUUCI ATTHTilQQinnfYa llr KJL in the past. Aside from the usual decoration of Main Street by "s?n-l Cl-.f-. A try . boxes" there was not a greatjJlaUUU nilUJ aeai oi activity. :To Visit Rupert penter's headquarters are irl Try a Daily News want-ad. BUT THIS LOOKS HAWE10US-AND IT TASTES MARVELOUS, SEEfAS FLAT -L . TOO WHATS THE (rC.R5r SECRET? as Carnation Milk saves you money when you use it for cream-ing coffee. BUT, the big advantage is that Carnation gives coffee a wonderfully smooth, satisfying flavour and a rich, tempting colour. Of course, Carnation works wonders when you use it for creaming cereals and fruits and in making cream sauces, cream soups, puddings and other dishes which call for milk or cream. Carnation is just pure whole milk, made double rich by reducing the natural water content and made smooth and extra-digestible by heat treatment and homogeniration. It is specially Eood for babies, with its added amount of "sunshine" vitamin D m Write for beautiful Carnation Cook Book. A host of ideas and recipes for. 15 postpaid). Carnation Co. Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B. C. Kitselas Young Folk Organize John Seymour Is Named President Of Society A meeting was held in the school oh Monday to organize the' Kitselas Young People's Association.1 Mr Robert Wilson was In the, chair. The following officers were elected: President. John Cecil t Secretary. Edgar Hudson. Treasurer, Miss Amelia Bevan. Business and Program Manager, Ben Seymour. Convener of refreshment committee, Mrs. Arthur Bolton. Whifflets From The Waterfront Halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the month of October this year totalled 1,173,500 pounds as compared with 741,000 pounds in the same month last year. The larger amount this year was due. at least In part, to the fact that the closing of the season In 1937 was en days earlier than this year. The American landings this October aggregated 605.500 pounds in comparison with 393,000 pounds In October 1937 while the Canadian to-al this October was 567.000 pound. i Tiparison with 348,000 pounds a year ago. Sixteen Seattle halibut vessel have yet to reach port from their final voyates of the season to th- ! western banks, five of them being reported to have passed Ket- jchlkan enroiite to Seattle. The enc of this week will, it is expected see the final catches landed ai Commissioner George L.Carpen-iSeattle- yesterday six western ter. head of the Salvation Army : vessels marketed catches at Seattle for Canada, Alaska, Newfoundland j totalling 162,000 pounds as follows-and Bermuda, and Mrs. Carpen- Venture, 31,000, Sebastian, lU.r ter will pay a visit to Prince Ru- and Columbia, 34,000, Booth, pert towards the end of this xc Grant, 19,000, Whiz, month. They are making the trip i 10c and 9c; Nordic. 32,000, Whiz, north to attend an Alaska Con-!mc 10 :; .Thor. 36,000, San gress in Juneau. Their daughter.' Juan 10IC and 10c; Recovery Miss Stella Carpenter, will ac-!lu'uw' wasmngton, SHic ana 8c. company them. Commissioner Car- Twelve local seamen have so far' enrolled in Capt J. R. Elfert's winter school of navigation, classes in which opened this week. Several more enrollments are expected. I HARDtY EVER , DRINK COFFEE I JUST DONT SEEM TO ENJOY IT THE FLAVOUR. JUST A GOOD BRAND OF COFFEE- AND CARNATION MILK FOR CREAMING Carnation Milk !.). lo Ih, "CnUnM W .y.ry Mcndo, n?flM. S,. yc, (oco, BtwlD0Ctf , ,.m cm A CANADIAN PRODUCT 'team CoatoftCowi" Phone 62 THE DAILY NEWS Jhuday,Koveffibt, Get Wise to Constipation! When you're constipated, it's a great temptation to be satisfied with Quick relief. But pbTc may become a habit Ana Uty dent keep constipation trom returning. It's so much better to get at the co we of the trouble. It you eat what most people do, chances are the only thing the matter Is you don t get enwigl -bulk." And "bull: ' doesnt mean how much you eat It means a kind oi food that Isnt consumed la the body, but learn a sou -bulky" mass In the Intestines and helps a bo el movement. What to do? Eat a little Kel-loggX All-Bran tor breaktast every day and drink plenty ot water. This crunchy toasted cereal Is not only rich In "buk -It also contains the natural intestinal tome, vitamin B,. All-Bran Is made by Kellogg in tendon, Ontario, Sold by every groce?. Hallowe'en Dance At Kitwanga Is Greatly Enjoyed crowd filling the De-au-zip Hall to capacity and numerous novel costumes In evidence, the Hallowe'en masquerade dance in Kitwanga on Monday night was highl successful and enjoyable. Dancing, commenced at 9 pjn. and the gay and colorful party continued ln full swing until 3 am. Excellent music was furnished by an or- chestra consisting of Sterlinr j Johnson. Morris Williams, David Williams and Sam Milton. James Williams was master of cere-! monies. At midnieht delicious re freshments were served. The judges were Mr. Walker and M. H. Bright who awarded Drlzes ror the best costumes to Mrs. Kate Furley. Miss Dorothy Shearman and Titus Derrick. j There were visitors for the dance j from Woodcock, Skeena Crossing! and Cedarvale. Phone 63 Butter First grade. Q- 3 lbs QIC Sterling Suggestions for Sunday Veal Roast 9Cn Per lb Pork Iiutts Per lb Leg Lamb OQ Per lb Polled Pot Rst. H K Per lb Shoulder Veal fl ff0 Per lb ABC Bakeasy 2 ,bs 25c Ayrcshirc IJacon 9Q0 Per lb Once Used Always Used Sausage Meat Fruit Mince Meat-21bs. . 0L Peanut Butter Pork Hocks 2 lbs ir Grade A A Large.3doz. V-ltUU FRIDAY IS FISH DAY Fresh Salmon, Halibut, Shelled Shrimps, Crabs and Oysters, Smoked Halibut, Haddie and Black Cod Kemember You Can Get It at The Sterling '"WHAT PRICE' INNOCENCE?" Powerful Screen Drama Concerning .Modern Youth "Blondes at Work" on Double Bill Together they TERRACE H. M. Adam met with an unfortunate accident on Friday. He had returned only a few days previously from Prince Rupert General Hos- Ipltai where he had been a patient ! for some weeks and was about the What Price Innocence?" a story t , . when. he slipped and sustained ser-jcomedy. rat Work," an amusing and exciting i ,ous lnJur' "e ? comprise the mid-week agaln by Saturdays j double bill program at the Capitol Prlnce RuPert Theatre here. . train. In "What Price Innocence?" Jeanj Parker plays the part of a sweet. There were not much 5n the way ; ill-fated youngster of seventeen! of Hallowe'en celebrations here. On I whose mother took things for Monday the Rebckah Lodge held a 'granted where the girl was con-1 social in the hall. A bean supper (cerned. Minna Oombell has the was the principal feature of the part of the self-deceived youngster I evening. A fair crowd came and while Bryant Washburn is the fa- Mrs. Frank gave some classic select ther who "always leaves such Hons on the piano. Fire crackers things to his wife." Ben Alexander j enlivened the village during the ev-Is the young rotter who turns the enlng as the younger generation girl's Innocence to his own advan- engaged "in modest pranks. About tage. Willard Mack is the gentle the only damage discovered next old family physician. Others In the morning was the tillage notice cast include Beatrice Banyard, Bet- board which had performed a som-ty Grable. Maurice Murphy and ersault. Louise Beaver. I In "Blondes at Work." Olenda Farrell again plays th part of a'murder mystery and there is plenty KITWANGA, Nov. 3:-Wlth a blzUM . rePr.ter whlle Barton MacLane '""fT.I,1' f?,, i i x a a. i t H m 0 n & ti'O II o Krim A inn in inn is ner ponce ueuienam ooy iriena. " "- u""- "- solve a difficult doing. after school jS CAOBURt November Reminder Enter Your Xmas Orders For Magazine Subscriptions Now A year's subscription makes an excellent gift Early ordering is essentialOrder any publication through us at PUBLISHERS' CANADIAN PIUCES Suitable GIFT CARDS Sent lo Arrive at Christmas Renew Your Own Subscription Here Do It Now Phone G or Call in eMcuM vs. Mi World Agency for All Magazines MORE HEAT FOR Less Money Help Support the Region that Helps Support You. Think-This Over, Then IJUY BULKLEY VALLEY COAL - I I, I ,.i .7 "'OUT I lhe ThimH.!. . I me uurn nr n.....i. ' "-j . . -inall i t. .-1 1 JEAN PARKER h j "WHAT PRICE INNOCENCE!" With Willard JiJtk 1 (At 7:13 and 9:3$) ! NOT RECOMMENDED ! FOR CIIILDKE.N ADDED FEATURE Olenda Farrell in -BLovnti d A ltlllLIV l it . . ". e4 unhi norm tvn (7:00 Ini toniine FRIpAl-SATlRDH ROBERT TAYLOR i "THE CROWD R0RS, ooms RAW FUR SEASON Commencing Must Unload Larje Stotk 2." Off for Cash Come In and see ,ur Easy Terms Arranjfd Goldbl J. H. BULGER Optometrist RotI Bank BUi rhonrs 18 L 81-P.O. Boi 5Tj FOR SATISFACTION' Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Slore Where Dollars Havi More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Can L"'t NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Prcprir!.or "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot tt Czi Water Prince Rupert B.C Phone 281 P.O. Rox HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580