,Har Ncvembfrr B, IMS. TEE DATiT NiTt73 PAGE JTERE3 TrySalada Orange Pekoe Blend iMiss Agnes Guyari SALADA TEA y-i rk 1 m rvnc l.n YxUPlZ 1 n linn1 NpU.VWPfl r V 1 ember Honored Club were taken back to atlvely. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for & full month at 2fe a word. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. ruiic ii. i riiue rti. auu. Wted Bazaar December 1. SON. Plav Deppmber 2 and 3. l ai imtaxMva vm it ta mri i i i ii II 1 I! S Linoleum Rugs Size C-IO 7C :jxIi ' $12.00 BIG j.u . ""J"!' 'ware j..'D nrooVIv 1nnrhpnn liv TV m.u - - ugh M. Morrison, Inspector or capt. A. B. Coulter of Ottawa, R. t I nrtin ITQVA VlaOYl ft flftV- T J1... rl i ' imtiMi " o -m av, . uu v i u a ii iiiiii ami v i . uestion quiz on questions of s Oottfred of Edmonton. ial studies Including history and pneranhy eograpny Tne nc questions huwhuhs were wcjr( i i rrt i ixA fmm lief vmHi flrol KllllrJlnv I t Im M. V w I V ight or Entrance examinations. "S " ne of the Oyros, found out trut' . - a n f.ni in nne initi, n.i City For Year To nv pvent it was a novel form of I lAlA K .H.Vill sMll version wnicn was mucii enioyro ' The total of building permits' in Prince Rupert for th year 1933 to date stands at $340,730 in comparison with $26,924 during the first ten months of 1937. The increase Is, of course, due to the new federal and hospital build ings. Permits for October thlsi year amounted to $42000 as against The permits for October were as follows: Oscar Strom, frame building. Ambrose Avenue, $1,000. S. 0. K, Basket Social November , E,Rhth Avenue East $40 1 j K. Knutsen, general repairs. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar' Nlnlh Avenue East- 50- ovember 18 A- u- ivossiow, general repairs, jThlrd Avenue, $100. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar Nc-j H. Hansen, addition, Eighth Av- ' i Standard Oil Co storaee shed. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov',-terfrnn 2nno Tennis "Association annual rePalrs- Seventh Avenue West ce. OddrellowV Hnll Knvmhir MOO 3-Piece n . r 1 1 J 1 1 1 kT 1 u 1 V. A .. ivnuisen, aaamuii, kiiiui ny If. enue East. $250. BREAD TRICE REDUCED Is Given Shower Mrs. It. K. Duncan and Mrs. Smith are Hostesses Last evening Mrs. R. R. Duncan and Mrs. Rod Smith were Joint hos-1 j tetses at the home of the former on . . AmUwa..a 1 .1 1 Avenue wnen mey non Imuuiuse ored Miss Agnes Guynan, bride by all the service club members. elect, at a linen shower. The manv A pleasant function of the lun- icheon was the presentation bv guests passed the evening playing cards and joined In community singing. Mrs. John Bremner and , District Governor W. H. Tobey, on Mrs. w. Cook were wlnners of nenaji 0i tne duo, or a handsome the prizes. After the serving of re-Jcut glass vase to Dr. Morrison as . freshments at midnight by the la wedding present. Mr. Tobey. ex- hostesses the guest of honor was lcJiaea ine Desi ,snt:s w me ciuo presented with an attractively dec- PHn. niifwrf... ..HJ)rLd' ..f1.0". orated Plnk and white cradle con- Meniucja u iviorriaoii responaea appreci taining many useful gifts in linen- The invited guests were: Miss A. Guyan, Mrs. A. Guyan, Mrs. W. B. Cook, Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Mrs. R. R. Strachan, Mrs. J. Munroe, Mrs. J. Bremner, Mrs. Norman McKay, Mrs, John McLeod, Mrs. H. Gosslln, Mrs. James Haddln, Mrs. H. Dorreen Mrs. T. Holmes, Mrs. W. Goodsell, Mrs. B. Martin, Mrs. O. I. Smith, Mrs. Hugh Smith, Mrs. A. Duncan Hotel Arrivals Printe Ituperl C. R. Dobbin, L. Dakin and N. D Lambert, Vancouver. Central P. Roblnsori and P. Hudson, city Knox O. Haveroy, city; James Nault and S. Penton, Poreher Island. Reduces Varicose Or Swollen Veins SAINT JOHN, N.B.. Nov. 3: (CP) and Dy regular use soon approach The retail price or breaa nas oeen Christmas Fair. United Church, reduced one cent per loaf in New December 2 and 3. i Brunswick. It Is the same here as In Ottawa and Toronto despite ex- Cirnlval and Dance. Metlakatla,! tra freight charges paid by lonal December 5. i bakers for raw Ingredients. Axminstcr Kiiffs Size S29.50 Chesterfield Suite A modern suite built with genuine Kay Comfort spring K1 HO.UU units WaKon Solid Walnut with drop Simple Home Treatmeni Prove It At Small Cost The world Droeresses. Today many minor ailments that took weeks to overcome can ue neipea much more quickly. If you have varicose veins or bunches start to day to brine them back to normal iize and if you are wise you will do o. Just get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil at Ormes Ltd or any dispensing pharmacist and apply it night and morning to the i enlarged veins. In a snort time tne veins should begin to grow smaller People who want to reduce varicose veins or simple swellings, should not hesitate to try a bottle it once. It is so penetrating and economical that a small bottle lasts a long time. i: i ii b ru rmtm i iaa i 1 1 ' amsutmmtmiwm turn i LINOLEUMS - AXM INSTERS - CONGOLEUMS Confrolcum Rugs ... 39.00 8-Piece Bedroom Ensemble $84.50 Vanity and Bench, Chest of Drawers and full size Bed, Cable Spring, and Spring-filled Mattress and one pair feather pillows. End Table Solid 9 Tn Tea Odd Pieces 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite Walnut . . , . . $6.50 $79.51) Bed Complete-$25.50 " e,Lr, Co..on FcU centre You'll Always Do Better at C O rZ, I 7ff Bl, Cable CaWc.SprijK Spring ana and y 3)4t. el IMattress, siz.e 3-30, ELIOS Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. wtaxmwm Phone Green 916, 3rd Avenue iinpunri mi i B H . 1 i r v i iTifV " LOCAL NEWS NOTES Wear a Poppy on Remembrance- Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. nod Dav! I POPPY TAG DAY Saturday, Nov- i William Murray Is sailing tonight member 5th. Give freely for your ! n 1-.. DvfnM ClosxTot fnr o rr nnnnr to Vancouver. Mrs. Edith Fitzgerald is sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to California. W. R. Love sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a week's business trip to Stewart. Sonja Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall Tomorrow. Tea and homecooking to '6. Drawing and Dance 8 pjn. Refreshments. (258) In view of the dinner dance which is to be held Saturday eve nlng, there was no regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today. William Bickle, well known Gras sy Plains rancher, who has been in the city Jn connection Twlth cattle shipments, left by last evening's train on his return to the interior. A substitution has been made in the feature picture to be shown at the Capitol Theatre here on the Armistice Day week-end. Instead of the Maw 'Bhdthers m "Room End." A. S. Williamson, manager of (he Silver Standard mlne at Hazel-ton, who has been on a trip tc Montreal" and New York on mint business, arrived In the city from I Vancouver on the Prince Georst j yesterday and proceeded to the Interior on the evening train. CANADIAN LEGION, CHURCH PARADE, First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, November 6th. Members, members of the Women's Auxiliary and Ex-service men fall in at Legion Clubrooms 10:30 .a.m. Berets, decorations and medals tr be worn. LEST WE FORGET: (259) Rev. H. L. Foss of. Seattle. Bishop of the Pacific district of the Lutheran Church,, after having spent the past several days in the city, sailed on ihe Princess Norah this morning for Petersburg to attend a church conference. He was accompanied by Rev. L. C. Jensen, pastor of St. Paul's Church here. SNOW ON OLD FIELD Following a raw, rainy night in the city, 'snow was to be observed much lower on the slopes of th higher mountains around Prince Rupert this morning with Mount Oldfield getting its first dusting of the season. TAKE THE LEAD OUT OF YOUR LEGS Get Oxygen in Your Blood and Youll Gettha Pep that Sends You Bounding Up the Stairs People vho smother to death die because oxyg-en haa been completely cut oS from thrm. Juat aa aurel you are (lowly amoth-'eriiur U your blood lacka red corpuacles. . ' JTed corpuacles ara your oxysren-carriera, lTThey carry the oxyg-en you breathe In to e ery part Vliaiur aylm. )vitnpur enouKn oxy-tTen-carrying eorpuaclct, your kidneys, liver, atomach and bowels alow down. Your skin sreta pale, flabby, often pimply. Your nervea may become Jittery you tira quickly Xcel depreaaed. ' - t What you need Is Dr. Williams Fink nils. These world-famous pilla help make more and better red eorpusclea and thus tncreaaa the oxygen-carrylnir power of your blood. Get Dr. Williams l'lnk Pills today at your drunrist. See for yourself how Quickly this time-proven blood-builder will help give you back your pep, o.f.ss,o.T.raiMC.,ud. THE SEAL ot QUALITY ISM GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Princ Rupert (253 ) Miss Olga Davis sails tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Jack McRae returns to the city on the Prince George tonight from a business trip to Stewart. Thomas W. Graham sailed this morning on the Princess Noral. for Tulsequah where he will join .he staff of the Polaris-Taku mine. Indian Agent W. E. Collison returned to the city on Tuesday night from a trip to Hartley Bay on official business. Sam Leklch, a pioneer of this district, recently employed as a miner at Premier, left last week for his native land of Jugo-Slavla where it Is his intention to remain. Miss Margaret Lindsay, who ar ived in the city several days ago from Prince George, sailed this .nomine on the Princess Norah for Mayo, Yukon Territory, where me will pay a visit. City Engineer F. N. Good reports Service," the picture will be "Deari I that Hallowe'en depredations got beyond tne stage oi ordinary mis- hlef Monday night when 120 feet of railing was knocked down on Hays Creek Bridge, leaving one for ty foot section with an average drop af about twenty feet entirely unpro tected. An attempt was also made to knock out the railing of West-view Bridge at a point where there Is a drop of eighty feet and. as it was. about thirty feet was knocked down at the west end. it: m J For the f Best Permanent i You Ever Had The superior quality of our permanent waves ... the expert quality of all our hair service . . . will make an instant appeal to the particular lady. She will appreciate our soft, lustrous waves and the nat- f ural looking ringlets. ..Experts $ will advise which type of wave "I is best suited to your individ- !; ual needs. I MI-LADY j Beauty Parlor I Lillian Davies 305 3rd Ave. 4" Be the Life of the Party Play Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Piano and Plano- Accordlon Open for Engagements Parties, Dances, Receptions, etc. Ulusic With Itythm Reply at the News Clip This Ad for Ref. Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 Walkeifs Music Store Large Stock Music Helntzman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tunlnt; with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. IT'S EASY TO JOIN FUN FOR EVERY MEMBER! Be the first of your gang to wear the Membenbip Badge of the Maple' Leaf Bantam Hockey Club...officiiUy gffili- ated with the famous N.H.L, Toronto Maple Leafs. (Special Clasp Pin for Girls' Division). Get a Membership Certificate signed by Conn Smythe, himself, to hang up in your room. Get the great new hockey book that has pictures of ail the Maple Leaf players and shows you an easy way to . get handsome gifts god grand hockey equipment. Use coupon at right. BOYS! GIRLS! Jornth, MAPLE LEAF BANTAM with Box Top Wow! What a thrill! ALL FREE & Tour Official Membership Badge Membership Certificate Swell Hockey Btok! . . . ihoui btwlt get aulterapheJ pitturtt ef tour fatnturil fAspli Ltaf playtn.. . Gifts and Vsluablt lltxkrj Equipment. ! Tear Out This Coupon NOW! i Get These 3 Gifts FREE! i i I VUbleLufBinumHoclcrClub. . A Box 34, Toronto. One ,u n Enclotcd b emt top from a package of Quaker Oata. In exchange for thie, pleaae tend me J Maple Leaf Bantam Hocker Club Meniberahip J Badge (Claup Pin for Girli' Divleion) : Member- J hip Certificate and Official KUmberabip Book, j --- . Oirl I AJJreu. City- : . Ponds Beauty Box Containing 1 Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c 1 Pond's Cold Cream 30c 1 Pond's Face Powder GOc 1 Sample Bottle Danya Lotion SPECIAL All for 99c KLEENEX" A Cn 1Di' 200's KOTEX 12's OQn 2 for 45c KLEENEX 500'5 3IODESS 12'S 2 for 45e Ormes ltd. 77h! Pioneer Drtu20tets The ileyajl Store Fbones: II ft D Open Daily From 8 v.m. till It y.m. Sundays and Uolidays From 1Z noon till 2 sun, T p-m. till 9 p.m. 33c 23c MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SLUMBER KING MATTRESS- There Is no better SLUMBER KING SPRING : "All -sizes- : i:.'"::.. 30 SIMMONS FELT MATTRESSES All sizes, each Phone 775 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK $36 $27.50 S14.25 $8.00 327 THIRD AVENUE Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi 57 Canadian Pacific Transcpntinental Trans-Atlantic , Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls, and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 pjn. , TO VANCOUVER DIRECT , November 7th, 17th. (fi, December 8th, 19th SS. 'PRINCESS NORAH" Winter Excursion Fare Vancouter nnd Return Tickets on Sale Nor. 1st, 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1919. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. 'A. J! ft 3 m a