80 Taxi ot trenches that had been Kan isinnnn rarK.t uuriii&i Liie fr.. . I pparninr lira iirinriiL ..111. I 1 .1 T T preyed h p "vernment for a ye;terda.v in which an in- ... At t. We Chamberlain wis In -f i 'fnlllnft IVia lrnntn that thf rcpt.:n peace. 111 n nnn nil nrurp i r r r w-. m I II I 1 1 1 - TMlf nrl Ii .1 A VUI i i i in, . . '8erous tussle with a cat '' He heard a growl behind 1 rough. wvttim ..... . i T.nnffam isiana anowerv. 8Bbe uctrii iiuerai. l VANCOUVER, . ............. Nov. - 3: (CP)- , . s(,,t(M, u J . , . , .... . 4 . , . . wKuiiuMwuu iviiiaiii.u uiiwiiaii&u ' ti.it uiiiuciuiiitu iiimuic-aKtu i a i it P. .. f ,vj . ' wnn tne Eovernment in tne elec- k tne prmcipic u. u.i.u.vv. man tne or a carrying picture ., . T o01lU .ih i Lion since much of Ethiopia unlformed soldier walked Into oV 6?2 l I. t,M K ITtVllnr,- . ...... . . . . OHty 01 bU. Z Defenre Secure b House went into discussion ! defence question today but b Mlnirter Chamberlain was He to attend owing to a slight osltlon, the nature of which (ot at announ;:cd. Britain's system of air precautions, despite all their Bfectlons. will stand compari-Wwlth any country's except mV5. nil L3i.illUI.ft . .. . j . police headquarters here and asked the police to help him find out who he was. He said he had lost his memory. He gray-haired and jspeaks with French-Canadian accent. WORK FOR DRY DOCK ; Randolph R. Bruce, former nonnwesi wina, 10 nun per num. ifiunt nn,r.,r. f nr t Uh oaromeier, j.oo, tciuucii,uic, w, nhi i ...... i... .uAn se.i roimii. prc:3 of Canada from "eaa Ia,b . 11. ll.l.l 1 . 4nfl, ' niii'iii up rr.is nnpn i. :111.1m . " i - - - - - - . niCTAI. T . Hno. ,1.1 I llllll'i I'l 1.1 ".II 1 1 II 1 111 1 ULlil L. 1U. .H.W I IAJ .1 ll I 1 1 1 II 1111 II II. I J1L .1 1. I -. p nr ...... - 1 1 it 1 1 1 i' 1 1 1 ii i iiii v 1 1 1 1 1 b LOG SCALE Falling Off Durin- This Year Comparison With Last 'is Recorded w aLL . UIULC CAUItHO- 0 - r w . plnki .. l , . . i ..r null Uorhnr Pnrt r nnnv UPSl- I -. . n rvmnnV- -o iii uiuik uiitn. in ivu-' iiiihi ii r- w 1 :m British nninmhio" hnf. marin erlv wind. 28 miles per hour; bar- vmv D sbtpmont in i t tv.ni omctpr. 29fifi! temnerature. 46: sea --"vii. 1 1 1 iVbu'U v. , 1 ' . ins ..... . .... .1 . i . vA.. n uiiiuuiiccmcin uiiii nc 'b" to be reeved as minister to Alert Bay Part cloudy, strong w III 11 ini11ltt r W M. X U H Has yiwraay me extension "-' another year nf the nrnvinrial Terrace - Raining, southeai . in.i.. - i . .1 . n iMLninpn . i. ! urn ppmpnre w- ...iivnnJi Halibut Sales A.... ' ah u mi i, . u i ..... ni-,1 .. . ' o w.w.. -v-"ijo d. nnn .mi Kill s v 4 (1 P. I Mll A , ..... to un v wun T-i.ii i ..I,. " 'i.iiiuiu ucbiiuiit: o , -.van with . .i. , m . ' u line savea mm 1 n ni... . CALAIS, Me., Nov. 3: (CP) About 150 Maine and New Brunswick firemen were attending a Church service here when the Calais fire alarm sounded during the sermon. The St. Stephen and Ness Piii.il chiefs quietly arose, mo-.ls huntlnir nnn horn nnrf HnnpH for ten men of each de- Hdcat nK..i,t ..i.. I .imnnt tn accomDanv them and He fiied, killing the animal' the sermon continued without ln-5prang. N terruption. Tlie fire gutted a house. in Log scaling In Prince Rupert for estry district for the year 1938 to date has reached a total of 112,- 058,784 board feet as compared with proposed to complete the prenaralions Relnr Made to Build 134,501,459 board feet in the first New Steel Car Barge For Service ten months of 1937. The scale this On Okanagan Lake Preparations are being made at the local dry dock to build a steel car barge about 200 feet long and with capacity for eight or ten cars for service on Okanagan Lake where, alter fabrication, It will be taken to be assembled. The craft will be similar to one that was built some year ago for Okanagan Lake service. Delivery uill be next summer and the job will mean considerable activity for the local yard in the meantime. October was 9,983,318 board feet In comparison with 23,751,883 bdard ' feet in October 1937. The log scale per species this October, figures for the same month last year also being shown for com parison, was as foilows: 1938 Brd. Ft. Fir -85,565 Cedar 3,474,690 Spruce 4,322,607 Jackplne 81,313 Hemlock 1,088,623 Balsam 930,520 . Miscellaneous 1937 it it FOR MONTHij 298,952 lineal 120,848 feet cedar, 21,212 hemlock and 175,-1 miscellaneous as compar- and 25,379 hemlock. Tne tie production inis uciooer was 44,899 pieces all jackplne as against 14,438 pieces a year ago. Cordwood this October amounted to 1278 cords as compared with 289 a year ago. Grain Raiders southwest wind, twenty miles per Speciai precautions Taken 'hour; barometer, 29.57;- tempera- Southern Alberta Farmers I turc, 43; sea choppy. By Este van Clear, northwest wina, CALGARY, Nov. 3: (CP) South-, 32 miles per hour; barometer, 29.64. em AiDerta farmers are taking Victoria Cloudy, westerly wina, spcciai precautions to guard 34 miles per hour; barometer, 29.54. against grain thieves. Spiked Vancouver--; Raining, southeast piankSi turned upwards, are being wind, six miles per hour; barometer piaced around granaries to punc-29.54. turc the tires of grain raiders' Prince George Cloudy, southerly cars and marked confetti is be Alyansh Raining, calm, 37. Alice Arm Raining, calm, 38. Anyox Light rain, calm, 38. Stewart Raining, calm, 36. Hazclton Cloudy, calm, 35. Smlthcrs Cloudy, calm, 32. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, 32. DUTY CALLS ing mixed with gram in order tc Identify It. Alaska Derelict Believed Seiner United States Coastguard Checking Up on Sunken Vessel Off Admiralty Island SEATTLE, Nov. Sl-pAccordlng to advices received here" from Juneau the derelict which was sighted off Point Hugh at the south end of Admiralty Island by Capt. Tom f the hallDUt Doai tmraa believed to be a smau seiner, Tli rnnstiriiara IS cuihhiuiuu a rhpek-uu on the vessel. It Is de finitely stated not to be a halibut vessel. Brd. Ft. 1,920,9051 1,688,841 193 Totals 9,983,318 23,751,888 Forest ruini Products nuuuiu Bulletins i JAPS CONTINUE DRIVE SHANGHAI Smashing the first major Chinese defences above newly t-aptuvea Hankow, the Japanese invaders today repotted the seizure of l'uthi, strategic point eighty miles jlown the Ilankow-Caiuou Railway. Forty-five miles ud the IfaneW from l,733,244j Hankow, the Japanese announc-10,292,125 ed that Kiayu forts had fallen. 40,276 8,076,304 VANCOUVER ROBBERY North Vancouver Police scoured the city today for two masked bandits who escaped with $1000 worth worm OI of J(firj jewelry anu and watches BJiuin af- TnnAY'C I UUAT J XAPATHFR VYCA I nCr t , Tne aig 0f pojes and piling in j ter binding and gagging iour per- Prince Rupert -Raining, westerly J"i feet lineal. t wind, six miles per hour; barometer, '29.12 (falling rapidly); temperature, . . ..... 4(1- SPa smooth. 892 cm feet mcc....CUua " . Tcirinainintt .;t.rrv ea wun 2U0,ayu uneai icei in uc- tfr lm 1. Ilol uliiiu Tn lll I i.iu.v o.i.iM Oi ,, . . j - , - . - , . " MDCT Ml maae OI iuu ieei ur . . wind, thtrtv thirty miles m. nPr per hour; hnnr- sea sea up In "Bonnie B. C." Again sons in the home of J. T. Sum- incrfield last night. Armed with revolvers and using threats of kidnapping and violence to compel obedience, the hold-up men attacked Summcrficld and his 179,593 feet cedar, 228 feet spruce gardener, Donald Gray, and trus sed up Mrs. Suinmcriield and Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, her maid. WAS VANCOUVER SHIP VANCOUVER The steamship Cantabria, bombed and sunk near the English coast in a Spanish civil war incident yesterday, was built in the Vancouver yard of Coughlan and Sons In 1919. The vessel was first named War Chief and later was changed to Alfonso Perez, then being renamed Cantabria. TITLE BOUT ARRANGED NEW YORK Mike Jacobs announced last night that he had signed Joe Louis for a title defence against John Henry Lewis, negro lightheavyw eight, for January 27 here. ' ' JUMPS TO DEATH NEW YORK A man identified by police as Victor Watson, aged 65, connected with the promotion, department of Hearst publications, plunged to his death from the eleventh floor room of the Hotel Abbey. MADRID I S AIRRAIDED Capital of Spain Is Again "Strafed: By Insurgent Bombing Planes MADRID, Nov. 3 There was another heavy bombardment of Madrid today by insurgent fighting craft. Casualties were quite numerous and American Red Cross headquarters were among the buildings struck.' ' Tomorrows Tides wmm IlAY AND NIOIIT SERVICE High 10:46 ajn. 19.4 ft. Careful and Courteous Drivers 23:15 p.m. 18.1 ft. (New 1938 Plymouth) Low . 4:24 ajn. 7.8 ft. 17:10 pjn. 6.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER iXXVII, 0 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, N OVEMBER 3, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS i ii i: 'i v. i - i II M m tT . 1 Ethiopian v. ; endorsed By Parlkf Of Gt. Britain 111 IX' IDON, November 3: (CPJ Prime. Minister Nev IDUPI.F.SSIK I 1 .1 ni. r 1 is victor AnTS!?r. Slovakia Is Given Quebec Government Carries Two By-elections, Capturing One Seat From Liberals hambenain was K-ven permission oy rarnament ves-i ... . i L.n nnnthac ctnn in hie on nf Ciii.n.mnn n ' u. vwi-rie-uiier ayiu irtivu utvi, ... Manrice Duplessis' Union Nation TInuse annroved the intention OI pUttine into effect record of being unbeaten at the 1 MnnM 1111 11 111 tt 1 11 iiai 1 tiii 'i irriiiiiiiiin i i n n n , mvim m luici.iiic liiit virion liiirii -- - - w. ,jic . hes recosnmon 01 nanai! auc-ty ovr Ethiopia, position Liberal and Labor ers had fought vigorously the government on this is-scribing !st the agreement as an-surrender to force and a bad friii with a totalitarian state h might In the end prove dls- s to Oreat Britain, it con ed acceptance, they contend , ur t rv 1 warns 10 rina Out Who He Is itwu by-electlons yesterday to flit vacancies In the Quebec Legislature. The results over Liberal candidates In either case were fairly . close. In the Montreal metropolitan seat of Salnt-Louls, Louis Fitch I was declared elected with a mal- jorlty of 69. The seat had formerly? 'i : hi 1 l-k Awav By German-Italian Award VIENNA, November 3: (CP) Foreign ministers of Germany and Italy, meeting here yesterday as mediators in the territorial dispute between Czechoslovakia and Hungary, gave away another slice of Czechoslovakia by awarding Hungary almost its entire claim. The area given to the Hungarians is some .4875 square miles and contains a population estimated at 860,000. Although Czech officials at Prague described the award as a ''crime of injustice," it was accepted by both sides as final. The Hungarian occupation is scheduled to commence on Saturday and end November 10. HUNGARY SHOWS APPRECIATION a Informed. quarters believe that Hungary will give "economic concessions to Germany and Italy, showing appreciation of their help in giving away the large slice of Czechoslovakia. When Premier Imredi told jubilant Hungarians in Budapest last night that the mediators had decided that Czechoslovakia should cede trie area he stressed that his country could not forget "obligations" to the Rome-Berlin axis. TODAY'b t Court y a. D. STOCKS Johouu oo.i Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .29. Bralorne, 9.55 (ask). Aztec, .06 Vi. Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Dentonla, .02. Golconda, .06V2. Minto, .03. y.v, , Faltyiew,. -05, ; ..,, Noble Five, .03 'i. ... Pend Oreille 2.00. Pioneer, 2.32. Porter Idaho, .03 Premier. 2.27. Reeves McDonald, .35. Reno, .2912 (ask). . Relief Arlington, A2'2. Reward, .05. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .02 Vi-Hedley Amah, .03. Premier Border, .004. Silbak Premier, 1.80. Grandvlew, .08. Indian, .01 V2. Quatstno, .033,4. Oils A. P. Con., .16. Calmont, .27. C. & E.. 2.10. . Freehold, .04. Hargal, .25. McDougal Segur, .12Vz-. Mercury, .06. Okalta, 1.13. Pacalta, .05. Home Oil, 1.10. Toronto Beattle, 1.38. Central Pat, 2.48. Gods Lake, .38. Little Long Lac, 2.82. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.28. Pickle Crow, 5.10. San Antonio, 1.29. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.58. Smelters Gold, .054. Mj:Leod Cockshutt, 3.30. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .47. Stadacona, .57 Vi. Francoeur, .24. Moneta, 1.25. Bouscadlllac, .11. Thompson Cadillac, .33. Bankfleld, .35. East Malartlc, 2.19. Preston East Dome, 1.48. Hutchison Lake, .04. Dawson White, .02l4. Aldermac, .56. Kerr Addison, 1.70. Ucht Gold, 1.45. Int. Nickel, 56.00. Noranda, 79.75. Con. Smelters, 64.75. Athona, .11. Hardrock, 1.77. Barber Larder. ,18. 1 Pe"rnlar1d.T61.' LITIGATION PROCEEDS Government Files Appeal Against Manson Injunction Validity Trial In Few Weeks VANCOUVER, Nov. 3: (CP) H. Allan MacLean, solicitor in the Attorney' General's department, yesterday filed In Supreme Court nere notice of intention to appeal VICTORIA, Nov. 3: (CP) R. L. from Mr. Justice A. M, Mansori's,Maitiand K. C, Conservative Lead-decision continuing the Injunctlon'er of the Opposition, was ruled against the government-approved out of order by the Speaker yes- gasoline price reduction. Late this month or early in December It is expected the trial which has been ordered by Mr. Act will take place. NO SESSION THIS YEAR Doubtful Whether Convening Of Parliament Before Xmas Would Help King's Visit Not Set .OTTAWA, Nov. 3: (CP) Follow- not yet been decided when thp opening date would be. Mr. Lapointe was not so sure that business would be expedited by an MAITLAND RULED OUT BY SPEAKER Leader of Opposition Criticizes Premier For Reference to Judge Budget Next Week Possible terday when he rose in the.-Legis lature to draw attention of members to the Premier's statement of Wednesday in regard to the Justice Manson as to the validity j "impropriety of a Judge of one of of the British Columbia Coal and Jour higher courts" granting an ln-Petroleum Products Control Board Junction without first notifying the government that applIcaUon hatt been made for It. Such was a statement that "no member of this House should make,'.' declared Mr. Maltland as he held up a newspaper carrying the statement. The statement of the Premier's had been Issued after Mr. Justice A. M. Manson had continued the injunction restraining enforcement ; of the gasoline price reduction. The Speaker ruled Mr. Maltland out of order for referring to a newspaper report. Mr. Maltland Justice'"1 thaKl fhe rose a P "fc ell yesterday. Minister of on, of but was ruled ,andActing Prime Minister Ernest Lapointe said that "prospects are 7.,t ... . t . I During the debate on the ad- rariiameni, wiu meet ai me oe- .', . . dress . . in reply , to . the ., Speech , from , f. MoTir v, Tf ginning, of the New Year.' It had.,., T .... imunc, jji. J. u, xiuilicr, VsUIl- servatlve member for Victoria, criticized the government for its treatment of cities and hospitals and for its failure to .""""""" implement opening before Christmas which ; H1 , , a v,L ., ,.lhealth Insurance legislation. Dr, ... r ' .iHunters remarks drew tne prov . . pcisslblllty xl that King ri George migh )ndal t Hon Dr Qv prorogue the session on his visit Welr, to his feet In reply. w vanaua utAt, auuut.ci. ii. Is Tt. nnnr niwM tViof th the PosslbUltyoI Parliament meet-. Ph debate inn hAfAva Phrtelwie It wrtA " mote'as a .result jRf "Mr. LapointeV stalement. Mr. Lapointe said that the exact date of the visit of the King and Queen to Canada had not yet J been announced. Nor was it oni-clally known yet whether or noti they, would visit Washington. 1 Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King is due back in Ottawa next week from his holiday ! visit to Bermuda. Experts Engaged By Alberta Gov't To Aid Refunding EDMONTON, Nov. 3: (CP) Two' financial experts H. B. Reid of Los Angeles and J. J. Sousa of Calgary have been engaged to assist the Alberta government In rt funding its public debt, Premier William Aberhart announced New Moderator Of Church Is Elected Rev. F. C. St- Denis of Trail Is Named Presbyterian Head In British Columbia " VANCOUVER, Nov. 3: (CP) Rev. Frederick C .St. Denis of Trail was yesterday elected moderator of the Presbytery of British Columbia of the Presbyterian Church In Canada, He succeeds Rev. David A. Smith of Vancouver. Presbytery sessions are continuing. Weather Forecast General Synopsis A storm appears to be centred over the 'Queen Charlotte Islands, causing rain on the coast. Showers have occurred over the Interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong northwest winds or gales, cloudy and cool with occasional rain. West Coasf of Vancouver Island- Strong southwest winds or moder ate gales, part cloudy and mild with showers. completed, .by early next ' week .in which event the budget may be brought down on Wednesday by Hon. John Hart, minister of fin ance. HOUSE IS REJECTED Grande Prairie Merchants Turn Down Credit Plan GRANDE PRAIRIE, Nov. 3: Merchants of Grande Prairie, one ' of the few spots favored or otherwise with a provincial credit house, unanimously decided to deflntely reject the credit house or treasury branch plan. A previous meeting had agreed that members would not sign merchant contracts offered by credit house until more Information was available. Consideration at the meeting resulted In the gathering unani mously adopting the following resolution: "The Grande Prairie Retail Met chants Association at a full meeting go on record by way of resolution that while they are in sympathy with the avowed objective of Increasing the sale of Alberta goods they do not agree that the establishment of treasury branches is the proper method of attaining this end; that they are satisfied with the present banking facilities and consider treasury branch contracts unnecessary." The matter of a treasury branch for the district north of the Peace will be discussed at a Social Credit convention to be held at Grlm-shaw, ' ... New Five-Year Lows In Wheat Prices At Teg WINNIPEG, Nov. 3: (CP) November and May wheat futures dropped to new five year lows dur- ' Ing yesterday's trading but recovered somewhat before the close when November stood at 57?bC,.