THE DAILY NEWS —————————_—_—_—— ee ~ cmnnmeaniaiaee Do You Need a Better Job? Try the News Want Ad. Way. It’s a Good On BO ee ee ~ . = Special Notice | «The News” Classified Ads. | $ Christmas Giving A telegram received at the Arctic Studio announces increase sipenceitnanencpanetaspepiangit on Christmas Cut Flowers. The advance in Rupert will be 2 as slight as possible but unavoidable. Anyone desiring to can- There is more than one article here suitable for ( cel their order will confer a favor on us if they do so at once. | = Une ell or or ac serti ing that will compel your inspection and assur. rrr er The Arctic Studio Phone Green 336 | “DEAD ONES" HERE— —, THERE ARE NO DE Loewe, B. B. B.'s oar ETS Pipes and make; a. B. D. Special - Bee Meee ; : Peterson patent, meer. ee . abcde — et schaum and calabash, oj a CAMERON'S wm BF IL For Rent pe | WEDDING W a. Smokers’ cases, cigaratie os ate sibaeat casi a e or sere i ‘ ing sets, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS DURING FOG "isssve-=~"", A MERRY ONE'Z Sundries | Ghocic tv FOR RENT—Furnished ms for gentle- men only; best location and fnest view | | Two Instantly “Killed, Many ed in the city. | Phone Green a8. te Miss Sophie Handenschild Be- Nugget Pins Pearl Brooches, 14k Necklets jured in Kansas City This comes Bride of Mr. Tom Bal- . . : : Morning—Darkness and Fog linger on Saturday Evening— Pearl Tie Pins, 14k Signet Rings Cut Glass Caused “Disasler ah. Creasine. iviasrance Young Couple Well Known. BAS as Sis Wesbsece, Cicu Lockets Solid Gold Cuff Links ara te ee ae Cigarettes, both imported and dom« (Canadian Press Despatch.) | our Companies are noted for prompt and just A popular wedding which took Solid Silver Match Safes, Cigarette and Jewel Cases Kansas City, Dec. 18.—Two| settlements. We write every known class of | nace on Saturday night was that persons were killed and many in-| _Isuranee. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co\| > Miss Sophie Handenschild to mrs a ri me — > - ee 7 , > > : ALL GOODS ED ENGRAVED — FREE jured this morning when two oe | Mr. Thomas Ballinger, both well —STORE WITH RED FRONT ackp trolley cars met at a crossing and ‘ Wanted known amongst the youthful : A : : were badly wrecked in a fog. The “old-timers” of the city. The Make your selection Early and get First Choice troliéy inek oula nob Hull chen eee nnn | wedding whe oblemiticdd by. fev, Wanted—General Servant. Other maid — W. H. McLeod and took place at in H. B. Campbell time to avert disaster. Flying | , oily Mrs. L. W. Patmore. é ‘Yr s juries } ‘ ‘ . ap . Bisa | Coat | SerioN pi Remipt LO | wanted to rent or lease by first of January, 5 or the Baptist manse. After the . ese ed Leer Pee JO the faces and heads of passengers § ruom modern house, close in. State terms to| ceremony the young couple was Jeweller and... . ‘ ‘ .P . frac- fox 89, aca Sos alain tse dei and a number had limbs frac escorted to their residence on i. cialist Maternity nurse open for engagement. Asply is af Diamond Spe tured, Box 2159 News. Seventh avenue, where a merry Select your goods for engraving early and avoid disappointment we ee ee cleaning and. pres gathering was held, the party of ; SESSSESSESRESHES HESS Es: in NEW | Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone24 Red. tf | friends who assembled including | ¢ WANTED—Youth with business college} ype i snschild, mother of the | 3 leacnihdciaiasannndlibaniumeiuatad training to learn a wholesale trade in Mrs. Handens« F. Wish . ‘ amarmmarmmarmmarmmarmnsrmmertes THE rmsemsrmnsemeteesrmirmirnih omece Pp . s ‘ Apply, with particulars, to box bride; Mr. and Mrs. , with 13, News oMce 289-293 their daughter, Miss Wish; Mr. > ¢ { | MARRY—Why remain lonely? The Ideal R. MeCuteheon, Mr. F. McKinnon, r i > 7 y - > Introduction Club leads to happiness A ; i 8 ‘ -.WATCH THE BIG FURNITUE STORE FOR GRAND DISPLAY OF.... strictly private, high-class, up-to-date} W. J. Quinlan, F. Nicholls and e e | medium for properly introducing worthy, : . » . ‘ide’ marriageable people of any nationality, thers, including the bride's / Men at Work This sia religion, age, or financial condition:| prother. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nel- owwsrmmsrmmsrmmrommermsrmes STORE emu} cl i Sit On! Tem- Many people walting, rich and poor ; ; hie ted eaning ee y a Particulars free. Plain, sealed envelope. | son were amongst the invitec shows the way to furnish your home with quality a ' porary Shack Will Be Erected | I. C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C-) puests and contributed to the list We have received them in great quantities and will display Meantime. if ion F ae jor ey aks ea pe amie For Christmas Gifts what is more substantial a something far exceeding any other attempt in Prince Rupert. TAT os. ost an ‘oun icluded gifts from Mr. George Tite Cre a ae aM Preparations are being mad jand staff, with whom the bride- fortable Chair, Roc = Settee. A cho WE ARE COMPLETE HOUS& FURNISHERS | this morning for the erection | a ee ee ee | groom is employed. It will be re- Dining Room Furniture, Buffets, | temporary offices for the L an nd | nity of Seal Cove on Sixth jea alled that the bride's sister Rosa Dining Tables and Chairs—leath« . Six | zs r b set in le ather cas F. W. HART —s “@"tyanee, Third Door from Sixth = _ Hart Block ?/ Registry department. A gang of | Kindly returt ews office. 289-201. |was recently bride at another | }men started to clear up the + slide adie aali rretty wedding in the city. : er : ae | charred embers and stake out the| ] ata aes ae sraLak dec = Wicker Chairs and Rockers from $5.50 to $8.50 =| fo iplnbgomeot brig For Sal =i a oundations of the new eae or ale Call and see our select stock ? Josef oszos | which will be as inexpensive and | of diamonds and gem rings. J.8. pre | hemes ees pera ner eae an ee ir peeenenenececeeetst: TEEHEBS Nena temporary as will serve the needs | : ! \ ne” for 6s hot Gray & Sons’ Jewelry Store. Lace Curtains, latest designs, Pn, er ee ee eae Bs th ; | Large range Tapestry Curtains, Ro; ——! Christmas Cigars in Gift Boxes $1.00 Up yTsurance “7? ¢.2¢ re ae TE IE Pd ed oC Ot the officials until a new and] ‘gox 851, city 289-295 SMALLPOX IN TORONTO ment Cloths, Madras and ' ‘ jet substantial permanent building | ha 3 can be erected. be ici theackigeids mas OO S | It is believed that this will| | Stenographer Bank Manager Succumbs to the For Good Values in Carpets and Rugs all sizes, Now is Your time to Bay |} commence in spring, but whether etentlp Outbreak of Disease. ss tm er er ere ) the site will be the same as that Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants ene ee now occupied by the permanent position. Address “Stenographer,”’ 662 Cor- Canadian Press Despatch. | buildings or not is not settled yet,| 478 St. Vancouver, B.C. + Toronto, Dee. 18.—Smallpox pes essere tress has broken out here and one GEO D TITE Th H fF hh Phone 150 Business Chances death occurred today. It was that e e ra e ome urns fr of Mr. McNaughton, a oN . THIRD AVENUE, PHONE The Insurance People tree rmsrmsrermmsremmermesrmmermesd® | bio r)| manager of the city. #3 ae , .¢, Pir a, TL ENTS a EO ———_____ egvpenreaveseneencpeneeneneeeneonnee: Life | : pecial care given fine flannels Beautiful “open stock ‘inne | Marine hae sop loneer Steam Laundry and tea sets—over a ton weight Accident of them just received ¢ Plate Glass ot Boapkoper’s Liability England. Tasteful patterns, op-| cog gatemrt || Water Notice finsot, metus WT Christmas Needfuls for Holiday Enjoy L Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc- JUST ARRIVED A large assortment of chocolates in fancy baskets and boxes also a full line of CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS AND CRACKERS Choice New Season’s Fruit and Nuts SEE OUR WINDOW THE c » Min ine v e on the Mack Realty & Insurance }) is" 2 Becceteeisii Tinton ts tpply es THE WEATHER. Bbony Hand Mirrors Military Bi the Water ( ner at his office in Prince | Manicure Sets Perfumes Ma 2 Se un COMPANY. | Rupe o se to take and use two cubic P.S.—Houses and Rentals ot of wate T secc ‘om var med stream T four ~ Williams & McMeekin — Seceemel a. telgereon Block - - Phone 56 | tile ‘enat of the yee Station, GTP. Kel a i, Dec. 18: Bar., 29.634; max. C. H. ORME The Pioneer Druggis! Sokol etYetYotYonverRonesorseist : Yl yetyetiotet vet Yenvenvers sorrel ist te ee er eer ee | one hal f ot, and is to be. used | Lemp., 45.0; min. temp., 40; rain, | to preside at the meeting of Sec- tion 2 property owners to be held r aquary situated at the/ int y : a be received by the under he cit police court room to w +f 5 t . 1 m. Monday, 18th Decem- e refund your money if we do not € ) f he construction of a plank E. teach you to dance for the price adway On the north side of First avenue if a Re eae a> Se yA yy BOCES Fe Cra ate Fa eG DEY % Learn to Dance | = Sete 408. oa The Store m* LOCAL JOTTINGS * norrow night. sere ea on cee SNe vetween Seventh street and the junction | j 28th, 1911 6-27 arrived yesterday a large Welabedars and Saturdays i | of First and Second avenues. Plans and |W —— ar- —— eit __|TRY THE ‘‘'NEWS’” WANT shipme nt of Cut Glass, Royal in Sons of England Hall; at 8 p.m. } te r ot ned at me ees — city | é Little Items of Personal Interest) Crown Derby China, hand painted weer ey 3 r any tender not necessarily | ai About People and Things in China and many other beautiful LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED 3; “°°r' EARNEST A ons, A e aper ie ‘ { j KING'S DANCING ACADEMY | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. | AD. WAY OF FINDING ! Se nde Prince Rupert That Are in the lines especially attractive BA Day’s Happenings. | appropriate for Xmas gifts. a vene City Engineer ee at Wark’s before you buy. Christmas Social. Benois § The Seandinavian Society Val-| Christmas Cards. MADE AND| | for halla of S. H. & E, F. is making Extraordinary assortment at oes REP > AIRED | i ees preparations for an enjoyable} Keeley’s. tf eo "AR sown curse = Your Home! ra WM. MAHLON Dy te i ) | | Ah et oe es ionic | social with dance in K. of P. Hall _— cere sess eres Saturday, Dec, 30th, at 8 p. m. City Council Tonight. Te Te er ane rena Music by Gray's orchestra. The City Council will meet to- Gentlemen $1.50; ladies free. night, general business being SECOND AVENU . PRINCE RU punt | LINDSAY'S “AS78524 The most appropriate and most , : appreciated Xmas gifts are usually d16-23 scheduled with no particular sub- found in well appointed jewelry secremnisbiesbinion ject of importance to come up stores Robert Jennings, road super-|except the opening of tenders for Today we have the most complete intendent, has returned to Rupert|the pipe line within the city and best assorted stock of giveable rifts ever shown in Rupert afler a round of his district. limits Cnn . oe Our Cut Glass display is a worthy one inclusive; exclusiv ; aed Christmas Gifts in China. Christmas dinner—friends in- Then hand-decorated china makes Keeley’s elegant display of] vited, extra dishes, glasses, linen a dainty remembrance We have hand painted China in wide] needed. Everything in these Moorcraft and Royal Crown Derby = | range of variety and price is at-|lines, “Wallace's SA Be ne gg =| Fine View Corner | print It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the } in all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns ar some. It is a paper you need in your home, The advertising columns of t you in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money. ¥ J = G. T. P. Transfer Agents ) me ne Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68 eM EEE tracting the Christmas shoppers. reo all our experience we never had tf Camosun South. better goods for the money In Commercial Printing we have a lerge stock of f up agit Ag gag Bill Heads ahanaaes Price Lists " Stock Certificates jation mee ei eee ee eee —IN SECTION TWO— ie ——. The Camosun arrived on time rhe C, P, R. steamer Princess|from Stewart yesterday and left | Mary left for the south on Satur-|at 6 p. m. for Vancouver, calling day night with passengers and/at Ocean Falls on the way. The| mail, ; Camosun booked a fair passenger | wee list, ome Letterheads as $2,250 —— Memorandum Forms Articles of Asso Commercial Cards We handle Blank Ledger Illustrated Pamphlets Forms for Loose Leaf System - THIRD AVENUE JEWELERS.. SNAP. - $525 Each Lots 13, 14, 15, Block 28, Section 5 At cost, toys, dolls, games—- oe | Wallace's, tf WOMAN HEAVILY FINED Industrial Leeturer J. 8. Bis-| Austrian “Mary” Supplied Whisky if BY FVERYTHING cay spoke in the Majestic The-| Without License—Fined $200. atre last night on the theme of - — G.R.NADEN COMPANY “The Searlet Woman.” The hall An Austrian woman giving the Limited. wae weil filled, ame of Mary, and accompanied | We Pay Highest” Prices 5 —_—— by a pretty little girl of five or | for Brass, Copper, Lead, Second Ave. Prince Rupert, BC. || || Fine line of work baskets filled| six, pleaded guilty teday to the | Rubber Boots, Solder, rises eae name og apm | with candy. If you want a good|charge of having sold liquor : ‘ one you had better have it laid| without a license. She was fined | Dross and Bottles Advertise in i ( Ve | aside. Christmas — stockings, | $200 and costs. | ee ily ews ul Ir Ward's Candy Store. tf — ea | . 3 ae One Heinicinin Player Piano} Prince Rupert Cash store i ° % PHONE 98 PHONE 96 jieeenes en) een ~ be sacrificed for rt I 735 THIRD AVE. | e y ews Gs mt : : bi 22 ore 5 aR ge a s0n 8 ror e arks. i men hE. ie aa, ANE i ates Be e, f Ska} ea SAR a? ikem) 8 i te eee ad > Wedding NMS For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Ca! Invitations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the hum» a ee printing consult the ‘News Job ”’ SEMA