PAQ1 TWO The CLARIDGE SHOE For Style and- Durability this line of Men's Oxford are the tops in medium priced shoes. Six styles to choose from and every one a winner. Prieed at $5.50 and $6.00 EDITORIAL Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes News Department Telepnons 8 Advertising and Cn eolation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation DAILY EDITION HRRTiinnp.'s npivinv Thursday. July 14, 1938. BIG CELEBRATION Smithers is preparing for a big celebration early next month, Not only is it the silver birthday of the town which will be fittingly observed but the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia is holding its annual convention there at the same time and there is to be a big sports program including baseball matches between Smithers and Prince Rupert and horse races. A topical entertainment will be held on the Saturday night showing the Smithers of 1913. Old timers will get together and : there will be a big dance at the Lake Kathlyn pavilion. On the. Sunday a picnic for all children will take place in the - morning with the final baseball came in the afternoon .n i the golf championship games for the championship f of - ui uiu uuusii vjujujumu. ijie luwn win do m gaia uress all the time of the celebration and every effort possible will be made to entertain out of town visitors and make their stay pleasant. It will be a big event in the history of Smithers and, doubtless, people from all over the north country will gather there to help the local folk celebrate.! NEW YORK. July 14: both National and American Leagues closest pennant rates in years continue. In the Natlona League the fight is- so tight that New1 York Giants, although half a game ahead on the basis of games won; antt lost, are behind the Pitts burg Pirates in percentage- points Both the Giants and the Pirates were beaten yesterday, the formej by the Reds at Cincinnati and thr latter by the Dodgers at Brooklyn As a result of their victory, the Dodgers are now in sixth place ahead of the St. Louis Cardinals who were beaten by the Boston Bees. In the American League, the New York Yankees assumed a half point lead in first place yesterday i by downing the St. Louis Browns i In a slugging battle at Yankee (Stadium, the Cleveland Indians losing another close one to Wash ington at the National Capital to slip into second place. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League New York, I; Cincinnati, 6. Brooklyn, 10; Pittsburgh, 5. Philadelphia at Chicago, postponed. Boston, 10; St. Louis, 5. American League St. Louis, 12; New York, 15. Detroit, 4-9; Boston, 7-5. Chicago, 2; Philadelphia, 5. Cleveland, 3; Washington, 4. Baseball Standings Including Yesterday's Scores National League W New York 47 Pittsburg 44 Cincinnatf . 41 cHIcagd" ....:.'.". 38 Boston . 33 St. Louis . 29 Brooklyn 32 Philadelphia 21 I American League I Cleveland '..44 New York 45 (Boston 42 Washington 41 ' T"w. 1 1 . no W. D. Herridge. who was one of tho nsnimnts fniM.. -n L 28 26 31 35" 34 42 42 47 27 27 30 37 39 37 Conservative leadership, was very dissatisfied with the .Philadelphia 43 platform adopted by the party at its Ottawa convention Ist- Imis 22 50 wiien Ur. II. J. Mamon was chosen leader. Mr. Herridge did not object to the leader but took exception to the platform on which he would appeal to the electors at the next opportunity. He said the resolutions embodying the program were "an insult to the convention. They are a treachery to the people of this country. They are the supreme accomplishment of the reactionary forces within the Conservative party." "M.. it ;. 1 1 j n mi: nerruige. proposed to me convention economic and monetary reforms. He urced government nlanninol and control of monetary and economic systems, collective f bargaining, co-operative buying and selling, establishment! knew his worth of minimum prices and wages, control of monopolies and; bologna, Italy, July 14: regulation 01 oanK and mortgage rates. The platform adopted by the Conservatives, said this prominent Con- 7 -r", ' "" ",,,U"V",,W1. -iooo). a Bologna club soccer halfback standing of the problems of Canada. While no count vote signed for Milan for the mentioned, was taken, those present estimated that about two-fifths' sum piu& a $7,500 bonus. j of the convention voted "Yea" on Mr. Herridge's proposal.'- l Mr. Herridge is a brother-in-law of Mr. Bennett the retiring leader and it is generally understood was largely responsible for the series of radical radio address was to groom him for the leadership but he met little favor in Quebec and he was not considered a "safe man" by the monetary interests of Ontario. Already he is being put in the same general class as Hon. H. H. Stevens and G. O. McQeer, all able men but not considered "safe." SUMMER EXODUS The summer exodus of local residents has emptied many of the homes and interfered with local business. In some cases the whole family has gone out of town and in' others only the women and children. In yet a few homes one or two members of the family have gone away. 1 While the summer holiday season is an expensive, tirne, it js valuable in that those who have been away re-: turn home with a new outlook on life. They have made! new contacts, and in some cases returned with new en thusiasms for their work. If the holiday has been beneficial it must have hqd the effect of making the holidayers more contented with their lot and able to carry out their work better than if Pet. .C2i THE DAILY NEWS SPORT (FLAG RACES Footballers For VERYTIGHTH.M.S. York Will Hard Hattles' Beii Waged in BftfRp NaiYIPfl inflicTm National and American Leagues ,1'c llUIUCU 1 VIg"l (CP ) Inf Pierce; Parsons. Gomear; Eby, Fergus, Vietch; Bryant, Howe, Christlson, D. Gomez; D. McMeekln. An invitation has been sent to H.MJ3. York to play twr games. It is hoped to- arrange one match for Saturday and the other for Monday evening. A football fan has sent in the following as his. choice to-represent the city aealnst the "York." The team has a good blend of experience and speed and the forward line has players who have been well up in the scoring in t he city competitions: Morgan; W. Murray, Parsons; Davies, A. Dickens, Ferguson; Camer-onv R. Smith, Christlson, R. Armstrong, Holkestad. Acropolis Hill Wins Softball Defeated McClymont Park By Score Of 10 to 5 .625 ,50S The first game of the Gyro '.521 playgrounds softball league ' was .493 played last night at the OyrO Ball .405 Park between the senior boys ol .433 Acropolis Hill and McClymont Park .305 Acropolis winning 10 to 5. I McClymont took the field first .620, .625 .583 .526 .494 .441 .394 .306 VILLA IN CLOVER BIRMINGHAM, England, July 14: (CP) Aston Villa's successful bid for promotion to the English Football League first division last sea with Simundsen in the. box and two of the five men who batted scored. Dan Magnet pitched most of the game for Acropolis Hill O'Neil taking a couple of the last innings. During the first part of the ganu McClymont Parks fielding was a little weak and Acropolis goU of f tt a good lead of eight runs for tht first two innings. The game was quite fast in snots and proved very exciting when McClymont scored all its runs in the last two In'-ninjs The captains were O'Neil for Ac- cropolls Hill and Scherk for 'McCly son resulted In Increased gate re-miont Park celpts and a net profit of 11.072- Umplres were 1Iarry , ($58,360. j Cooper and Nell floss: (CP) Agreeing to give him his release If he could sell himself to another team for 350,000 lire (about $20,- Football TONIGHT, 6:45 Selection Game for II.M.S. York Series they had remained at home. If it does riot attain this oh1 ject it has been a failure. H-. 1 i I I.l iil rnt.!. i. ' es read by Mr. Bennett a few months prior to the last gen- , T TtwT! TV men Af wor'i 18 i of such nature f that it to become eral oi election. if,- An a effort w ..... made i a is apt monotonous. Men are usually out more and brush up against their fellowf more than women. They are not so much in need oi change. This is especially true in the summer when thf kitchen is hot and stuffy. Holidays are not necessary but they are very desirable for every person. In IpnAon it's always GORDONS in Canada Too Those Who Mix With The Best CM?Pi GORDONS lu.iuM I6.i S2.SO IMPORTED GIN This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DOES WELL at bisley; Son of Firsl Canadian Winner of King's Prize is Second in Opening Stage f BISLEY CAMP. Engwna. juiy it; (CP) Six Canadians made their) I way past the first stage of the f King's Pi-lie shoot here yesterday, f The best Canadian; score was by ! capt. Thomas C. Ifeyhnrst of Wmd-j so, Ontario, wnose lamer was ui- firse Canadian ever to win a Kings prize. Capt. Hayhurst was tied for second place. ine regularly scneouieo lootoaii Canada Wins Kolapore match for this evening has been DisLEY. July 15: (CP7 The Can-cancelled and, Instead, a game will a(Uatr rlf lWeam ttkfay won theKoF-be played, between two selected! qX)r(J Cn3ll,ngP c,ip. defeating teams after which the selection-, hef teams. committee will choose the team toi . .... represent the city against H.M.S. m , rri York which- is due to- arrive Satur- J RIIIS 1 OUTOCY day forenoon-. ( The two-teams selected are: fWifh f llfT1flt,c Mnrffnn- w Mnri'av. Davies: Gil- " viiivvio 1 . m.i n 1 -J - . T . ( tl nsr A. uicKens,. rconuiii, ojpur, .j Dickens, St, Denis, K. Armstrong, U. Helkstad. Of H.M.S. York The Prince Rupert Tenuis Club will entertain officers of If. M. S York with a tournament at the Acropolis Hill courts on Sunday". The local club will be represented In the singles by O. C. Young and C. J. Norrlngton and fn doubles by W- L. Stamford and Alex Jtftchell and Geoffrey Wjllet and J. A. Barry, FOOTBALL POSTPONED The City League football garni scheduled for Tuesday evening between Canadian Legion and Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserv was cancelled on account of rain SPORT CHAT Keith Wheeler, who wagered 10 ($40 he could roller-skate 220 miles from Sydney- to Newcastle, Australia, won his bet when he completed the distance In 47 hours. Wheeler undertook to do the journey In less than 50 skating hours. The Professional Golfers' Association has announced England will be represented In the professional International tournament at Llandudno, Wales, In September. Scot-land,. Ireland and Wales will also compete. Jack Bromwicn- has won the Aus tralian Junior tennis singles championship three times but he still has to get the silver cup that goes with the title. The Australian Lawn Tennis Association has queried all previous champions without suc cess. Time-limit croquet games were played In Buxton. England, for the first time when the week-long Derbyshire American tournament was run off In June. An India Football Association team will saU this Sunday from Colombo for a six weeks'" tour of Australia, the association ha? announced. Directors of Hull-Kingston" Rovers Rugby League . Club announce their ground at Craven Park has been 6old to a greyhound racing syndicate for 10,750 ($53,750). Sydnejr defeated Melbourne by eight matches to one in the flnat of the Australian lnter-Unlversltv teams' golf matches at Rose Bay recently. The golfers met as undefeated teams. Preston North End, English Football Cup holder finished last season with a credit balance for" the first time in years. ProHt was 11,143 ($55,715) compared with 0,903 CUM HOItHALff R SALE 20 foot' Launch, $165 Cash. Real Bargain. Apply Yacht Chrtj. ti. FOft SALE-Blcycle, $7.0d. Phone! .-744.afier 0 p.m.. (163) JOH RENT Furnished cottage at Laeeise. oood strawberry patch and.. tow boat Included to July 29.i20.00. Phone Greeh 402 for particulars. mapi It laktt a patk ! r; ,, .1 Up tlw Ftt 'rl9l kind of Mirlihrntit. Try ' ' fkkti. Ioy tktlr jiWn ttd crlip- ... Nil of tarfr"!'-itro bro. to bo mlWly loiotfto. SM by oil ,roc.r,. loody to lorvo. MoW by KtUo9 in loidoo, Ootorlo, EAT TO F EEL 'FIT! i $34,530) the previous year. ' Men employed by the department of Internal affairs in New Zealand to thoot deer In the back country between Lake Monowal and the eoast,shot 2,400 .deer in about three. months. Arrangements have been made with the United States Polo As soclation to- play the next .series of matcher f the Westchester Cup in the United States In 1939". the Hurlmgham Polo Association an pounces. t-when he won last year's title, now works in a munitions factory. SMS I RAIJ1L!ArAY - STOPPCI) cirrwoitMs NIAOARA FALLS, Ont. Juh l iCP)- A cutworm invasion of ill city was forestalled after 12 hourl work by a group of men. Thml anas of the insects were killed : attempting to cross a ditch fill with poison. mtivER rmoKF. leg ORANU E ynXE , Ont Jolj J err a rractured leg snffel during the first heat of the hi ness races nere coumiU A George Thayer, Rochester tl ji, Mcmaiiy is not defending htei from fHilshing the day's nn bcoiusn amateur golf championship j He had medical attention ont uk iwuiuuiisii, iviviiiailjr, u llliliri irnCK. RAIN STOr.S BOWLING Royton, Lancashire Cricket club,!. Owing fn the wet weather, the-1 hay re-engaged Its professional, R. has been no activity so far tl mner, ror another season. Fuller, week on the Canadian NiHrl a West Indian, declined aiv invlta- Recreation Association Lxrl lion to tonr England next season Bowling Club green. If Iteil with the West Indies side, but may proved weather holds, there i play In the tests. Be play this evening, iVsvisIm toearty msH I whenjjou Irmel ure sold at ull out Fminehes. Gel yours before go away, and keep your travel money safe. "" ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 600 BRANCHES IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-I'afihe To Vancouver vfa Oceair Vati artd Way Pwts- SS. "Princes AelaM Kvery frirfay 10 p.m. ' T VANCOl,yKR WRECT Juia j? S nl AllV 8S.rrnress C.arIJ Jlly 8' 1S' 27 Au- 13 y Oi 20, jo, Aug. to. July 23, Aug. 3, Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific $ wi W. L. rnATP COATF.S, General nT,ceaWwt!oiw Ajent. . l l; From Prnce Bl.prt, B