pads roun Members Of Orange Lodge At Terrace In Church Service. TERRACE. July 14. The annual church service of the Terrace Orange Lodge was held In Knox United Church on Sunday evening. lln-.r. rn, WBIftt FVC ftllM irlth you as a safe-guard against fatigue when driving. Delicious VYRIGLEY'S l . . . i , , SIX AUGER BITS Each There was a splendid turn-out of members and friends of the order. Musical selections included a solo by Miss Enid Waite entitled 'Just Be Glad" and quartettes. "Serving With a Smile- and "Beautiful Words of Jesus," by the Misses Freda, Marie and Francis Hall and Miss Beryl Munger. The minister, in his address, stressed "Worthy Leadership" as one of the essentials of today. uum is invigorating neips Keep you alert, braces your nerves ... the action of chewing revives tired muscles and refreshes you. Helps you concentrate at all times. Your family and friends are appreciative when you share your package of Wrigley's with them. Small in cost but BIG in Benefits. TOOLS $1.00 W00D LEVEL 25c CHAIN PIPE VISE jjg gQ COIIOE OUTFIT Lines, rubbers, Clamp 175 lbs. Ready Made Trolling Lead-Lb . , WATER POWER WASHING MACHINE .. 30 U.S.A. RIFLE , Ret 10 Volumes NATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA ACCORDIAN .... , GRAMOPHONE RECORDS Each JACK PLANE MITRE BOX D. ELIO Phone Green 916 Used Furniture O WASH STANDS Each JKITC1ILN CABINET O MORRIS CHAIRS A Each BUFFETS For Sale 4 DINING ROOM TABLES . nil ui J FULL SIZE STEEL CRIB J BOUDOIR CHAIR O IRON BEDS Each BED COIL SPRING 4-6 . -Piece DINETTE " SUITE 3 RANGES r. .. O WICKER BUGGIES A Each BABY PRAM cIIEST WITH 4 DRAWERS HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER Q PREMIER SPIC SPANS Up 2 CAMP STOVES 1 ROCKING CHAIR $1.50 1 National Cash Q(S Aft Register 2-Foot SQUARE 82.00 $10.00 $4.50 $14.00 -20.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 $2.00 $4.50 $27.50 $20.00 S7.50 $10.00 $5.00 $17.50 $7.50 $8.00 and $9.00 IRoll-top Writ- Q1Q f A in Desk ........ Counter Toledo QQ ffft Scale-201b V i.DU 75c $1.25 $7.50 $5.00 6c $10.00 $35.00 $20.00 -: $8.00 10c FURNITURE EXCHANGE THIRD AVENUE ( WHIFFLETS ! From The Waterfront I r f T - rt r i it, t. oitamti riuicc wuiiu, i (v. Capt. George Coles, is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon from (Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte 4 lsianas ana wui te nere until 10:30 ! Saturday night when she will sail her return south over the same I Ion route. Included in the Prince1 Charles' passengers are a consider-' able number of tourists who will I proceed from here on the Prince j George tomorrow afternoon to J make the round trip to Anyox and, .Stewart and thence to Vancouver i I Saturday evening. A change has! been made In the schedule of the Prince Charles by which in future! she will arrive here late Thursday afternoons Instead of Thursday mornings. Thereby ,the crossing from the Queen Charlotte Islands will be made by day instead of by night which will be more conven-, lent for local passengers. KAMLOOPS, July 14. The trade mnH. ,f k. ness and integrity. He was a man of few words but when he snoke every word counted for something worth while." The chief mourners were the wi dow and her five daughters, Jane. 17; Ann, 15; Helen, 13; Sadie, 12, and Wllma, 5; Corporal Sam Ser vice, provincial nollce. Chemalnus. brother of the deceased; R. Andrews (Copper Mountain), brother of Mrs. Service, and Mrs. Andrews. Non-commissioned officers of the provincial-police and Junior officers who had served under actlneln- spector 8ervice were honorary pall bearers. Members of the Masonic . order were the active Dallbearers. Thursday, July 14 THX DAILY KZW1 Good Advice About Constipation ! A doctor would tell you that the best t'"g to do with any ailment is to set at Its eaase. 11 you're constipated, dont fiddle with makeshift remedies. Find out what's giving you the trouble I Chances are you wont hare to look very lar, U you eat lust the things most people do. Most likely, you dont get enough "bulk"! And "bulk" doesnt mean Just a lot of food. It means a kind of food that lsnt consumed In the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass in the intestines and helps a bowel movement. If this is what, you lack, your ticket is crisp crunchy KeUogg's All-Bran for breakfast. It contains the "bulk" you need plus the intestinal tonic, vitamin B,. Eat it every day. drink plenty of water, and Join, the -regulars" I All-Bran is made by Kellogg in V s SITUATION IS SERIOUS . Stewart Worried Over Unrmploy- , Two halibut boats sold catches ment rromblcm Many .Men totalling to;uuo pounds at Seattle . There With Xo Jobs yesterday. The Akutan disposed of I 40,000 pounds to McCallum at 8-; STEWART. July 14. An increased 7c and the Narrona, 25,000 ingly serious unemployment situa- pounas to wnu at 8-8c and 7V2c. tion due to the fact of extremely MEANT HIS FEWW0RDS Eloquent Tribute to Inspector Service Paid By Pastor at Kamloops j Funeral ' I little work opening up this season, the delay in commencing the gov- t ernment work and the influx of a large number of unemployed to this district from Vancouver and points south, the Board of Trade has sent an urgent wire to the Hon. W. J. Asselstine. member for this district, stating that the situation is now at a critical stage. The credit and other resources of the com death of Inspector W. J. Service at tion in an effort to assist hungry Prince Rupert stirred Kamloops as men. it is also pointed out that the nothing has in recent years. ; season for useful work to be accom-Speakinz at KamlooDS United rHchri i- -oi,. .,.,..,1 j u- w.c iYice "government must make remuner-, earlier in the afternoon. Rev. R. R.;ative employment available immed- a MnrrleAn tsvnl V I H . .... Vc" cTcV ' , m 1 T' latiy for at least seventy-five men; . i-. UCdin is swauowea up in local citizens now contributed be 1 victory, u aeatn. where Ts thy VOnd their mPans sitnntinn ri.r. r fn 1 r i ii. . x.nj'. omiBI u slave, nere is my vie-, ate. Wire reply." tory7 : Additional to authorizing the wire iml. i inis large congregation of sor-;on trie unemplo-ment situation the rowing people has gathered by rea- board endorsed a resolution asking son of a tragedy which has shocked for the granting of an airmail con- ic pruvmce, piungea our city into tract to tne Northern Airways from tne deepest gloom and left a home the Yukon via Atlin, Telegraph desolate." said Mr. Morrison. "Death Creek and Ha7Pltin has claimed a faithful and efficient Prince George with the Peace River servant 01 tne provincial police airman service. i force, a member of this church and a loving father and husband. While conscientiously discharging his duties he was struck down and called to the higher life. When Staff- Sergeant Service three weeks ago left our city to take up his duties in Prince Rupert we little thought we were saying goodbye to him in It was reported that high water in the river is cutting into ' the townsite dangerously at the east end of 5th Street, heading straight toward town. As extension of the wing dam to divert this is a Joint provincial-federal matter, and nothing has been so far learned as to plans for extending it this year. the flesh. He has left his stamp It was agreed that the board would upon our city as a man of upright endorse any action taken in this matter by the Village Council. It being the last meeting of the year, nominations were made for the coming year. President Murphy refused to again take the chair and H. Zef fertt was nominated for President; H. V. Littler for vice-president, A. Russwurm for secretary, and for a council of ten J. Buck-shon, E. T. Applewhaite, J. Garlick H. W. M. Rolston, W. R. Smith Trichler, W. H. Tolin, W, R. Tooth R. Fox, D. J. McLean, W. J. Wakefield. Reach the mosc pecpie ui av) and district with &u aovertlsemen to the Dally News. If I VUKOUVH I jtW l This advertisement is not niiMih4 t ., . .'" v-cnuoi Control Bocrrrl u,Yii. -T w' Uii!uyeu cy mo Liquor Board by or the Government of British Columbia. FILM BILL ENTERTAINS Two Comedy. Features Being Shown On Double Bill at Capitol -A Slight Case of Murder," a farce film featuring Edward O. Robinson in a new type of role, and a comedy-drama, "Love, Honor and Behave." with a new and youthful romantic team consisting of big blond Wayne Morris and petite Prl-! scilla Lane, comprise a double bill j picture program which opened at ; the Capitol Theatre last night and i will conclude this evening. They i are an entertaining pair of pictures. In "A Slight Case of Murder" Robinsan plays the part of a man who has been a beer baron in dry i days and who, after repeal, tries to t get along as a legitimate brewer. His former satellites are now beer salesmen. A line of romance runs through the story between the beer baron's daughter and a handsome youth. Ruth Donnelly is Robinson's wife and others In the cast In- j elude Allen Jenkins and Edward IBrophy. "Love, Honor and Behave" is the , story of a couple of childhood sweethearts who grow up and eventually marry after which the girl finds she has to cure the boy of I yellowness. She takes a novel means of doing this but everything ends up happily for all concerned. Hospital Tea At Burns Lake Successful Affair Held Last Week In Elks' Hall BURNS LAKE. July 14 The Hos pital Aid Society was favored with a very fine day for its first tea and sale of home cooking and candy held at the Elks' Hall on Wednesday last. The tables were centred with var ieties of garden flowers and on the piano and side tables tall sprays of snapdragons, blue flag, lilies, pop pies and corn flowers, etc., made a gay decoration. Tea was served by Mesdames H. D. MacNeil. T. C. Holmes and P. B. Smith. The home cooking table was In charge of Mrs. Ray Commons while the candy stall was presided over by Mrs. J. E. Whittles. Mrs. F. Bushfield. president, re ceived the euests. manv of whom :ame from outside points. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., July 14 CP) After establishing a new re. 'ord for duration, ice at the foot if Niagara Falls has at last all melted. The record fnllowpri thf record accumulation last January RAIN WANTED TORONTO, July 14: (CP)-Ralns are required throughout Niagara "eninsula and in York. Halton and -w. vuuunca m pnng me iruit rop along, department of agricul-ure representatives report. Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 Stop In At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY For a Dish Of FROSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Bite" Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL of QUALITY as GOLD SEAL Kancy Re'd Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only lalmoa canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert HAIR-RAISING ADVENTURE! The South Stasa whit goddess of a jungl. empir. ...a tropic typhoon... marooned aviators... human sacrifice ... and an earthquake in the wnderground temple of the savage crocodile worshippers ... the most amazing love story ever told... filmed entirely in TECHNICOLOR ! i LAST TIMES TONIGHT "Slight Case of Murder" (7:00 and 9:38) Plus "Love, Honor and Behave" (8:28 Only) Begins Friday For 2 Days Fun For The HOLIDAYS WATER BALLS WATER SAFETY RINGS INFLATABLE RUBBER. BOATS BEACH and PICNIC BALLS SAIL BOATS MODEL STEAM BOAT MECHANICAL BOATS MECHANICAL HYDROPLANE SAND PAILS and SHOVEL THREE-PIECE GARDEN SET RUBBER BALLS SUN GLASSES and VISORS 25c, 35c and 65c 50c stoo 25c and 50e . 15c, 35c, 50c and 75c 35c 75c and $15 10c 25c 35c 5c to $1.50 15c Model Craft Outfits The Newest Pastime for Boys Aeroplane Building SOLID WOOD MODELS 10c 25c and 50s FLYING MODELS Complete outfits 15C, 25c, 50c. 75c, $1.00 and , jUO wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0' "" ' - J r .. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNE 57 ,v