Thursday ..-.11 " 4 010 . tWt DAILY KZ773 Cool ctnd refreshing! SALADA ncient Kites ilermans wea nt versed In Nazi lore. n i i in museum. Drums rolled and trumpets blared, Celebrant was the local NazJ commander who pro-jnouneed the couple man aml.wKi'. lelllnK them that "life Is not a 1 vale of tears but a Dlace to flsht joyously- instead or a wedding , a- trvi n nf. H. iLn- uy o' BERLIN. July mmh, a choir sang a party hymn: . HyfAi nnv L I r r 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 wcu . - ... - iciai uw - . -we jviarcn rowaras ine sun ...i -o.i't Violrl In p.inrehPS. nes wau aivi.. -- , re more dignified than tney usea- Af ... . ,j be. But many summer weddings I AJjrhpt I If Hiwh riHH affairs lo inose- ra Ancient Teutonic ritual ire- QQl KeSlgllS ' uently is used with many varia- O . . . - -i .A titt innir o on nv n mnvempiit fin n in .a ncrlin meetlne hPll , nn ftrraneement of Swastika ..i.ln nf tha JllliTo wi.u v.ri Kn ipi.nsen oi an . ...... M Thf bridegroom was aKea: - ax ... -a ffilr fhlc arrrmnn n no smart v crave mo .... n.l Tnnrr.Vi1 . ........ i- ml I I J. (m I I fllLlll A ..V - A. 41 I . 1 - . . 1 1 I . I A .. . . . .1 t - . I December Frozen 1 Dai Id M. Mitchell, Instructor In Physics ami Chemistry, Quits David M. Mitchell, who has been a member of the teaching staff of King Edward High School here for the past year, his subects hav-intr been nhvsics and mathematics. has resigned, it was announced at the City, Hall this morning. FOR LONG LIFE SAINTSFIELD, Ont.. July 14: (CP) Richard Connors, who cela-brates his 104th birthday July 1C in this municipality northeast of ua half of the German Fatherland1" Toronto, says he has been smoking . At I lu I .1 . n ' 1 n A Ua aI nVi ( I.V. tAMnAUll .... .. .unrn nt ,Vrm Via -riA Rnvn "urnTii harrl rlnri't u-nrrv IV, niilllV L1I1IU1C1I III VT,IV..a. ..IV. , J " ' " - - - I - - - . t . . . 1. J.A Jl.t I B.A . 1 .Utl, alllrnaliu ma uc iuuu. " -f o-' d O The marriage of one Hitler , sleep. Irawd at Jiane in vnc tarjy ucr- u uu m ai viucmiug-, i. an iiwm,! ii Lnwii - j "I've always liked plenty of milk but I've nevei : enjoyed anything so much as this St. Charles Evaporated Milk with my cereal and coffee. It's m rich and creamy I Things do taste better made with Borden's St. Oiarles . . . the evai-orated milk which is so digestible, so nourishing At. 1. ivnilVianil it a ami saje that uoctors cvcrywnnc icjiiiu.h-. and irradiated for an added supply of the essential "Sunshine" Vila-miv. it u.v.v .i;(r.rAnpi in ivflnorated milks 1 . l - f.. ni-ilAfi a to uo sure to aK your gruvci ii . A British Columbia Product lsJVniJV93 inHAOIATf O EVACOKATED eVm-aT HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tonight's train, dut from the' Cast at 11 o'clock, was reported Ms morning to be running on time. Mrs. Leon Sandvar and son, Mfc-vln, will sail Saturday evening on the Prince deorge lor a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MacCallum, jjho have been spending a couple of weeks at Hell, Queen Charlotte Islands; are returning to the city on the Prince Charles this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke McLean will sail tomorrow night on the Car-dena for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. McLean will be relieved on the Dally News composing room staff by Rex Oldford of Vancouver who will arrive tomorrow afternoon on- the Princess Adelaide, panted by Mrs. Oldford. LAB WORK DISCUSSED Dr. R. E. Coleman Is Interesting Speaker at Luncheon of Prince Ruprt Gyro Club Yesterday The work of the clinical labora tory and the clinical pathologist was the subject of an interesting talk yesterday at the regular week ly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club by Dr. R. E. Coleman who is orcanizine such a patho logical service for this city and district with headquarters at trie Prince RuDert General Hospital. .Anything that any one could do to support the laboratory here was a service In one's personal Interest for there were few men of mem- I.A n fVial,- fomlli irhn witnlr! UC13 VJ 1 Kill... 1 Ulll.l' n..w " not some time or other have rieer! i of the service of the laboratory, Dr. Coleman declared. The opera- tlon of such laborltles was a costly i business and It was Impracticable J to expect people to be able to pay Ifees which would be high enouph to meet the costs. Therefore, the m.W wav to have clinical laborltles. particularly In the smaller places, was under some sort of public health service Dlan. ' The clinical laboratory was th .JOCal point Ul uie mevivai jiuico- Ision's curiosity, said Dr. Coleman. The clinical pathologist was a go-between between the practice of edlclne and all the sciences. The '.key instruments of the laboratory were the microscope, balance and colormeter which were used to ex- jtend the functions of the senses. Dr. Coleman briefly discussed the technical use of these Instruments. I Speaking along more general lines, Dr. Coleman asserted that It ,was not necessary to have typhoid , fever or other Infections. Once it wss found where they existed, It Was possible to control and eliminate them. This was another function of public 'health services. i The aim of every medical man. continued the speaker, was to aft the best understanding of eaeh ln-j dividual case. In accomplishing! this end. the normal doctor oft'n made real sacrifices with hope of receiving due remuneration ot credit. ... Clinical laboratories- erfc financed usually in a haphazard manner. Speaking generally, the public was- lucky to get laboratory sprvice at anv price. ' President D. O. Borland presided 'over tl?e luncheon and expressed i the appreciation of the Oyro Club to Dr, Coleman for, his discourse Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Serenaders4 Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. Monday. July 18. Axrpiftnmp to the sailors at thi Moose Dance Monday night. Anglican Tet-, Mrs. F. M. Good, July 28. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3, Zarelli. Proprltor "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOMI" Rate 1N a SO Rooms Hot Cola Water Prince Rupert, BjO.I . .. Phone til r.O. Rot HI Mammoth Dance .and Moose Ilall, Monday, Everybody welcome. Frolic- July 18 HGG) ' Miss Joan and Masters Tomr.y dnd Blng, chtldrert-of Hugh Forrest, will sail Saturday -evening on (he Prince George for Vancouver Dr. C. H. Hankinson, at today's regular weekly luncheon of the prince Rupert Rotary ChityTeported on his recent attendance at the Rotary International convention in Sah Francisco. W. L. Coates, president of the cluh, was in the chair Funeral Notice i The funeral of Fred Soles will, take place tomorrow afternoon, Frl-. day. at 3 o'clock from the First United Church. "SHOOTING DISCUSSED Recent Tragedy, In Which Ex-Ser-vico Men Were Victims, Consid ered By Legion j The regular monthly meeting off the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Em pire Service League was held last evening with President Jack Preece In the chair over a good attendance of members. The applications of three new members were approved. They were William Oalr, Menry Moles and George Thaln. Letters from ex- servlee men who were patients in hospitals were received, thanking the branch for the provision of comforts. The consideration of feighty-one resolutions for the forthcoming provincial convention, to be held in Vancouver August 4-6 was reierrea t.n a rp.vdnt.lons committee. Two resolutions from the Stewart branch i of the Canadian Legion were also! considered. The official delegates from the branch will be President Jack Preece and J. S. Wilson, who Is also Zone Representative. Fraternal deleaates -will be.D. C. Schu Iberfc and G. J. Dawes who are In Vancouver. The recent shooting tragedy in J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood" Phone 580 which two ex-service men were" vie- tims was under discussion. Thanks I from the families for the help, given by the Legion was expressed to the Branch. The whole affair is being vprtf rnrpfullv watched by the branch and the executive has the support of the members in doing everything possible. Dissatisfaction at the failure of some local contractors to employ ex-service men was expressed. Full arrangements are under way for the entertainment of H.M.S York. The visit of ships of the Brl tish navy lis always a highlight among ex-service men and this will be no exception. The Dally New has an' audited circulation. Flay safe I The Finest . PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoseope" by G. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th SV Ton Vnn FmiolTriic? Vail 1UU UtjUtU lIIf-7 Clean, Comfortable Rooms with Hot and Cold Water Home Cooked .Meals Beautiful Harbor View Board & Room $40 Mo. and Up "All White Help" KNOX HOTEL PERMANENT WAVES Mrs. Crlttall formerly of the Hudson Bay Beauty Parfor of Vancouver will be glad to have you call at the Rose Marie Beauty Salon and give you advice for your next Permanent Wave. Specializing 'in alj aevturns. rtf hair. . . .. .. . For Appointment Phone 945 Upstairs over the Cut Rate Shoe Store Swain's Transfer and Taxi A. McDonald, Prop., Terrace Picnic Parties and Taxi AnywhereSpecial Trips to Lake-else Lake Also Boat Service on Lake Write or Wire for Further Information IN THE SI PRKME COI RT OF BRITISH COI.U.MI.IA tw DirnRlTR In the Matter of the "AdmlnUtretloTi ACT I In the Matter of tne Etiaie i ....... Hammer, Deceased. iineMnio .atac nrvnnf vt. vr order Oi HIS lArX. AWAAWAA I' -1 Art.. I Honor. W. E. Flshr. Unad. on i"0! cay OX June, A. I iw. w "jJr , Administrator of ith stt of Frank HamAner, deoeasea. ann mi pv. tint claim agalnrt h aald estate at. hOTby required to rurtitah earn., pron- atai day oi August. A. O- 1838. auid ail qulwd to pay tha mount of tholr la-1 dflbtextneM to m fortowlth,- I Dated tne am oay oo iua.j, n u. . ARTHUR J. LANCASTER,. Dtouty OfrtcUliAdmlnlitrator. rrisM Rupert, . v. alert mind for work. . -stamina A for ply . . . that'i Shredded Wheat'f gift to you became If made of whole whtat, rich In vital sustenance, energizing vitamins and bran which regulates . . . light, nourishing,-delicious. Start the day with Shredded Vheat and keep up with youth! THE CANADIAN . SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niaiara Fill. Canada 12 Vl tiiarftt aW in ntrf M SHREDDED WHEAT MADE Vn cTnADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT In Memory Of Frederick George Soles This Store Will Close For One Hour Tomorrow, Friday July 15th, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Ormes ttr. Pioneer Drmzpt'ats MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SOLID WAL.NUT 36.00 Bookcase UlIItKOUSAll sizes and shapes. British plate. S2.00 Priced from FERN STAND $7.50 Walnut, round y Everything for the Home Phone 775 ... ,. , JW" "P MILK We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy ; UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.8. CAHDENA FRIDAY, DAY, lt30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver', Monday a.m. It Convenient, please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Princ Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 It's interesting (o know when reading the Daily News th4t the people of the whole district are doing the iamt.