eld. in MA IT STARTING 1 VI . tl'!...l i Service isciween ihih- - . ., peg ailU aiituuircr ,Tn Tiilw 1i- IfTTM . mnil service direct w iirinninpff ana vancouvci Ul ' . , .. .nlnr) rri AllfTIICt. 1 I nf u " - - u announced. The llignts wn hv nleht in citner air on with stops at LeinDriage, I Rc"lna, Win" Urt.ll inir flights between Winnipeg j T.niir nn the western '1 ul, l. I V . v.. . ik. nil.niin'irtl'in nlr rnuti T I I 'II' 1111 UUIIMUIU'I .. .. -1 TransCanada Air Lines ... in t plm nou; uniforms A flJJi-1. ------ navy blue The single-breasted :f lounge cut to the waist . . . flnl . Ij I efrtnnc nn h - " - 4 .1. j .mm iL. nnrt nn a ' ' 12.1k itl MIV w- w i 4 Via fllftHt r ! bdcn the Trans-Canada .hIk tntn'Att turn ntif. ad w "T Is worruon the left f tunic. Over vpr thi the nav nav i raD a white uuuee risncriGs 1 . w. rouuction Down f 1 1 inn . The 1837 . ouo,i and the inland iisn- $583,812. Th Pea vnliiPe nnnlv the fish as marketed, whether TORONTO, July 14: (CP) Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario plans to leave next Sunday on an eight thousand mile airplane flight which will take him up to the Arctic Ocean coast. He will follow thi Marlcpnzlp River Vallev ' and also visit the Yukon and Pacific Coast with Vancouver as one of his stops. ARMAMENTS FOR CANADA ii, " rai is worn lb mu aic iwi."v Kidnap-Slaying of Charles Matson Of Tacoma Appears Not Yet Cleared Up TACOMA. July 14: (CP) Police after endeavouring to establish be yond any doubt the truth of a con-fession which had been made by Frank Olsen, 32-year old farm laborer, of having kidnapped and killed 12-vear old Charles Matson son of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. ftiais.:w of Tacoma, In December 1936, an- a a, i IL - I. I.n, !-1-1 Vil n nouncea mai me latest iwmiu'v I solution of the crime had blown ' !up. Chief William Cole of Wash-Jington State police, made official announcement to this effect. I llthniiittt lha tv-illrp hpllpvpd at v.v ,.v w Iniitiuub. first they had the ri?ht man, no formal charge had been aia against Olsen. He made his first . . . Activl- ii. i Istatement to the authorities on of Year. Defence Summary JJ1" tzdale and later gave ties For Dominion -1 J &M nt heW OTTAWA. July 14: (CP)- This the boy captive at Everett and year Canada will add to her armed later took his life by strangling, ; fr minp. beatlne and stabbing. Olsen at first ortc iu uuwvjuo, ....... ,-- - a w varinni t vtii hiiii n I'lffii, ulmi - : r uniform. Dlack shoes, , the way ol coasi Wf"cauons. . the conciuded h i f and white shirt and ; amount to De spcnus m n ..fir.n wns a fabrl- I .. aami Avf I 1 11 L L11L 1V 1 v. kxj v " - . i i - n.nvn I Krtttrhfwl nf SH.UUU.UUU. uDDiOAl" . , pir f .hr on duty" uniform matcly the same as for last year. .iT'h'ur gabardine or craven ranch up to six destroyers, of nfHltiaCTP .iri f r mval naw 111 J tiattem. 4 www. Tht av which wawa lour will dc sianoin-u at. w- jai Ci J-' ivs,v. tUjrui -a' double-breasted, Is'qulmalt. ULIUIIUI) on v. the - Pacific Coast, and 1. Ml and naval in deslsn. two at Halifax, on the Atlantic. The Kl0ieCl At llCW SnfncswecDer a 1.1111. will .in te be eimi slmll aff.i arc narbed la all- flotilla cralls. the T. C. A. crest ariy divided. Naval personnel is on the back. - ichnrmoti I In elicved Lost ahnut 1 ?00 all told Canada's principal concentration has been on the Royal Canadian Air Force, which has grown steadily In the past few years. At present the Dominion has 177 new planes, elth- j.iivorori nr In n roc ess of bulld- UUUvl r.rl "d up boat has Vina been n A nn re- rA. the tWQ cavairy regiments, 4 the lrtA ar-1 nr.. '.m , ,nrf administrative services.1 llondprl Pnrtv I RiirlnncrJiam o unci J - Four thousand rank and file would embrace them all. The non-permanent active mllltla, which Is the Orleans Planned WASHINGTON. DC. July 14: CP Under consideration here is on rnnrmous new 450,000-acre riralnaee nrolect for swamp lands near New Orleans. The estimated I . a tViU i in addition . i. innnn Mnmultnes would to about 135 outmoded and obso- be eliminated and farm lands made lesccnt machines already In use by available for 80.000 people the R.C.A.F. Tnis air loruc u . f. herman, Is believed to ..pprmanent Force"-ofHcial Crtlrof nhotiran ! ' hK llfo n fVin uTPPlf nl . .. . .. I. mill lJUJIlUlVUV II v i b j.-sr Table Island on thci rt r(t?m-nts f infantry are , , t f n c ' of of Vancouver Vancouver isiana Island. Ci)iww PStabllJhment, , as also are 11UUUC1D Farmers Grain Crops For Feed ponderous name applied to me secUons of Saskatchewan are now British Territorials, has an actual severely from grasshop- strength oi aooui ,u,u. in some cases larmers are ai- n.r,r.ncr ig cavalry regiments, lour ,.,n. .upir rrons as food . .,,v.n . . , f iriui 1 in u'"" - - in uiuul w.v " - ate on Tuesday Evening , infantry, about 60 batteries oi ar- nr ravages ot the insects '.mrv u'lth administrative servlws. . " a tr AAA t WNDON. July 14: (CP)-Can-jEstabnshmcntonpapcrisau,uv,u. ATT"3 '! I nnb nnhM Tin ntn TllflC' m J . rrr11 IPTT1 1 LU UUKM"' imludcd Mrs. Blair Burkctt, arms for those troops, for, due to riA. ... i i- . m n Artn nrHprA are 'r oi uuawa; Mrs. iwDcn,,ienvcries oi w--- and 6c amran and Mrs. Clarence Dunlay sw. The Dominion has Just begun canadian JTrcaton.Ont ; Mrs. Russell Dor-! tn manufacture Bren machine guns, vvpst. 9.000, Cold Storage, ... ... . wmoii fnn - ar.s Mrs. Pcrclval McKergow, & in a position w mane ou." , .nd 5c an luver Mrs. William Lockart v. chriis. but nossescs no iqu'H . ad Mr, WlUiam Laurie of Barrle- mPnt for turning out heavy artlll erans in OtUwa it was ro, iW.-ntOwog' 'or would noi uo m w... . . . . or wu"" i-j in war. --...vu ijjmsi .iiarK in rive tears pmnire beComiB "u" ,. Dtrring 1937 A ddlng factor, he said would " 'be the spirit which animated the QUEBEC, July 14Tle value of people at large. roauction of the Quebec fisheries T ri II f c n 137 ras $1,892,030, the lowest W pW DCCO LlnlllO ana snows a norreasn oi - iiuni me toiai ior iujo. tiic , l. Hirrnuuxv in . """i-iics ..wito accounted aixuunica ior ior a a wiai total' - o . States Planned , nTring,i$zai,3i, ann ior mc i""'"v tinn here. Halibut Sales American Tacoma, 20,000, Cold Storage, 7.5c WISNirEO WHEAT PRICE I lr' j,. hfivp emnha-' h,. ro GOV'T WAS SUSTAINED Agricultural Policy Upheld In I: vision In Brmsn iioukc NlRht iniamM. Julv 14: (CP)-AUfl 4- ' a critical debate, the National pnt was sustained by a dl- .rr t..i 14:- vision of 240 to 137 on Its agrtcul- consumption fresh or can- WASHINGTON, u Hcy Tnc votc took place cured or othprwisp nrenarpd J a now speed KVU limit oi uk :.; J t.,l, i.e.- n ... pht fler discussion on . . nnon ii mil iaism iv. most . . .. : . . ur fnr tne ouc . ... lmnnrtant fishprlns WCr" "ir ' the me follow fnllnurlnir nc. In n nrHpr1 order: i-i - - - in; miles per our,'0;;'VIxy miles' food production and conservation . V wav In mom - - - - 1PoSures. particularly wun reier- 'ence to the possibility of war. f "Cr'XA T. Weather Tomorrow's Tides Today's She High - 2:30 a.m. 20.2 It. prince Rupert-Clear, southwest 15:17 pm. 19.1 ft. ff seven miles per hour; bar-'aeinr Low 9:05 a.m. 3.0 ft. 30.17 falling); temperature 21:20 pm. 6.4 ft. Ira moderate. 56; NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Km PR1CE:$ CENTS XXVII.. No. 163, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1938 ; m World Within Four Days lC0N j mm t Hepburn Is I MERE HOAX.1 Hvinrr Wacr I ALBEKTA APPEAL DISMISSED LONDON The Privy Council today dismissed the appeal of the Province of Alberta from a Supreme Court of Canada judgment declaring the provincial bank tax act as unconstitutional. , ? TOKYO ABANDONS, 'OLYMPICS TOKYO The Japanese government today suddenly withdrew. support of plans to hold the 1910 Olympic Games in Tokyo and the Olympic committee was forced to abandon the scheme. The Tea-son for the withdrawal is the possibility of further conflict with China and the shortage of funds materials. CANTON BOMBED AGAIN CANTON It is estimated that 150 were killed and five hundred wounded by Japanese air bombs today. It was the third successive day that Japanese planes attackedv NEW ITALIAN DOCTRINE ROME A ten-point doctrine of race similar to Nazi Aryanism was published today by the Ministry of Popular Culture, The doctrine proclaims Aryan supremacy and affirms the Italian race's right to call itself Aryan, KING LEAVES BED WINDSOR The King was able to leave his bed today, virtually completing his recovery from a slight. attack of gastricInfiuema. Franco Makes Grand Drive On Valencia PRORF IS HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Col-T0frft Of Rnaf .Frontier. July 14!--(CP)-.Oeh- uaiYttgu eral Francisco Franco is re- p i ! Ycrnl, 4- ported to have taken personal JUllK HI IVltllllU j ..mxnii nf an insnrtrpnt. iorce iree t t tMUlllluilu w n- of Some Sections CuttingU of 200,000 men for a grand of- XDeCteQ jOOn lensive against vaicutia uuui - three directions Relief For Indians Is Being Planned Canadian Government Seeks Improve Conditions For Natives Today's Baseball National League . Boston 5, St. Louis 2 (seventh In ning). Philadelphia 0-1, Chicago 3-5. Brooklyn 2, Pittsburg 3. New York 0, Cincinnati 1 (ninth straight defeat for Giants). American League St. Louis 4, New York 5. Chicago 9, Philadelphia 8. Cleveland 5. Washington 1. Detroit 1, Boston, 12 (Lefty Grove winning pitcher), The Vancouver seineboat Steve-ston II, which sank near Klemtu, is expected to be salvaged and taken to Ocean Falls for repairs according to word received last night. VANCOUVER WHEAT vAvrnnvER. Julv 14: (CP) i to Wheat was trading at 918c on the Vancouver market today. j LONDON GOLD PRICE ' .,. ... ipDL Tho tandon. July 14: (CP) The Canadian government Is seeking to Priceor djrgo I II.. Inn nnrtritttrms fnr its 123,000 Indians scattered through l,the country. It is proposed to set parwameutauai" WINNIPEG- Juiy ' . , ' slzcd that Canada's forces are for juturcs were up 2c to 2c I aside wide areas In the north where hp denfese of tne counuj oo.v.,, Winnipeg marKei wun juij me inaians may up "u"" but last Armistice Day Prime Mi. - closlng at $1.03. u . i- vintr tnid war vet- lstcr MacKcic ",,., futile . disturbed by white men. Education plans eVen Include training In', woodwork and beadwork, at one time the Indian's pride. fine ounce. LOOK INTO r-nnmi rnrr Air mission V,UiUrL.LlE4 Inspector John Shirras Will Keport Fully to Victoria on uecent Tragedy recommendations as to the future in Prince Rupert, before the depart ment at the earliest possible date, stated Inspector John Shirras of Kamloops this morning on Inquiry belne made as to the Investigation r he has been conducting during the past week following the recent shooting of Inspector William J. Service, Sergeant Robert Gibson and Mike Gurvich. Inspector Shirras stated that his investigation had went far beyond the mere inquests which were, of course, limited In scope. He had reached the point now where he considered the whole matter should be placed before the department. Inspector Shirras expressed appreciation of the. general co-operation he had received here in what had been a most difficult investigation. The inspector was expecting this morning to proceed by the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night to japan May Plant Chilean Pine For Pulp-Paper Timber TOKYO, July 14. The importation of Chilean pine for use in supplying pulp and paper timber Is being considered. Chilean pine grows ten times faster than docs ' I WAGE SCALE Three Men Board Is Namen in Dispute Between Canners Ann Workers in Alaska RRATTT.E. Julv 14: (CP) Alaska canned salmon packers and can- I .1 , t vt n 0 Ihp KPlpC- nery uniuus wmuuun, .. tton of a three man commute w Investigate the 1938 .wage scale. For Canada I LONDON, July 14: (CP) The British eovernment an- "nounces that Sir Hardman Every possioie augic as to tauo, . . w,..v,t Qur .ho Lever will head a new air mLs- re rible rfagedy ha5 been Investl- slon to Canada to negotiate for . j . , . ;,, . .um . the manufacture of large ?! r.r. w "'"nor and bomber equipment In the Dom - lnton. It Is expected the mis- slon will also study the possl- billty of training Royal Air Force pilots in Canada. TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .10 (ask). Big Missouri, .35. Bralorne, 9.40. Aztec, .09. Cariboo Quartz, 2.52. Dentonia, .04V2. Golconda, .10Vi. Mlnto, .0334. Falrvlew, .09. Noble Five. .022. Pend Oreille, 2.15. Pioneer, 2.95. Porter Idaho. .02V'2. Premier, 2.17. Reeves McDonald, .45 (ask). Reno, .44. Relief Arlington, .14. Reward, .03 Vi. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridge,., 02 emferTBoraerr Sllbak Premier, 1.80. Home Gold. JJUi. Grandvlew, .10 (ask). Indian, .01 Vi. Quatsino Copper, .05. Halda, .042. Oils A. P. Con., .19. Calmont, 22. C. & E-. 2.45. Freehold, .06. Hargal, .15. M:Dougal Segur, .15. Mercury, .132. Home Oil, 1.21. Toronto Beattie, 1.17. Central Pat, 2.50. Gods Lake, .49. Little Long Lac, 3.50. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.12. Red Lake Goldshore, .10. Pickle Crow, 4.65. San Antonio, 1.30. Sherrit Gordon, U6. Smelters Gold, .03. McLeod. Cockshutt, 3.55. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .22. Stadacona, .57. Francoeur, .35 Vi. Moneta, 1.90. Thompson Cadillac, .23. Bankfleld, .70. East Malartlc, 1.90. Preston East Dome, .85. Hutchison Lake, .03 Dawson White, .02V'2. Aldermac, .55. Kerr Addison, 1.80. Uchl Gold, 2.08. Int. Nickel. 49.00. Noranda, 68.25. Con. Smelters, 59.50. Athona, .07 V2. Hardrock, 2.72. Barber Larder, .26. Mandy,. .18. Rand Malartlc, .36. 4 By-Election Date In Saskatchewan HUGHES IS SUCCESSFUL IN RECORD Lands in New York, Breaking Post Gatty Record For Flight Around World NEW YORK, July 14: (CP) Howard Hughes and his four world-girdling companions landed at Floyd, Bennett airport ! ro'm . Winnipeg at 10:36 a.m. Pacific Standard time today. They made the flight around the world in less than four days, smashing the' former Tecord of Wiley Post and Harold Gatty by more than three days. The total elapsed time for the globe-circling was set unofficially at ninety-one hours and sixteen minutes. This record more than halves the seven day, eighteen hour and 49 minute circling by Wiley and Post in 1933. Hughes drove his ship at full speed from Minneapolis to Floyd Bennett airport. He had arrived at the midwestern city at 5:38 a.m. racific Standard Time from J Fairbanks and took off again al-i most Immediately at 6:11 a.m. i The members are August Busch- j Voters of Humboldt Will Go To mann, representing me pacific and H. P. Melnlkov, representing the fishermen, with De Lancey C. Smith of San Francisco as tr.e third member. The committee must report by August 25. Polls Early Next Month MUMBOLDT. Sask.. July 14: (CP) August 4 has been announced as th Hntp for the bv-electlon In the constituency of Humboldt. The speed for the elapsed time was almost 161 miles per hour. At Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS, July 11: (CD-Having arrived here early this morning from Fairbanks, Alaska, after the sixth 2100-mile leg of his projeciea recuiu-uica.-Ing speed flight around the world, Howard Hughes and four companions were well ahead of the previous record of the late Wiley Post and Harold Gatty who circled the globe in 7 days and 19 hours. After the fourth leg of his flight, a 2177-mile hop between Omsk, Siberia, and Yakutsk, Hughes had been sixty hours and fotty-one- minutes out of New York. Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock Hughes landed at Fairbanks taking off a few hours later Ior Minneapolis. City Has To Pay Damage Done By Dog VANCOUVER, July 14: (CP) A court has ruled that the city oi Vancouver must pay $1650 to George P. Smith for loss of chick ens caused by neighbor's dogs, under city statute It has been established that where a person's licensed dog does depredations, the ritv must Dav the loss . In the event of the dog's owner oeins un able to pay. PACK MORE 0NSKEENA Canned Salmon Production For This Year to Date Almost- Double 1937 ' VANCOUVER. July 14: (CP) The canned salmon pack on the nriHsh Columbia coast for the present season to date has reached a total of 72324 cases, according to a bulletin Issued today by the Department of Fisheries. This com pares with 48,325 cases at a simuir date last year and 120,52'j cases m 1936. The Skeena River claims tho largest gain oyer last year with a total pack of 20,223 cases as com pared with 11,273 cases. V. IV .., as -VI " i.mit tV'.!S i 1 m