ri RECIPE COIIX AMI SALMON SCALLOP 1 tin Ro;at Cilr Corn 1 tall tin lmon t to IB pod rrarkrfrv, rollr-d 4 cup milk. Salt and jvrpprr. Combine all Ingredient, eirrpt few erarker crumb. Dace in buttered Inline dish. prinLle ilk r rumba and dot with butter. Hale in 1' moderate even 20 Id 2 j minutes. Serves 6. M USED FURNITURE Quebec Heater Quebec Heater with single oil burner in first class condition $23.50 Kitchen Ranges Six Reconditioned Ranges from $14.00 up Heaters 5 only Heaters for burning wood or coal from $5.00 ro. I and At up Dr. nual the PKINCK KUI'ERT I L ...... .... aw- ELIO'S Phone GREEN 916 TIHKI) AVBN.UE WEST C AU 17 i Coal I kn0w a clever little trick To Ifppn vnlll irarm If u-nll nr Mates fors qa.ffrctnAea.d sick, littMiLhi Just phone 651 and say " Please send a ton of coal 1 today. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. loothills Alberta, Nanalmo-Wcllinelon and Bulkley Valley Coals I I i WHIFFLETS .From the Waterfront During the past week between' 1500 and 200 tons of herring have ' been taken from Prince Rupert' Harbor by seineboats for the Tucks! Inlet and Port Edward reduction' plants In which manufacture of fish meal Is proceeding steadily. 1 Something less than four thousand tons remain before the quota for the harbor Is exhausted. The run of the fish continues very plentl-J ful and the seineboats are having no difficulty in keeping the reduction plants supplied. Ken Harding of the Prince Rupert r isnenes rtpcnmcuiai oiauon staff had a chilly bath Tuesday cv-( ening wnen ne snppea ana leu in to, the water at the station float as return was being made by Dr. Neal Carter and other members of the staff from a trip to Port Edwarc reduction plant aboard the powei vessel Nelrls. Ken went right out of sight and there was a good deal of splashing and frothing for a little while. However, Ken was fished out and is, apparently, none the worse for the experience. Capt. John Mulr, for years one of the best known officers of vessels of the Union Steamship Co. on northern runs and of late relief skipper of such ships as the Catala and Cardena, has been promoted to the position of travelling supervisor of marine service for the company. His duties will have to do with the marine personnel of the company's fleet, relation of the operating management and ships' officers and masters and supervision of sailing schedule operations. His many friends on this part of the coasi will be pleased to learn of the pro- notion. Aiyansh Women's Auxiliary Has Named Officers AIYANSH. Feb. 3 (Special to Dally News): The Women's Aux iliary to the Anglican Church at Aiyansh has elected officers for UUpi.iUll,tliUtlll,, O U 111 U V 1 Klnley. President, Mrs. Alfred Johnson. Vice-President, Mrs. Ben Mun Treasurer, Mrs. Anthony Adams Treasurer of Work, Mrs. George Adams. Honorary Secretary, Mrs. Oeorpe Robinson Jr. Assistant Secretary, Miss Phyllis Morven. Decoration Committee Mrs. Hannah Woods, Miss Sarah Brown Mrs. Charles Morven. Burns' Celebration Ocean Falls ."Morrison Was to Have Presided But Was Held up by Storm and Did Not Arrive OCEAN FALLS, Feb. 2: The an-i Burns' supper and dance at weekend was a decided sue-' TIME! j ! THE 100 WHOLE j WHEAT CEREAL M BISCUIT - Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is. Good The Rooms Are Clean The Douse Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell IM DAILT HEWS Be Careful About Children's Colds TREAT THEM PROVED WAY More mothers use VapoRub than any other medication ol Its kind they iiave proird it by use in their own P C homes. It was ur-t:J L titer proved In the world's largest colds-ft V Y clinic. No "dosing" i J i i I 1 1 Just massage VapoRub II i I f 1 1 on throat, chest, and back at bedtime. Almost at once, its poultice-and-vapor action starts to loosen phlegm, relieve irritation and COUirhlntr. heln hrmlr Irwjl ten. by morning XICKS the worst of the cold is over. w VapoRub SPORT CHAT Snowfall looming this morning threatens to interfere with skating which many Pr.nce Rupert oeople have been enjojmg since the cold snap started at the end of last week. Ice has been m excellent shape at such points as Salt Lake Morse Creek and Oliver Lake The boys have been trying theh hand at hockey under leadership of Bill Stone and others. The Ice sweepers may have toget lntoactlon now. During the past week more Prince Rupert people havc been skating than for years before, it is believed. Grotto-Dairy Win In Bridge In a postponed Prince Rupert Bridge League fixture last night Grotto scored 11,291 to 9,430 for Ramblers. In another postponed game Tuesday night Prince' Rupert Dairy made 10,004 points to Canadian Legion's 6521. The league standings to date are as follows: Sons of Norway .32028 24274 32018 Grotto 31791 32033 31791 Ramblers 31030 26829 3103f Musketeers 30195 28209 3019E B. & K, 29521 29533 29521 C. N.R.A. 29449 29878 2944E Prln. Ru. Dairy .24570 2G952 24570 Can. Legion 21201 33077 21201 :css with over 200 ,in attendance. Dr. II. M. Morrison, inspector of jchools, of Prince Rupert wai i'ormbound at Walker Cannery Friday and Saturday so was unable ;o preside. J. Walker ably substituted for him. At the banquet held in Pacific Mills Hotel, Mis Marshall gave the toast to the Im-rortal memory. Bob Young toasted Canada, Matt Haslctt proposec the toast to Scotland and Kieth McAllister the lassies, which latter was replied to by Miss P. Brisbane A piano solo by Mr. Watklns, a vocal number by Mrs. T. Dixon, and songs by Bill Weans, John Elder md Max Fotheringham made the evening a very pleasant one. After the banquet, an old time dance was held In t,he hall. s erve ave LIVELY COMEDO Irene Dunne and Cary Grant in "Awful Truth" j Irene Dunne will be seen In an all-comedy role In "The Awful Truth," which opens tonight at the Capitol Theatre. Cary Grant serves l as Miss Dunne's screen cohort with such favorites In support as Ralph Bellamy, Cecil Cunningham, Alexander D'Arcy, Robert Allen, Joyce Compton and Esther Dale. In "The Awful Truth" Miss Dunne Is seen as the prim, staid wife of Cary Grant, a bounder who can't get used to marriage ties. He takes an Innocent vacation In the guise of a business trip and returns to find his wife has been out all night with a romantic foreign vocal teacher. Accusations and recriminations fill the air. In court the only bone of contention proves to I be Mr. Smith, the wire-hair terrier, Irene wins custody of the pup but the court allows Cary to visit the dog once a month. Affairs take their merry course until Cary expresses his Intentions of marrying a pretty young thlnp with a social register background as soon as the divorce Is final. In the climactic scene Irene tries to impress on Park Avenue that Cary is not the sort to be marrying wealthy, pretty young things. Ralph Bellamy enters the scene as an Oklahoma oil tycoon with a yen for Irene. Alexander D'Arcy is the innocent vocal Instructor who suffers no little at the hands of the Irate Cary while Cecil Cunningham plays the tartar-tongued, sophisticated Aunt Patsy. Metlakatla Man Interests A.Y.P.A. T. A. Bryant Speaks On Indian Legends and Folklore The regular weekly meeting of St. Andrew's Cathedral branch of the Anglican Young People's Association was held last evening in the Cathedral Hall with the President Robert Yerburgh In the chair After a short business mcetinc T. A, Bryant, principal of Metlakatla School, gave a very Interesting address on Indian folklore and legends. He held the attcn tlon of his audience for an houi or so with talcs he had gathered during his fourteen years In anc! around Prince Rupert and Metlakatla. He went back to the yea: 1859 when Father Duncan firs' came to Port Simpson and told many of the legends which the natives have handed down from father to son and still believe in to this day. At the close of th6 meeting refreshments were served under the convenorshlp of Miss Joan Cross. Next week's meeting will tako the form of a Valentine Party fit the home of Mrs. J. D. Allen. i ct,u"r it,,?r"""-1 fn, . l Vic.,; . - n !"r the t. .""a "ly 30 GENEROUS HEALTH BREAKFASTS IN EACH PACKAGEI Rupert for Vancouver: T. S. S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 9:00 p.m. , Due Vancouver, Sun. Mldnljht health MONEY... H0ffl QUICK QUAKER OATS LISTEN IN ,rl 7 Mar C..tl.w..d- and "Cabin ., fh, Croa.road.-. Lov., Rom.nct, Mu.lc and C.m.dy - -,8 a.m. P.S.T, MONDAY to FRIDAY, NBC R.d " N.twi", "?? (KOMO), UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- DAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vacouvcr, Thurs. p.m. If convenient pleaso purchase tickets nt office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A, W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 56S OCEAN FALLS Two very interesting and enlightening extension lectures were delivered here last Friday and Saturday nights by Dr. J. E. Morsh of the University of British Columbia. On the first night he showed the difference between pseudo-psychology and the true psychology. On the second. Interesting revelations, based on laboratory findings and intelligence tests, were made. A large number of people attended these first two of the series of University extension lectures. Freezing temperatures of the last week have coated nearby lakes with , a good sheet of ice and many are! taking advantage of the opportun-; " ity to skate. The Dally News has un audited circulation. Play safel REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block IMIONE G58 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONrV C57 Geo. Coffin d.c, rh.c sp.c. Chiropractic Specialist No. i LEEDS APARTMENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. THE SEAL of QUALITY 7f w-.tTT'I GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Sewing Thursday, Tebruary 3, i33g i - - - n i j Tonicht, Friday and Saturday 2 Shows at 7:00 and 9:03 lis Tickling (he Nation's Funny Rone! IRENE DUNNE CARY GRANT IN 'Th Awful Truth' It's shattered record everywhere it lias played . , . Jrom start' to finish the laughs tumble in torrents from tlir screen . . don't miss this bright, witty, modern comtdy . . . nothing produced in many months can be compared to It. With RALPH BEI.I.AMV and ASTA (The funny little pooch of "Thin Man" fame) (At 7:31 and 9:33) ADDED "Screen Snapshots" Colored Cartoon ".Merry Nannequinns" World News Events We have received an order for INK and other furs and we rap. pay more than anyoiie else. Don't sell your fur's until you iavr seen G0LDBL06M The Old Reliable Is Fun i and Your Home." The I Helpful Handbooks-Get j ' Ask for it at the tS, singerIM Way J Kt There is real enjoyment and satisfaction in makinjr i smart new things for yourself, your family and your home. Especially when the cost is from one half to i two thirds less. i Practice true economy that enables you to.have more ! and better things. j For only ten cents a day you can have the newest smooth-running Singer, that will last a lifetime. ' "New Fashions For You winter number of Singer's your copy now It's Free