OUT OF WORK TODAY? Try The News’ Want Ad. Way. we ey ATROCITIES WERE BY ARABS THE CORRESPONDENTS SAY ERITISH AND PARIS PRESS CORRESPONDENTS EXONERATE THE ITALIAN TROOPS FROM THE CHARGES OF IN- HUMAN CONDUCT AT TRIPOLI. the Italian A new aspect on question of the alleged in Tripoli is given by a group of atrocities and other press. corre spondents who have issued a signed message over their names. The message is as follows: The natures correspondents whose sig- follow witnessed the events in Tripoli from October 13 to October 30, and they affirm that the Italian soldiers have not been guilty of the atrocities they have been accused of by some newspapers; also that the exe cutions ordered here have been but the necessary repression of a prearranged revolt among the Arabs, who had previously sub- mitted to the Italians. The un- dersigned affirm further that Moslems perpetrated on Christian prisoners and wounded atrocious tortures and mutilations. MYSTERY OF KING’S CHAPLAIN Rev. Percival Farrar, Object of Royal Displeasure said to Have Filed Disguised, to America, via France. Canadian Press Despatch. I j Dec. 19—It is now know that the Rey Percival Farra whose sudden disniissal caused @ sensation in court cn s, managed to leave England ly, and made his way to America disguised to avoid pub- Where he is now is bot wn, but his wife reeently vis ed Sandringham and gave away a her private possessions, She ely to leave for the United States herself, as her hoine was there originally, and her broth Richard Harding Dayis has anx s for her to return wilh h Mrs. Farrar communicated th h when the King’s plea be i KNOW! Paper ons, tinsels, ete Wallace's MALE TEACHER IS APPOINTED School Trustees Met Yesterday for Final Business Before End of Term—Appointed S. W. A. Code as First Assistant. Ss. W 4. Code, B. A., Public ppointed first assistant to here at the Board yestet and out of the plicants the second choice was ! W. Code, B. A., of Vancouver The new teacher has iught for a years in ie provinee, He een s rhe mended to ele prin Schools ipal Nanaimo wa Prin meetlug pal Hunter the School ¢ flernoon, list of assistant number of is a graduate of University, Kingston. board recom outgoing their nerease Of salary to per month for the lady teachers, Misses Mercer, Milligan and Johnston. The school. will close n Thursday for Xmas vacation. At yesterday's board meeting the Chairman, D, G, Stewart, in gratification at the office with the harmony which had prevailed that term, ©, V. Bennett imilarly éxpressed himself, O. H board successors $100 nated his ose of his term of aduring , Who remains on the Nelson for another year, expressed the hope that the. retiring members be re-elected, ~~ Notice A meeting of the residents of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be held in the Presbyterian church hall n Tuesday next, December 19th, at 8 p.m, Thomas Dunn, G,. R, Na- P, Lynch will address the meeting. The objects of the Property Owners’ Association Will be fully outlined at the meet ing den and W, Everyone should attend,—, liexman, Secy. 2t Ladies’ watches from now un- til Xmas at special prices at Wark's, tf WAR CORRESPONDENTS DENY STOR j sections, every | his girlish sweetheart in order to l- pel cent discount on piano, tf FORMED LABOR COUNCIL | Mr. 8. D. Macdonald is Elected | President Pro Tem Prades and Lab The proposed or Council was duly formed by the various labor bodies at their meeting in the Carpenter's Hall night Mr. 8. D. Macdonald, last of the Typographical Union was elected president, and Mr, D, Me- Lean, of the Carpenters’ Union, secretary, for the time being, Messrs, J. O'Brien, W. G, Dennis were appointe d for organization second Monday and J, Robbins a committee work, and on the in January, the again to adopt elect the bylaws, and permanent offi tion year. 4 yote of thanks was passed to} Victoria, Mr. J. CG. Watters, of President of the Dominion Tra des Congress, for his labors in bringing the Labor Couneil into being. | council will meet] constitu- | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rupert, B. C., Turs SDAY, ‘Duo EMBER 19, 1911. EPIDEMIC OF ROBBERY AND OF SUICIDE IN VANCOUVER — SANK EURGLARS SHOT JAPANESE JANITOR AT NORTHERN CROWN EANK THIS MORNING—THREE MEN COMMITTED PRICES VARIED VERY GREATLY FOR WORK OF CUTTING PIPE TRENCH One Man Wanted $22 a Yard for Cutting, wel in Section 5—Another Wanted $3 —City Engineers’s Bids Were in the Midway Region—Most of the Gangs Were Under Foreign Names. Tenders were opened Jast,;report by Thursday night's meet-; ing a number of lower bids. night for the excavation of pipe} !&- j Section One, earth, $1.15; rock, line within the city limits for the Prices varied considerably, | $6.50, Section Two, earth, $1.00, from as high as $$22.50 per yard| rock, $5. Section Three, earth, Woodworth water supply. Saotion | | There | | for rock in section 5, to as low} $1.00; rock, $4.75. were fifty bids in all, including|as $3 in the same section, and} ‘our, earth 80c.; rock, $4.75. that of the city engineer, for the | $2.48 in section 4. Earth excava-|Section Five, earth, 90¢.; rock, work which is divided into six|tion prices variéd from as high|$5.00. Section Six, earth $2.00; Most of the tenderers | as $3 per yard to as low as 45] rock, $4.75. % son her bridesmaids. Avis Linnell (in the centre, with her jwo girl ehums who were to have | SUICIDE WITH POISON, Canadian Press Despatch.) Vancouver, Dee. 19.—A daring attempt was made to rob the Northern Crown Bank at Colling- wood, a suburb of Vancouver, early this Tuesday morning. After gaining an entrance and shooting the Japanese janitor in the wrist, the men decamped. It NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert. . Thursday 8:30 p.m, Princess May......- Thursday a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS KNIFE AND REVOLVER. with a pen knife, and I. R. Clarke, a bailiff, shot himself in Stanley Park. The motive in no, case is apparent. Beautiful “open stock” dinner and tea sets-—over a ton weight of them just received direct from England. Tasteful patterns, op- AWFUL DEATH HAVOC } pe 5 | Two More Dead BodiesAre Taken From Train Wreck. | (Canadian Press Despatch.) Odessa, Minn,, Dee, 19,—The | list of dead in the train wreck is two additional bodies j be ing late last night ;} cul to pieces under the debris and | quite unrecognizable. ino whlwelve, recovered | All kinds of musical instru- | me nts at J. 8. Gray & Sons’, 6th street, if Before se ial ¢ éilnw a piano see the Gray's Jewelry Store. Cannot be beat for tone, quality Land price Pianos tuned and re- | paired, tf | Welcome Back, George! Alderman i Stanley at George Kerr was back at his seat at the Couneil | Board last night, having reeoy- William F. Riley, correspond- , . . ent London Daily Mail. [bid for at least five out of the hd Ree hade ee ; Of the furty-nine other tender- | is not yet known whether they se-|en stock, medium- prices. Wal George “3. Brow fatk atweas sections, but some went in for Following are the prices quot- | ers, some thirty-seven bid under} wired any tibiae lace’s. tf F «4. | only one section. The whole set}ed in the enginger’s bid, which! foreign sounding names as re- . Marre of the London Daily |of tenderers is referred to the | oceupic s a mid-way position in|presentative of station gangs of Vannnieen Den® {9.—Three | Cadbury’s Christmas Chocolates. Bee oleae .|city engineer for tabulation and jr lation to the others, there be-| from ten men upwards. : r : a . 3 , . Louis Andre, correspondent of | suic = s occurred here.on Mon- Cadbury’s famous candies in a, the Paris Matin. day. man named Swanson, a|large and varied assortment and Paul Tristan, correspondent of! Swede, at himself. Stewart| Christmas gift boxes at Keeley’s, —— TO DEVELOP THE HALIBUT TRADE — ——— - t A MILLION FOR LADY QUELLED SIR WILFRID | . . e . New Type of Fishing Schooner is Now Under Construction at THEAT I | | THE UNIVERSITY Vancouver Shipyards for a Skeena River Syndicate RE P AN C F OR LONDON © Vancouver, Der 19 A con- To Carry Six Dories. the vessel at all times while anane’ | Legislature Will Pass Legislation ee a ea a fae oe The sails on the fore and main| power. Comfortable quarters. for Leading Actress in: Seattle The-| | That Laurier Will § Will Succeed Lord to Inaugurate the Provincial . ’ Were aad be of the Bermuda, or|a@ crew of twelve men are located atre Saved the Situation When| Strathcona as Canadian High University at Point Grey. the Vancouver shipyard for a ves- | as! by Eee ad Wibgestartairs soba reward. which are a great im-| bLels Theatre Caught Fire Last} Commissioner Is Announced on sel for the Skeena River that will | /@&-0f-mutton, type, it being de—| " VAN tn an bine 2 iy sal Night. Good Authority. (Special to Daily News.) not only be the first of its kind|*!?able to avoid the use of a gaff, e a pe a ye aii te asi fs bata acts sepleooe Victoria, Dec. 19.—The Legis-| built here, but is expeeted to be|®* both the fore Gnd main Ronis ipo mg! Boatman slathaoutiee (Special to Daily News.) | (Canadian Press Despatch.) iture at the forthcoming ses-|but the precursor of a consider- wat uC eae oe sig oe fol thi Sine mate nn Soee Seattle, Dec. 19.—A panic at| New York, Dec. 19,—It is stated sion Ww be asked to vote moneylable fleet. The vessel in ques-| or eae ee 7 : i i gineer, A ARE RAD galley and| ‘he Lois Theatre during the per-|here cn excellent authority that to inaugurate the Provincial Uni-{tion is an auxiliary schooner, 70 tis Crea eo Rrra favs mess ana are also. provided formance last might was averted|Sir Wilfrid Laurier will undoubt- ersity and supplying a teaching] feet over all by 16-foot beam and kas ae ene being located for~| Without affecting the vessel's only by the presence of mind of);edly succeed Lord Strathcona os staff and quarters. There is said|is intended for the rapidly de- Sank dons that iiiogs while the|cargo space. The- construction the leading lady, who when the!) Canadian High Commissioner. Sir be a million dollars -available| veloping halibut fishir © {nduet? boom on. the mainmast when| throughout is very heayy, in ipa CRON? WES TOLMNE SP ‘rome a fire | Wilfrid did not desire to take up if necessary. lof the Skeena River. The name topped up; will-alford Wa anole fa-|der to withstand. any kind..of } in the cafe below came before the | the the position immediately after : si j}of the new vessel has not been a Me: ie e the dories | weather. c ne and told the audience that | the eleetion, but the failing health Christmas Rush. ldecided on yet, but she is being | CU!" for” hoisting thw “Cories was only from a fire in the|of Lord Strathcona makes the Big rush to Keeley’s for Per-|built for a Skeena syndic ate. | Ward, “OF te aA a vy Ready in Three Months. olny way. This quieted the|step practically certain early furnes in fancy gift packages. tf} Although schooner rigged, the The oe Tee tieaeta teat Tie Messrs, Brewer & McBryde, the] people, who filed out in order. /now. }sail area of the vessel wil be | divided int five : ,, |Haval architects of this city, de- ———__-+ sire HIS DYING WISH mparatively small, as the sail|°!ViGee Into live compart ae MS)! signed the vessel, and the con-| YUKON M. P. DELAYED For Men. "4 based ih ada of {so arranged that the vi oA ee Pai tract calls for the completion of | ae | Shaving Sets Safety Razors The Maharajah of Nepaul Wants ak of the engine, or for [ie nee Me Ee aorta it within three months. Com-/Dr. Thompson Will Not Take His |Shaying _ Mirrors, Shaving King’s Trip to Go On. iyil while her dories.ere| (ot Hanh vi, |Pleled and equipped, the vessel | Seat Till January. | Brushes, Strops—all appropriate t. The total sail area is about} he slipper ynature of the cargo./ wii) cost over $10,000. Her be-| —_— (Christmas. gifts for men —at Hepiekiee’ Bones thaecetih 9 1.500 square feet, which in a ves-| Comfortably Fitted. havior and cost of operation will] Ottawa, Dee. 19.—Alfred J.|Keeley'’s Pharmacy tf Deih “A ( i The Maha st f that size can be carried in} Phe pilot house is wated! be close noted with a view to} Thompson,M, P. for the Yukon ajah of epaul, with whom the|almost any kind of a gale The}about amidships, slightly welled | orde ga iunber of other ves-| Territory, will probably not take King was n a sh gly plant will be a three-cy] n belo the deck, The engine) sels of this type, as it is believed| his seat in the House until Jan- Ul TERED BOGUS p, has died . rh n His last de four-cycle, 50-horsepower|is installed underneath—a type! the halibut fisheries of the north} uary, although he has now sh was that the British Mor Wolve which is expected to}of construction that has given) offer a rich harvest for econom-| reached Ottawa, as the writ for |} arch) contin his journey, and] give the vessel a speed of were n| splendid results in power yachts.| ically operated power schooners|the Yukon did not arrive at the $15 CHE UE the new Rajah will accompany el ght and nine miles an ho rhis allows one-man control of; of this type. | same time as the member, Kir gz into the jungle ae ee ae aT wa at ‘ ‘ Pantcrium Pioneer { ile aners. | man Bearing the lilustrious Name sore WAS PRETTY AVIS LINNELL MURDERED a —_—— | eT eT | Fraud This Afternoon—Adniiis Work on the Groundhog Coal | SUN YAT SEN PRESIDENT | ~ the Fraud. Lands to Be Started. ate eS edie ee | HER REVEREND EX- SWEETHEART? Is the Choice of the Revolution- For havin guttered a cheque (Canadian Press Despatch.) | e | ary Convention in China. for $15 against which he had no Hazelton, Dee 19.—Frank A.| | : ' nikaa otk a funds or account in the Bank of lacks whose name has been | ean “rancisco, dec, ¥-——4/} Commerce, W.-J. MeIntosh was issoeiated with the Groundbos Thig js tho Great Question That is Agitating the People of Boston) ‘oss says that r./ iis morning committeed to the ilfield since the wonderful ¢ jS5un dal Sen has heen elected as8| County Court. _He appeared be- asures of that part of the ais-| and Eastern States---Sensational Trial to Open Jan. 15th —_vrvsiten! of the now Chinese re-| fore Judge Young at 2 p. m. for rict first attracted attention, re-| |} publie by the revolutionary con-jelection. The “phoney” cheque irned last Thursday from a trip} (Canadian Press Despatch.) jmarry, are placing ample funds;death in the bathroom of her j vention sitting at Nanking. was passed at the Premier Hotel, » Vancouver, whither he went t | Boston, Dee. 19. Phe trial of | at the young man’s disposal in| boarding house. { . rey eens the manager there, Mr. Fred Hen- iake arrangements for next se a-! Roy. Clarence’ V.. Rioheson,. the| cracr. to clear his name if pos- Feeling runs very high over] — Free doll at Ward's Candy | ning, having cashed it unsuspect- sun’s development work on the} ' i idaer crane Olan sible, the affair, and the efligy of Rey.|Shop. Watch the window. tf ingly when the accused was intro- arge areas of coal lands con- | Pastor of npanus oP Detectives are scouring the| Mr. Richeson has already been | Se duced to him by a guest at the ed by himself and his asso-|Church, for the alleged murder city beating up evidence in their hanged from a tree in the} Sir Charles Tupper’s Iliness. hotel. “As soon as the fraud was siates of his jilted sweetheart, Avis ; a .|}grounds of his late chureh by} London, Dee, 18. Special.) —J| discovered the police were in- Linnell, promises to arouse as| fort to connect the purchase of) .(me who have assumed his guilt| Sir Charles Tupper is slightl¥| fopmed and Constable Merritt Gerhard Heintzman. much attention as the celebrated|the deadly cyanide which Riche-!pefore hearing the trial. The]easier today, but not out of succeeded Iu placing his walt in For thirty days Frank D., Thaw trial, The muon AIS par-| son is known < have made a few trial is fixed to open on January}danger yet. town after a. day’s search. Keeley, the. exolueliepaee vr el ee ieee aneae on oacite Sa chteitin goleon Le = See Sweder Bros. for. holiday McIntosh. admitted DASE the this famous piano, will offer from which she suffered instant Tom and Jerry at the Savoy. | tailoring, d24t vheque. SMITH, NOT STEWART Harry Smith Pays tt the Penalty of His Stewart Fame. Ever since Harry Smith left Rupert Road and went to Stewart to liven things up, the name of Stewart and Smith, and Smith and Stewart have become almost synonomous, Yesterday in writ- ing a paragraph in haste about the fine new gents’ furnishing store Harry is opening at the corner of 3rd Avenue and 7th St., by a trick of the mind, we refer- red to him as Harry Stewart, in- stead of Harry Smith, Of course you knew who we meant, We had to laugh ourselves when the mis- take was pointed out this morn- ing. In its way it was a sincere tribute to the way our pioneer clothier has identified himself wilt hthe northern town sinee he migrated to Stewart. Warks are showing a large as- jered from his recent rather seri- j ous illness, sortment of ~Howard railroad watches. tf ok ec sunssoas: a saath: 2 lace Siebel i stance eb Ne ale lek tela ao apes ee ee » ws