PAGE TWO THE DAILT NEWS School Specials (8y5!lfllHS "DAILY tornoK BOYS AND GIRLS BOOTS & SHOES Al! the leading rnaJres Including: Greb, Sisman's, Jack & JjU, Little ' PaL and Hewestoiis. We can guarantee the quality and they are priced is low as -cheaper shoes. You cannot go wrong on these dependable lines. Family shoe store ltD. Hie Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. TBXSCk RUPERT - ERIXXSH COLUMBIA PafcUibed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prmct Bupert Daily Hers. limited. Third AvtnM H. r PULLEN - - - ManataEdttar ADVERTISING "RATTi Claatifled adverttemg, per irorc. per Insertion t oci readers, per line, per insertion News Department Terepnor.t AdTertWnt anfl CtmnaUcm Telepbcnt Member tit AaOX fSren t Orrelatlons LOANS IS RUSSU Eussia pays rood salaries to thos 14 H m 5 Saturday. Aurasi 27, 19K. and, ia order that this favored -class xnay be perpetuated J ft &3te tbt in bonds bearing fcmr ment to call for a loan. Public meetings are held and 'ery means used to make it appear that the people wish' to loan money to the government.. This money is used toi lZT."f"Mg "c ucicutca. Aui, oniy uo me oonas call lor, the payment of four per cent interest but they also are tax iji-e su me aireaay ncn onicials buy them and become richer than ever, all in the name of socialism. So the government owns the factories and the richer people loan the .money to build and equip equip the the factories factories so SO tliat that rlnv . ADMITS ItESPOXSIBILITY 1 ., Br. H. J. Mamon, tiew leader of the Conservative Party in Canada, admits that the Federal Wvf.i-nmt i FIVE TEAMS IN RUNNING Chicago, 12-8; Boston, 2-9. St. Louis. 6-; Philadelphia, Detroit, t: Washington. 3. Xatkmal League Philadelphia, ': Pittsburg. 1 Brooklyn, 3: "Chicago. 7. Boston, : 'ClnclnnatL 1 Xev York, 6; St Louis. 7 Baseball Standings Intlnding Yesterday's Scores Nation aL PjtUbarg 9 is eone m tl& ewtzntrr. Everyone has chance to bay these Z Yort ue 'r pressare is so great that iy fiavelc?eV;nd w toy, wwAmv they re tarnmeiju?5i to naHP thm win, ; TrrepecuKar method of floating these bonds will bezn-CMe4go toesting to readers In capitalist countries. Over there'fe W L New York 65 51 Chicago .65 53 Cincinnati M 54 Boston 57 58 St, Louis 13 a Brooklyn 53 U Philadelphia .. 21 75 American Learse 21 34 -65 JS5 CO 58 9 42 29 tion. Forms of petition are drawn tip and distributed so ft K 1 nAAMC that thousands of people may sign 'a request to the vovernA 1Y1AKU U IN O 47 50 58 59 62 72 76 .Ect 551 4M .4r5 .453 J30j j692. 54! 565 509 .497 .441 jsn 33 TO QUIT Financially Pressed Montreal Hockey Team Chen Leave To I Drop Out of National. Hockey League day;Board of Governors of the Nation by,lay the Soviet system gets closer to the capitalist sys- IT7JII. al Hockey League has granted the financially - harassed Montreal Maroons Club the right to suspend operatkns for one year, the league will operate this year with seven teams Toronto Maple Leafs, -Montreal CanadZens, New York Ameri cans, New new York iorK Rangers, nan?ers, Boston uosum ;Jn?,efofOSe -, ':i.l Who t are tmable ,111 W pro'ide for them- -"leans, Bruins, Detroit Red Wings and ive8 inrougn ianure to obtain remunerative employ-.Chicago Black Hawks. merit. This is a step in the right direction.. Possibly now' Mr. Mackenzie King will recognize the same duty, tip to T)A f nTHifrv Shrrr iU JWer the-presen'tlie had made no such announcement although" vuunirJ me jesponsimuiy is paniauy acK no wledgexi through the fact that the government pays a share of the cost. '.. TOO BUSY TO GRUMBLE ! Many. Prince Rupert merchants are too busy to grumble just now.. It is a happy change. Some of them have worked steadily Tit the grumbling job for the past; tfeven month." and now they are quitting it. It will be for the'benefit of all concerned if they make "tKe change THE PERFECT COUNTRY III Wi,. V -. - - fa one nme bwatzenand was pointed to as the perf ecti Scottish learne-hrst Division are citizens of the world and our prosperity is often pur-chasdd jit .the expense of other countries. English League First DivUkm Arsenal, 2; Portsmouth, 0. Birmingham, 1; Sunderland, 2. Blackpool, 0; Everton, 2. Bolton Wanderers, 2; Charlton Athletic. I. 'Brentford, 2; HuddVHe1d Town. 1. Derby County, 2; Wotverhamp-ton, 2. Ortmsby Town, 1: Aston Villa, 2. Leeds United, 2: Preston North jEnd 1. ( Leicester 'City. 2; Stoke City, 2, Liverpool, 2; Chelsea, 1. Middlesbrough, '3: Manchester United. 1 cMntry where democracy insured a fair deal and goddi a rbroath, conditions for evervone. But SwitPrlnnrl is 15V wcaiv i. countries. It is not perfect. Why did fcottiariy of its farmers (tome to Canada and buy farms in a neAv ointry ? . Lately New 'Zealand has been Quoted as the herfect democracy. But some of the New Zealand nlana nrf snifl.3 4; Hamilton Academi- Ayr United. 1, Albion ttovers, 1. Celtic, 1; Aberdeen, 2. Ealk'irk, 0; Clyde, 2. Hibernians, 2; Quen of South, to be riot working xiut exactly as was expected and pretty' Motherwell, 5; Kilmarnock, 2. won we shall hear that the New Zealand demos has looLS changed its mind 'and prefers rrot to be mioted as me rrer- .It 'i'lt SJ"K 1 1 Vv . 1; , . -. -- 1 1 rj-". As a matter of fact all we can do is to Tmnrove stead- ilyibut not too rapidly. While individually we are citizens of our own -country, we also have to remember that we Third Lanark, 5; Ralth Rovers, 0. SARK, Channel Mands, .Aug. 27 (CP) Only once In the i Inst 1001 years has there been a robbery on this, bland, Recently a series of thefts occurred, SPORT CHAT i i Pennant Race In Natienal Leagie. i-ocal basebiU pjers selected Br No Means SettW X Tt tor The Iort2roining Labor Ds PITTS3URG. Aug. 27: 'CP) With the Pittsburg Pirates Ton- itinaisg to waver, the National trip to KetehJa- axe csnttnosie practices to pt theiasefcw tn shape- Tor that series. They har-M turned .oat a couple of evenings ."League pennant race is by not this week aa are schedHSed fte means in the bag as yet and foci; 'teams are still very much in the 'running with a Tiflh also having chance. Both leading Pirates and the running up New York Giant3 were beaten yesterday while the Chicago Cubs trimmed the Brook-lyn Dodgers to 'break the tie with Cincinnati Beds and assume rr-clusire possession of third place only two games below the "Giants I The Reds lost to the Boston Bees Except In "one ease doable-headers were the order of the day ta the American "League bat the re-' suits did not change the n-Latire standings of teams: ancther work-aat tomorrow. Trx team 4s rovadmg tato good shar and is eonfttfart of givtes a good account of itself. One trf the remaining finks with the -baseball era of ranr-Mke spik car moBSiaehes was serered one year ago this week with the Heath In Boston of George Wright. known as the "grand old man" ol baseball. Wright captained the first professioaal bal dab the Cincinnati Red Stockings of 1869. I, Bffl Cook. SauR Ste. Siarfe righH xeswrcars Big League resaits j winger, tamed professional with Aramnn wirn iSaskatoon SMeks of the Western Cleveland, 9-8; New York. 15-5. canaH, I-- i tM week. He "went to New York Rang " ers, newly-formed National League entry, in 1825. teaming trp wtth his brother Fred and Frankie Baocher ilo form one 1 hockey's greatest forward Use Gyr PLAYGROUND Closing i DISPLAY 3IONDAY EVENING Exhibition Building, 8 O'tlotk Variety Program Depk-tlng Pygrcund ActiTlties No Afrmisston NolHit, No;Run Victory Pitched tlisved on Three Previous Occasion Way back in 1906, Harry Mcln- tyre of Brooklyn's National league scored a 1-0 victory over Pittsburg MAR ITZ BURG, Aug. 27: (CP) Success of experimental dusting iai vy airpiane vo acsvroy oagworms 1 was described to the South African i " Society for Advancement of Science Phones 18 ti SI P.O. Box 575 Your Quest For Serv ice Is Ended When You Go To MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More jSents Quality Groceries Opposite Canadian Legion J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. SCHEDULE &tteen 1 by three scientists. Wattle grow-j ers formed a combine to dust thous- ands of acres similarly, 1 AT? nTTPDV WINNIPEG. Aag. 27: CP The Wessern Inter-PmvtnetaJ Ragbj Football "Union schedele for I32i assures each entrant in the ague four home games. The season opens September 2 when Cahrarr Brooks travel to Wfemipeg to battle the Blue Bomb-jrs. Western Canada champions and Regina BaaghrMers play hor to Edmonton "Eskimos, latest ad es, gloTeless catchers and naaAe-tdjuoQ the prairie rugby onion. Playoffs of the top three teams are to start October 29. with Ue home and home finals scheduled for Norember 5 and 11 The 1938 schedule foHows. Sept 2 acaiga jj at Winnipeg Edmonton at Reglna. Sept. 5 Calgary at Regina. Ei-moBton at Winnipeg. Sept 12 Regina at Winnipeg. Sept. 17 Edmonton at Calgary Sept. 4 Whwlpeg at Reglna Calgary at Edmonton. Oct. 8 Regina at Edmonton, Winnipeg at Calgary. Oct. 10 Winnipeg at Edmonton Regina at Calgary. Oct. 15 Winnipeg at Regina .Edmonton at Calgary. j Oct 22 Regina at WtniHpef, Calgary at "Edmonton. Oct 29 Playoff. 2nd and 3rd! teams Not 5 Final Winner vs. Is, team Not 11 Final WINNER OF t). A. MePhee Rink Takes Tip Top Trophy For Second Consecutive Year David MacPhee's rink won the Tip Top Tailors Cup for the second consecutive season Thursday night by winning over D. G. Borland's rink in the final. 28 to 15. Took 12 Innim, to Eitablah Feat w Schedu1 m b?wnf j sent baseball experts delving jnos now oeen compieiea lor we season with the exception of the ldoub?s competition in which D. Clerrv of United Chart h In lion at First United Church This Week Fall Sessions of Prince Rupert D. More of Rlsplox who did jtoti find it convenient to carry on. In attendance were Dr & S. Ost- terhont of Vancouver, superintend- cnt of missions for British Coram bla: Rev D W. More Kispiox; Rev. T C. Colwell. Port Stepson: Rev Peter Kelly mission boat Thomas Crosby: Rev 3. C. Jackson and Rev. W H. Pierce of Prince Rupert,? the Gyro parks. In preparation for the play- grounds closing display, there will be a dress rehearsal In the Ex hibition Building on Sunday morn - - . . Ufllafl V' f'llLline nirt wfll attend. The dress re DU Y? IiU VUr"tbeaml is being neld at this .time" in order that the whole Sunday of those taking part will not be wasted and also to facilitate the running: off of the life saving tests during the afternoon at the Salt Lakes. Last Sunday the trials for the life saving tests took place and it Is expected that some will try for the intermediate certificate. From to 10 young people will endeavor to win the bronze medal while two will try for the award or merit silver medal . In regard to these tests. It is not particularly Important that SYDHEY N S Aug 27 (CPi--!ceeiUiail-" lnomson nave . the awards are won but it is 1m-Merle Settlemire's feat of pitching thc rinaL er brack- portant that the knowledge and ex- the Sydney Steel city ' team to a ! Jfi. " per5fnce ls quired. Therefore the . pleted with Angus Macdonald members of the classes r- nrnmn. AA-UlAXUJK, ifAT-AUfc, JWi Ull aJt f j rv TT -f-lVI, ( . . wusarwon nayuig io , meet d to take the tests regardless of rt... 'n,' w.-u- E. Benson and Robert James whether or not th ft k, mi BICIOU COIIICIV UtUXUd.ll JCilKUC. , I . - ------.1 ' ' " succera , into ! TUfrMVn anA T tl H f.t In ; . . . . record books-and only one perfor- 71 the "ZZ, , saving ciass tss will win leave leave the the Armour Armour NEW Inance wa4 fouiii 10 surPass lt" ! YORK. Aug. 2C: CP-The! semi-final. The Gvro boat for th n Dock at the usual time on Sunday HLbKurALiorop If you wish to swau weuring nuj. 11. ivn 015- itv a eia-wriec. cest onal seen for 20 vears ati Pirates by turning in a 13-inning, - ' Ughtnlng Rldee. Australia's famous no-iuno-run performance. opa, field haj n round by an oId Settlemire's entrance to baseball's German dlgger VaJued A nm "hall of fame" was long overdue. (17wv)t it.-fft,.nri n-ihir ! x" 16 J3" ot P'onal baseball. was abandonln mlne. ine d-year-oia pitcner nas gone . 3 2-3 innings three Ume$ without allowing a hit or run, only to have his record broken by a lone base hit. PLANES KILL WORMS TREE BY-LAWS 1 LONDON, Aug. 27: CP No person will be allowed to cut down, lop, or destroy any registered tree in Southwest London, under a draft scheme of by-laws adopted by the London County Council, the regis- iraiion oi trees oeing nan of a With cryolite of wattle trees in Na-j piannmg MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Violin, Theory Harmony Classes Commencing September 1. Phone 580 Three Violins For .Sale Very Reasonable NEW ROTfAL HOTEL J. Zarelli PropMMor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.M np 50 Rooms Hot ti Cola Water Prince Kuptrt, BXJ. Phone 281 r.O. Box 111 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Mac canning company with In ill the year ronnd payroll la Prince Rupert jfrfcurdty Axr J PRESBYTERY ujrrr; HELD HERE- tier." I "The only dn credfteri can .: Prwbrterv of the United Church of . r - iill nciv. at utt uiui' - tS I IT iVUVlD 1 tawrch here this week withfter Peter Kelly In the chair Ret. T C irrtetpiwi'ioetal Gaines TD'CoiweH of Port Simpson was chos Be Played en secretary m succession to ev Balleji is Ftp- ' -ri: "How tiid yci tub. IhnrVun'tik k.. . . 1 -un. was easy ot a karr ergs taiser i taTcen ana ner. i; : rrfe gatnermg thejt. Andrew Rutherford of Port Esstng.jny new three-ec ton and J. A. Findlay of Hartrejjxayon Wth jacket , Bar. The mission boat Thomas Crosby which arrived here Tuesday aftet visiting Port EssSngton and Port Simnson. left this morning for Hartley Bay. Kittoaat BeDa Bella and BeHa Coola enroute o het base at Ocean FaOs with Dr. Ost erbnut on board. Final Display Monday Night Gyro Playground AtUtlties lb Depicted at Exhibition Hall be The dosing display of the Gyro Playgrounds Is to be held on .Monday evening in the Exhibition Building and a varied program of the summer aetlviUes vlll be pre sented by the young people from oecioec now yc j Mrs. ooppy- i vzxrl shadcfW-hroof jnt" C y hew "black net r xt. l woseirtttng Cut yjt jj, J wear Sunday A delegate r adiln "Legion f ryers I and told of see i t of "defence. Now fi end of the Iaa Lui u exl work iQ begin on bepl pert end. There lea J frig at "the Ian Ix . this far. In the Cana-1 cartel flag ship and 'iie ot' b Now. that -rterprairll reached auctt a U;t. fil ing to learn that bins cl becoming popclar Some people take pndr i family tree and V-hen h tJ den where motic- ixtxl work We do not ml-J fciit : late occa$iona"; 1 c'j tl of weather keep: c? 1 4- TheJrnodern simai'El a husband whose r'ii'J temoon tea. Now that the are wondering wbe-, the br be mown again. s Scotsmen are said tabtt-l "gotf because the feertia!l Itrike the baa the Jcs?n . Reach the tnost peoirtM ibd district with n. J-1 to the Daily Newt HYDE Transfei 31& SECOND AVI Jf-W'----aft-----1-" FURNITURE MOVING Cartage D Coal Wood Hone 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD- Steamers Leave Pflnce fcupert .tor Vaneflover' CATALA JATALA EVERi TITE8-. T&S. CARDtS'A FR,DU, T.S.S. Due DAY, 1:30 p.m. Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. iDufc Vaticouver, ii r'n.i.-.A ... -. . . i nfflct vuintiiicni, nease rurcnas iicarn runner iniormauon Regarding ReservaUons anu n- ... , ivuperi Agent. ii" I