at TRIXCE RUPERT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW MONDAY. AUGUST 25. 1KL Prize List cLAssmavnoN rhree Bed Roses iar v-- 2y Three Psk Roses, asy Ttriety IThree Yelow Raws, zsty Tariety 4, Three White Pase. aay variety 5, Three Roses, any osier, any Tiriety Base, any coles; any variety But Rose m -i-ow to be selectee trots aiwre, S3 39 la - rases; a. j. easy & Sons Ltd. Bases may be exhibited with Bswpened bads attached. Class 2. lr Auilxihinsa, 1 rase. 6 blooms, any -?. any variety -2- Calendula, orange or tenon, one Tase, 6 bisoms calendula mixed, cse Tase, 6 blooms Any omer annual not clasatfjed, one Tase 6 spikes or blooms J. Best corsage bouquet ' 1st. -JlXW L00 1 ixw xm LSD 3Piies. one Tae cr bcr.1 6 bkxrrns with Wf XoSae- 75 ... u j o; garcen Dowers arranzed far effect eo points for quality, 20 points for dlpl,y 3 1st and 2nd prize sectionl donated by James Brand U Co , IjS prize section 2 donated by Brown Bros & Company' 1st and 2nd prize section 4 doaated by Mrs. R. m. VTinskji-Claw 6, House Plants l' Geranium or Pelargonium 10 SBegonia, Tuberous rooted liW 3--Begoa, hanging or pendula " ijjq 4 Flowering plant, any other variety 1XK) L Coleus, any variety jq 6 FoHage Plant, any other variety " jjjq "n-Hanging Bxsket, any variety . j qq Class 7. 1 Best general display of named rock plants, not necessarily in bloom, arranged in earth or pots in a space or tray measuring 30 inches square. 3.00 Prizes in Class 7 donated by Artur""'Byne ' I- Bert Gardens, over 25 ft. medal 2, Beat Gardens, under 25 ft.; bronze medaL 110 .SO-IJOO 3D-1X ' I 1-00 30 : 1JM J Class 3 1. 6 -eet Peas, named varieties, 6 spikes of each in six ; separate Taxes without foHage 5JK J ... . , . 'Special prize of 15JM in bnths nr fn in K tJl - ---i. rv Jt.Ct.C-. from Spencer's Seednose Catalegue for the best dahiU in the show to be selected from entries in Class 4. Dahlias niay be displayed, with one or more unopened buds attached. Class 30 30 first prize, silver medal; 2nd prize, bronze first prize, silver medal; 2nd prize, 3-Bst La,wn;'.over 25 ft., 4jM 4 BestLawrj under 25 ft 4JW ' A4'5d prize ta Sections 1 and 2 were'donated by "Home Gar- - denlngthe weekly paper on gardening. ; The prizes in Sections 3 and 4 were donated by Col J W Nicholls - Vances Home Arts are offering a prize of a centrepiece mirror for the best novelty at the show not included in the prize lits au enines WDtm bunday evening after 7 or Monday morning before 8:30. No fee for entering. December Frozen HERRING BAIT "fc-I--si Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything, advertise for it. i'TEST PHOT" ! FILM HERE Clark Gatte, Mynta Ley and Spen-j ' rer irxtj rre n rin Krtsre Pilot." ei as iL: fester ntetcre to ke era of Cafsstoi Theatre here tilts end, is deccared by tm experU S9 U be ee of the ct a4cc to land on a Kansas farrx There be meets Urna lor. a se country girl, rries her and en- tansies her in the mesh of his Me. .-Z--6weet Peas, unnaiced Taneties. - 6 spikes of each w in idr u Sn-ner Trrr fjhfi frii Tases num loliage; first prize. $2 XX) seeds or bulbs); 2nd Imechanic. is killed he ; e c' ,wesi or b5ab5'- ' a fHit -- Gabie. Lionel 1 SnnTt-T 18 rt1 pea loEe Barry-ore is the aircraft 5r.rf T.rT !. 4t Th iri4f talents to vork for bis a leas hazardous sphere. New Hospital Is Making Progress pletion and First Floor Walls Will Soon Be Going Cp 30 2D0 I oiner matenai ior tne THE DAILY MTHs Waterfront Whiffs Port Day Establishes Itself in Prince Rupert How Halibut Boats are Stacking Up in Landings This Season Total Over Ten 3ilion Mark the Prince Kapert 0eaerce vtoe Chamber of Cape Beale, Capt Edgar Arnott Arnott. building and irnedate!v foUowing her rrtnm i rmt to ZZl wnich bZht to a total of 195, 1 .-- jw-xhm m lire inps. second is 0. , i 4rvi fc Mfc4t . -r- 30, 30i.', FOR SALE Ave. E. FOR SALE PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD -- Aim il. -Uli S Mg MaehlB-ry. TriM- mt Cm Eaud-MM OrrhI4. I the Takla. Capt. Chris Parkvold, The ,tlsTz with 152XKX) pounds in four trips & wJe the Dovre B.. Capt Tony Martinusen. is third with 137D00 A "GoTiarv Ttim?t tl-.1H- nmn( i ... . si . Th iflcHAr h.f i.n44 t-, 000,pounds. .iSJladioH, 3 spikes, any color, any Tarietr. Rrst nriz m h-,v, Gable 2nd 2nd prize, prize. JlJW x. ' ;Lr.S U, go back int. the axr! t . at.15c- J 1st prize section l donate tp-, -. . n and 2nd prize section 2 donated by Crossland B'as. - Is prlze 3 donated by W. Bennie Seeds. ,, lft prize section 4 donated bj K. McDonald, Ottawa, 1st prize section 5 donated by Milton Jack. Clas. C ; L-Dafalias. Pompon, 3 blooms, one color or mixed. 1D0 .. 2 --Dahlias, Cactus, 3 bkwms, one cor or mixed uoo ; 3-Dahfias, DecoratiTe, 3 blooms, one color or mixed. 1 : 4 .Dahlia,. Coltness, 6 blooms, one color lix) ! 5 Dahltai, Coltness, 6 blooms, mixed colors e-ahli-s, any bedding dahlia, other than Cefcness. S blooms . 7 :. at ftt. i. . .. . ... n , . pounos oi same asa at 4Sc dct th - f. . . 4590 Pnids of red cod at 4c. :T.-t T,TT an of wboch was Uken by Washing, i out to see at w least a part of the pro- . . . ' - i i c- fci t. I ac vaiciu J ceeoroES. One . of , the oatstaadine . . , , . . .- . . . ,T TT so-i 4 XXX) pound, of sable t, fish to i events af trie dar- hsKhot mr, .. . ' " the whiz Products Co. at 4c The I ..L0! Argo was in at Seattle ylsterday i"Tk:" r.l! tth)0 pounds of albacore I F-rtTid with the Takla and Capt. Gronnd Flooi- lh r Xearinr P-im. 1 John Trar-on -tv K l rt4i! " -W. . . I i,.v ac rwfn. . . i-wi .1 . . J r:, , I a . . . . . WMU. W LJ- 1 l n ll IT fil. LI i f-1 declared tied for second dace. Oth- . VJr. nung weather, er erenU of pcr interest to ?! . . "tT, "mcn IfMiermen rtoedS Ttear 1 albacore off the bitin cent! trolwr r- -,, r" ana ijregan coasts are T gr iioor Stan the new, m.neUtas , ..j.. giving up that pursuit to return to Prince Rupert General HootUl - JnnlOTi halibut fuhinr in Ar k r w v,. bnm? U t-in? cpieted by th,; renaL.der ofthe season, Such .. ' . T --.- boats hav JnrinriM tK r ,. lTrt v. nf T--,-,i, , I ena ezia 01 01 ton "S week week and and next next week week a a X foL -'stan start wffl win be be made rade on the the fLt firt f floor Z and Telma IL 2 Best Taae or bowl of cut flowers tw. fo- t . I T , . I rmrf c -ucaiiy miz. oaivaze w.w wg eariets- . . rs- - ... , . .. ,-r. " w osim; zna prize, X1D0. iretarned Thursday from Vancower . -T." ' w Fwtth with a a sco.load 4nd of of tile, HI KrV brick and , Can The Seattle halibut boat Mfcrtin dale, Capt Berger Peterson, return ed to her home port at ? SeatUe yes- J"" kZJZ adian fleet so far thi, season Is thf, ! a ?oa P""S wB Auur.bc x&ianu JraC-Z tag Co. at New Metlakatla, Alaska, ilartindale will now go sardine Steamer Service Changing pounds in seven trips. The great- "i , e aext faI1 1 et T,n,i,- , schedule of Canadian National . ja ! utuciiave . , . , , been landed by the Cape Spencer ;St!ffps- ProTidto8 or a weekly 103.900 pounds: D S T 63;oo;Senr between Vancouver, Powell pounds, and Viking L96XJO0 pounds ?fTer- 006311 PaUs- R"Pcrt, , For the American fleet the heaviest, f tTart f- individual lander so far is the Fore-1 XeCtve- 11118 wU1 slmIlar FOR SALE Double corner, Alfred most with 195X100 pounds in flvejj? " 01 Ia5?jaU and nt- th , Street and Eleventh Avenue, bo'h tnP: Rainier, second, with 178JDO0 " ge leaving 2D0 -. praH-rf fnr i. k,, oocnds in vp trin. and vnv I Vancouver Monday evenings at 9 gain. Dybharn and Hanson tf. third. 150.000 pounds in six trins.! .etock' , f .. x P-weH itu jw. River v ui and aiiui Ocean Falls and arrirlng here at 1n.A TTT .. I . . t . I .-fi -nsiir personal . . t6;rai:, -i 01 prizes in the show. r. total or 53300 pounds while eacht , , , l"'u "c,e ' Class 8. . --v . ii..rc ni.jjur.ia landing six trips have been the cuucuy auemoons. ar , u -..w., yuuuj -b iti- xieiiy, 8Z3-0 pounds: Frisco. 54 Rm I .v JU. -,r ter Carriers, Postal Clerks. Cus- nounda! Piw R7fin -o,.-rt.. ' days and and at at Stewart Stewart 7 7 o toms Examinerji. Oerks, and ' Rainier II.. 54X00 pounds, and Yu H--KrjjHert trie- ana can fcon. 150J0O0 pounds, help you. Write us for proafj and free Information. M.C.C. Ten Million Pounds Schools Lti, Winnipeg. Oldeat HaUbut landings at the port of in inai. Wednes o'clock I Thursday mornlncs. LeavineStew- art at 11 ajn. Thursdays, the vessel I is due back here at 8 o'clock in the evenings, safiing at 11:15 pjn. for ' -'. ruwcu xuver ana arriving arriving at at Vancouver Vancouver 1:30 1:30 tf Princp Rnnort fnr th 101a ,o couver. PRIVATE HOME NDEROAP- toPpcd ten imo P' ,1 m?" TENS PAY We start tot The ark Just b-fore the end of August.nce Ru,pert wl k be withdrawn CrZlrJZiZ. YpU, mi Inc,udin the FrSvToSin? 5 M total from Vancouver Winnipeg. tt was 10.133WO pounds as com-?Hlay1,tmornl?e , pared with 10.64850 pounds at a.a wiU make a Pclal Labor Day WANTED corresponding date last year. Can-!?,ek"end eursion to Ketchikan ' adian landings have reached a to-1:"0" movin8 'nt the local dry WANTED Housekeeper between tal of 5,122.400 pounds In compari-, k to t,cd UP l0T the ulnter. 30 and 35 years for gentleman son with 5X520.350 pounds a year ao 7116 muzl faU and winter service with two children. Apply Box 2S, while the American total is 5 011 - Delween Vancouver and Prince Ru l?auy News. 20S , 400 pounds thi year as against , 4Jl2Zfl00 pounds. Landings for the ! past week totalled 411,000 , r "--.-. pounds fwuuuo Li of pert via Queen Charlotte Islands will be maintained by the steamer. Prince Charles or Prince John with : ( , ...... FOR SALE Cooking utensils iwhich 251.000 pounds was from ?, herefrom the south altera-! i i.l ni . .. i imnrln Kn-. tennnn ate WedneSdaV mOminP nnH rf ' uianco, tmuieum ana iurntture i iu jjuuu puunus , --- Can be seen Aug. 29 to 31 fromlrom Canadian. The high price off"" alternate .( Friday evenings' 10 a.m an. to 4 njn at iRfw fit h ' the week for Canadian " fish was - B3p I . c . 1 I JILi -- ; and 5c paid the Cape Spencer for , in nnn ,.a. i . , I ! uy iwuiui miu me low ic ana . 5c which the Cape Beale and Can- stance B. received for 4Q.00O and 33.000 pounds respectively. For Am-I erlcan fish the high price was 9.7c and 6c paid the "Frisco for 9,000 j pounds and the low 8.3c and 6c which the Baltic was paid for 18,- With three coastal liners arriving inside of a couple of hours, last evening was a busy one on the local waterfrpnt. First was the CP.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, getting In shortly before 7 o'clock followed within a few minutes by the C.N.R. steamer Prince Oeorge.Jpine hour late on account of fog. At Capt. Richard Gammon, well CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. a E. BLACK Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Heintzman, Nordhelmer and Lesage I'ianos Piano Tuning with "nesonoHcope" I'hone Blue 389 212 4th St. J tswn local seineboat operator, rt- UEl iiTU kU UiC - UIC - George last night from trip to Eastern - Canada eatiae. C. P. R steamer Princess ulse Capt. S. K. Gray, is due In port . . . . 4 C .L L. m i .. . - - .- um - urruouu irom hear. ;! r a motet and thej lite. Be bronr,ht a near car back with him. j S Some taprorexnent In the pink ran in J-a-sett Inlet is reported; today at the Dominion office bat it is pectattoss Fisheries! still far below rx-j I A Canadian Airways seaplane, under charter to the fisheries de . . i n . n ii i partment naronent for for patrol natrol serrice serrice in in Lb the f f 7JrJrrrZZ - eve oi orjque imeresi, me ron uax ceieDraiion areas own the oat r-; .53 yarn is steeo-- m t-- of tfce' 08 ""WSday proved SO successful that there IS HO! rived here at noon yesterday from! 38 daring who test out ars- -baps IGabie, they Hjrai toy sad Spencer Tracy are the featered p-ayers. Thrus frying 5ences pre- Tide the rarrrrond lor the refc- Ji. nu u perf-uaicu - ui uiiuu -M-tiLuut rcsra-o -j -xiu jck u a o CiOCK , Iuvuv. taring aqeatic ctntests, including a number of especial Ith5 norTlins 00 lts retorn south.' I interest intf-rp to to iisfeermen fKWwn such sin a? as gear rear hauhW hauling and and haitimr baiting, P1 U pUoted by C. O. BaT-, 1 t r 3 J t Jf? -1 f eveai was aeio unoer weai w eatner concuirons on me v-s- tr irtTr rrciu w- spooGored by the Jbs- 5rtao of B thf - -aaer Cardena ar- . !! n HH tt 1A-A n n- msi ae rxcs ... . I ,L . eaergene yiHiDC .... ir and nth- aie- mntt -,! . , Adelaide saSed lor the south at 11 7 ? - -n -w. .r r uhuij - . . wiu saa a pax. lor VanconTet srasraoas ratrtks s t the peneral penerai sce sece !lrrl 1 T "! fJ"' The The Tessei Tessri has as on on bo board a full lis. attaiaei A. W. Newman, agent o ftewt and An yox whence tt j - sh -f!l rricrn here thii I J h r , op to.. . gca- .Jer HC Three TesselTfrn the TOtern had the aeave and asss- of No 3 n. haU- SrlL! J31! ich totalling 119JW0 pound, ber of the Junior Cfcber in pot- -.-j.-, at u,, pri tine the erent oTer. The nroeram , . . , . , . . . . -o c : c in caca case, ine 1 !ff!fi boaU ding --ere: Korthern, T .diy..17?.3f" po-nds. San Juan; Seattle. 40XO0. ion in is . a happy erutte? "Ijr rZjZ, ?Z The Gloria U. sold 500 grrtng iring up up the the test test fly-! fly-! t ZZ'Jf'Z T JfrTf P- - - caught incidental mcldental f-n ,--- M . - , ZZ eiona catch con-isttag 11XW t T.lil 'r.4 . TT T" T-i- I. LAST TIMES T0M7 :w and 1 Clark Gable Myrna Loy Spencer Tracy GlTe Ta a Grand ftet, Entertaiament i "TEST PILOT" With UO.VEL B.RET!04: (At : and IJI ADDED Pete Smith's "Sort Bere WORLD XEWS u b 1 .. cnj xe"-e ? Orme Stuart denies the current, city on the Prince tv-,, h rumor on the waterfront that he ht k.-i lost the propeDor of hi, good sbJp,1 n,de b on the fishing trip to Bin's rt s e to JasPfr Park t- at the first of the Wiiefc and krptVancouTer running for three hoars before he knew it was gone. In fact. Omel 11 15 a ratner untint! xin-vi his friends have been renliir.t 1 about him. He never did maVri any boasts for sneed like Rill Drake, with his new streamliner I Lew Kergin. and a few others but does think that it helps a little to nave tne engine along in case thej wma noes not blow hard enouth. What happened was the loss of a blade but that did not m. tfe. pleasure of the trip. Try a Dally ew av-a. f V nrr I, ll -- i K"'?A 7 mm 1 v r vb Enjoy the advantages of modern kitchen equipment with a McCLARY RANGE For COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop in and see the new McOirf RangesInspect their man? feature-, of superiority: Beautiful Enamel FinishEasily Kept Clean Splendid Baking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Fuel Consumption i ' ' A McClary range with ollburner InsUIled will jivt 6stllicto,7 and economical baking, cooking and heating service-It can be changed back for use with fcoal or wood In a short time. , For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary 5 GORDON'S HARDWARE I r'" McBRIDE SI. MILK We Have Grade "A Raw and Pasteurized .Milk Daily From Our Own nerd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlahtir TmncParific -ajar' Jl s Sill- --- To Vancouver vl. Ocean Fails nd W,y rorts- SS. Trlnce Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. T VANCOCA-ER DIRECT . -., lLlUit" SS- 'rinees Alice" SS. Princess Charlotte Au Aug. 6, v 17, 27; Sept. 7 Aug. 10.20. Aug. 3. 13, 24; Spet 3. Connections at Vancouver-with Canadian Pacific Services T5ckeis ,nd tervatlons W W. L. L. rnATt'c COATLS, From General Agent rrlace Rupert, &&