Monday, April jj, fAOl TWO THI DAJLT NEW In.. ill! Men! If You Need xfords SEE US Our range of Men's Oxfords is exceptional! large. Latest styles and sized to -fit every foot. Priced From $11.00 to $2.95 1 If You Have Foot F AMILY SHOE The Home of UULY EDITION EDITORIAL FULL OF COMMUNISM Rev. J. G. Inkster, former pastor of the largest Church in Victoria, recently expressed the hope mat, no rresDyienan youtn would attend the Youth Con-1 gress at Toronto in May. He said the Congress was full1 of communists and anti-Christians. Special youth ser-j mons are to be preached in Presbyterian churches on May' 15, that day being known as Empire Youth Sunday. j Catholics throughout the country have been forbid-' den to participate in the Third Canadian Youth Congress i because of its communistic tendencies. It is claimed that trip Ynnth the "League for Peace and Against War and Fascism" something to be avoided. It seems clear that subversive teachings and propaganda is encouraged by Communists in all parts of the continent with a view to stirring up discontent, especially among youth. AGREEMENT WITH IRELAND The announcement that an agreement has heen sir- rived at between Britain and MWwelcome signs of the times. For many years there had ' lfosn hostility between the two countries. The Irish people have 'feTftTifey had a grievance and probably they had. At ' any rate nothing was to be gained by either side by hold-' as if Premier Chamberlain is a man who can settle differ-1 ences. It is to be hoped that he has lifted the curse of Cromwell and rid the country of the superstition that' England and Ireland are natural enemies. 1 By Permission of the Itupert D'Oyly Carte Co. The Prince Rupert Operatic Society PRESENTS Gilbert and Sullivan's Popular Light Opera 'Pirates of Penzance' At Troubles, See Us STORE LlU. Good Shoes i Monday, April 25, 1938. Democracy;' "The League and the "Progressive Veter- ' Ireland is one of the most The Capitol Theatre April 27th and 28th at 8 p.m. Tickets $1.00. Each These may be obtained from any member of the notary Club, members of the cast, or at the Capitol Theatre office. 1 HKSEItVEI) SEAT SALE NOW ON AT OltMES LTD. (Under Auspices of Rotary Club of Prince Itupert) FOK COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY at?d NIGHT PITTSBURG WINS AGAIN Firates, With Six Victories, So Far Unbeaten in Major League j Season I CHICAGO. April 25: (CP) Diz' Dean, playing against his former teammates yesterday, allowed the St Louis Cardinals only four hits and shut them out by a score of 5 to nothing. It was Dizzy's second victory in as many starts this season. The Cardinals had won their first victory of the season last Friday but lost a?ain on Sat urday and Sunday. j Pittsburgh Pirates made it six straight wins without a defeat so far this season yesterday when they again defeated Cincinnati Reds. New York Giants made it three straight over the Brooklyn Dodg ers yesterday to assume runner-up position in the National League. In the American League, Cleve-I land, having so far won five games and lost but one, are now leadinu the parade. Week-end Big League scores were 'as follows: SATURDAY'S GAMES American League Washington 7, New York 4. Boston 10, Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 6, Detroit 3. Chicago 4, St. Louis 5. National League New York 8, Brooklyn 5. Philadelphia 1, Boston 3. Cincinnati 2, Pittsburgh 6. St. Louis 0, Chicago 4. SUNDAY'S GAMES National League New York 1, Brooklyn 0. Philadelphia 0, Boston 2. St. Louis 0, Chicago 5. Pittsburg 2, Cincinnati 1. American League Boston 4, Philadelphia, 10, Washington 3, New York 4. Chicago 3, St. Louis 4. Detroit 4, Cleveland 9. The standings to date: National League W L Pittsburg C 0 New York 5 1 I Chicago 4 2 Boston '. 3 2 j Brooklyn 2 4 I Philadelphia 1 4 St. Louis 1 5 ('Cincinnati ... 1 5 Pet. 1000 .833 .667 .600 .333 .200 .167 .167 American League I Cleveland 5 1 833 Boston 4 2 .667 Washington 3 3 .500 Chicago 3 3 500 St. Louis 3 3 .500 'New York 3 4 .429 Philadelphia 2 3 .400 Detroit 1 5 .167 T" ( -R 0 A A 1 n S IN EASY WIN Edmonton Girls Hae No Difficulty In Disposing of Toronto Consols 72 to 28 i EDMONTON, April 25: (CP) In ' the first iame of the finals for the Canadian senior women's bas i ketball championship here Satur day night, Edmonton Commercial Orads had no difficulty in disposing of Toronto Consols 72 to 20: The Grads are defending the title. Attack Trade I In Marij nana LONDON, April 25: (CP) A move by Scotland Yard to stamp, out traffic in marijuana has been made following a court statement that Andrew Vanderberg, Canadian war veteran, sentenced here to 10 ! years' imprisonment for gunplay : was under the Influence of the drug at the time. A product of Irv ' idlan hemp plant, marijuana may be eaten, drunk or Inhaled, The most pppoular form of taking It is in cigarettes. The News-Chronicle declared a gang with a. distributing centre In Soho had become increasingly ac-. jtlve "and the cleverest men In the Yard's dope squad have been put on the track of pedlars of cigar. I ettes containing this dangerous rrJdrug: Enormous profits are madal and, as is often the case In the Illicit drug trade, the customer Is frequently swindled. "Addiction Is held resoonslbk for many murders, suicides andi particularly sexual assaults. It dlf- i fers from opium, cocaine and al-' cohol because It does not produce! a craving." WESTERNS WIN GAME Defeat Ottawa Grads to Go One up In National Senior Basketball Finals OTTAWA, April 25: (CP) Van- couver Westerns defeated Ottawa Glebe Collegiate Grads by a score, of 35 to 33 Saturday night to go one ahead In the national men's senior basketball finals. It was a close and exciting game. A wlth- .erine attack brought the Grads up t0 within tw0 points of the West- cms as he game ended. Gunners Tie With -Wolves Close Finfch in English Football League as Season Nears End : LONDON, April 25: CP With the season nearing its close, Arsenal and Wolverhampton are now tied for the leadership of the English League. First Division, foo"tball. Both teams won their games on Saturday. TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18. Big Missouri, .40. Bralorne, 8.60. Aztec, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. Dentonla, .09. Golconda, .05. Mlnto, .Q2V. Falrvlew,'J)3V'2. Noble Five, .02 "'2. , Pend Oreille, 1.80. Pioneer, 3.05. Porter Idaho, .02V4. Premier, 2.08. Reeves McDonald, .28. Reno, ,.56, Relief Arlington, .18. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .05 Va. Taylor Bridge, .04l2. Premier Border, .OVA-Silbak Premier. 2.00, Cpngres00.,, rt . , t t Home Gold, Ol ii. ' ,v Grandview, .00. Indian, .02. Halda, .03. Oils A. P. .Con.j-.24r . Calmont; .46. ' ;-V C. & .E., 2.50. ' Freehold, .07. Hargal, .26. McDougal Segur, .21. Mercury, .12. Okalta, 1.75. Pacalta, .09. Home Oil, 1.351 , Toronto Beattie, 1.17. Central Patricia, 2.60. God:. Lake, .42 Little Long Lac, 4.10. McKenzie Red Lake, .90 '2. Red Lake Gold Shore, .19, Pickle Crow, 4,70. ' San Antonio, 1.25. Sherrlt Gordon, 1.12. Smelters Gold, .012. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.45. Oklend, .19. Meaner, 31. Madsen Red Lake, .32. Stadacona, .72. Francoeur, .35. Monsta, 2.22. Bouscadlllac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .26. Bankfleld, .83. East Malartlc, 1.63. Preston East Dome, .88. Hutchison Lake, .06. Dawson White, .04'2. Aldermac, .50. Kerr Addiion, . 1.85. Uchi Gold, 1.C4, Int. Nickel, 46.75. Noranda, 57,75. Con. Smelters, 56.50. Athona, .11. Hardrock, 2.04. Barber Larder, .41. Rand Malartlc, .45 Reach the mosi people iu cicj and district wltri au uoyertlsement. tp the Dllv Newi ifil 'Mourners Startled As 'CorP!i Wakesi: her Sits. Up As Preparations Being ' Made For Funeral; Similar Case in Jamaica i j Scarborough. 'Tobaeo. April I 25: (CP) Evan Manswell, a resl-'she dent of this southern West Indies Island, who was believed to have, died, surprised relatives and friends gathered for his funeral by sitting up. The 70-year-old man was as astounded as were the people wht had gathered to attend the last rites for him. He had gone InU. a trance, so similar to death that preparations for his funt-ral had been completed. Manswell recovered slightly but died shortly afterwards. Relatives were still uncertain as to whether the Tobago man was dead or in another trance, and no announce- ment was made until three hours later. (The strange case recalled Ja malca's "Mother" Jones. The 90 year-old negress terrified her "mourners" by rising from her cof fin last lAugust. She had been CANADA'S CHARTERED BANKS VALUE YOUR GOODWILL VXfllETIIEIl ' leal with a bank or wlietljer " you don't, Some time soon say the very iwxt time you are passing the hank's cloor why not drop in and get acquainted? You're sure of a, welcome, the hank manager wants to. know you. So find out for yourself what kind of fellow he is. And before you leave, take a good look at his staff. The head offices are manned and managed by just that sort of' man! Every general manager in Canada started in the banking business as a junior in some small branch, and rose from the ranks. This This is is you your introduction course of uhich you little of in. mystery and hoie in the bus 'justness of much of service there. is Imnking in Caiuula. , CtnadV. chartered lianL. want your giwill. It it oay i,y goodwill that LanLi make a living and banker are your fllow-ci tirna, the ame aurt of -ile aa yint Of courae LanLrra have heard all the old, threadhare joLea a)Kut the hanker'a glaa eye, din delight in humiliating worthy oula who ak for loanaevru that grand old cheatnut alout lending the umbrella when the iuu ia thining and taking it hark when it raina. So if you think you have a new joke, drop in and apring it on your local, Lank -manager he'll appreciate it. And if it turna out he' heard it before, he'll atill have hi aene of humour handy enough to get a chuckle, ahould you chance to tell him that the hanks are being held retootible for the la teat aiorme, or for the ion of, the hockey game, or.for hi own neg. lect to aummon proitierity. from jiit around the corner. Vhich thouhl prove to you that your banker ia, after all, a very human pcraon. He likea people. All bankrra like people. And they want people to 'like thtm. llanka want to be helpful. They, realie that they aucceed only ai the people of the com. munity ucceed. Enlighteoed aelf-intereat? Well ye but not altogether. Your local manager will tell you that hanka are not itifl necked; that they do not enjoy refuting loan. TheyVl be fw, if they did, for goodwill ia the whole core and pith and aubtlance of tucccaafiil baokiog. pronounced dead by two constables,! and according to the custom during the hot season, packed In Ice to alt burial. I Five hours later, she rase from coffin and gave an elaborate description of. a heaven where, she said, there were no men. A month' after her "first" death, the Jamai- ca negress died a second time, and , officials of the poor house where! was taken after her sojourn In "heaven" said there would be no return this time. : (An icepack as a "cure" for death reached fad proportions In Jamaica before Kingston doctors discouraged the practice, declaring that normally 1 such treatment would expedite rather than postpone death.) Aged Mother Of Ketchikan Man Dies In South KETCHIKAN, April 25.- Mrs. Susan Burley, mother of C. R. Bur-, ley of Ketchikan, died In Tacomai at the end of the week. She was' eighty years of age and had many friends in Ketchikan where sho formerly resided. to a series of chats in the ' uill It surprised at Imu Ue your, bank! Get to. know the manager. If you know him already, he'd like to know 'you better. Talk things oyer with him. Con u 1 1 him. He'll be glad to advioe you on anything within the acope of hia banking know, ledge and authority. He is a part of hia community. More than that, he i a good i i turn, because be i m helpful to hi ffllow-cilueua in every jermiMible way. You have all aorta of uiterral. iuconimon. Uecauac of the town taiea you both pay, you. are, really buaineita partnera in the ctHnmunity. Then why shouldn't you know-each other, underitand each other, better? He knowa that hia aiMx-ee a a bank manager depend firit upon making luinaelf uaeful to people, ami then upon hia ability to get along with them. Hi .whole future i wrapped up largtly.ia thoe two thinge, and well ha know ill A bank Sa in butineaa to aril hanking service where uch aer. vice ia needed, and where it will do the cvmuiuiiity mot gum. So the hanker of popular jet't, the culdyed being who cau only aay "No", ia a inao of fiction only. A we've laid before, bank, want and need your goodwill. No bauLcan get along without it. Telling the facta ia probably the bet melhoil of winning it. Intelligent people like plain talk. S in the talk to follow we hall giving you the facta about' bank," bank, ownrrahlp, bank opV'ralwhV" caah, currency, loan and inter, eat. We would, to rrad them all. THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA Tour focnl branch Unk manager u tll be glad t talk UU. uithyou. lleuUl be glad to answer you standpoint of his ou-n experience. The Lt artMe Ztui series uiU appear in this neustaper. Watch for it. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And YouH Jump Out of Bed la tU Morning Rtrin' to Co The llt ihouUI pour out twe of,j. . IbttiM kU. into jour bowel. UC- ffif Unot flowing frelr,fourfoKjrwn':;.t: It iutt decari In the bowel. ywr tonuuh. You get eoiutliti BuLR IWiMIU 0 into U bodjr, M.i unk nd th world look! p ,k, -,w,"w. Amen bowel moTrmrn t dmii't tlwin .1 at tb rtiM. You nwl wmrtt 1, th.i en th. lW.r u well. It Ukn tl.U ,S Carlef e LltU. Urn Pill, pound! of Lil flowing lnt knj aixL' ft"up and up".HrmlM kA Ui tCi make tht Ml flow freely, Tar. I vu, 7 of caknuel but hava no calomel or twin? th.m. Aik for Carter1! Link UtntlSi am I atuttorni rcf aw iartiui ikTzL. Tune-Up For Spring? Winter Has Been Hard on Your Car ...harder than you think! The strain of cold starts, sklddy roads, and uncertati weather lias pulled man parts out of adjurtmen'. Now Is the time to flush away the winter worn c and sluggish water system adjust wheels and brakes tune up the motor Take advantage of our sper-lil rate for COMPLETE to-spectlori, clean-up and lune-up and be rure of trouble-free spring driving. ROYAL MOTORS General Motors Dealer) 3rd Avenue Phone 52 "Service With a Smile' Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Ii Good , .The Itooroj Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Frlendlj The Hates Are Rtasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Eicbanj Bloc PUONE 658 LUMBER AT MILL C-lnch and 8-inch CI 0 fl() Sltlplap Untrimmed v No. 1 Common 2-inch Ol Cj) 1 For Prince Itupert Delivery Phone UILLSIOB Billmor Spruce Mills mmmmsmmmmmKswms timiikk s tu: x?'' There will te offrred i- ' ,llo ftUcttun at noon i.n 'Jim; l3e; In the ;! "rouef- trict ForeeXer, Court, iu u the ucnice X20697 en oH'arcn altuaited on of,,,Louise, Island ibetwe i flfttl Betwyn inien, iuij- Qu! nrvn.-M tlfl7P. I198P. Win 'ChJiS'!it Iilo iuda Land D' ;r; fr rr- Three yeara win ..---moval of timber lt,tcnd Prorttled any one unaoie ' ( , th awtlon in penoii mw, "X b0ii aealed .tender, to toe cpene.1 " of auction, and trra Witt s vnbtAw i .Furlher 'parUcuUrs ma? 0 s. c rcn" thet.Chiet ftorcster v -."'Rvftf or the nieitjrtot Forester n TIMItKK .HAI-K Xt"17 t1 pub' Tii.r win . . .ho rrffered i r : t! m.'.w " " Oil'. UP IIC AUiCt.lCll at HOOD ' 1 pis-' Jlme. J03B. In Wie VMioouvf ,trlct nttrier. Court licit vw t, the Ltcewe X8)7, to till "fijocn or m, ot ruoci cedar and rj m llvfo arerls on nclvvrdon ?Uceni I win Sound, ad joining r. I.1207P, 12(WP and 1099P, QU Tu v,nr will be aJlocu movil fof,' MinijW. unable to attel1' ttovKlea ny une iilw awct-lon in )crsoiit rt7 bfi fceaJfd tender, to l ,yt1"1 'i wd, , of ouotOon and treated " ", frcm.itlw Chief M!. SL's Ri . " or tbe lViot Forester M49 Everybody reads tne I"11? KewJ There's reason.