is: El ai.J PAGE OUR i w PHONE 311 GIT SOME TODAY AT ANV Ml Oil I. STORE f Dentists recommend It helps keep teeth strong and white, gives them needed exercise. Cleanses by remortng food particlesremaining between teeth after eating. Helps keep you healthy! Enjoy it daily millions dot cm FURNITURE SALE Elio's 3-Piece Livinsr Room Suite $88.09 7 of these suites in a choice of few txf itinnilly ?ood booking an'i splendid wearing covers. You will be delightsd w'th the design it Ls really luxurious with serpenLne frcnt, buttonedjlowcr band and walnut finish trim. ' . Note the con-tructton of this suite is exceptionally well-sea.' one! hardwood frames, full webbed base, deep comfortable reversible spring filled cushion. No Phone or C.O.I). Orders Accepted in This Sale of Furniture We realize everyone should have the opportunity of purchasing l the-e low t,;i-!S. W- su".rc-1 if it - n it f-:r"i '-nt . mfc the full payment at time of sale wc will accent a der-oit until final arrangement can be made on later Bate. This will give you the opportunity of saving on your furniture during the sale. Complete Bed Outfit $34.00 By pur h:i' n-; this outfit com-i'r'e you win savp oxactiy $12.00 The bed j in p;v walnut the mnni is stcl band, tha mattrev .'prm- fiiled and cood quality. S-icJ . rMarately the prices are. bed. $12.00: seiner, $14.00: mattruss. $20.00 Total, $46.00. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue. AT Prince Rupert, B.C. SPRING CLEANING Brighten up your rooms with Muresco. the supreme wall finish. Easy to apply and economical to use. eBsa 75c HMSCOl ?J per "hjfcfc Fackage gg. a) Per Half IjsABj W Package MURESCO puts in Walls and Ceilings RICH FLAT FINISH at wit not rub on,, crick, chip or el Aide in "mts And White GORDON'S HARDWARE McBUIDE ST. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant .Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Rrand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. mmmmmmaKmmmmmmmmimmmmmaBmmmmmmmmammmmmmm The Central Hotel Fresh Local Raw And rooms and cafe Pasteurized Milk Phone 61 for Best Household Coal I VALENTIN DAIRY MRS. C. E. BLACK FnONL C57 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Cannery Crews Assembling for Season Halibut Landings Heavy at Seattle North Sea Has Convicts on Board Angus Currie, manager of Clax- ; ton cannery, and Mrs. Currie and R. H. Ourd, accountant of Cassiar , cannery, and Mrs. Curd arrived on the Skeena River from Vancouver 4 at the week-end aboard the steamer Cardena. They were accompanied by members of the cannery having come in on one of the can- 'fhery boats on business. Mr. Harris ' ,arrived on the Skeena from Vancouver the week previous. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, arrived In port at 9:30 last night from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points where she will return here Tuesday morning southbound. I Several small halibut boats land-j ed catches at Ketchikan on Satur-jday, prices ranging up to 6.5c and 4,.4C'. The boats in were: Norma Jane, 6,000 pounds; A968, 4,000; Cora, 7,000, and D901, 1,200 pounds. ' There were also a number of small salmon boats In Ketchikan on Saturday prices being up to 13ViC and 6c. Ten boats landed catches of hail-but at Seattle Saturday aggregating 274,500 pounds. They were: ' Vansee, 40,000, San Jaun, 7c and 6c; Sunset, 36,000, San Juan, 7c and 6c; ;Martindale, 38,000, Sebastian, 7c ' and 6c; Ilene. 36,000, San Juan, 634C and 6Vbc; Lebanon, McCallum, 7Vi,c and 6s; Betty J 16,500, New England, Tc and 6c; Flint. 13,000, New England. 7VbC and 6c; June,' 18,000, Whiz, 7'sc and 6c; National, 17,000, Sebastian, 7V8c and 6c; Orbit. 18,000, Booth, 7c and 6c. Seattle last week had its heaviest jingle week's halibut landings since 1C3C. A total of 1,400,000 pounds , of fish was brought there. What ls j expected to be a basic low price for the year was established, this being vc ana oc. Making her first halibut trip in several years, the Ivanhoe, which has been engaged In sardine and mackerel fishing, left Seattle last week but struck a log in the Straits of Juan de Fuca and had to return to Seattle with a broken pro-pellor. Repairs having been made, the Ivanhoe left Seattle again on Saturday for the fishing grounds. With a capacity list of Including Alaskans and Yu- koners going north for the season, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, was In port from 8 to 9 o'clock Sunday morning bound north, from Vancouver to Skagway. Calling at Prince Rupert from 4 to 7 o'clock Sunday morning, the Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea, Capt. A. W. Nlckerson, discharged fresh halibut from Ketchikan for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways and then sailed in continuation of her voyage to Seattle. Among her passengers the North Sea had on board a dozen prisoners In custody of federal officers. They were being taken south to serve sentences imposed at a session of district court in Ketchikan. More fresh halibut was in from. Ketchikan this morning for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. The steamer Chatham, formerly Evelyn Berg, arrived at 8:30 with Capt. Olof Hansen in command and, aftei discharging tw0 carloads, sailed at 11 a.m. for Seattle. The Salvor, Capt. Pitcher, and Beloit, Capt. John Knapland, were also in this morning from Ketchikan, each with a -carload of halibut. Freighter Salvor, Capt. Albert Georgeson, was In port over the week-end with cargo for local de livery. - Imperial Oil Co.-s small tanker Marvollte, Capt. McDonald, arrive! I in port this morning from Vancouver. The Marvollte will service smaller stations of the company hereabouts while in northern waters, WAKE UP LIKE A CAVE MAN Feel Full of Life -No More Tired. Dull. Heavy Mornings K 7w Irrrr healthy and ruT M rrat titty nornu(. Wbta jou lt o Iteliiif "roBen" jour Dm U ut J mitt. Taur lifer cltiri the bload al arparatci the tMMir'uhini part ! Jur '' Irwathewute. SuppGet wr0 1 nuckt, tiiiuttixl jUnd '" eut bile, the bedr'i lantire, helpt atomach, kidotjrt and la. ttin te rk fnftrij. A mere Uwl norameat ian't enotih. "Fruit-a-twa nude frem fruiU and htrbt, will ttrencthaa and build up yeur biff lie nothinf eU ilL YmH be amaied be H r ut y7 naroinf. Try Fruit-a-thea. All druii. FRUIT-ATI YES crews and will go to work at once getting the plants in readiness for . i the season's operati6ns. The Car- (Jin w u I irriPJ (Jl dena. on her present voyage, also brought north members of the Riv- YKftn Po rcac ers Inlet cannery crews. , 1 UiiUIl I GooCD H W. Harris, manager of North Freemann7ad In Victoria Pac fic cannery, pa id his first visit, ad Jwo oteIs , 01 . me season w vown odiuruay, . Dawson UVII UBirrs VICTORIA. April 25: (CP) Henry Freeman, who at one'time is dead. He had lived in retirement at East Sooke for some years. Australia Is Having Drought Sheep Kaisint Industry Being Seriously Affected By Lack Of Moisture SYDNEY, Australia, April 25: CP Portions of Queensland, Nev. South Wales and Victoria have been suffering the worst drought in years. Sheep raising has been seriously affected. Blizzards In . Saskatchewan Unreasonable Weather at End of Week in Vicinity of Saskatoon And Battleford SASKATOON, April 25: (CP) There was snow In north and cen- attained blizzard proportions with a bitter northeast wind between Saskatoon and North Battleford. Jewish Shops Are Picketed VIENNA, April 25: (CP) Young Austrian Nazis have started pick eting Jewish shops in Vienna, Lenz, 'FIGURED IN 'GARBO IS AUTOCRASH FEATURED Narrow Escpe For George Dibb Of picture of Historical Interest, De-This City and Companions In plcting Napoleon's Romance, Is Accident on Cariboo Highway Showing Here Bearing the marks of an auto-: Hailed as the most distinguished mnhiiP ar-rident in which he was motion Dlcture In which Greta involved on the Cariboo Hlghwaj oarbo has so far appeared, "Con-lust west of the Fraser Canyon j quest," the love story of Napoleon George Dibb returned home f rom ' Bonaparte and the glamorous Vancouver on the Catala last , countess Marie Walewska, Is the night. He has been away for three , fjrst 0f the week feature offering weeks, having made a business on tne screen of the Capitol Thea-rn through the central interior j tre nere and back via Vancouver. Motoring south from Prince George, it was between Ashcroft and Vancouver where the accident occurred. The steering geer of tht automobile became disabled and the car plunged off the side of the highway down a hillside into tht right-of-way of the Canadian Pa cific Railway. The vehicle turned over three times and was almott: completely wrecked. George, with a badly cut leg and also with abrasions about the fore operated two hotels in Dawson, head suffered less severe iniuriet having gone into the Yukon ovci jtnan did two companions. One had Dyea trail during the Gold Rush .severe cuts about the face and head in the breaking of the wind' shield. The third, already suffer ing from rheumatism, sustained a broken shoulder and a severely strained back. George, who was able to givr first aid to his companions before ia truck came along and picked up .the party, scent a day and a hall himself in hospital at Chilliwack HOW MARIE FOUND OUT Dionne Hospital Staff Mystified For a While Over Attempt To Water Hobby Horse CALLANDER, Ont., April 25: (CP) Little Marie Dionne, one of the famous quintuplets, mystified the staff of the hospital yestcrdaj when she tried to water a hobbj horse with a beach pail. The question was where had Marie seen a tral Saskatchewan on Saturday. It horse, much less one being water- d. The riddle was solved whe Dr. Allan Dafoe recalled that aboui a year ago a horse had been used In ploughing the hospital grounds Marie had evidently seen It beinfc watered from a pall and had SEEK BROIHERS HAMILTON, Ont. April 25: CP When Miss Fannie Blackman, 69. died two hours after heine strlrk- Gratz and other cities. They march en by an acute illness, calls were in ironi, oi tne Jewish shops sent out to locate her two broth-chanting: "Don't patronize this ers. who had moved from Hamilton store. It is owned by Jews." to other parts. Tops in Tennis It's SLAZENGERS For 1938 Get a New Slazenger Tennis Racquet Quality in Every String 1938 Slazenger Price List Victoria $4.50 Acc $5.50 Marquis r.. $6.50 Eltham $7.00 Eclipse $7.50 Varsity $10.50 Primax $15.00 Doherty $17.50 Queens .., $22.00 Slazenger. Tennis Bails First quality 50c Olympic Second quality . 35c Slazenger 1937 Tennis Balls 25c Jtubber Handle Grips , rm 35c Tennis Ball Rags r 25c Rubberized Racquet Covers r 50c Oilskin Racquet Covers , .. goc Tennis Racqet Press 75c Swing In With Slazcngcrs dAsM Filled with memories of an pnrvhal neriod in world history, the ttnrv Ic that. rf t.he countess who forsakes her home and her husband In an heroic at tempt to win over Napoleon and thus save the life of her Country. Charles Boyer plays the part of Napoleon whose power-mad deter mination to rule the world leads him to doom. A distinguished cast supports the two stars. Reginald Owen is cast as the unscrupulous Talleyrand, Alan Marshall as Captain d'Ornano Henry Stephenson as Garbo's hus band, Lelf Erickson as her broth er. Dame May Whitty as Letitla nnnamrfo and ft Henrv Gordon as Prince Ponlatowski. Also In the cast are Claude Gilllng water.! George Huston, George Zucco, Ivan ; Lebedeff. Oscar Apfel and Betty Blythe. On Flight From Ketchikan South Herb iMunter To Operate Twr. Planes From Alaska Port This Summer KETCHIKAN. April 25: (CP) - j Pilot Herb Munter left Ketchikan yesterday for Seattle with party of six passengers In his seaplane Munter plans to operate two planes between Ketchikan and Seattle this summer. Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School, and Miss M. Hartln returned lo the city on the Princess Louise yesterday morning from Victoria where they attended the convention of the British Columbia Teachers' ClASsiFlEU FOUND FOUND Pair of pliers Third Avenue. Owner can have them on paying for advertisement. t.f FOR SALE FOR SALE The White Apartments 4th Avenue near McBrlde; complete; in excellent condition; reconstructed; central; well-rented; excellent tenants', economical future commercial site. Combined home and good self-managed income property. Reasonably-priced for quick sale for cash or substantial payment, considering revenue possibilities. Address: 139 4th Ave. E.; P.O. Box 399; phone 427. Mrs. Mary A. (OB.) White or brokers. 611 Third Ave. West (near Royal Bank), Lot 8, Block 33, Section 1, Store with dwelling over. This desirable property for sale at a low price and on easy terms. 5 Interest on balance as rent. Also Lots 11 and 12, Block 17, Section 7. with house 1140 East 6th Ave-enue for $700, half cash and balance $20 per month. Geo. H Munro, 4240. West 11th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. If Interested In property In or near Vancouver communicate with the above. (101) FOR SALE G. E. All-wave radio. 1935 floor model. 8 tubes. $70 cash. Small reduction for trade-in. Phone Red 929. (97) WORK WANTED WOMAN wishes work by hour. Box 17. Daily News. (96) FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Comfortable house at Seal Cove, four rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, shed and garage. Good deal for steady tenant. Phone Don Passmore, Green 510. (96) .V Monday April 25, uj, TONIGHT and TUESDAY sccona Miow at 915 will RL5IKALD FlulXALD OEN 0M mi man wan umm umm any JTiFiiOissx Uir tRIKXltf tHWRTCOSK!! ' (At 7.20 and 9 ii ADDED The First Amateyr l ilm t Achieve Professional Ufroj. nition "WANTED A MASTER Its a Pete Smith Novelty! WOULD NEWS The Finest PIANO TlTMG In the country can be your; as done with the J "Resonoscope" by 1 G. C WALKER Phone Blue 389 213 4th St THE SEAL QUALITY "oieii-r" GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only itaoc canning company with an ill the year round payoU to Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580