April 25. 1038. f RECIPE TOMATO JUICE nil-.Alv WITH TOMATO JUICE 1 to J tulf Moy.l rjt; Taiata Jule flour wllll aalt and ppcr and pound into 1 ).Sru mral. tr ImL In a akillrt mI1i aniall amount of fat. When browned, pour 1 cup Tomato Juice orr it, cover and bake In moderate oven I r.juiuu mraiiainuirr, ail!iii(( more Tomato I J'"f Meruni, uuring tlie baking. Serve with I flint . I... I .Llll.. I CASH or C.O.I). Sliced Pineapple 2's. Knurr's Golden Syrup .C Soda Biscuits 19 c White Spring Salmon 4Ap UU P -ID BiirnVHakeasv Burns Five-Point Btiifless Hams Lb. ..1 25c 31c 23c 17c 19c Royil City Tomatoes 25C 4 talUiMm AUur it HL a u H H n 'B u W J K 1 Phone 8-13 OVERWAITEA LTD. T'lM-First Grade. 3 lbs.. $1.05 Aylmer Boneless 27C u ' Chicken Per tin Tuesday and Wednesday Only Pels Naptha Soap 1 Qp 3 bar Woodbury's Toilet Soap 3 cakes 22c Royal Crown Soap 1 Qf Powder Large pkg. Johnson's Chi -Coat QQp VVS Quart tin Pint Tin 59c lliack lies 3 lbs. Prunes Medium size. 2 lbs . Pitted Dates 2 lbs Fresh SpJnach-3 lbs. Rhubarb Per lb. Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over 25 c 19c 23 c 25c 3c Time Marches On! Clean-Up Week Is Here Again Why Not Improve and Protect Your Property Ity Using llapeo PAINT and SH1NGOLEEN Ask Us For Color Card and Take Arvantage of the Fine Days THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. Tiimn avenue . rh0l,e 101 GRADE A MILK Give Your Haby SVesh Milk Daily r milk .is produced twice daily from our own Gov-eminent tested cows. K DOMINION DAIRY NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate l.0 nf 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. J"00 81 r.O. Box 1M Cheaper Feed Havine a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat It is necessar, io reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed . It's mtereating to know when reading the ; Nef the Bame. llt the people of the whole district are doing Prime Rupert Recreation DISPLAY EXHIBITION BUILDING Tonight 8 p.m. Adm. 15c Bridge Party For Boys' Band Attendance At Affair Saturday Night Was Small But Event Proved Enjoyable There was not much of a turn out at the bridge party held by the Prince Rupert Boys' Band Pat ents' Association in the Canadian Legion Hall Saturday night but the players at five tables enjoyed themselves. The prize - winners were: ladles' first, Mrs. W. J. Dt-' vies; second, Mrs. Thomas Ballln- ger: men's first, A. Montesano; second, F. A.i Rogers.. Mrs. T. Henderson was convener a 3 Dawes was master of cere monies and H. Perkins presided at, the door. Mrs. T. Bussanich and Mrs Louis Amadlo were In charge of refreshments. B. Johnson,' with No. 567, was the winner In the raffle of a frul. cake Her Wedding s Recalled Enjoyable Surprise Party Saturdaj Ninght In Honor of Sirs. J. R. Murray The occasion being her thirtieth wprirfinsr anniversary, Mrs. J. R Murray was the guest of honor at a delightful surprise party saturdav night at the home of Mrs. J. iu,Cnroih Ambrose Avenue. The early part of the evening was given over to the playing oi Dnasv prize-winners being Mrs. peter Melo and Mrs. Hugh Kinin. de licious refreshments were servea -hoimir of the guests as- comhiPri Mrs. McGrelsh presented Mrs. Murray with a handsome urn brella. Music and singing orougiv. a very pleasant party to a closer Those present were Mrs. J. R J Lawrie, Mrs. R aiirir Mrs Annus Macdonala Mrs. R 'C.:-' Parsons, misu Krause, Mrs. Hugn smun, Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Hugh Kium, Airs. Arthur Bayne. Mrs. J. K. Murray Mrs Bell Mrs. William Hunter Mrs. P. Melo. Mrs. Robert Wood and Mrs. J. R. Murray. Announcements All advertisements in this col-amn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Prince Rupert Operatic Society' the "Pirates of Penzance" I Capitol Theatre, April 27 and l9S 2. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass's April Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2 Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakle's, May 6. United Sale, May 5. A Y. P. A. Variety Entertain ment, May 0. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13 F.nstern Star Maytlme Tea at I Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments I May 17. Canadian Legion Tea May 18. 752 DAILY r. ; LOCAL NEWS NOTES visiting for the past year or so in tion executive meeting, Canadian England, returned to the city on Legion rooms, Tuesday, 7:30 pjn, : Saturdav nieht's train. I 1' i Navy Leaeue of Canada. P. R. in wth nnp.nimonia. Is now re- mmppment of Clean-UD Week in 'Branch, will be held at R.C.N.V.R. covering nicely, her friends will Prince Rupert. Brilliant sunshine ! headquarters on Tuesday, April he clad to hear. ! from a deep blue sky and a fresh 1 26th at 8 p.m. All Interested are 'rm breeze made the day an Ideal I welcome. Mr llonri T.Aanr wVin Vine hpn PrlnpA nnnert Football Assocla TIIP AMMTT4I ItPmMfl nf f ho ' (90) Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis, who havn fiilri thfilr hniico An Kivt.h A V- . lenue East to Capt. Harry Calder-i 1 wood, are taking up residence in the house also on Sixth Avenue. ! East which has been occupied by F. Dalby. ( Don't Let Constipation Drag On! Do you often have days when you wake up tired-when you feel dull, sunk, "all bogged down"? It's time you did something about It And something more than Just taking a physic! You should get at the caae of the trouble 1 If you eat what most people do Just bread, meat, potatoes-chances are that Just this fact is responsible: you don't get enough -bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean a lot of food. It means a kind of fond that Isn't consumed In the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass In the intestines that helps a bowel movement. If this Is your trouble, what you need Is crisp crunchy Kellogg's All-I3ran for breakfast. It contains "bulk" plus Nature's great intestinal tonic, vitamin B,. Eat it every day, drink plenty of water, and see If your old sparkle doesn't come back! Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. i The fire department was called mit at 10:50 Saturdav nleht to a false alarm rung in from the cor ner of Second Avenue and Mc Bride Street. J. G. Nelson, chief councillor at Greenville on the Naas River, was, in town on business over the weekend and is returning this afternoon to Greenville aboard his son's boat to the city on business, having arrived on the Catala last night from down the coast. Sunderwood Studio Announces that their new equipment enables them to develop and print any size of Roll Films at 40c All Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) Albert Frebourg, who recently underwent an operation in Vancouver from which he is making a good recovery, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last night. Mrs. George Raymond and two sons, after having spent a weeK here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Spencer. Fifth Avenue East, returned to their home in Smith- ers at the end of the week. George Windsor, manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery at Wales Island, and Mrs. Windsor were here aboard the Catala last night going north from Vancouver for the season. .A. W.'IL Smith; general vagent' for the Barrlnaton Transportation Co; if . -afrnmrell. Xvas" a nessenger abbad the'Princ'ess Louise yesterj day going north for the season alter having spent the winter in Seattle. Herbert Wheeler, president of the Yukon & White Pass Route, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louse yesterday morning going north to spend the summer at tsicagway He has been wintering in Don Matheson, superintendent of the Bralorne mine and son of Mr and Mrs. D. J. Matheson ol this cltv. is making satisfactory progress in hospital at Vancouvei following an operation ior appen dicitis. Mr. Matheson had set out from Bralorne for a motor trip tc Nevada when he1 was stricken 111 and had to discontinue the trip at, Vancouver to enter hospital. Convention Of Nurses' Ass'h Educational Campaign To Be Car ried On Troughout l'rovince VANCOUVER. Anrll 25l- (CP) The Graduate Nurses' Association of British Columbia, at its annual convention here, considered, among other matters, a proposal to con duct an educational campaign lot nurses throughout the province. Weather Man Is Co-Operating In Clean-Up Week ; A finer day than Sunday could Mrs, W. A. Riddell, who has been not have been ordered lor the com- one for all forms of outdoor activ ity. The water attracted out some' early picnic and boating parties. ' Members of the Canadian Na tional Yacht Club were out getting I Milnnc nmirlltrl fnr f.llA rpnlflpfi-i I . i 1 1 . .fO ..--. 4 W - I ; ment of their float which sank last ! fall. I The tennis courts drew out a number of players. Conditions were also auspicious for the gardening devotees and, altogether, it was like a midsummer Sunday. Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mr. and Mrs. C. Peterson, Oona River; J. Hartlln and A. Frebourg, city; Julius Lokken and Ole Aker, Ocean Falls; O. Olsen, C.N.R.; Mrs. R. L. McKinloy, Surf Point Mine; S. Steel, Jap Inlet. Royal Mr. and Mrs. Vic Grant, P. S. Wo and C. Lang, Inverness: S. Snidal. city; R. B. Lambert, Klamath Falls; J. C. Parry, Kam-loops; C.A. Johnson, Prince George. Prince Rupert I Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Brooks and A Mrs. B. Walker of the staff of'Attree. Terrace; J. McGrath and Booth Memorial School returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday morning aftej spending Easter in Vancouver and Victoria. A. L. Stewart, manager of Bute- dale cannery. Is paying a brief visit Ronald D. Morrison, Prince George; J. S. Wo, Inverness; W. Lalng, Vie torla; A. L. Stewart, Butedale. Central W. Downing, Terrace; George Simpson, Calgary; H. Jerome, C.N R.; H. Paulson, Blllmor Knox Ben Austres, city. Arthur Sutton, principal, and Oavid Mitchell and William Mouat Jther members of the staff of Xing Edward High School, returned the city cp the Catala last night, ifter attending the annual conven tion of the British Columbia leacher": Federation in Victoria, "Build B. C. Payrolls" Little Bit Of Criticism K at 1 JVAPORHTEB A little bit means a very great deal sometimes even as In this Instance. This user is a real friend, for she says Pacific Milk is much better than we tell It. We. happen to know this cp'mes from an excellent c,ook. Pethaphe -means. 4lieaxKe say things. Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course Rupert Grown BEDDING PLANTS Order Your Supply at Once WILLIAM GAIR Florist and Seedsman Phone BLUE 974 P.O. Box 276 Holiday Camp Mrs. Dunn Announces That Her SANGAN RIVER k HOLIDAY CAMP Near Massett, Q.C.I., is open for visitors and advises early booking. Colgate's Walls that are Easy to Live with laifi lVabaA.tine M' Decorate with ALATINT r. t? f . i?rr..-r I i ( SOtt, ngnt,uinusing, restful, law in cost. Its beauty majbc renewed any time, simply by washing! AL63S Cashmere Bouquet Soap Special Three Cakes of Soap and One Bottle Cashmere Bouquet Perfume Try Mi 3l Tooth Paste Rexall Z 25c ?r.20c Cold and Vanishing Creams Ormes A. S. A. Tablets Vial of 30 five-grain tablets Do not harm the heart. 25C Ormes Ltd. Zfte Pioneer Drvtqpists The .lerill Store Phones: 1 & Sz Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 n.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m- C0NG0LEUM CONTEST WEEK Call at our store and place your guess on the hidden number. The correct guess or the closest to It receives a Congoleum rug, 6x9 Free. This is given away by the Congoleum Co. Ltd. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 321 THIRD AVENUE Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S. S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservation and Ticket From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568