Today's Weather prince Rupert Clear, northerly Tln two miles per hour; barom-(te, 2954 'falling; temperature, 4r -a smooth. V. j XXVI. f . 2 A 1 111 n ni; UP NAVY .:.k i. Aiirmniinr its Great Armv With Similarly Powerful Navy, United States Hears ; i WASHINGTON, D, C, April 25: , if -14' orpntpKt navnl flppts. an.- (yxm j , .vw- - r .inr n the United States De- f tfiA Navv A tntnl nf illVlliW' - - w While the German fleet as yet .... Ka no mnti'h fnr ihn&P of ;ther Orcat Britain or United1 . 'jt onf tnnitfi it mnv ovpntii. . . .. .nnt Vinm 4n tt mr at h ourcnanpr i nam I. II U UU V VUHI11 ans New ileal pose Five-Point Plan (or National Recovery in United j States i KEW YORK April 25. Scrlpps- nwnrn iicu'it Jiiprx I'Hiiir i m 1 1. ml. drat nn ' U (10(1 firm nfio nroirram as iacre :to? gap" and proposed a :te-pcint program lor national Governors Must uttp UlUllldUlYCd AlbtrU, New Brunswick and wick. tan,. Have Cut Off Appropriations On Ontario and New Bruns- HIGHWAY OPPOSED Vatit- c . .. ...... v ioi stympaineiic nu -o ot Want Yukon Either LADYSMITTT 1Jle Orand Post of the Native Sons Brltbh Columbia, In session expressed by resolution its iPPOSttion in v. 1 nAt 'ne Yukon to British Columbia. To u SO. ). J! it " w to to was felt, would add fur- tho ' "Mi Columbia and would also: hoolgthe qUCStl0n 0f seParate Captain Uses l0 OllPil Miifinir filter CannHI.Y. -,!. Chilian Port After Trouble Aboard Ship resort to the use of arms. at OFAGASTA, Chili. April 25: arrlv ue frel8Wer Canadian has serin! , 1 re wlth two of her crew muti. y. wounled as a result of a to 7y - p'1 which the captain m to BULLETINS BRIDAL TRAGEDY COVEMltY, England Lola Mitihell, 21-year-old dancing teacher, whose bridal party was turned into tragedy yesterday when flames in a photographers' studio enveloped flimsy gowns, was today recovering with nine others from severe burns. Two of the party, a bridesmaid and flower girl, died from burns. The paity was posing for pictures when the dress of Eunice Naylor, the bridesmaid, caught fire from an electric healer. MOVES NO.V CONFIDENCE OTTAWA Soon after the opening of the House of Commons today following Easter recess, a want of confidence motion against the government was moved by Hon. Grote Stirling, Conservative member for Yale and former minister of national defense, who accused Hon. Ian Mackenzie, the present minister of national defense, of using Pacific Coast defense plans as a political weapon in the Victoria federal by-election last fall. He would place the House on record as declaring defense appropriations should not be used directly or indirectly for political parti-zanship purposes. ASK NAZIS TO CONFER President of Czccho - Slovakia Adopts Conciliatory Stand Following Congress of Germans PRAGUE, April 25: (CP) Presl dent Edouard Benes of Czecho Slovakia Slovakia has has Invited mvnea the me ueijuaujf Germany pn-nnorntp w in mc uuvemiucui, m OTTAWA, April 25: CP On an enaeovour to iron out national 1 thres provinces of the Dorrv , aK f erences including the problem mion will have withdrawn approp-1 of the 3,500,000 Germans in Czecho fata for the maintenance ' ' Slovakia. e official residences of their The conciliatory attitude ol Ueutenam Governors, these being presiaent Benes follows a congress 1 h4. 'Utrt 1 Lit of German Nazis m uzeciio Slovakia which, asserting that It was powerful enough to enforce its demands, insisted on complete equality and autonomy for Germans In the country as well as a i voice in the government. It was reported at the week-enci j that the Soviet government had delivered 300 bombing planes to the government of Czecho-Slovakla. Hungary Restless BUDAPEST, Hungary, April 25' (CP) At a mass meeting of twenty thousand persons here yester dav. demand was made for a re vision of the boundaries of Hun gary and Czecho-Slovakla. Egyptian Cotton Tax Is Protested ZprSLTToX, Oreat -italn Sends Note To N,, Government WKmif rarouk J Columbia while other parts or bein" more ln need- werc' nnn nl Anril 25: (CP)- iThe tsriusn guvcii"" sent a protest to the new government of iKlng Farouk 01 ugypt tt" " A flTl C crease In tariff on British cotton Mahatma Gandhi Foresees Death Indian Leader Despondently Tells Bombay Newspaper He Has Only Year Longer to Live BOMBAY, April 25: (CP)- In a letter of despondent tone written to a Bombay newspaper Mahatma n.HV,i Tndlan nationalist leader, little more than a has I aays that he ' year to live. . . Edward It, Jenkins Was Prominent In Masonic Circles On Prairies I VICTORIA, April 25: (CP) Ed- j ward R. Jenkins, formerly of Re-gina. died here at the week-end He had been long prominent in Masonic circles on the prairies. OF NEWLOAN Details of Arrangement for Accommodation Between China and Great Britain HANKOW, April 25 of a British loan to (CP) Terms China with J other loan for $100,000,000 In Un- .ited Statesr dollars bears five per ' cent interest and Is payable in fifteen years. Chinese Ketreat SHANGHAI, April 25: (CP) I Twenty thousand Chinese are re-I ' ported in, full retreat . from the 1 I 11 1 T-.. iungnai nan way une us me id-y-, janese continue their new push in' I Shantung Province. The rallwayl J was t shelled today. The city of 'Fanchang was reported taken by Demonstration in Vancouver Yes Japanese troops advancing irom; terday to impress iseea oi Llnl and the recapture of Talrch-' Federal Public -Works- wane by the Japanese was reported . 1 rogram Imminent. Library Assn Urges Repealing i 11 i y Nasi Council of Czechoslovakia to (JJ rafllOCK LaW VANCOUVER, April 25: (CP) E. S. Robinson, librarian of the Vancouver Public Library, has been elected president of the Vancouver Library Association. The Association passed a resolution seeking repeal of the Quebec padlock law. DALADIER DECREES PARIS, April 25: (CP) a week of conferences In con-noriinn with French' financial ITALIANS LOSE OUT Two Thousand Dead and Eight Thousand Wounded so Far in Spanish War ROME, April 25. It is reported here that 2009 Italian soldiers have been killed and 8300 wounded so far In the Spanish civil war while fighting as an expeditionary force for the insurgents. The most of the casualties have been since March 9 when the insurgents I launched their new offensive. Insurgents Gaining BURGOS, Spain, April 25: (CP) General Francisco Franco's Spanish insurgent forces are reported to have pushed government Thirty persons, including a urn- the United States. ish seaman, were killed and fifty jhe Japanese charge that Gib-wounded today when Insurgent bons operated as a bomber for the warplanes bombed El Grado, the Chinese in the Oriental war. Gib-port of Valencia. bons denies having done any bombing or fighting against th'. W0RKLESS ON MARCH VANCOUVER, April 25. Three thousand single unemployed single men paraded through Vancou- ver city streets Sunday. The dem onstratlon was staged to "impress 1 upon the authorities the need of a federal nubile works program." ! Permission to hold the parade was granted by Vancouver civic authorities. The men marched four abreast. The parade extended for a length of five city blocks. Traffic was held up about fifteen minutes. A mass meeting at Camble Street grounds demanded an Immediate program of work and wages. Weather forecast General Synopsis The pressure is hlch southwest of Vancouver 1 Island and a disturbance is ap- proachlng the Queen' Charlotte Islands. The weather remains fair; land warm in all parts of British Cabinet Split Denied by Premier Of Columbia. France Important Conferences Held Prince Rupert and Queen Chai-; lotte Islands Moderate to fresh northwest winds, fair and becoming ' unsettled tonight. : West Coast of Vancouver Island Moderate northwest to south-1 west winds, fine today and more problems Including efforts to stop unsettled at night. the falling of the franc, .rremict Edouard Daladier is expected to issue Important decrees during the coming week. Premier Daladier denies a cabinet split exists over the financial situation. NEGOTIATE FOR TREATY Polish Delegates Arrive In Capital of Lithuania for Economic Conference KOVNO, April 25. Polish arrived In this Lithuanian OFFENDS GERMANY Work of British Cartoonist Draws Official Protest From German to British Government .J LONDON, April 25. The German government has sent an official protest to the British government! at cartoons by David Lowe appear- j ing ln the British press. The-car-1 toons take exception to depict Adolf Hitler. One arousing particular objection was entitled "Hit and Muss" and carlcaturlzed Hit ler and Mussolini. r.anital at the week-end . to open Miss Jessie Glllis, daughter of conferences today looking toward ( Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Glllis, was re-the negotiation of an economic , ported today to be making satis-treaty between the two countries factory progress following an op-whlch recently resumed diplomatic eration for appendicitis in the relations after a suspension for Prlriceu Rupert General Hospital on eighteen years. Saturday, - . NORTH EKN AND CENTRAL IJKITISII ( OLUMRIA'S NEWSIAPKK PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1938. Japanese but admits having been engaged in instructing Chinese pilots. His wife was allowed to proceed on the Empress of Asia but Gibbons is still being held. Demonstration Of Fascists Causes London Trouble LONDON. April 25: (CP) Disorders attended a Fascist demonstration in Piccadilly Circus yesterday and a number of arrests weru made. Rival Clans Of Moslems Clash Eight Persons Killed In Riots At Lucknow, India, Over Weck-End LUCKNOW, India, April 25: (CP) Eight persons were killed in Lucknow at the week-end in clashes between rival Moslem clans. BUDGET IS COMING UP Eyes Will Focus on Sir John Simon in British Parliament Tomorrow LONDON, April 25: (CP) On Tuesday Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer, will present his budget. adler who is coming to London to discuss matters of the two nations. Importance to. DEATH LIST FORTY-FIVE All Victims of Virginia Colliery Disaster Are Recovered GRUNDY, Virginia, April 25. The bodies, some very badly burned, of all forty-five victims of the week-end colliery disaster here" had bodn brought out yesterday and sent to their homes. A searching Investigation of the disaster has been commenced by the United States Bureau pf Mines. - - ing London and other vital points and in inflicting Immediate devastating reprisals upon an enemy. ROBBERY OF GEMS At Vancouver' on Saturday Evening Moslem . in eastern Syria. Halibut Sales Summary American 103,500 pounds, and 5c to 7.1c and 5c. Canadian 107,000.. pounds, Tomorrow's Tides High ltf:43 ajn. 17.8 ft 23:05 p.m. 10.4 It. Low 4:39 a.m. 7.0 It. 16:46 p.m. 6.7 It Air Defences Are Wea ! Former Redna Man Is Dead 6.7c 6c and 4c to 6.1c and 5c. American t Estep, 29,000, Cold Storage, 6.7c and 5c. k On Thursday and Friday Prime Eonanza, 25,500, Cold Storage, Minister Neville Chamberlain will 7c and 5c. confer with Premier Edouard Dal-1 Tatoosh, 26,000, Pacific, 7c and 5c. Onan, 14,000, Atlln, 7.1c and 5c. Eureka, 9,000, Booth, 7c and 5c. ' Teeny Milly, Old Country Is Not Strong Enough Either To Attack Or Defend Herself By Aircraft JAPS HOLD U.SJLIER Amrican Pilot Ketnoved From Can-.adlan Liner At Yokohama At End Of Week YOKOHAMA 25: (CP In the of Ter- troops back vicinity Tne Unlted gtates CQnsul at yoko. uel. Since Saturday the rebels nama ls lnvestlgatlng the arrest by which to Drosecute the war against "f" . T " " " Japanese authorities or Melvia T . . . ' ftiaario-vaiencia nignway ana in : rVZZ : "T.:. J the Pyrenees passes and are ap Gibbons, former United States Ar my iner, who was taken saturaav seaport from the liner "Empress of Asia Parliament Is Stirred By Disquieting Information And All Sides Express Anxiety and Need For Immediate Action LONDON, April 25: (CP) Disquieting realization that Great Britain has not enough airplanes either to defend herself or attack an enemy in a decisive manner placed a major problem before Parliament and the cabinet today. From all sides came the charge that the domestic aircraft industry was not producing bombers and fight-ers rapidly enough, - The scramble for more plafles lsj a TArrTrin assertedly based on the-British mil-! AINlllHrK itary theory that the next war would be fought with tremendous aboard which he was returning to masses of aircraft both in defend- DEADLOCK Alaska Salmon Canning Industij Hit Again By War Between C. I. O. and A. F. of L. SEATTLE, April 25: (CP) Another deadlock between the Am 'erican Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organ- Bold Hodd-up In West Apartment , Izatlon threatens to tie up the Al- aska salmon canning industry. 111:5 I American Federation has demand-led an immediate decision on the VANCOUVER, April 25: (CP) bargaining agency fortheworkers Bandits enteredtne apartment ofjof the Industry. Mrs. Celia Hall, Trafalgar Man-. Typo Head For Teace sions, Nelson Street. Saturday eve- NEW YORK, April 25: Pres ning and escaped with $1700 worth ! dent Howard of the International of Jewelry after binding and gag- i Typographical Union urges -an lm-ging three persons,. First the ban- 'mediate settlement of differences dlts trussed up Mrs. Hall whose 'between the Committee on Indus-cries were heard by the caretakei ,trlal Organization and the Am-who was also overpowered. The , erican Federation of Labor. The caretaker's wife followed to inves- j entire labor movement is being tigate and received similar treat- i Imperilled by the activities of the ment. By the time the police wera warring factions, declares Howard. able to respond to a call turned in : 1 I J . 1 1 Jll 1 s ' uy a maiu, uie uauuus naa Kb- . caned with their loot Thev over-1 looked a $3000 bracelet which Mrs.; Hall was wearing. Christians And Moslems Clash BEYRUT. Syria, April 25: (CP)- By-Election On May 20 Expected That is Mentioned as Date c Which Dcwdncy People Will Go to Polls VICTORIA, April 25: (CP) According to well-infnrmpri mmrtprs Seven persons are reported killed , preparations are being made for In rioting between Christians and!thp iMinn. , tha f,rnlnni,i election in Dewney on May 20 to fill the vacancy in the Legislature caused by the death of the late Dr. Frank P. Patterson. There are three candidates in the Held Liberal, Conservative and C.C.F. PICTURE ROBBERY Half a .Million Dollars of Art Treasures Are Taken From Castle At Canterbury Canadian LONDON, April 25. Scotland Capella 1, 17,000, Atlin, 6.1c and Yard admits that it has no defin- 5c. ite clues towards the solution of a Covenant, 21,000, refused 6c and sensational art rohbery at the castle 4c, holding over. home at Canterbury of Sir Edmund Toodie, 9,000, Pacific, 6c and 4.5c. Da vies. Treasuied paintings ln- 14,000, Cold Storage, 6c and 4c. p.S.T., 5,500, Booth, 6c and 4c. Nornen, 6000, Atlin, 6c and 4c. Northforeland, 5,500, Atlln, 6c and 4c. Lake Biwa, 10,500, Booth, 6c and 4c. Essential, 12,000, Cold Storage, 6c and 4c. Salida, 9,500, Pacific, 6c and 4.5c. Borgund, 8,500, Cold Storage, fic and 5c. Domino II.. 9,500, Cold Storage, 6c and 5c. eluding works of five old masters were taken in one of the most sensational robberies of its kind in recent years. The value of the paintings is estimated at $500,000. Twenty week-end guests at the castle 'were examined by the police but they were unable to throw any light upon the mystery. BAR SILVER ;n&w luiiiv: irj nar su- vpr wan imrhanwrt at 4532c nei- une ounce on me icw iur& tuci-al market today.