if to tf me' tf tf tf tf tf n.her 22 10SS. EMBARRASSING It tmbmstunc 10 coush, C,t Smith Hrt.ihm Cnuh Drop for Kirxhine ftlitf. (HluL of Menthol.) Only lOf, " SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS 0 j son M, P and Arthu k t ulaia w morning mirr Card of Thanks Kan me' 'he Executive f t"e Stew appreciation of the many klndnes-fU BoaM df Trade and at Alice ser and expressions of sympathy Lirm fon f erred with the Citizens' and assistance extended to them ijt ion coniuiuenis were ai- auring mar recem aaa Dereave- ftt Port Simpson. Klncollth men, specially tne community m..a -1 j ii....tt . I ImI. fenfl O'nrr puiiiw. it;, -pc Mr. Hanson will v',uo anu tomorrow evening' train if you wish to svrav jmmethlnji d u fpw days at Smlthers. Try a Classified. Peace on Earth Never since the first Christmas Day will the message ol Peace and Ooodwlil have a greater significance for the whole world than this year. Let the OIadne of Remembrance carry It Joy and Cheer to all your friends t and near. our election of exclusive Christmas Cards expresses this luppy message in wntimrnt, design and color. Select y.ur.i now at DIBB PRINTING CO. Betnrr Block, Third Street lUKXIXfi TO HUNTKUS AND FISIIKUMEX r ' untlng season, through the carles handling -it flre-trr-. a number of people are seriously or f aUlly injured. The a :c-Ung females of big game ha been and Is still In el- only for the purpose of conservation, but also in order i: vrr.t shooting at objects which the hunter does not clearly t Fxtunately this has greatly reduced these unfortunate oc-:- s although each year one or two hunters, generally throuuh ".jt ;wmB, re alio In mUUtf for Deer. Hunlen and fishermen have also been warned to be careful 1.1 fcUlng tires, and to ttt that they are put out when breaking ?a amp but notwithstanding this fact a number of forest nres been at'.nbutcd to the carelessness of fishermen and hunt- If sportsmen desire to have hunting and fishing, then every i t iiuiiirf h tflkrn to see that firearms are handled in a . w a t and careiui manner, ana uu jijhed. lull MOM'. IINJOVAIILK AND BKTTI.lt l'NTIN(i AND FISIIINO nr.i.p pnr.VE.NT ronrsT nuns m:i.r ritr.VKNT iivntino accidents GAME COMMW810N. 4ll Dtinmulr Street Vancouver BC. S1LVERSIDES BROS. 1939 Wallpapers Now Arriving CI1.UX ENAMKUS ntOM PItlNCK RUPERT WINDOW (.LASS R().M PORT SIMPSON 39,75 ItETUKN. MUKESCO Our Years of Experience at Your Service Use Canadian Industries Products Only I'aint.s, Varnishes, Etc. for Every Purpose UNjpNJTEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER $36.00 Meala and Bert! is Included Educed Rates to Vancouver abo. apply from Intermediate points. Social November 1st, WU I ami February Tickets on Sale Betwn 28th, 1939, Inclusive-Good to Return u lo March 31, 19M. Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince-Rupert: S-S. CATALA Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. SS, CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.nv Ar. Vancouver Thursday, a.m. Monday a.m. TlckeU and RcrvatlonJ from Hupert Aient-A. l NMAN-Thlr, Tickets at At Office j? Fh.n. 5C If Convenient Please Purrhaw Missouri mine, was brought to the city on the Catala this morning from Stewart for treatment In the . J A 1 A a m i . A m i l J .A j n-l . . ... lUviklr.'" te nwnu "'l MJ u ana ir. jcuc unaatn ana mnce uuperi uenerai Hospital. l-nd A:-" Al oiewjin jwr. imn lamuy acsire uj express ineir aeep Dan Matheson, mperintendent in charge of the Consolidated Mining it Smelting Col's operations at Any-ox. arrived In the city on the Ca M. M. O'Brien, chief field for the Consolidated Mining & Hmeitmgr. co.. was a passenger aboard the Catala today returnlne r j to Vancouver after paying one of jr-hU periodical visits to the cornel: 1 pan operations at Hig Missouri .3 ' and Anyox. 8 5 SI Final Plans For United Church Christmas Fair Final plans for the Christmas Fair were made last night at a meeting of the leaders and rep resentatives of the girls' and boys Arthur Sutton, In chaire of the refreshment booths, told of plans' Tor the sale of hot dogs. doughnuts and coffee at the 'lunch .THf DAILY JfZtTB v LOCAL NEWS NOTES Phone 112 Taxi; new heated caxs. Remember SC. Peter's Bazaar, '.Thursday. November 24. 1272 j Provincial Constable and Mrs. W. , J. Currle arrived In the city on the Catala this morning from Mill Bay on the Naas River. Constable Cur- 1 rle ha been transferred to city de tachment here. Mike Favenuk, having sustained a broken Jaw In an accident at Big Mount Oldfleld Ski Club annual meeting, City Hall. Thursday 8 p.m. All Interested please attend. 273 8 J. Jabour returned to the city on the Catala today from a brief trip to Port Simpson. A nice snappy pufse made In Canada would be an appropriate gift for your Qkl Country friend. Large assortment at Fashion Footwear, tf 4" Mrs. W. R. Smith, wife of the publisher of the Northern Argonaut, Stewart newspaper, was here tala this morning from the north' aboard the Catala today going to receive dental" treatment He through on a trip to Vancouver expects to be here until next Sunday evening. Chemistry Club Is Reorganized Arrangements for the concert toV,i... fairs of the club would be in the hands of the members themselves Therefore, its success depended ...r. . Vv . .u , .H7"'ltni tehn was then conducted by ftLVl. V"1;,: S?I.wl"rithe past president, Hlrojt Vaman circuses held in the .w.'. past two years....- .u. . J I aiULl SS4I be held In the early part of the I nLV Y r El Secreury. Ppgy Blsckhall. a PuRsley. to program convener, BiU Brown. ' .h , By the interest and enthusiasm ..ta.i!h the members, the Chem- nVn..? l I 17 Club should have Kino,, frrltrw a tlh. .u v.. " Junlnr P. (1 i T vrmin Mrs. counter. In addition, she mention- Central i in mo cnurcn nave produced a (wide and interesting range of gifts rrom bain salts to bridge tallies. ' .1 Committees in charge The following Is a list of com- -''tT rnittees In charge; General managers and advertU- Ing Ken Harding. Program Dr. E. B. Pugsiey. Dccoratlon'fr-tMrs. H. T. . Locke. Refreshment bo.ithi--Mrl Ar- ihur Sutton and C. I. T. Scenery and lighting" Tu.xls Boys, Treasurer Ken Dakln. Olft booths C. p. I. T. and Tuxls Boys. CJilncst' Lauhd'ry--NIa'urfce Da- Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at J5 4 word. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Mo. ember 24. ntv Tennis' Association annual, dance. Odd fellow's Hall, November 25. L. O. B. A. St. Andrew's Dance, Oddfellows Hall, November 30. Eagles' Bridge November 30. United Baiaar December 1. S.O.N. Play December 2 and 3. Christmas Fair, United December 2 and 3. Church, Carnival .and Dance, MetlakaUa, December 3. Bt. Peter's' Seal Cove Parish Hall Dance December 0. a very in- texestlne and successful term. Hotel Arrivals ed the booths dtvoted to ice cream, Wallace Lelghton. L. Lelghton. A candy and soft drinks. 'smith. A. Carlsrn and L. Heniness Under the direction of Mrs. H."dty: Mr. and Mrs. J Nlchol. Wood-T. Locke, the church basement Ccck; Mrs. J. J. Coswan. Beavallon: will be decorated on a lavish scale, a. Koltbere. Disby Island: John .This will Include special booths for,Kalk and J. Brlsbln, Part Essing-Ithe sale of Christmas gifts. From j ton; W. M:MUlan. Lowe Inlet; W.J. report at last night's meetln.t Marshall and J. A. Allan, Bella Bel-Jit would seem that the six groups ja. . Prince Rupert D. Malheson, Anyox. vey and Explorers. nir A T M A D V UT Coconui sny i ran uuigers. WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE wtnnipfjO. Nov. 22: .(CP) Ing at MsgC. JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET l'lione 95" FULTON Thone CS3 Specials for the Week! Wheat prices were, down He to MUTTON CHOPS .J.p vpsterdav with November clos-1 3 lbs. r ) SIRLOIN STEAK ' 3 lbs. Jl-lb. ROUND STEAK, and Mb. KIDNEY RII1 STEAK 3 lbs. POT ROAST BEEF Per lb. 3-lb. SHORTRIBS for - 2-Ibs. PORK HOCKS . for LOIN PORK CHOPS Per lb. SHOULDER OF PORK-- Per lb. SHOULDER of I-MB Per lb. 1Mb. SHOULDER MUTTON for I.EO of MUTTON Per lb; BULKLEY VALLEY BABY Any cut. 's'usSyrook BUTTER-Per lb. AYRSHIRE BACON . Machine sliced, ner lb. MACHINE SLICED IIA3I-(5-polnt) Per lb. leu c.. Mice OHUWCl 1 Ul 111130 Mildred Lindsay Delightful Affair Last Night Honor of Bride-Elect 50c 50c 50c 50c 10c 25c 25 c 25c 15c 15c 75c 20c BEEF 15c In IJ2 Miss Audrey Wrathall and Miss W Helen Stamp-Vincent were Joint jhfl hostess last evening at the resf-iffir dence of the former's parents on ft Fourth Avenue West at a showr r honoring MlsS Mildred Lindsay whose marriage will take place ? early in December.' ' Tne evening: was spent piaymg bridge. The winner of the floating prize was Miss Muriel Vance and Miss Kaj McMillan-;. Miss Isabel Bremner and -Miss Sheila Stuart were winners gf Ilrst, second and third prizes respectively. There was also a novelty chafr prize which was .won by Mrs. D. R Barclay. ... During the serving of refresh ments. Miss Helen Stamp-Vincent. on behalf of the party, presented the guest of honor with an electric Sllex coffee maker which was suit ably acknowledged by the recipi ent. The invited guests were Misses t Mildred Lindsay, Helen McLeod. Ralph .Morin Elected President Oil Kimt. Eneen oreen, ay This Oroup at High School ; McMillan. Creddle Morgan. Mary ( jMcFle. Sheila Stuart, Vivian The opening mejUrg of the' Wrathall. Isabel Bremner. Muriel Chemistry Club for itssecorid term Vance. Frances Thomson, Lucille was held in thesclcnce room of i Brooksbank. Mrs. S. Elklns, Mri. Booth Memorial High School yes-iD- Wthle. J- Garrett. Mrf. .terday afUr the school periods. T. iW- rooxsnanic ana Mrs. u.. r.. JL. Davis opened the meeting andBarclay la&ked the members to express i hcmselves freely on all matters of Interest to the Chemistry Club. He stressed that hereafter the af Provincial Constable Monkley. Is ' returning to the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning from Vancouver, bringing north Ernest Mayard, an Alaska Indian, who was largely on them. I arrested last week at Hope and will Election of- officers for the com- fiace a enarge 01 oreaiung ana en tering and1 theft from the residence of Rev. E. W. Slater at Metlakatla. In connection with hls case a Metlakatla Indian of Juvenile age has also been arrested and will be similarly charged. 25c 25c 40c k Book For The Bride From now till Christmas with each wedding ring sold we will present a beautiful book with places to fill in all the little details pertaining to 'the, engagement, the wedding, the reception, the gifts,- guests, trip, etc. Also details of the wedding ettiquette by MAYFAIR. E cJEVELLErS Htme store with the clocn Walker's Music Store Larje Stock Music Heintrman, Nordhelraer and Lessee Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 3S9 213 4th St Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 For Correct Corset ry Have an Individual Figure Analysis by Your Nu Hone Corsctiere EDITH MILLER Smith Block I 5 1 I I P I I ?6 a BAR GOLD LONDON, Nov. 22: CP)- BELGIUM CZECHOSLOVAKIA FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN GERMANY IRELAND NETHERLANDS NORWAY . SWEDEN SWITZERLAND ! Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was down lc at The $35.06 yesterday. - k an MAILS WON'T WAIT . Not Even For Santa Claus Chrbtmas Gifts That Go Across the Sea Should Be On Their Way We have many suitable gifts for gentlemen friends overseas. Make your selection now. We'll be glad to attend to mailing routine, relieving: you of. duty and custom form responsibility. Gifts bought at Watts & Nickerson's up to 6 pjn. on the days listed will arrive In time to say Merry Christmas to friends In other lands. November 23 November 29 r November 29' ! November 29 November 2 .............. NovembeV'29 Novembers . November29 November 29 November 29 WATTS & NICKERSON "Worthwhile GifU for Men" itliinri:i m n nn VHnrsn?a imm vmrwxtn-SrT.wnrm.sm xmr.mi u MacKenzie's Furniture . CHRISTMAS GIFTS PULL-CP CHAIRS Solid walnut, spring cushions, assorted tapestry. Each PULL-UP CHAins Walnut finish, web seat, tapestry. Each SOLID WALNUT END TABLES Each WALNUT FINISH END TABLES Each - Christmas Cards Finest Assortment Reasonably Priced Make Your Selection - Now $1250 S9.50 I $8.50 I S1.95 Phone 5 g Ormes Lid. "Jim Pioneer Druqcfists The ilexsll Store. Phones: 11 U IS Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 P-m. Sundijs and Uolldayi From 12 noon till 3 a on, 7 psa. till 9 p.m. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK R.E.Eyolfson Chiropractor 210 EIGHTH AVENUE W. Phone BLACK 31S ' t",' 4 ti , - F: X f Ma 1 11 i -i .; if "I m a 4iS 4T . t i 1 kit ".ii