THE DAILY NEWS the News Wanl ant Ad. W ay. ——————SS———==x It’s a Good One Try Gomer ertnsommarnitine ~~ CAMERON’ CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ' Do You Need Xmas Help? | “The News” Classified Ads. i + ts ee te — oe ss Christmas Giving | ' { lf tf if tt tt i eee re than one article here suitable for Christmas giy ee ee Ra ee See ee = Une ent ord For ac nsertion== ompel your inspection and assure your selectior Nugget Pins Pearl Brooches, 14k Necklets —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— Loewe, B. B. B.’s own Pearl Tie Pins, 14k Signet Rings Cut Glass Dp veneonerenermmermeeomaertartisemmartarraartd pnermnrmnermertaimmarmermsermariaanerted . make; G. B. 0D. special a a Pipes and Peterson patent, meer- Lockets Solid Gold Cuff Links Solid Silver Match Safes, Cigarette and Jewel Cases ALL GOODS ENGRAVED FREE Make your selection Early and get First Choice — ——— — emer erm R. W. CAMERON Select your goods for engraving early and avoid disappointment Jeweller and . Diamond Specialist A COLUMN OF LOCAL JOTTINGS ' PS Items of Personal Interest About People and Things in) Prince Rupert That Are in the) Day’s Happenings. New Union Forming. | Pmerm, ee For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close t | freshly papered and clean, only $1 F. McRae & Co. For Rent McBride, per mc math. | By 8.8. Insurance j | ee | | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | settlements. We write every known class 0 at | | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Cc | emcee rere er er er eres erase | | Wanted __Forkewt | Fresh FLOWERS sins laptalpacibllatiitatemsemncrer —~+| ‘ARCTI schaum and calabash, cigar cases, cigarette cases, cigar holders, cigarette holders, pipe racks, smoking sets, tobacco jars, ash trays, sil- ver match boxes, etc. Smokers’ Sundries Prince Rupert tomorrow a. t C STUDIO Puone GREEN 336 ard Ave., Law 9 Butler Build's Christmas Cigars in Gift Boxes $1.00 Up All of the Leading Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, both imported and domestic OO OOIONRIOOH * A cooks’ and waiters’ union is - ze to be formed in the city, and a} “=D FRONT— = mosting win et ona view. Vii. Ss See —STORE WITH RED , be held tonight in the Carpenters’ Pela General Servant. Other maid a oS) pag | Hall. x4, FH | WANTED—Experienced maid. | Mrs. FS Op W | 6 e Long, Emmerson place Telephone Ret Christmas Social. 254 aia The Scandinavian Society Val- | Maternity nurse open for engagement. Apply | halla of 8. H. & E. F. is making | Wanted. — Dressmaking, cleaning and press. | ” en sates . ’ : 2 . ing, iri f d wome: rs Charlies hree lots lock 7, section 2 0 each; ! pre a) ear less : * ee can ing. repairing for men asd women. | ire, Chasis | 7 re lot bie c 7, sect n 4 2 00 h | social wi dance il - 0 » He WANTED—-Youth with business college x ts, block s m 1, $5,000 pair e383 °. SESSESSE Seas Heese Saturday, Dec. 30th, at 8 p. m.) tatuling sete ae eri a” a ast, ‘bal 12, 18 imonins, at 7 SSESSESESENE SS SESES ESSERE STE SIET TEES SESE: seiaiattaiiaits Music by Gray's. orchestra.| 13, News office. s 28s Se eed eel eso0 388 JUST ARRIVED Gentlemen $1.50; ladies free. MARRY—Why remain lonely? The Ideal| 4h, bal, 3, an, GF sisal atieerm 116-23 Introduction Club leads to happiness. A block 84 E vg Fe THE ~~ + d16-2¢ iness. 4 I 1 * ” strictly private, high-class, up-to-date As Fine 3° j A large assortment of chocolates in fancy baskets and boxes Phi axe ha aut aha 6 taba a merriageanis periy tatredue ae roeiie eel ech eed ran lets $ } also a full line of There arrived yesterday a large religion, age, or. financial condition. | block 28 ce « Ss eo 1 e’ S| s > ; rlass oO Many people waiting, ric and f i ose pe ‘ a atin faat's eben Parti ufars oa Plata, sealed coer. velop mee! a % ° see TOW erby China, hé é eC I, C, Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. ( ese Py STOCKINGS AND CRACKERS yet China and many other beautiful te. et ~~ block ¥ _— ae Fes aon eer STORE meme 5 5 oice New Season’ s Fruit and Nuts lines especially attractive and |] k . #2 Ss shows the way to furnish your home with qus and a appropriate for Xmas gifts. Call Lost and Found . ee ry % ° " : 4 p C store y r — —_ —_ ‘ 9 t y q E SEE OUR WINDOW _§¥ at Wark’'s before you buy. if os ee ss — 4 cy For Chr mas Gifts what is more substantial and use ful t i chili Sea Six eer : f f po _ oe Frightful Scheme Mav apr er " re t in lea " ' i se fortable Chair, ror Settee. A choice variety i 4 In the MeManigal confession, caer ; i Dining Room Furniture, Buffets, China Cabinet Williams & McMeekin Blois’ sh'U! Sst pe g Dining Tables and Chairs—teather sea a there exists a plan for the dyna- For Sale <3} ” ere ii Helgerson Block a a Phone 56 miting of the whole city of Los { a} o . Jee | Anseles, and to cut of RET ONG 6 prereset ca soramattare a retina 3% Wicker Chairs and Rockers from $5.50 to $8 ; | ‘ | e eit’ FOR sale—Furniture f 5-room t \ se ¢) e ey o |} supply so as to hold the city up Rha ed , 739-3 rit 8 “a BOLSOESSLIOROATORISESE LOELA TOL TOLISE ; OE SOETSA TOLIOT ISL FOELOH ISLS ETOLOLEE | oti) i should de all unionised. ie 2 palesionitaedtis ar ae 1 h x33 Lace Curtains, latest designs, in Ecru or White a eee | 63 ae nge Tapestry Curtains, Rope Portiers, Casé ee ts Christmas Cards. cel Stenographer ey Large range Tapestry ( rta a P Portier a SSS ESS ES SSS Extraordinary assortment at} k ' Qo nt Cloths, Madras and Scrims oa Keeley's tf ee eee rer ba i Ph ’ 7 saga! tenographer of wide want ‘ S34 : eR dc tenogr r 462 Cor h % js ‘ ° ° s a T H E ID E A L FU R N IS H l N G | Hangman Berry Here dova St., Vancouver, B.C t-f res + 3 For Good Values in Carpets and Rugs all sizes, Now is Your time to Buy James Berry, ex-hangman of ai sentir mink donciome lp As ul. # see mee 3 t “ oO oO does | . k . Great Britain wh now | i! Business Chances { 7 G3 BOOT jevangelistic work, is stumping \] / FOR RENT. g3 . ; oo aa Corliss Coon Collars | Canada at present. [uch Aids ena ae RAB ut Sixth s of ° Re ee ae cee DON’T worry about rainy days. We do} “FOR SALE. 3 GEO D TITE Th H Furn h SHOE | Christmas dinner—friends in- | family ee vr 4 ene ae Se bin with fou a ‘ ° ° % e ome IS er : HOUSE H ith 3 d 7t | vited, extra dishes, glasses, linen| Phone 118. Pioneer st ! 5 THIRD AVENUE, PHONE 20 airy Smi - ” r & h | needed, SPORES eed): PURO S a en =a J St i H. K 1 < PSIPELPRPPRsParDesegenacseeee: SPRSPROPSSASEAS PRS a= —— | | Water Notice ere Ugler, Lid, 2:::eiciiiciieeieicieeaeee eee eeS — . | ———_——— | oy te Hailstorm Yesterday. s A violent hailstorm pelted the I, Alfred Christ inir cupation tupert, oc- | icity yesterday morning During the Water Comm ein Prince lthe height. of the patter the|feeefesters = | ck t N dful f H lid Ey — jthe heigh oO 1e = =6patter 1 | feet of water per 7 9 | waterfront was so well peppered ged own x ~ Ss mas ee S$ or 0 ] ~ |} teat everyone seultied for shelter. |= ieee We Par Higheot Prices | Mirrors Military Brushes | | for brass, Copper, Lead, Manicure Sets e 1e8 Toilet Wat | Fine line of work baskets filled | ort Rubi = B oh @ vt " ; “Perfume 1 | |with candy. If you want a good | Dated Nov. 2 ar ee: See), eee ; ss >. a | one you had better have it laid ‘ Dross and Bottles C. H. ORME - - The Pioneer Drugs e | aside Christmas stockings. MADE AND e. | Ward’s Candy Store. tf oes ‘PAIRED Sz hristmas oods | sor soteraimen | Prince Ayer Cash Store| |] Tee OPE rm Took the Hint. | e e | A plankway is being construct- JOHN CURRIE 735 THIRD AVE. uy 0 The Largest and Most Select Stock in the City ff ex at iast along the business side | seen” Aven rance RoPERY , We have fancy decorated China from Japan, China, ef cero are between First and ’ ", — £0) yo PAG TI IO, AG WP —— 7 FV, Po er. Austria, Bohemia, France and England. An_ especially ee ee LINDSAY CARTAGE on ASAE CaS 5% Se a) SG Waves O15 : BE ah fe /SY ce line of Englis er sets | ep > na P S rar, BY nice lin English dinner ts. Oheletmas Oita th China. aN ch ae the a J AO 2 me (A a A |} Keeley’s elegant display of| G.T. P.T f a. CUT GLASS direct from European manufacturers. aes oa China o eitat veneer nee we, Me, we « . - | Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable. ] A : PRESSED GLASS from the largest house in Cenada. ; range of variety and price is at-| Sa fo. A f | tracting the Christmas shoppers | OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6s | § (G t STONEWARE, crocks, jugs, bean pots, teapots, etc., from tf , ‘ et - bey seg ; Wisconsin. An excellent line of plated ware to choose | ites Sanaa ee cy Vi som | At cost, toys, dolls, games—| (|% a - WILL BE A CONSTANT REMINDER OF THE GIVER . bY AS BASKETS in al! sizes and varieties. | Wallace's a XMAS IFT { y~ se r < LAMPS io light the entire city, from the most fancy to | mney l { fo So), a = Ma the cheapest bedroom Jamp Fire Hall Insurance. / (Ee Ge 'F) ‘ I amp. ee seen XS J } One thousand dollars’ insur- i] tte en ener ee jis MP 4 OY ENAMELWARE (too numerous to mention, lance has been placed on the new \j kDY ia “py OIL CLOTH and linoleums. There is where we shine. fire hall with C, D. Rand's agency, 1) The most appropriate and most j f =f We list a few of our goods that would prove very acceptable a 7 land another $1,000 with McCaf- | appreciated Xmas gifts are usualiy ¢{ Cy, 5 ps . . nes FURNITURE such as fancy rockers from $2 to $20. , ; |) found in well appointed jewelry >» ( to your home or your friends, | fery & Gibbons. Recommendation} { .o.. ’ ¢ hg EASY CHAIRS from $10 up. Couches and parlor suites. }was made last night in arene i] Pee hy 7 he Reed and rattan chairs and rockers. Beds and bed lthat ¢ ; f Steet ekgoried Goce of grreaue: 119 5) w¢ eed and rattan chairs and rockers. Beds- and bed- that a third sum of $41,000 be | and best assorted stock of giveablé A) = w {\j ding. A large stock of curtains and draperies, too. | provided for on the fire hall risk gifts ever shown in Rupert. | 4 iA Cooking and heating stoves and carpets. |with George Leek & Co. Our Cut Glass display is a worthy ] Ete 6 EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS AT THE cone oe tpetapine, exelnaite- a wey Carpet Sweepers Scissors Footbalis wl y | . e 4 4 ‘ er 0 en hanc € rated china makes . . ' ‘ 4 |. One> 8 alemen Player Pian a dainty remembrance. We have
Eread Mixers Sugar Spoons Punching Bags la % |to be sacrificed for cash at! Moorcraft and Royal Crown Derby t*2 Sadirons ; ; ' 4 Warks. tf | our heuveley “‘cuscateds: anycains 4 Cy, c Embroidering Scissors Eoxing Gloves Xe | —— j we have ever before shown, and in } ry! meet Gillette Safety Razors Air Guns wr } s ) sele Cc all our experience we neve a } arvers i . ened Boe os mish ms aiane on. a Call and see our lect ms 8 j a rs aD ri ne “3 we 4 r had j iy 4 i ; Shaving Brushes .22 Calibre Rifles Yy, | of diamonds and gem rings read Knives Razor St ’ . Entrance on Second Avenue. | Gray & Sons’ Jewelry Store. — = { vk ) R mr —_ Alarm Glooks aM a7 ¢ ‘ : I api ac oes j an ogers 1847 Cutlery Razor Hones Skates X vi . re ar Butcher Knives Nut Crackers Boys’ Axes — —| ADMITS OWING $2,100 ark wey Coffee Percolators "eA RTE i ayaa an r . Nickel Plated Teapots R ; , >< aon Fine View Corner 0% torinzer repored on more | Mito seven pnt | FED eres ne Ane Geer Cy The Insurance People sh rote 4 on —iIN SECTION Two~ ani, | tes neers testes » 7 Fire According to the estimate of| YY Ad : Y p ate | ——— $2,250-—_-— the City Engineer the sum of} Daca Paes WG ‘an Karilant $2,100 is dye J. R. Morgan, con- A We have an endless lis . q ; : : : Plate Glass tractor, for grading work done if j Learn to Dance / EM 1 endless list of goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. ay rag meron: lane Sa oie = quae ae ~ wy ya ‘y Polic Writt Direct jby the city be abandonec 1@ . 4 f . “ES olicies ritten irec SNAP oe $525 Each lengthy letter from Mr. Morgan, ~ KING'S ‘DANCING § ACADEMY € “ eM » >? a “6 ; 3 OSL Se nay Mack Realty & Insurance} Lots 12, 14, 15, Block 28, Sections |" Which Alderman Mori e7| wc oat ae en tee et ee = Nev es | contended the other evening, was (noch eit sananen aire aialae ‘ : = P.S.—Houses and Rentals TS produced and read, It embodies | of one ticket. Kp + ~ claims for extra work basides | Wednesdays and Sehurdare 5 Pri 2, = ~|(.R.NADEN COMPANY" osm. %he douse | Ssttvzortsmes | aes Prince om eden & Supply C m3 TRY THE “NEWS” WANT | claim. The matter is held over ot H:3 lp wy, PP y ompany Ww Limited. waiting reports on the other oe LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED (AE Tr I LE EN aragmtyas AD. WAY OF FINDING Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C.) (actors claims. j LAD conpiauiy wvireD | - re PEG DEB fot er ea sy ere SOS Cae 4 awae ree pi ev os as Pat's