r n a I'hIIm hI.LI r vjv HiiiM c irrr-MANY DIE Territory. Say inner , r.rt v ft .. ,.. conference win i -.rrtfln svithln ten days m At . a ahb aww r fa f.ir inP VI u rtf Jr" 'rom Oermany. tt - rd mteraay oy an Bisi n HTtne Secretary. Orcat rs re adv to take me ieaa . ..- Cir Jnhn said, bv rj ? f. Jffirs for Jewi wunm r.r-t yesterday- adopted a rrx..' ;. implying rebuke a tk. .v.j frarmnt being ac- i jr. t Helen ana aa- -i v',td action to find hm f - them The mouon ' "si Dale Wllh Der Feuhrer Ctrmsny on Thursday Of This Week aUiN N m- im'iForelcn rir.w of South Africa. V itor to Oermany. wilt 1 Char, cllbr Adolf nitler on 1 A . esiaent At arm Springs "'t To Spend a Couple Of at Georgia Resort oriuNQS, Georgia, nov. . -p"sldent rranklln D. Roose- 1 rlved hero last nlnht to 'a Uq weeVi it hni Imnort-. Public business to consider Way mak . T1 Si Hit a UnunA Fredericton IN SLIDES llrarjr Rains loosen Avalanches In St. Lucia CASTRIUS, hU Lucia, Nor. 22: (CP) Fifty persons, at least, have been killed and hundreds of oiheri are missing as a result of landslides yesterday and today on this small West Indies island. There have been heavy rains during the past few days. A series of rain-loosened avalanches hare spread death and deduction throughout the in terior of the Island. A mountain slldo. eight miles red 'm'r.t: ' of "certain ra-1 long, last night buried two ham-rt "ni3 a, 1 political minor!-, lets with the number of Inhabi- '" . ' a . I a a t a a I gj-'pe and suggested lm- tans estimated to run Into the ratr" ;:.-ludlnjt United a- - - . a. .taMSMM tVMUSV ' S - ! " . s .r ran In nm p-.t - si j but were de-i t -i i ! 5r-i x J Berlin offtcUIl -fit Is apparent ' sever, against the us motkm and the j Tanganyika, the for- East Africa, be one 4? Orrman, Jexa- L Ncvnie unamocriaui 4rt 'iie ro-operatton of ASalt Hitler of Oermany c ; uerman jews in new Hitler Resentful LIN, Nov 22 CP' -Expres- ""ntment at the move to ir T.. rofitaiM in hundreds. Rescue workers, laboring all night, recovered forty-five bodies and sixty injured persons but this morning a new avalanche burled all the dead again in addition to many of the. t t t ,' .. wiin ifM.i iniurrd ana Mterai rescue worn- I, :? ....-Jewish drive1 era. FUNCTIONS OF CHURH Ministerial Association Feels Thai Closer Coming Together Slight Help At the meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association yesterday, the clergy of this city be ing in full attendance, the problems affecting community life were m; ii tne lormer uerman discussed ana ome prcmu u8-t) 1 AMca. Chancellor Adolf, Betkms were made to meet them, f dr i-es that Orrat Britain j n was thought that church could J V to dump such peoples help by coming together for. local 2ii'.r ' territory. I coumenlcal witness in worship and fJa Naxl authorities.' work and by extending IU conrern -,g over further Jewish) for the , underprivileged and out- i many more jews w cast not oniy Dyreouse ui sr.d - anrentratlon camps. rican Minister Meet Hitler In the powerful rebuke ot deeds Conditions of living among , many should be carefully studied and. where misunderstanding between classes, parties or individuals lm-ocded the progress of social reform. j they should be healed and the part- ies concerned reconciled, Members ot the church should be 1C0NFISCATE Bennett Looking Forward to En-Joying I "Home and Garden" During Declining Yean OTTAWA. Nov. 22:, CPForm Prime Minister It. B. Bennett. In connection with the announcement' of Ms forttlooming retirement in England, said he Intended to quietly devote the rest of his life to furthering, wherever possible, the Interests of Canada in the Old Land. Meantime, he was looking forward to spending his declining years, as he had long hoped, in a "home and garden." Mr. Bennett has purchased an estate in Surrey to which he hopes to return soon. TWO YEARS IN ORIENT Situation Doeii Not Look So Rood 1 Now But Still There Is Hope, Says le Sam fensive purposes, he says. Mr. Lee Sam spent the most of the time at his native home at Korupnoon which Is located on the Pearl River delta about eighty mllaa f mm ranlnn onrl about the , 1 1 . - B . . V " . . . - - . same distance from Hong Kong. I .. i Kongmoon has not been occu pied by thc Japanese. The local' man did not see any actual bomo-ing or fighting but plenty of Jap anese fighting planes were to be seen. He also witnessed a great deal of the horror, destruction and suffering of the war. ' It ii was wm not nov without wuHuus some oi. dlffl- ..- encouraged to be ready to under-j Moiflancl Heard take responsibilities in local and lUdllldllU HCaiU national government and thc church should seek to support and and eulde Its representatives. It was felt, however, that the me In Legislature VICTORIA, Nov. 22: (CP) - - - icraay. nu. scrvatlve Leader of the Opposition, wvf firmed narty policy. The House has started nlsht sessloios and tt is rvnortrd the budget debate will be nnr 111 rtrd today, clearing the way I for Introduction of the session's I major icgismwuu MONASTERY' Weather Forecast Naxl Authorities Jeuc impure... is ' Synopsis- c,.nn, Pressure Pressure s ran,iic institution In Ocncral " w" - : i-l .it Viioh over uruisn oi- Austria vtf.nNA. Nov. 22: (CP) St. Lam- I bcrfs monastery, one of thc largest nr mP bcen connscated byl V1" horX JTw BrLwck.lN.ul Authorities. No official ex-dtd. He J, rJZd T loT n nianatlon for the act has bcen g V - f i ... t. n mi'Cf nrtp cnvsi iiir only last spring was re- en alinougu - - 'rom ih. f(m inaututlon was In an appalling 'Wment, , bocM and economic state." umbia and fine colder weather Is reported in all parU of this pro vince. . . Prince Rupert ana wueeu v,ui HITLER'S OLIVE BRANCH BERCHTESGADEN --Chancellor Hitler declared today that Germany and France are -no longer divided by serious border conflicts which have burdened their past." He made the. statement as he received the credentials of France's new ambassador, Robert Coulondre. In Paris it was believed this statement might take the place, of a written friendship agreement. DEATH CAR BURNED VANCOUVER Fire destroyed one espress car offa westbound Canadian National train which derailed near Hope In the Fraser River Canyon early today. The burned car carried. the body of Co-Pilot Jack Herald who was killed and badly burned in the crash of a TransCan'ada Air Lines plane near Regina Friday. The body was In a steel tasktt and It was not further harmed. WOMEN PICKETS NANAI.MO Four women out yesterday with pickets en deavouring to prevent the loading of a shipment of scrap iron from here, supposedly for Japan. Nan Sneaking of the general war almo truck drivers have refused situation. Lee Sam. local Chinese! to handle the material but it was merchant, home after two years' heMrved here' that Vancouver look rather bad for China at the' have, however, not yet appeared. present time, there it still hope i with the people who are now RUTHENIA SORE SPOT united In a way they have never. PRAGUE Military forces of been before. It has been found) Czechoslovakia and Hun- dittlcult to oppose the superior. i ftLTJ aont lhe uuthcnlan fron- mechanlzed forces or ine Japanese ljer re nK increased in view of so the Chinese have been resort-J ,resn der incidents arlslns out ing to a policy of retreat to the hinterland and from there harras-1 sing the Invaders with guerrilla tactics, s Militant of men are sun being raised and trained tor de ot Hungary's renened demand for the annexation of Ruhenla. I ands of livestock handlers in sup- I. fh Jomorrow s Tidei Today's Weather mm 2.03 a.m. 19.8 IR' ' t Prince Rupert Clear, northerly ft:47 p.m. 21.9 ft. wind, four miles per hour; barometer; 7:58 ft.ni. 7.4 tt. 30.55 (rising); temperature, 10 20:32 p.m. 25 ft. 29; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 272. NOVEMBER 22; 1938. PRICE: i CENTS t. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, .iti j-onr u " ll l f 1L .iii, l r.ti-A m rnnrp ram i if n l m-m n n v mm - .. m m v 1X1 I .IV vU " " l v. i ni r OVER MB Visit ST,'1 To Nations to rV ' ..Two 1 Klf London . l In l.niiaiun . i. - . rwn - Vt'aul, regent of Jugo-Slavta. is a (,ffm 7 .visitor to London to discuss ques- I tlons affecting hi cpuntry and Vsfn KnCCPQ Britain. n 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 1. m. uuijvu . Mill I w- - -- i (ACHIEVES AMBITION Bulletins DR. MANION Contracts Let ON TREATY For VarshiPs WEATHER IS COOL onlnion of Interior This Morning port of the C.I.O. demand for In- j ' isiand-Overcast. south- For B. C, Hanson Believes creased wages and ""ProvM Jeanwindi f0ur miies per hour; bar-i Minto. .03?i. working conditions. Uith heavy . . 30:50: temperature, 36; Fairview. .05 of live stock tied al- 1 shipments up - u t sweU ready in corraiis. larmers are oe- , D . Poin Part cloudy. ing urged to curtail their shipments until the strike has been settled. GRAIN rOR ClfKCIl!I.L' '' CHURCHILL, Manitoba So far this fall 675 carloads, or aporoi-iralely one niilliopy buvhelsi&of , h b Sloped to , eulty that Mr Lee J ; cIeytor Rr snHnT to get away from Kongmoon to txpttM peeled two-ana-a-nau ,w0.and.a-half million minion of Canton. All regular boat ser-. . i i aa v,a nere. Vices nuvillK inrrii susliiuiu. , had to make the trip as best he could by small fishing boat, the nnArvT TiriT,IiM.T trip taking about four .days where fKllllllll lllll VVJL x AVfll normally. It would have been only, a few hours, STOCKYARD AXs&TRtK? - CHICAGO Chicago stockyards are tied up by a strike of thous not not be be regarded regarded as asj church irch should should nmnn HI on K Reaffirms eaffirms of OpPo rely an agent for humanitarian jl-eader OTTAWA, Nov. 22: CPi-Can Canad efforts S or the means whereby cer-i W It P "PP Productlon for P1 tain social reforms could be acn-leved. The church was likely to become overloaded with the work of social progress and to lose sight ot thc true lal progress should be guided. Many. It was felt, confused thc end with the means to that end and vice versa. OF COPPER Considerable Increase Shown Output of Red Metal in This Country Gerry Is Expert On Skis; Visits Hollyburn Ridge em ber . exceeded fifty million pounds or two million pounds more than in September last year. For the first nine months of 1938 production has totalled 441,000,000 pounds ,as com pared with 378,000,000 in the cor responding period last year. VANCOUVER, Nov. 22: (CP) Q. O. McOeer Mi P. demonstrated his prowess as a skiler at the week end on Hollyburn Ridge during a visit of Inspection to the proposed lotte islandsFresh northeast to provincial park. He was accom-winds mostly fair and cold at panted by Col. J. P. McKenzle and ? ht rAWIIatfolWUsbVi. They set out " west Coast ot Vancouver island In a truck ovec rough ground but FrJ.h northeasterly winds, fair and (tt broke down and they had to .1 n n oni. V""T' ...-. , Olof Hansen, MP. fori Skeena, as expressed this morning.) Raising of quotas on lumber and- points with Burns Lake recording Hanson Is of the opinion that these ten above ' lu uu.cnsncu u iuc The report follows: certainly as far as British Colum- Terrace Clear, north wind, tem- bla b concerned. perature 21. Aiyanjn ciear. caim. u. Alice Arm -Clear, calm, 21. Anyox Clear, northeast wind, 23. Stewart Clear, calm. 17. Hawlton Cloudy, north wind, 18. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 12. Bums Lake Fogr "cirfrnflO Triple Island Part cloudy, east erly ' wind, live miles per hour; sea calm; barometer. 3031: temperature, 3J; light swell. Bull Harbor Scattered clouds, northiftM -lnd? six miles per hour; barometer. 30.42; temperature. 31: i light swell. AlerrBay Clear. Heht northwest wlndrFarometer. 30.43: tempera-turn, 33: sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northeast wind, . .. baromefer. 30.-. 54. Victoria Clear, northeast wind.' I twelve miles per hour; barometer, 30.54. Vancouver Clear, calm; barom-j ' eter. 3056. Prince George Clear, southwest wind, four miles per hour; barom eter. 30.74. ,ni Catholic Rites At Burial Today Miss Agnes Anne Bridden of Mas-sett Laid at Rest Following j Requiem Mass at Church of Annunciation High requiem choral mass for the repose of the soul of Agnes Anne Bridden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .jpsse Bridden of Masse tt, whose death occurred Sunday night in the I Prince Kuperv ucuciai nw...., was celebrated by Father Darito O M. I. at the Church of the Annun ciation this morning. Rt. Rev. E. M. lBunoz O.M.I.. Bishop ot Northern British Columbia and the ukon also took part in the rites which were attended by many menus, o., P, Balagno presided at the organ. Interment was made In the Roman Catholic section of Fairview Ceme tery with Rev. Father Lantatne'O. M. I. officiating. Pallbearers were Alfred Gillies, Annus Olllles. M. J. Dougherty. E. J. I Fltzpatrlck. John Carpenter and Fred Schaeffer. . There were many bjautlful floral tributes. TODAY'b STOCkS tuiunu) 6. U. Juhi-iiu Co.), Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .25 task). Big Missouri, 2Zs Bralorne, P.W""""1 A2tec, .05. . Cariboo Quartz, 2.35. Dentonla, .09 (ask).. Golconda, .06 (ask).,- Noble Five, .03 V. ' Pend Oreille. 1.85. s Pioneer. 2.60. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 2.18. Reeves McDonald, JOi Reno, 53. Relief Arlington, ,14&; Reward, .068. ' Salmon Gold. .08 (ask). Taylor Bridge. .02 V2. Hedley AmaL, .03 lj. Premier Border, .00J8. Sllbak Premier, 1.75. Congress. .01. Home Gold, .OUi. . Quatslno, .033i. Oils A. P. Con, .15. -Calmont. 54. C. & E.. 2.03. Freehold, .03i. Hargal. 22. McDougal Segur, .12 '2. Mercury, .O6V4. . Okalta, 1.00. Home Oil, 1.15. Toronto Beattle. 1.35. Central Pat 2J5. Gods Lake, J5. Little Long Lac, 2.63. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.25. Pickle Crow, 5.15. San Antonio, li22. Sherritt Gordon, 1.37. Smelters Gold, .03 Vi. McLcod Cockshutt, 3.00. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .44. " Stadacona, .46Vi. Francoeur, .23. Moneta, 1.30. Bouscadlllac. .11. Thompson Cadillac, .28. Bankfleld, Jl. East Malartlc, 2.17. Preston E. Dome, 1.40. Hutchison Lake, .02. Dawson White, .03. Aldermac, .51. Kerr Addison, 1.55. Uchl Gold. 1.37. Int. Nickel, 53.00. ' Noranda, 80.50. Corf. Smelters, 62.50. Athona. .0.7 Vi. Hardrock. 1,70. , Barber Larder, .16. ICOL. DREW IS HEARD Too Early Vet To Say How Agree-1 Thr" ? Sii'.T.lb Bren Gun Inquiry That No ment Will Come Out Is It j , Serious Attempt Has Been Made Substance For Shadow? . To P"0'6 Facts ,n Artic,e WASHINOXOM D.c. Nov. 22: OTTAWA, Nov. ov. 22: it. (CP) Hon. uon. t (CP Contracts have been let by OTTAWA, Nor. 22: (CP) The thc Unlted states Nary tol three -'""r . Manlon, Conservative baUlesnjDS. lt u announced. The,Bren 1"qui.r"UI?ed..ln.0 " r r .u n in ----- r . .. tawa tawa yesterday vesieraav with wun counsel counsel Dres- ncauci ut waiwiui., om ultimate cost of the three vessels, tt terday that not even the best tar-1 estimated, will be $150,000,000, Iff expert in Canada could defin- Itely decide now whether gains or losses would tip the scale In KkNh hITn tthe Canadian-American trade . UluL I LuL 1 1 U agreement. In a statement reviewing general factors of the agreement, however, he asked whether Canada had not given up British substance Effects for American shadow. ARE SEEN of Canadian-American Trade Agreement Will Be Good presenting argument which Is expect ed to last during the week. Lieut. Col. George Drew, author , of an article In Maclean's Magazine which began the Inquiry, stated that "no attempt ot an? kind had been made to seriously disprove the facts contained In th article." ? A complete change in the handling of such contracts as that for Bren guns should be made, Col. I Drew argued before the inquiry. That British Columbia generally He claimed that evlderfce this district in particular wiujlvely showed that n adequate safe-benefit from the new Canadian-J guards for public Interest had been trade agreement Is the J provided In the contract. He fur- ther said that Major James E. Hahn, president of John Inglls Co., was riot a suitable person for ful- 'Lowest Thermometer Readings So shingles by the United States as i filling contracts, turned Far Thl, Wnter Recorded in .well as the reduction of the tariff' CoL Drew asserted that Defence ion salmon wilL undoubtedly, be of Minister ian Mackenzie ana nis ae- much benefit Removal ot rertrlc-)Puiy. uenerai uanecne, inrougnoui .tions from forestry products, such their dealings with the Inglls Coldest weather so far this year as e stamping rcquircmcuui, w.. "y- - in the interior Is recorded today In aid through cutting the costs of conflict with the clearly; stated poll- cy oi tne prime Minister wno naa production. Ithe government telegraph? dally weather S Severll Screes of Naturally, concessions have also .written In September should 1938 that the in China, says that, while things drivers mitht be broufht In. They frQst u fj from an district hsd to be given by Canada but Mr. government not be directly or indirectly active In obtaining munitions orders In England. FIRE HALL . AFFAIRS Statement in Regard to Wages And Insurance Rates Given Out ( Information given out at the City Hall in connection with a statement made by the Trades. and Labor Council In a letter to this paper yesterday Is as follows: "In May, 1933, the month the Commissioner arrived, six men ,were on the Fire Department pay roll besides the Chief. There has been no reduction. Five of the present meiv were then on the staff and In that month received as pay the sum of $540. Last month the City paid the same five men $520. three receiving less and two receiving more pay. The f i r- InM.MinAA rats I t VHnl T? T I - pert Is not higher than lt was when the Commissioner arrived. "The proposed change would not raise the rates. The proposed reorganization plan is exactly the same as Is In effect In Nanaimo and the salaries and hours of labor the same. Nanaimo has a larger and wealthier population than Prince Rupert and Is subject to more fires. being In a dryer climate but thc fire rates are lower In Nanaimo than In Prince Rupert. The Prince Rupert Fire Depart ment Is now costing taxpayers from $2000 to $3000 more than Nanaimo pays. In 1937 the Prince Rupert Fire Department cost the city $11,616.64, of "which $9,403.75 was In wages. The total cost of the Fire Department In Nanaimo for the same year was $8,728." Southern Alberta Gets More Snow One To Three Inches Fell at Weekend But It Did Not Drift This Time . r-. . r xr Vn v . "T5 T"l. a was further snow in Southern Alberta at the week-end with one to three Inches falling. There was no wind, however, so It did "not drift. King Carol On Visit To Paris PARIS. Nov. 22: (CPlrKlng Carol of Roumanla Is paying a visit to. Parts. He was-given a stirring wel-' come. :