If I 8 Until You Have Seen the Finest Selection of Slippers Ever Shown In Prince Rupert We have Just received 600 pairs of Ladles', Men's, Boys', News Department Telephone Advertising and Cliculatloa Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation SUBSCRIPTION KATES Cltv delivery, by carrier, yearly petloa. paio In advat.ee Paid in advance, per we:k Paid in advance, per month EUROPEAN DIPLOMACY 88 M By mall to all parts of British Columbia; the British Empire and United States, yearly period. oaid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year daily. edition Misses' and Children's Slippers In all the very Jatest styles. $- Paris Maid, Steel Arch, "Rib, Crepe, Velvets, Satins, Kids in all Colors. Mules, Dorsay's and Opera and Moccasin styles and Felts. Your Headquarters For Slippers Is Here Family shoe store ltD. it would appear Prince Albert wiu daughter of Scotland, in her early was known in the royal family. "It scene of St. Paul's Waldenbury.' November tfi, 1911 I was the elder boy's pranks durins Hertfordshire, England, than of: Chief Walter Owen headed a! .02 their visit to their Indulgent J olamls with Its rugged battle-' party of six provincial police con-.25 ! grandparents which were noted by i ments and trade story. Shake-Ilables which left on this morning' visitors to Sandringham, wrotJ Speare placed the murder of Dun- train for Kltwanga enroute to the one observer. Can by Macbeth at Olamls. though Kit ancooi Valley where the In-'W The late Lord Esher, governorihard facta of history reduce it to' dlans have been causing trouble for !? lof Windsor Castle and a close'a poetic legend j white surveyors, having driven y $5.00.friend and confidant of the royalj During the Great War years,80"160' them out of the valley. W .12; family, with an excellent oppor-.oiamls was turned into a military) 50 tunity of noting th characters-1 hospital and Lady Elizabeth. her; Mrs- William Manson, Mrs. A. M. tics of the two boys wrote In his four brothers at the front, was a:Manson M- T- McCIymont ridiy 3.00 'diary in 1901: "The second boy ir familiar figure ''around Ita great Mrs. 3- M- CarmlcSael Will be pat- a on the shamest but there is some- rnnmt rooms ronesses ronesses ol of the the annual annual St. St. Andrew Andrew a s It a thing rather taking about Prince 1 Edward." Saturday. November -2fi..lfi22- . . ' ' ii I .1 ...... - 4WAf - - I II Ml. I I Daughter of Scotland i !. eloquent, 'i'" expressive eyes PIGEON rir.rhv nuhtr GHOST Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, as "She had th; loveliest pair of'bal1 ot lh st- Andrew's Society tojy ne,d thU wfek- -blue eyes I'd ever seen- very-b S, that' lr could speak for ,Chemselves," wrote a uoraon iiigruancier wno was In View Of recent changes, it is difficult to follow 'ShZ!' nursed back to health and strength European diplomacy. With Great Britain and France est child but one of 10 bom to J1, lsZl hJT552 now loosely tied to Germany and Italy, it is easy to un- sir Claude George and Lady Nma utu. no? and th derstand how the Communists of France might precipi- Bowes Lon- Slr ciaude in 1904 fpijg and Tier smile was a rotate a strike such as is going on. It is also easy to see that) SritSbior"tSt time reshment,, in the Orient there might be differences over the change a Scottish barony it was in 1937 Incident8llv- a portrait of ciev- Of front Japan, being tied up With Germany and Italy created the enrldora of Straihmore erh0U6e hanelng In the old ban- and opposed to Communism, it is not difficult to realize & Kinghorne m the united JjJ that Communistic China be inclined break with to might Kingdom. f nt vallantl tQr lh & tu n Britain. 11 has beei1 Plnted out 00111 rovm xJLr nHit. of with China in the Orient nnrl with the o-nvernment Wee ""v. I - ' " ,he the Queen's ances- 1 o mmv. aiiiga, uuuuit stio wun - KoftlAH for I!ia TirnKltM m Spain, although there are many who have opposite sym- riage with Elizabeth of York m iJtthei EngSh JacoDltw pathies, especially in regard to the Spanish situation. . THE SHEEP AND THE GOATS The world seems to be dividing into those favoring! Communism and, those opposed to it. The statement ol Stalin that Russia is ringed about with enemies seems to be more or less true, except that Great Britain and France have shown no active enmity to the Soviets and certainly would not do so if the Comintern would mind its own bus-iness and not keep on boring from within as is being done in this and other countries. . i Many of us in Canada feel a very great svmoathy with thf Russian neople and would like to see .them succeed under their chosen form of government were it not for the constant efforts of the Internationale to interfere in our own administration. That is the reason for the Padlock Law in Quebec. It may become the reason for restrictive measures in the United States and the present upheaval in France mav possibly lead to the establishment of a dictatorship in that country. j THE LESSER EVIL j In view of these trends we shall view with great interest all inter national movements and note to what ex'-' tent they conform with what we have outlined. It must be remembered that the dictatorship in Italy was set up at a time vvhrn Communism had a strong hold on the country and "-a desio-ried to save Ttaly from a dictatorship of the prolitar'at. Hitler pushed himself to the fore to save Ger-manv from Communism. Several other countries have had dictum- forced upon them for similar reasons. There is a no??ibilitv of other countries following if Commun-. ism becomes too active, , Tr is curious that dictatorships have arisen because of Communism and vet in Russia, the'Kbme'of'Cdmmun-ism, a dictator had to whip the peonle into line to keen them from breaking away from Communism after a crude ; forn of H had been established. Many lives have been taken in Russia in the effort to stamp out democracy and keep the dictatorship in power. The people of Russia, just like the peonle of Germany and Italy, do dare not express an opinion that is out of line with the opinion of the dictators. People who express opinions are liquidated. fc SOME' DAYS TOO SOON STRATFORD. Ont. Nov. 2 'ater Len Sandev would have been ket of soot. CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING OCMPANY OPERATIONS, 1937-38 Employment )uring. 1937 averaged 6,926 men. Wages paid in 1937'amotinted to $11,600,000. Materials purclineed aVnounterf to .$9,725,000.- u. v ' ' Reserves of the company are not nil in cash, hut . arc represented largely by properties in various-' AtflI!eH flf llpVl'limmetlf.. fill tllivirt IF 111! tl.lrjwla nf ' " n .....j...., -"f .. .... v.n . men. Expansion of tie company lias contjimed in 1938. .( The latest iniMrtaiit development t the om-menrement of a 50,000 liorrMver hydro electric installation on Kootrtiav Hiver, under direction of Jriie (!rnplrjl, VI-c-Prrllent of the Vrt Koolnmy Poner rntu UKJit Coinmny (a subsidiary of the 'Consolidated Mlnltijc and Smelting Company) t an rtimatel rost of 3) millions. consouDDTED mininc & smELTinc compflnv of cflnflon liriited .1. " lit TIIISONBURO. OnL. Nov. 28 CP nilsonburg's oollce sutlnn Si ghost has been caught. After to S; days of eerie sounds, police centred Jj? Investigation on a stove-pipe and l found a plump pigeon warming It- 5 self. 1 CP Had it happened a few days 5 Canadian sympathies generally seem to have been J "vtvW the 8tuaft KinS are reminiscent of ,f J iiowe, s pe y ley was smothered under a blan V 9 it ITS UNNECESSARY to suffer from the headaches, stomach pains, -gat,"" upsets" areTtyliousnesa" due to Arid Indigestion whennow there U a way that relieves excess stomach acid with incredible speed. Simply take twt rhOlips' Milk of Magnrsia Tablets at first sign o( dhtrcss. Carry these tiny tablets with you take them unnoticed by others. You'll be amazed at the results. There's no nausea or "bloated" feeling. H produce no "gas" to embarrass you and offend others. -vsaiurday,-November ? PAGY TWO titf imti.y xrws A BOX OF BAD NEWS FOR BRITONS Inquiry About Minister knowledge of Trade and Indsi any of whe. t , shipped thJ$ crop year v ,v Local Elevator vitor at Prince Rupert t. t Don't Your Buy liter. Hon. W J Awls if Dr. Lyle Telford. CC F memberi nc V&l had bf for Vancouver Fa-t uslci-ii a few th!i ye ir to the Prtr 4 SLIPPERS days ago In the L -i's'uture if the va'.or. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fRLNCK RUPERT - BRUTISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F PULLEN ... Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . . local readers, per line, per insertion ... I f I 1: You'd never guess from the tender, almost b: nign smile on the face of Chancellor CI t chequer Sir John Simon, that the battered case he. holds in his hand here as he left the treasury for the House ot Parliament, contained bad news for Britain's millions. That 1 the famous and hts. torlc budget box, containing Sir John's recommendations for raising revenue in the coming year. This year, thanks to Britain's rearmament program, new taxes were Imposed on Britons, among them an Increase In income tax, bringing the toial Income levy of Englishmen Up to more than 17 per cent. ' EARLIER YEARS GAVE GEORGE 1486. The Queen's father traced XO TITLE TO HIGH PLACE his descent from Sir John Lyon of jForteviot, to whom Robert II of 1 (Continued From Page One) Scotland granted the lands and thanage of Olamls In Forfarshire. observation as heirs-apparent andi The Queen, while properly a Twenty -Five Years Ago NO ONE IS IMMUNE to AGIO INDIGESTION But Why Suffer? Here's how you can "Alkalize" anytime anywhere the easy "Phillips'" Way Phillips' mk of Magnesia First Sec the New Enterprise and Compare Th i Value You'll Positively Save on a New Hinjje a 4 ICIioV Special Suggestions in Vanities Packrites Fashioned to Her Taste Tvin Set This beautiful matched luggage set for ladies made in splendid assortment of plain tweed. The set consists of regular 20" Pakrite and a 147' Vanity ca?e with full mirror in lid and three-piece bottle and jar. For the Fet 512.S0 & 18.50 B For Gentlemen Streamline Gladstone Hag Size 2-1". j Embossed elk grain cowhide Sf Size 24" embossed split cowhide;-. Streamline Size 20" . . . . 1 "Acid indigestion" has di j,y pcared. You feel wonder LL CetabottleofVuir ft .tj for home use, And a b x i I'WUips'AiukofAIagnetar .V i to carry with you 'have :, when trouble starts. Only ; i , box. But for your protec j?, watch out that any botue or b.a you accept is clearly rar 1 6 Phillip?" MSk cf M: - . CMU A New Enterprise PORCELAIN ENAMEL RANGE Would Make n DeliRhtful (lift to Any HousrwirY jy j VMM 22 $1 r h A i l A A it I a 8 I Gifts The Whole Family Will Enjoy J Occasional Chairs From, up For Boys and Girls $8.75 $6.50 32.50 j w n O v a . ...ak. . mm a a 1 MS aman ucnos t Wil Hold Until i:nritiima $ 0000OO00O000OOO00fOOO000OO000OO)000O0OOO0000. X 9 You'll Always Do IJettcr nt ELIO'S THIRD AVKNUK tort i Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ? Prince KupWfi