Tomorrows Tides HUh Low w . 4:45 ajn. 18.1ft. 16:16 p.m. 18.1 ft. 10:39 a.m. 0.1 ft. 23:00 p.m. 5.8 ft. Canada's Royal Guests--. EARLIER YEARS GAVE GEORGE NO TITLE TO lAirh l S. Imagined on t 1. 1900. the new-Dorn dsughter of the ancient Scottish fm; J of Bow Lyon, a commoner, tcjld one day be Queen Consort ind ourney to Canada tth the lajcr- nut already tneir Majesnea are no s'raniera to their peoples prince Albert now the King sis born IS months after his lasty brother Edward, after-vards mnce of Wales, later Klnj Edssrd Vni " and na now ". Duke t:",., or eacr b.Dther Edward were before hlra U the aucceiuloa Queen VktorU was at that Ume fn The mournful coincidence u ttndercd less painful for her. bisfver. when the parents at a. .. .. I Brother's Recommendation JAP TREES neralure. 42: light chop. f V A . aat mViAV She HIGH PLACE OF KING nirth and Childhood of Neither Kinc Nor Queen Marked Uy rrospecis oi rrcseni nxauca rusts tf.m on a fresn venture in ruyaj ... . . ,, -..i,i.i .i WASHINOTO.V. DC. Nov. 2fl. ll'nm.n' nrmnlritlfini hltr tirt- Estevan Clear, easterly .wmu. wrsnrds King Oeorge and Quee.t f eJ hour barometer Wy readily agreed that the flrt' M tsme of their second child shouiaj vlctoriaciear. northerly wlnd, Aioert lie wasenruxencu ",ur,, twelve miles per hour: barometer. TO INSPECT I hTrdi.te circle of her ov Jed and that m will be plants Prince through th-e family the Canadian Press recalls ! elsewhere. But ovcrpresf-d with the uncer-1 Ubttci of even royal lives shej TODAY'S WEATHER ihne mav have had a vision oli . NEWLYWEDS: Compulsory Examination to be Ke- quired in This rrorince Prior to Msrrtlr confidential. I Thre will be no proposal to i forbid marriage where examlna- A DC DDI 7 Eft tlon d'f,01 dle but u ( AKK I 11cJliU espected such dlwlosures would j discourage marriage. Memorial X Xt.T&'UlAll OF - POLICE -. Oeorge next year. Bush Fires In Uhe se:ond prince reaching tht itnd- Overcast. north t- ttrcne with the name Albert, af ia,t vini lcn mjM per hour; light) LalllUrilla VU ter her Ul husband Ue Prince iwejj ij . , Corrjrt When Uie young Albert ' ungara Istond-Overcast. south- KamnagA Affain iMhe fate of klns, did become a .jnd, fourteen miles per hour; a a o c strh he chose to be the sixth ironic ter. 30.07; temperature. 46; j c( the Oeorges. honoring the mem- moderatt t LOS ANOELES Nov. 26: CP y of his own father. i Deaf Tree PolnUdoudy. light Bush fires In the Santa Monica and Some historians of the day re-1 .0UlnMst wind: barometer. 30.06;' San Bernardino districts, .f which ' uooa wuccii vikiuiiA ""(temperature. 4i: mm sweu. muitmuaj wcsn hcviku w v tat f'.f di&Lurbrd disturbed that that the me iaui uui DuJl .. t,.,.,- narbor pair Fair. spattered scattereaunuer I under control, coniroi, nave nave oroicen oroncn oun om, Qufen Victoria's own diary vancouvcr-Foggy. easterly wind, Alberta Wheat Pool Is Not to Merge . niulc v , 'four miles oer hour: baromcicr. uu.-1 ti unnea i.ram irowrrs Ik. A .ubIKU annia 'v event: inis vcmuic ...... frrary has returned for Uie 34th Pay Checks Held Prince Albert spent his frerTTn. TparllPrQ 1 CaUHCl o rs at York Cottage. Bandrinf UJI, the country home of his par "U. then the nuke and Duch Talk Strik. 1 wnf the Ouccn wrote rtxrrnnKi . .Mu hntr hirom to the loss of the Prince Consort " " hen I went to my dressing room j ' norlh wlnd I found telegrams front Oeorgl I e Ti, Jm I 6mlthcrs-Part cloudy, cast wind. mutyi nuu iv. 26 SS.I ttoraln n1 Qeorgle's , , SSSm was Burn, Lake-Foggy, calm. 19. Terrace-Cloudy, north wind, 30. rn that this dear child shouldl calm 27. L nnfn fu Alice Arm-Cloudy, calm. 35. a feeling thaat It mav may oe beal ai rioudv calm 30 tdCftrn,laS,r ?w"rT5V nd Mm may be looked upon as a gii ', rem Ood." . .... RAtsintmo. Alberta. Nov. 26: CPI "aracicr and abilities, wncn prtnce of Wales he remarked on'. e occasion: "My brother Bertie . .. comparisons. "UDrrt) wnulrt mnVi. n. better . i .i,- the iia line of f suc- m. Second sons In Amalgcfmation Move Rejected Prince Oeorge-CIcar. northerly CALGARY. Nov. 26: (CP)-Th' OIW- Alberta Wheat - Pool, . at its annual . mwUni here yesterday, rejected r proposal of amalgamaUon with the United Oraln Growers, the objection helne that such a merger would bring the Alberta Pool Into competition with the Saskatche. wan and Manitoba pools. Laid At Rest Funeral of Thomas Sproat From H.C. Undertakers to Falrview Cemetery Th. funeral of the late Thomas rcsnect. very uev. jumw u. uu 1 r.L .J.,. A.11..J son ' dean oi "iuu" 15 vy"wi" r-1 htfi'platcd and John E. Davey nreslded at the organ to accompany I. T - A the hymns wnica rk..w-ly Light" and "Abide With Me." Pallbearers were George Scott, S. " ... m i.u.. n tir A Bird, W, BioruuBc, vi. . R. O. Macaulay and than I would." The future,' nvcr such SUbjccUs of nudderham. Rudderham. Zn lbcrt nneA l" hU slead' J- M. Walk", He observers of annlher day an' ,r,mtimiri ((ontinurti on nn i Pane aye. Tim) i mj look nlace this afternoon from the chapel of B.C. Undertakers to Falrview Cemetery with many old friends In attendance to nav final tributes of esteem and Strike Are tfoVe "Telintoatefl" I . . a H a m ANNOUNCE? New HosTav rrovince lias Paid 15I.90 iiimiiv:. t tested vigorously at the removal of . -- a communication read at lastr JaDanese flouerlng chern- trees in'.Schil For Officers Will Be Held nlsht regular monthly meeting of 'connection with the excavation for. Throughout Province It Is the board of dlredora of Prince likelihood of klngsiupi .. , ,.,....- u.n.ri,i innnnj trifi orivisrd that NORTHERN AND CENTRAL KRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.,SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1938. st Blinard In Years : oer cent debentures to finance i the replacement in this city of wooden water line ith cast iron j pipe lines. The mains which it is Plans and the contractors are being M-t Als-niihrr asked to give a figure on the cost. 11 U I nwi 111115 -. i J..I J.J .a h,v. cn rr it was aisu uctw iu ...v jaddlUonal etectrlcal work carried XeTfrtheless, Some Anxiety out In connection with operating room sterilizers. Bu i c4 -; I let i ns (JllINTS STAVING HOME CALLANDER, "Ont. In regard to io reports reports that " the quintuplets rOUND STERLING LOW NEW YORK The British . . A - I J jNo Increase (In Bounties Still Exists in Regard to Aged Pope Pius VATICAN CITY. Nov. 26: (CP) Although anxiety Is still felt,, a bulletin Issued by a specialist called last night to attend Pope Plus, who .suffered a heart attack yesterday.i stated that the condition of His' Holiness "Is not alarming at the moment - An official communique; ,mm said today tndav that that the tne Pope rODe naa naa re- rc- pouna iicnini ar.?p ...,. f, ,, ,nd Covotes $1.63H, the lowest point day to ,-..- m It Is Dls- . i .... .....r,... .r wm Remain the Same, crls'- " 1is,a,u" durlnr the CKchovaklan Is. This was a drop for the day of 2Hc. The pound In Montreal was quoted at $4,661. Hockey Scores i Pacific Coast . League . j Seattle, 2; Vancouverj 4. VTfrmRlA. Nov. 26: (CP) There will be no Increase In bounties on wolves or coyotes In British Colum bia, It became known in connection i with passage of estimates for the coming year In the Legislature yes-' terday. DIDN'T GET MUCH HAMILTON. Ont.. Nov. 26: (CP) a . r .... mlMMatw In A I -mlMAs mnco.tAH t.U.A nfflC'S C . A. jviacvttliuiii woo wiiiuci lit t nucira v,an truesstne pontesl at SL Peter's here and their "bag" was only $2 Anglican Church bazaar Thursday.! worth of stamps and a 10-cent Mrs. George Ke.lscy was winner in 'piece. Tollce are looking for the a chicken contest. , ruipnis. . Mi In I n'ier ine.iisunn-ipai Asi3ijicc -. , . Improvements Act; municipalities , 1 QDAY'b 5TOCKS turn ? j - - - I dating projects of this kind. The Dominion government furnishes the money and the securities are Department of Indian Affairs guaranteed by the provincial gov- Pisces $IHIb Fjllmates for ! eminent. COLONIES ARE OUT frr Albert vu remote. His great, w.hw b. , trc arc . item o $8000 hsd he en placed in No Conference on This Subject grandfflothcr. the revered Victoria, vu then in the last decade of her M mr relin. HU grandfather. Ed- srd. h4 father. Oeorge and the being removed. VICTORIA. Nov. 23: (CP - The the estimates ofthe Denart-nent of With Jlltter. Says South Alrtcan The women went direct to the government apnounred last nljht mdlan Affair? for the coming year Icreign Minister White House with their protest and that a new training school for pro- a, a !rant to the cohtn,c- Nnr2r,cPMlnlster a . Mpuin. ttairment irom vinciai nojee. cmoracinz muoi-in im m in nfw imnw nuimi ut- .... -- . .. . n .i . Vi irlntlf1c I nVMt i ff b t lfn on!d be ii.r.ltrhiilMltn Subiect to Including come avallsble after the comnen-- w:in cnanccuor aouu mur( uw w ment of the next fLscal year on quesiion oi colonies. .April 1. " " ' The provincial government has fVT J MqrriaaPQ .also forwarded to local hospital au- ITIIACU lTlctl I lalJCd thorllles a tecond check for $25,000 p towards the new building, making Jfl bermanV lY-laV J $50,000 In aU to be put up by Vic- r 1 1 ' Be Uissoivea . M f tiusM . n t nvr ta the coritrattors. Bennett & White ConstrucUon C. BFRMN Nov 26- CP The next af Vancouver. Frank Dlbb, chair- move ar?alnst Jews In aennany. H man of the buUdlng commlttsead- is s-ld.' may. be a decree hrdering scti thboarrf the dilution of mixed marriages The board has deemed to utilize, between Ayrans anu jcws. building for - - rysl prince should arrive on the, loud,. MUth wlnd, scven mUe, per,anew after doing $5,000,000 and are, JJ JJ accomo. e P"10 P ir.r friary of the death of the h bir0metr. 30.09; tempera-.mending further property. a, malds. tfj- fnndiHon rvrt ,.r vr. in, nhc had . .. .... ,1 I nndt nf f re flehters are eneaeed In u4"0" 1U1 14 . . . , , . . Ilia VUllUlllUU . u.v..-.. . iiure. ire. M. w: Ugnv ugni tu, ca. i - . ' ' - , iTh's Is a revision oi tne oripinai -- mn.rati fntt.ltho endeavour to keen them In AirrL iiiiv -viv. iiw.v.""- .1m Ar,A- hirnmpter. 3055: tem-Clicc . Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .25 ask. Big Misiourl, 25. Bralorne, 950. Aztec, J05i. Cariboo Quartz, 2.45. Dentonla, Golconda, .0bV2. Mlnto. Ml. Falnrlew, MVi. Noble Five. JOZ. Pend Oreille. 1.85. Pioneer, 2.60. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 220. Reeves McDonald, 50, Reno, .26. , Relief Arlington, .15. TRewjlrdri2? n J A Taylor Bridge. .03. Hedley Amal.. .03 li. Premier Border. .00. Silbak Premier. 1.75. Home Gold, .01. Grand view, .07 ask. Indian. .01. Quatslno, .03 ii. Oils Calmont, .26. C. ti E, 2.05. Freehold, .03&. Hargal, .25 ask,. McOougal Seg'ur, .12 . Mercury, .06 h. Okalta, 1.02. Home Oil, 1.24 ask. Toronto Beattie, U5. Central Pat., 2.40. Gods Lake, .35. Little Long Lac. 2.65. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.33. Pickle Crow. 5.15. San Antonio, 1.23. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.37. Smelters Gold, .04. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.05. Oklend, .17. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .42. Stadacona, .43. Francoeur, 22. Moneta, 1.32. Bouscadlllac, .10. would TUt the WorldV Fair at Ze or less co- ., 27 New Vork 'nes. r O iva Di- StarS East Malartlc. 2.22. 2.22. onne. their father, said touay that "under no circumstances will the five girls be removed, from Northern Ontario.,, Preston E. Dome, 1.41. Hutchison Lake, .02. Dawson White, .03. Aldermac, .49. Kerr Addison, 1.67. Uchl Gold, 1.45. Int. Nickel. 52.75. Noranda, 80.50. Con Smelters, 61.00. Athona, .08 j. Hardrock. 1.72. Barber Larder, .15. Fernland. .11. Dominion Bridge. 36. Chestervllle. U3. FOR SOCIABLE LAWYERS Todays WeatKer ' Prince Rupert Overcast, south wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 30.14 (falling); temperature, 43; sea smooth. Swept Ashore SUDBURY. Ont.. Nov. 26: (CP) Honored by the Sudbury Bar Association at a banquet, Mr. Jus tice C. P. McTague advocated PRICE: 5 CENTS East NEW WATER Maritime Provinces L1INLO tlLIVL a it- . n. . City Contemplates Borrowing $40,- 4" 9W From Federal Government ' PARiaOTembeM; CP . for Self-Liquidatln Project i 4. Oovernmcnu- auinonues, ac- j 1 VICTOIIIA. Not, 26: (CP)-The coring that? strikes had "vlr- city Commissioner W. J. Alder Victoria Times .aid yesterday tually terminated" today, dls- 4 jounced this that ap- out disorder GRANT OF DOMINION And Lastern otates that compulsory medical exaraln- t cioeu m - striking miners had been mob- ! Dominion government for a loan Attributed Storm PrinCC Edward ations would be called for in the rm Ejehty.Fjve Deaths to t lUzfd and alj occupied fac or- undcr the Municipal Assistance prorlnce under the Marriage Act, Mainland-Three Boats Q(( p !. iu. . i ... .... x le i.. had beeiC .n evacuated rmtn1 with- vlth. 4j Ininrdveuienls Improvements Act Act of of 110.009 $10,009 two two lSlana lUl Ull r rum .UdlllldllU lllllL uuow Itr Th rinidLan I're I - - - - IMC mCllUIJICH 9 Ul WU("I There was little thought at the birth of a second boy down at the present session of n the then Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York at. the u-isutre. prior to mar-Sndrineham, December 14, 1893, that the young prince,! " ?Ti!". canuii'h"M, lit . p I. VI VI. of Lf n- Great Tift Bn- I groom mut submit to ex- later, would become George 41 year miflltlon by a physlfUn wI(h re. tain Ireland, and of the British dominions beyond the lulu ,0 mtd. known l0 Mh icsi King . . .. . parlies, parlies, otherwise otherwise being kept Are Swept By Snow HALIFAX, November 26: (CP) The Maritime pmprfrpH tnrlnv frnm thp. worst blizzard in vears proposed to replace are in vari- nrnnarfv Ham unci at lpast one Heath. Three out parts oi the ciiy ana six, ....... j y.j . 7--- . - - eight and tweire-inch lines are vessekwere driven ashore by an eighty mile wind. Prince involved. Edward Island was cut off for several hours with the mainland when communications i were blown down. j In the United States eighty-four . deaths are attributed to the storm. It was the first cold snap of the winter and the snowfall was the heaviest on record for November." INSPECTION OF PLANES' Coroner's Jury at Regina Recora- mends Tat It Be More Rigid 1 Henceforth . J,,,REGINA. Nov. 26; (CP) Bccom- I mending a more rigid Inspection " i last night returned a verdict or accidental death in the inquest into the deaths of David Imrie and Jack Herald, TransCanada lAr Lines pilots, who were killed in a crash nar here Novmber 18, Winnipeg Mayor .Is Re-Elected Early Returns Irom Proportional Represention Voting Indicate Return of John Queen to Office WINNIPEG. Nov. 26: (CP) Early ! count in Winnipeg's civic election, last night Indicated the re-election .of Mayor John Queen with a sub- plurality. The voting S Istantlal under the proportional representation plan which makes counting ..i Legislature Busy s On Estimates Now Sum of $2,500,000 Voted Yesterday and Seven Bills are Given Second Reading VICTORIA, Nov. 26: (CP) Further estimates totalling $2,000,000 were passed at a busy routine session of the Legislature yesterday. Seven bills were put through thehj cAAAnel ma ft In era Concessions For Province Sought Senator Farris Heard by Royal Commission on IntcrProvlnclal Relations OTTAWA, Nov. 26: (CP)-In a supplementary presentation yestcr-1 day on behalf of the province of British Columbia, to the royal commission on Dominion-provincial relations. Senator J. W. deB. Farris "round - table conferences" of K.C. urged substantial further al- lawyers, adding that Ideas express cd at social gatherings are valuab.e In law practice. lowances and Increases In the tax- atlon and revenue field be allowed by the Dominion to the province.