4fl PA02 EEC THE DAILY NEWS ,turdsy y9T, o o o o p o o o D O o a D a o o a a a a o a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a o o o o o o D o 0 0 o o '4 JT" Xmas Greeting Cards The Largest Gift Store In The Nortl Offrrs jou a complete and varied line of merchandise for erery member of the family MAX first chapter of which was told by If You AreLonkinp; for QUALITY and VALUE Let Us ShowYou Our Beautiful Line of Cards AI0 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, CRACKERS AND ETC. In Our Basement Store f You will find a wonderfuL range of Glass, China and Dinnerware, from a 32-piece set for $2.75 up. Cups and Sauce Per doz. and up, from OiVCKHXKTOOOOCKJaOOOOOOCKKHKHKHiaOOOOOOOOOOOO Commences : tJ 04.HMtktt joiv .. -tSO 85c dolph." dolph." The The remaining remaining part part of of the the hour hour was was in in the the hands hands of of Dr. Dr. J. J. T. T. Mandy who related an Interesting Indian legend. "Falling Stars," and j entertained with lantern slides of Indian life. Cameron and is for children from . The fifth season of the Children's four to eight years. Story Hour got away to a good ' start this morning with about six- A. J. Prudhomme left on last ty-bne in attendance. After wel- evening's train for Telkwa whe:e coming the phlldren, Mrs. Robert he plans on spending the-next two Cameron introduced the new mem- weeks or so. bers of the staff, then read a letter from the author of the new serial story, "The Box Car Adventure," the Ike ftowdtii ofRadur 7Jm "WARWICK" $119.50 Suprtn In Hi prk dan ti imw Contnntol Comol. Il mbxft lh very rwwtit PHONOU fMtvrM that mm finer pcrfomantt grolr btovty tm equalled ton qvoRty. 7 Ivb, 9-tub prforman, doom fit and foftljn rcpHon ! lallon avtonotlc Uttflt hmingi ovtomoHc bou torn pentorton, ytt fK pric tl .S149.50 USCIAl rtADM A1IOW ANd IAIY TltMl p OTHtK MODEU $120 to $235.00 For'a Demonstration in Your Own Home Phone 95 EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. No Finance Charges on Time Payments At Good Glasses Per doz. and up. from 50c HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist 81 Waterfront Whiffs Herring Run Spotty So Far Waterfront Quiet These Days Promise of Hoathuildinff Activity Capt. Holberg's Death is Shock Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Dando have . highway specif icaUons through dlf Mr. Dando succeeds L. O. Calder as manager of the Smithen branch of the Royal Bank of A school under the Domlnion-Clty Commissioner W. J. Alder provincial youth training plan has will be In session Monday morning just concluded at Telkwa. There in his caia-ity as a city council to was a larse attendance, and the been built in 1936. two miles In 1937 and one mile in 1938. I ii Man in the Moon i i I Mrs o' A "spotty" run of herring developed in Prince Ru- pert Harbor since the end of last week and, while a few scattered catches have been taken by seineboats which en-o abled the reduction plants at Tucks Inlet and Port Edward to make a start, the quantity was of by no means suffic-g ient volume to permit of continuous operation. A close o watch Is being kept not only In the o " "".harbor but In other adjacent water Usk-Hazelton g(Road Subject Of Questions Ooliit Cameron, C.C.F. for Comox. has been Interesting Qi l-I CIWITXIED C himself in the progress of construc- - ii v. OlOry ilOUr ulYll 1 JtlLlVU j tlon of the transcontinental hlgh- way oeiween i;sk ana iiazeuon ana 'had some Questions concemlnng R. E. Munro and C. Williams same to ask In the Legislature re- have been visiting In Smlthers, ; cenUy. So far SS2.7W.56 ha been Next week the Story Hour will be looking Into the possibility of the , expended on this road. Mr. Camer- Slxty-One Children Are Entertained in charge of Mrs. Cameron assisted Shell Oil Co. becoming located on was Informed by Hon. F. M. Mc-This .Morning by Isabel McCrlmmon and Jean nere Pherson, minister of public work. j Construction was to standard trunk i for a run of material proportions developing and the reduction plant are ready to operate on a full scale ust as soon as the fish are available. As usual after the closing of halibut fishing for the season, late member (November sees Prince Rupert waterfront In the doldrums. Except for the odd boat (till out for codflshing. the halibut fleet la tied up and qulei; The ealmon trollers have also gone Into winter quarters at Prince Rupert and the various settlement hereabouts. One encouraging feature 1 th promise of considerable In the way of boatbuilding activity this winter. In fact, most of the yard now have boats under way and arrived at Smlthers from Victoria, ficult country one mile having 'others planned. These mostly con strt of salmon .rollers. Friends In the local fishing fraternity and along the Prince Rupert waterfront were shocked to hear yesterday of the death In Vancouver under tragic circum stances of Capt. Ole Holberg, skip- Madge MacBetn says that i per of the well known halibut boat luwy uameron wno later aen?niea rallfy traner oi Trlous pr0per- Jnslruetlon given proved of much Canada is known In South Ameri- Constance B. Capt, Holberg, al- the children with the amusing tale ties and conduct-other business re of "Bertram and Bis Olraffe. Ru- quiring his attention. value to the many young people ca as the country of the Dionneltnougn Vancouver was the head who took advantage of It l quintuplets. quarters of himself and hi boat,' had a narrow escape at the end of last week when his car skidded and toppled over a high bank In the vicinity of Fort Fraser. The ' car was considerably damaged but Mr. Moore was unhurt. Morris Dahlqulst of Cedarvale was a business visitor to Smlther during th past week. Many1 commercial travellers hart been visiting Smlthers during the past week, making their final cal', before Christmas. Cecil' Fitzgerald of Prince Ruwrl has' been a buMnrss visitor tc Smlthers during the past week. MUi Oenevieve Middleton ofi Smlth-Ts'ls making a good recov cry following a recent operation 0r-:e Rnymond. well known J Canadian National Railways eon. then as Hanson. the guest of Mrs. Olof Mr. and Mrs I. A. Bahler left Smlthers this week for Drumhel-ler. Alberta, where Mr. BahW will be In the railway service until next spring when he expects to return to Smlthers. Mrs. Fred Castell, who until re-' centlv ha been cn the staff of th Hazelton Hospital, left last week for Vancouver. F. R Tnrrilffe. A 8. Tordlffe and Miss Pauline Tordlffe of Ced-arvale have arrived In Smlthers and will make their home In Smlthers for the time being at least. paying a visit to Smlthers with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. .Warner. A round of social affaln IS going on In her honor. Among the hostesses have been A. F. Ooodenough, MIm Myrtle Mclntvre.i Miss Margaret Dunlop. Mrs. W V. Z Tnmlintn tr. tir t t,u.. hOWer. Mrs. H. B, Campbell. .Qeprge . to wen mown in Prince Rupert Robert Moore, Smlthers rcpre- And yet how many Canadians In na very popular. entaUve of W. II. Malkln Co.. whalthis part of the country seem to be ia well known In Prince Rupert trying to emulate the Dlonnes? hlnU For such grqat fame Is theirs Who do better than pairs No matter what gender or tints. . "Cook. I don't like to mention It. but the food disappears rather lulekjy la the kitchen!" "Well, mum. 'early, but nq gorgeous." I admiU one could call me Will you Dlease signal to me In he "C (rallery WI,ery VtV when Mr. begin to doctor, has ben a mtlnt Ir, V-. I a!sPak'- k a constituent of a Smlthers HosplUl suffering from painful ear condition which is nowim!m,"; ', , . ... clearing up. I CerUlnly. sir, cerUlnly." replied -' the senator. Mrs. Jarvis McLeod of Prince "Well, what shall the signal be? Rupert Is paying a visit at Sml- asked the constituent. "111 leave." answered the the senator, with much enthusiasm. "I went back to my old. Job the other day." "Pn out of work long?" ThlrtyHtfx years-" "Hadn't you forgotten how to do it?" "I managed it all right." "What 1 ypyr. line?" "I'm ajCoforiallon program Wcather Forecast Oeneral Synopsis Pressure con-tlnuer hUh over British Columbia and appears moderately low south- ol. , , . , west of Vahcouvcr Island. The Si?! ..8I Ver.f..!rCxton.. s weather ha been fair In all part of this province, mild on the coast and moderately cold In the Interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Island Fresh to strong., southeast to cast winds, cloudy and mild with a few scattered West Coast of Vancouver Island I Fresh .easterly winds, becoming Wall Is. making epqd re- .:"J&WMU Ia,r' mvcn tnc Rarnc UMiWG: fuWl 'temperalure ' - -wa. twtiwnillS Alt opera tlon occasioned by an abcess on his leg. i 8IMCOE. Ont- Nov. 28: (CP) Archie Mellanby, Slmcoc's out- C. L. DImock of Smlthers.. writ- standing bowler, posted the hlgh-nn to the Interior NewKrecom- est official triple score ever made mends against going Into bee keep- here, a total of 951 pins. He also Jng In this district If one expects von h!ch slntle frame with a 3570 to' get rich quick. wore. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden. having been delayed Perhaps It is because some of our Dr caU$ the Rivers Inlet area French Canadian residents are elsewhere down the coast. faUlng in their duty to their coun- reached port at 7 o'clock this try. morning from the south and sailed ik a couple of hours later on her re- Jake suggests that prayers might lurn to Vancouver and waypotnls. be effectite In securing another complete set similar to the Dlonnes. Northland Transportation Co.' ' motorshlp liner Northland, Capt Lord, give us a full set of quint ?" W1"lara arrived in port at 9 How to ECt them lust eivc a few morning I mm Alaska and. after discharging five carloads of frozen fish for transshipment ".over ranartn National Rall-wavs. niled at I o'clock this afternoon in continuation of her voyage toSeattle. Al"n Jtrkitn. voting Jton of Se'- ?at Reant and Mra- Chr1' Jckiln. wh sustained rather extensive abras -p TfMav when tm-fc h n automobile on Fifth Avenue Et was able to be taken home today from Prinee Rupert General Hos-nltal. No bone were broken and there were no Internal Injuries. Cut Glass Costs Money Sure It does and the better It is the more It costs like everything else . . . But cut glass Is bought mainly fcr it beauty anyway . . , However we have many moderately priced new pieces this year . . . Salts and pepper with Sterling tops from $!. to $2.50 a pair. Bowls and vases from $1.00 to $9.00. Also the silver decorated glass Is very popular from $2 JO to, $6 JO for beautiful pieces. (ytwELLEKp .Tilt STORE WITH THE CLOCK, NEW HAZELTON Rev Mr Oollghtly of Haxelton was a visitor to Ccdarville thl week to conduct services. A hard time dance U being held this evening lr the New Haxelton Hall under the auspice of the Ca thollc Ladle Aid. The Klsplox Wildwood Orchestra I providing the music. Last Saturday night a very uc-cessful dance wa held In the Horticultural Hall at Haxelton. A Friendly Group ha been organ lied in connection with the Hfctel-ton United Church, the membership now being twenty-five The group held a meeting UV Wednesday night at the home of Dr. and Mr. W. E. Austin. S. If. Senkplel. foreman of road work east of Usk on the northern transprovlncial highway, a a visitor to his home at New Haxelton last week-end. Mr. Senkniel experts that road work will eorrUnue jntll the end of December. Mrs.. Hooey of Haxelton 1 ree- rlng from the effects of anMhfr oration which wa performed Phimn Martin, son of Oeorgr; Martin of Hyd'on. u maktnt. od it,, i ou LAST Tliita To Shows. Edward i ROIHXSOX In TTi 'The Amazing Ur. Uitterhou With Pathfinder To Get Welcome se rt . , .. ' ' -wiiiir. IK IVOR ALLEN JENKINS (At 7:31 and m ADDED Colored Matkal "CAMPUS CIMitktur Pictorial Itetltw and (w COMING MOX, Tl-tt Glnter Itortri it "Hating A Wondctfil TV .-. uti oncrui "7 0 Lit pl last week to a hfa age of sixty-ievf- .-,-. "eacher at Kltwn-ool. U rHumlngi i''' n'W lc ' s -1M ... -If! A ll(niWtirr . . ' 'x her home there this week-er4 - . . z jeT& tfter having been a paUent in Ihe Haxelton HosoltAl where an opef- ' ttlon wat performed. t TAI I T jiTuimiimn rass tlon for appendltlu. t banquet M being arrant h V Pfce Rif r Block brsa'j of a Dr. W. E. Auctln of HwUon trtW Monkman Pass Highway Ami visit tn Kltwant last wrk M UUm in honor f Fr k U examined the sehrtftt chlMren president of the brar -s t -ell as eivini mertle! aUenlion to return frotn tr.a sr ti. other people In-that rlUate. . rhfinir ear Mr. . . rfUry of the ioca; x. Mr 8. Tordttfe well known nl- ipqulrir are ccarag u -neer woman of Tfirvn rd eer-gro1rC u y-t;' v oaugnier qi me uie Mr TomUn- man nu read e..ir4 Success nd Satisfaction RCA Victor Succeed Where Others Fill BBBSsW BsVFBIBffifSn 7'.' Fiperlenre count Convincing proof of actusl a perlority of performsnre U yours for the siklnt r.iperlment with Eiperience The re U no SubtltBte. Ret the facts of RCA VlcUr leadership. On all roontf check every detail Including Price. and Trrmi nd mot Important of all rhrrk what you get for jour money 1939 RCA Victor Models From $29.95 BBS Competative Demonstration Without Obligation InvitedPhone 6 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trnns-Atlantic Trnns.l'aciflc To Vanroorer via Ocean Falls and Way Torti S. Trlncess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVf.R DIRECT November 7th, 17th; 2th. December 8th, 19th SS. PRINCESS NORAIP QQft Winter Exrurslon Fare Vancouver nd Keturn-Tk' vOU eti on Sate Nov. 1st, 1938 to Feb. th, 1DJ9. 'itU Return Limit March 31st. 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Smlcn Tickets and Reservations from W. L, COATES, Oeneral Agent rrlnce RupU, IX you lose anything1, advertise for it. ft.