mm www m mm Mrs. Wouden Is ffinner Of Trip inc By Queen Mary Chapter met Plare In Capitol Theatre &alng took place at the Capl-Theatre last night In connec with Uie raffle of a round ; ta Vancouver by Queen Mary : Xfcr Imperial Order. Daugh- cf the Empire. The wiruiei r- Mrs Wouden. 230 Blxtli Av- East, with No, 465, A T Parkin, rep.ent of Hill X ' fhantrr. nrrldMt over the belni awUted bv E. F ' i uitr uiniLiL kuiii ill" 17 'icket waa drawn by a bov ' Jie audience The raffle T" confuted of Mrs. D E Mm. J A. Tcnir and If mi wish to sw6 something t a c .asMfled .FOR RtiNT RENT Two room furnished Wtc Plmno RoH iil iVni R RENT mod-" -six room fully house, warm. Phone Blut 1280) Painting and Decorating MNTINQ, Decorating, Kalsomln-ln Oeneral Repair Work. Work ranteed, reasonable. C. oinarir Minn nwi 293. (276) PERSONAL 'IjVATE home KINDEUOAfN tana Pay we start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, limine tf SAVR HKLl'flOHUNUUBDS r0 OUTAIN positions as Let-er Curriers, postal Clerks, Cus .0.m Kxamlneri, Clerks, and nographer. etc.. and can llj u, Wr!t0 us for .proof noola T.tri xfii-,. nM..t nCsnsda. if, com At thU meeting of the provincial premiers o Ontario and Quebec In "Montreal, un ted a X.m was planned in a Joint opposition to any radical c iange In the British North Amerira Act was decided upoc Premier DuplessUof Quebec was als . soun-ied out by his Ontario colleague on the question of the export of power, urged upon the Ottawa government by Mr Hepburn. Members of the two delegations in the Montreal conference are pictured. Left to right the group Includes: Han. T b. M'Questen, Hon. Paul Leduc. Hon. Oordon Ccnant ol the Ontario cabinet. Premief Duplessis of Quebec Premier Hepburn of Ontario. Hon. T. J. C -jnan and Hon. B. Dussault of Quetrec and Hon. Peter Htenan of Ontario. I NEWS OF THE MINES flood Ore in Silver Standard Mine ReportedCor-onado at Smithers Makes Shipment Pioneer Northern Prospector Dies fcany will ship at least a carload A'UL Nnf VVonf KanV week tek to be increased as time goes' uau; a pn until the concentrating plant It Installed In the spring. Immanuel Olien ha returned to his home at New Hazelton after having been engaged for several I. UIa In' lh Sllln 4lHrlM One of the real -old .Ume pros pectors of the Dog Creek area north, of Vandernooi passea ay I week at the age of seventy-two venrs'ln the nerson of Peter An derson, The late Mr. Anderson hasl prospected for many years in thel north, having oeen av various nuns In the Yukon, Caaslar and Omlnecaj districts. He was a fine wo representative of the plpneer mining fchool type. His funeral took place at Fort St. James. p. x. Kenney, M.L.A. for skeena, has been appointed to the mining committee of the British Columbia Legislature. His experience and knowledge of mjnlng affairs, par-tlcularly of theorth, should prove of value. j t j Try a Dally wewi ciasind d. Pathological Laboratory Matter For Doctors, Members of Board Tee! Some members of the hospital or the Medical Association. He i expects to return there next j spring. mow nn the nart of the Prince . , u Rupert Medical Association to foist have Very encouraging returns m unwJmted bab u the hos. been received from a shipment of ... ... . ... ,,hnln,, . l - .UI ..U..J - I -o ... . a a a m fsm v ami s ntrrx nr inn nnrii t n i seemea uniair w tax au paucuia, for a service regardless of whether they used or desired It ment irom the owners returned' rov.d the ouarteni for the la-' Saturdays tlW.60 after paying all freight and - . . treatment charges. The ore shlpp-, ed was taken from several tunnels on the property and Included some, re-sacked ore (taken out twenty years ago. Harry Orm has now Joined Mr Orllflif and they plan to! work the property throughout the winter with the expectation of having a full carload ready for ship-' ment next spring, The Coronado was located about thirty years ago, being owned by JacK Halley. the J late Pearl Fleming and the late R. J McDonnell. The property has seen a great deel of work. Including die driving of several tunnels. Owing to lack of road facilities, the property has been handicapped hi the past. Mr. Orlffin operated the orooerty throughout the past sum mer, packed the ore down despite the steep hill. Miss Jean Harrison R. N.. ladyt superintendent, was Inclined to feel that a general laboratory ser-i vice for all patients was desirable. I The service was already being made available to other than pay patients. It was finally decided to refer the matter to the executive com mlttee to take up with Dr. Coleman C.N.R. Trains ore maoe irom vnc o.u . ..,,., rr the Fast mine on Hudson Bay Mountain ' Mondavs. Wednesdays and Frl- near omimcrs rcv.-j'- - ; days 6 p.m shipment of 34 tons made by Fred The definite understanding at theFrom he Fjst Orlffin under a leasing arrange- tjme was that Uie hospital would1 Tuesdays. Thursdays and Rritish Tars Repair Damage From Jap Shells 11 pjn powered salesmanship directed by " Walt her Funk. . Funk is the bon vlvant of tlv? cabinet, the man who admittedly !ove? good thln?s to eat and to rirink uhn i fond of care-free so- ; rletv. who so dotes on the fine arts, government. over the arrest ot Lutheran Pastor Martin Nlemoeller. .he-said in ah aside during a c6nferenqe with for-leUn news men. "Ypu know, I aU most became a Lutheran pastor! You can Imagine where I'd be now!", ministry; niirinir lhi sMtinns of the lnterl 'national commission of ambassaf rfor in October he lnnuired from boratory, make available such AnKara, Turkey, where he happen-equlpment as it already had and ed to visiting, what has hap-look after the board of the doctor p;ned to pawn?" When told that in charge, the Medical Association PUsen remain Czrth, he said. 10 assume responsio;wijr wuici;. ..0ne can teu th3it there are no Now tne Medical Association drinkers on the commission." 1 At A. 1U. 1 IaI WaI wl iMl vuc u,h u proposing m EconomIcs .ltrw !i flnt rhanrp nn all tiav Da-1 UnUke some of hi, more pontl--th tients in the hospital for laboratory rhae to be settled I toal colleagues In the cabinet, he not hesitate to.-use theses upon by negotiation between "when I became minister board and Dr Coleman, the doc-js'ons tVAZ na m cimnloa ftpnti w t nmn jmr-rt hi nn-fFunk can afford to be Ironical to them from the Silver Standard mine, well known hJp-; elton property, which is again going into production.j ,eader, in Hitler's Third Reich pos-There ia paid to be a good tonnage of that kind of ore u . rM' r .dltloru exUtlnc at theii ..:. i sir i. :, i. : u.i w n v,- itl pltal. .. a . . ...!- n nil rollrl' house and on uie roaa 10 a " ' tunnel where the mill will be locat-1 ed. The machinery has already Hnnifal IJIIP UUKZ) ben delivered at Nev Haielton. nlllUDLIIiai u said that, from trie start, uie 1 Fact Is, he came into politics via I 4 Seamen of the British gunboat Ladybird upon arrival at Shang hal are pictured repairing damage, done to the vessel when it was attacked by Japanese bombing aeroplanes on the Yangtse some time ago. The tars found it pecessary to plug-a hole in the boat's hull down near the waterllne. In this picture they are removing traces of shelling from the upper structure. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert,,B.C; Phone iSl P.O. Box 196 For Your Every Heauty Need Whatever beauty service you require from manfeure to facial . . . you -will find our work of the finest up-to-date quality. Our "operators are all highly skilled and! long experienced, and you fan trust them to bring, put. all. the beauty that Is rightfully yours. Telephone today 655 for an appointment. MI-LADY Beauty Parlor Lillian Davies 303 3rd Ave. NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Tbone RED 393 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS IIIIXMAN CARS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service of the economic setkn of HlUer's 1V Zf.i?it p,m-mp. rnTm or "britimi National Soclalht party. On the ' " coi.r.Miiiv dav Hltlpr awnmM nmnrliiin. In llir" Mirtler if ihf ".lmlnMrtlon ary 30,, 1533 Der Fuehrer ario'nt- Art? ml ed him press chief of the Oemirn Mr r rtat o iaae TAKE NOTICE that in ordr of HU that he almost became a profes- Soon thereafter Dr. Ja5cih Ooeb- H wiur, w.. & Rsher. the t7m my j.f slonal plankt- vYk- was 'rusted with founding ggJZ -.VS USS' At a . time 'when feelin5 ihe ministry for propaganda and Ftrpra. dMeMM.' h portiei. hatin bubllc enllzhtment enus"irapni- Funk he"amf De-ame, cimnLt ?aln.t the. saw estate we nere-L, san; properly b. to nu-ni,!, his State's o. secretary, in other wards, ywuioa." td & on or betof the. nn the man-nert after him In the hler- ot.te;aber, A. d. wis, nd h archy and the man responsible for JSSJ MTuS!' the administration of the hu-ie (kMedoess to me Xoritiwith Try d Dally News "want-ad. NORMAN A. WATT Orfcfcil Administrator.-. Prince Biipert. B.C. .. bof 'Qih J?th dT o Novmvber, A. p. rm. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT CO 36 if AA 00 RETURN' RETURN. FROM PORT SIMPSON Mais' CQQ 7; RETURN. Bertha ?0Jit Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply- from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 and February 28th, 1939. inclusive Good to Return ap to March 31, 1939. Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert; Ar. Vancouver S.S. CAT ALA Tuesday, ,1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets, and Reservations from Prince Rnpert Afent A. W, TOWMAN Thlrd Aye Phone 568 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon I 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or; "" Hors d'oeuvre' - . ' v -' ..." ... ' v k.- i , " One Package. Serves Four People - Keeps fgr Weifks.irf Re(rfera tor--- t Canadian Fish & Cold S Co. torage Prince Rupert British Columbia V - i . . Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal ? PhilDott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I S Telephone C3I or 652 DITir,l7D Fresh Local Haw And JU .H. BULULK pasteurized Milk Optometrist valenttn dairy Ro;al Bank BIdg. PH0N1 HI . " , 1 - -f V "i ')"" r If you lotc anything, tdvertlie for it - November 2fl. 1H33. , page rms TITR DAILY NEWS - A miAiT SULAlIUn HOSPITAL irtim Arm in iitps i Mfftlnt I Local HunpiUI ivoanl Tk iiolatlon hospita: situation, 1 VlC 01 l"r piCKIlk UUlUllUk Ul rvrr here, was ua lor dis- at uu nignvs meeunt oi n; fcc ,,IUI ooara, me oa question f rc oslblllty for me operation IT.'.: occrcpiv win iwii; cuiy- i irira DCinK mice unsm u t - " - i O. il was we passuge oi a ! (iriOOAcd by P. A. MacCal. j , i 1,'Tundtd by W, M. Drown, t hospital board docs not .-m. -., : uny financial respons:Dmty , rV-nftlon with the establish- The QUfstllon came up in con- ).' lth the eadlng of cor- r.d the provincial secretary on uie jjjec' The Lv)latlon hospital, It PpVarJ was opened up to receive ... a patient a man who had been member of the crew or me tramer Princess U.uUc. Under he ;r umstance. some question 1 arcn as to Just where the ' the operation of the laolaUon irre h.r. refuted to pay. so hat . . . .1 W ft... HA hC ' VICMJTM1 wucir Mlv jm- tc" t lines from. Correspondence; rem :he provincial ixrelary falls i , f x the responsibility but gives vur-L. e that somehow r other. J? wtli ba taken care oi. Mean '.imp It was reported to the board that the medical neaun oi-1 - a 1- C :er here twa maoe personal ca-v idranre .n connection with the mnnrnt of special nurse who had been brought here to staff thei isolation hosDitAl I Thfie bL'fPrt "T oj w , )tn Harrison R. N.. lady jpTtiifint lnf Prince Hu fy, sT ui? nrvtuiDimy oi any- tTo,',2 ..i :ne way of accident at PREMIERS OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC MEET, JO IN FORCES PAVES WAY i WITH JOKES i ' Bon Vlvant of Nail ;CbInet Good Storey Teller and Makes Eastward Push Kashr By LOUIS P. LOCHNF.B Associated Pres.s SUff Writer Journalism. Born August 18, 1890, The Prince Rupert General Hos-In Trakenhnen, East Prussia, fani- pltal Is reasonably full "at this Qua for its blooded horses, where tune and work of the Institution is his family had been for centuries, goins along In a nonnaljway. Miss he attended the "gymnasium,." at Jean Harrison R. N., lady super-Insterburz arid then headtid fof a lAtenderlt, advised the board at Its newspaper career. He studied at regular monthly meeting last ' ' Berlin and Leipzig. ' nleht,r.- I V,. After ferylng on various dallies J. V in Middle Germany he devoted Wnuelf ln lsf2J-23towrltln; a :r. HOSPITAL PiNANCES ies of articles and namnhleLs on T . ' German sconomv. Men l'kfi In the monthly report of Ue io.t...k4 r .i t,.m. rmnnpfc committee of which he Ls BERLIN. Nov.. 20: a SnaS .nhan. A. MacCallum advised in the Gernan cabinet o f Adolt Kaf Hclfer,cn , board - of directors of the Hitler gets more fun out of Jlfe than f , pce Rucert General Hospita hart, chubby, dry-humored Wal- f dn . at there had been a total of to "" currency 5Hrrej?C3f-- a a ther Funk, Nazi minister of ecori-j g w& rosplt?l days at the instltu-cmics, direct successor tn that of-, ' - . !ori enirri? October, the per diem As ch W editor of tKe trad -res- Dr. HJalmai dU. flee to high-collared , Mn m8 0rdlnary ; tlon of the Berliner Boerenreltuns . . . . . & mmt A had amounted to nv,, ,.nu.h to the east- b he became a bitter criUc of renii- ' cnSnTflnd S. iSlitoii . fn"hn lmn and Herti. WHJ lth caplUl expenditure fin22L!.i2S3n to foreign financial interests. the new hospital $1023.01. " '" ' . - . T j. j u-.l lBMrlflt 1M1 k k j L -'43 mm m Km i if ill ; "4 if, i 4f r. 4 ft.