AQ1 TWO "HARTT" SHOES Canada's Best Shoemakers You get extra wear and maximum comfort in every pair. Priced From $TF.OO 7 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In ram in advance, per week .... Paid In advance, per month I.!ZZZ""...." """T3. By mall to all parts of British Columbla."the" British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . B? mall to all other countries, per year ; News Department Telephorts 86 t Advertising and Ciicuiatlon Telephone ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per Insertion ...1I Member ot Audit Hurcau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 11 9S $5.00, . " .12 .50 3.00 9.01V Monday, February 14, 1938. NEW AIRDROME SITE - If, as has been suggested, Morse Lake is chosen, as the site, for the new airdrome to be established by the Department of Defense, it will not be as far away as it might at first seem. It will be connected with the city by a lA-yay so. that it would be only a few minutes distant. &It would be much better for Prince Rupert to have it at Morse Lake than at Digby Island, so far as accessibility is concerned, - , The site would be well protected naturally from enemy ships and there would be little danger of accident as a result of boats passing. The whole lake might easily be made into a private preserve with no excuse for anyone tQ. go, there. It, also may be quite possible that a landing site might be made near there for land planes, when the need of it arises. Since the suitability of the site at the foot oi the mountain near Comox Avenue has been questioned, many people have been wondering where a landing field could be constructed for land planes. If such a place caa be found at Morse Lake it is, an easy solution of the problem. CONSERVATIVE SERVICE ; The permanent leadership of the Conservative Party is still in doubt. Right Hon., R, B. Bennett is not likely to retain the position long and it is time a first lieutenant was chosen who could be "built up" politically in time to lead the party in the next federal election. The names most frequently discussed seem to be Mn Bennett's Hon, W, D. Herridgef, formerly minister to Washington, who has been enunciating some rather radical 'policies in his speeches with rather mixed reactions, and. Hon. H. H. Stevens of Vancouver, who seems to have faded, from the public eye of late. It is said that the only reason. Mr. Bennett is still leader is because there is no .suitable man to take his place. MAIL DELIVERY SERVICE From time to time during the past twenty years the matter of a house to house mail delivery has been discussed and on several occasions representations have been made to the Postmaster General asking for suqh a. service. Thj? most recent of these was made by the Trades and La-br Council but without success. The chief difficulty Feems to be that there is no even distribution of mail. Three times.a week a mail train brings large consignments from the East, so. much that carriers would be deluged with mail on those days. The other days there is very 'doing. Until there is a regular daily maiji' servjee Xvpm.the east, it seems as if a daily house to 'house delivery would be; of doubtful value. jr'lf you liave something to sell, a classified advertisement m this paper will soon'let you know if there is a buyer in 77?e Lettw Box Eidtor. Daily News: Education Week, which was observed throughout Canada last iweek, undoubtedly directed a con-. siderable amount of attcntipn on, me pari ot tne general public to education and, for a time, a revived Interest in education, as "the "responsibility of the nation" wit result. I would like to make a fev comments on Education Week trim; a teacher's point of view. It might seem strange. that a, a public meeting last Monday there was no. teacher as- a SDeaker. on the program. Yet surely teachers are best qualified to talk on J the subject which is their life' work. This appharent omission was uc to the desire q the, teacher to keep in the background. Edu, cation W.eel? is in no, sense n scheme of porpaganda, for tlv teacher, Education was the tooio. Not but what 'Education Week has some human interest appea.1 1 too. What of the boy who, came dressed and shone up like a fash- flon plate and proudly announced (to his teacher. "Now I am readv for open day!" This was at 3:50 a.m. Visitors did not arrive till ''? p.m. I At 1:30 as the boys passed me on their way Into school I henrrf one of ten years asking his pals anxiously as he took off his car "Is my hair all mussed up?" It was! I do not know the name of thp lady who examined, with keen in terest and manifest admiration the very fine work of thp mnnimi training department and a nnpun- ced: "My husband is the dumbest thing oft two legs when it comes to doing anything like that." In reply to some unfair and unjustifiable criticism : that indicates a complete ignorance of the ; situation or a prejudiced' state of mina 1 would like to. take Issue wjlh the two., persons. concerned. Neither of them was at "open day." I hope they have, an open mind. To say that education is too con. .02 servatlve cannot be said bv anvonr .25 conversant with modern education.' Know ot no profession in whicb the members are more anxious, to keep up to date or make, greater financial sacrifices to them selves to give (he leadership tc pupils that they consider neces sary. One has only to consider attendance at the annual conven tions and the summer Normal am University Schools and the dp. mand for innumerable tpohnim publications to be convlneeri n this. These are indicative of tin desire of the teachers to tret nt tha best that they may pass it on to the children. Naturally there are some who find it difficult tn change. So. apparently, are some editors but I do not class all pdi- tors as unprogressive and nre- judiced because one is. Another unfair criticism was in connection with home economics and manual training. Here again me adverse criticism was dnp in lack of knowledge. The objectives pi DOin, 01 tnese subjects was unquestionably sound' and desirable and necessary. The methods adopted in arriving at these are equal ly sound and .progressive. The., are two of the' subjects In which me achievements of the pupils arouse the greatest admiration among the visitors. It is immater ¬ ial whether the child ever has or desires to go further in either of these subjects. The training he gets Is readily and gainfully transferable, to, a thousand other I found In conversation, witt many of the visitors a readv aD. preciatipn of the modem method; in education. Lessons in sneech training. In Physical training, music nonrecintion. sinaine. dra matization, and a review, nf th cpem "The lady 'of ttj'e Laike" by miDils of grade eight illustrated by mm suaes were much praised bv those who. came and saw. To these Education Week was of great, value. But vhnt can be done for those who criticize, and who will not accerf the invitation to come and, see the schools in oDeration? Prhsrw we shall have the pleasure of their attendance next year. Then Indeed will Education Week be worth while. J. S. WILSpN. ing. FALSE ALAHM. HALIFAX. Feb. 14: (CP) '!'here, there's smoke there's, fire." said several Halifax housewives, ringing in alarms because of a smoky cloud which hung over- a Halifax corner. They were wrone. The smoke was caused, by masons mixing cement for a new build THl DATLT'NEvTS Boxing Manager. James Wilson Hall Keeoers Sam Alexander ind Abel Stewart. Building Directors Arthur Ne! -on jr. and Samuel Stewart. Basbetball Referee Charles Baron. Baseball Umpire, Abel Angus. Football Referee, Arthur Noise- r- fHtfn imTftHT WHIFFLETS SINGLE MEN Recreational WIN AGAIN Social Is Held Asain Demonstrate Supefioc,ty tj Hockey Over Married, Men by Score of 1 to The Single Men, apparently, the argument as far as hockey Members of the women's classes SUCCESS ON TOUR Smithers Hockey Team Won Four- Games and Lost Three SMITHERS, Feb. 14: The hockey team arrived home Frl- gin of one goal, the winning goal being scored by Ernie Dawson, formerly of Smithers but now resident in Quesnel It was also a cm incidence that ths goal keeper at RQYAL IN ! LEAD NOW nomlhu-k Var I.ftudorshiil of CUi Afout Forty Persons in Attendance ,.,iuli.llr . nrokca as At Jolly Affair. Saturday Night Kcsu'l of XcHerUax's I'lay Itoyal Hotel scored a clean swecx a mc nnJ(oiva wuwmuh anu ivu- iy,rnn ,.on, n nil v rtnrv OVPJ ;upremacy is concerned by scor-i iCatlon centre here were responsible Mnorp .,.t nlBht to take over ex- i 1G2 Comadina 158. Zieman 151 ilrving 101. :Mprin 17Q Totals 85? 35 TA?sI 1 Ciccpnc : 201 IKinslor' 145 I day evening from Its successful tour U"'7UUJ - "ousto "0 lot several towns to the east and ?outh and reported having hadi a very enjoyable trip despite the handicaps suffered from severe colds by many members of the! team. During the trip the team played seven games in all and scored 33 goafs against their oppon- cntv. They had 19 goals scored against them. They won four games and lost three during the trip. The Smithers team won ;two ame and lost none at Vander Totals .4 nvv, HtgL-r- chxisberji Comadina 1 134 .140 Donald. 101 Totals 723 MOOSK- . 1 !fundprsnn 1S7 i3ol, won two and lost two to pccii -in f-rfnee George and lost the amc played in Quasncl by a mar-; Todd 115 Smith, .....v 172 Royer 145 Assemissen 173 Totals L.tfL'.TJ.m Prince George, young Strobiki, andjR0yai Hotel U me goal Keeper ai yuesnpi, oPDDyjarott0 " jq Chlsholm, were both former Smith- jMoose .8 ers boys, th-s latter having left I three Five Taxi Smithers only a few months ago, Letters Leiiers have nave been oeen received received from! rromi 2 129. 141 14G. 120 220 702 2 187 178 156 157 181 853. 2 149' 180 145 204 1G0 847 2 172 1G3 101 141 177 r 1 ri Captain, Charles Stewart the hotel managers In both Prince j UlfiCrS 1 IclVIIlfif Manager. Percy Bartor. George and Quesnel lauding the' . A r v Chicago :i0 8 19 07 103 28 Potr9!! K 0 20 72 100 25 general conduct and good sports-j I Ye ATfAInnnn imanshlp of the, Smithers boys boys so A 'MP nilCIUUUH that they have won for themselves j a very enviable reputation in that respect which is more desired than the winning of hockey games. A banquet will be given in Smithers tonight for the hockey players and for other players of the three teams in the town hockey, league. Committee Samuel Lincoln.' ' it promises to be a very largely thew Gurney. Arthur Nelson tended affair. t cecu Barton, ueorge uoiton illas Maxwell, William Stevens francls Watts, Richard Watts and Charles Morrison. Social Committee William Lin :oln, Benjamin Clayton, Reuben Morgan, Howard Lincoln, Samue Stewart, Benjamin Stewart, Arthut Stewart sr., Isaac Angus, Johnny Moore and John Stewart. Installation Social The officers were installed at a social gathering held last Monday night when members of th-. Ladies' Athletic Aid Society were also present. The Kincolith Con cert Band was Iri attendance and played several marches and over tures. Presentation of a shield for the best all round athlete in the yea 1937 was made to Herbert Doolan Jr. A cup was "awarded to Mrs Martha Clayton as the best ah round woman athlete of the village. . The party kept up, with flaylr.?, of "games until midnight. The Sons of Kincolith are completing the building of a new gymnasium which will shortly b? opened, Hockey Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE International, Division j W D L V A Pts Toronlq i J7 8 10 108 92 42, Canidiens 14 8 13 95 94 36 Americans 8 13 03 70 30 Maroons 10 0 20 08 112 26 i American Divisnin Boston, 22 4, 9 90 60 48 Rangers 21 5 $ 111 01 4,' Enthusiasts of Roaring Game Statin; Match at Canadian National Park , With the long drawn out cold spell continuing, local curlers are swinging Into action this after-nopn. A match has been arranged to take place this afternoon at the j the Canadian. National Railways! Park. ! "How long Is your wife going o stay down South ?" ' A long as my money and hex Sweet Caps hojd ou 1 "' SWEET CARORAL CIGARETTES "The pujttl form in which tobaccq can be smoked," A New Telephone Number 4 5 6 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service Prom tluv Waterfro, ' Taking the place v,f .... which, lias bscn. w. service for two wcck ' annual overhaul at v Ion steamer Cardenu, c Indlay, arrived in ,r ime at 4 o'clock hy3n anji sailed at 8 H.n . -t. - ti r V"'.' ' ;iU pointy vhnce .sha w , tomorrow morning wu t t'ardma has just .h;.j overliaul. Tho fisheries 1 pat ing a second straight 4 to victory Saturday for an enjoyable, social -,-,. dorsliin of "the Citv Ten ;ver the Marjried Men Ua. a. return at whidi th? membprs of other ' Bowling League Previously T ' , "V lame on Morse Crek ice yesterday 1 dasses were entertained, there was had " Ln lUrwwiv lie pa CrU,a- Was ln afternoon. The match was replete 3 dcmonslraUon of girls' tumbling L"fl ,h nv Xm l?n?W m ,vlth fun which was njoyed by sood-slzed crowd of fans as well s by the players themselves. The F. A. MacCallum. and O. C. Young ,ere referees. The fans showed thsir appreciation by giving a $15 collection which, with the proceeds of the ame a week previous, will go to .ome worthy cause. SPORTS ARE ORGANIZED Sons of Kincolith Elects Officers For Year With Jonah llaldane As President KINCOLITH, Feb. 14: The 50ns of Kincolith, the Naas River Village's principal athletic organization, has elected officers foi he year as follows: Honorary President, Herbert Doo lan sr. President, Jonah Haldane. Vice-President, Jeffery Benson General Managares Charles barton and William Barton. Secretary, Chris Trimble. Clerk, Ralph Clayton. Treasurer, Eddie Haines. Football Manager, Fred tcwart Captains WilUam Stevens ano erberto Doolan jr. Baseball Manager, Ernest AnguJ Baseball captains Herbert Doo an and Herbert Haldane. Basketball Manager, Ernest Ste ''ens. Basketball Captains Chrlc. Trimble, Arthur Gurney, Johr.. "tewart -114 and John juiiu Moore, iviuujc. Track Sotlbpjl 1 Softball Captains Ralph Clav l on and Howard Lincoln. a j and oy;s high bar, work and com-Lnd Orotto for the leadership. VA munity singing, games and dancing Taxi proUo defeatcd ffi.Xe Finishing touches ar weie also enjoyed- Delicious re-., mM . i h,p sopor.d ;.,t , Men scored, one In the first ! frcshmsnts were serveo; to. about Singly nlire ,ast nlght alld ls now jn steamer PUnco Ilup .t period. Each side- scored twice in .forty persons. Mrs. Robert Camer- SCCond nlace- IllRh avcrae0 score-:dry dock and. lhQ 'V(1 w.v vw.,u ...v. Ji4 h'-j "' t"-"" -vii-)was stan M0rm 01 Grotto wlir men scored one again in the Uilrd. ing. U07 Individual scoring was as. fol 'lows: QJtOTTO Bury up to the Canadian N; on Wednesday prepare I recoaunUsJoned in c Thursday night wne.i fp.C Vancouver l.n place r THE ac- 1 r. .-t lii George which will be w 'ti; 135. her annual overhaul hr 1 43 j 201 : Q.P.R. steamer Pr .1 17.2 Capt. Yllllam Palmer - at 3:30 this afternoon 782 , way aiKl other Akt .iu 3; Will sail at, 5. n.m. for V 1C2 103. , Since last fa.ll. if 154 that not more th.n a: t z. 145 . bushels of -wheat h., b .1 137 1 from the port1? of V " ,; . New Westminster atta r ,705 ' tht has been in putt izr x O 1 19'J' 10 ; 14 1C 15' ZT, K.a HfiJ 17V 00 163. 844 72i! The league standing to date:- t Won Lost Pis. 7. Hi 8 10 10. a 11 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ?arelU Propritot "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Katrs fl.00 of 10 nooms Hot b Cold Witt Prince Kuport, B.C. rbone, 281 r.O. fox 1)1 ri s-v t 1 f 1 TV GQLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only tmt canning company with t.h. venr rniinH navroil H Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer W0QD COAlT TRANSFER Phone 580 35, SECOND AV&