PAOl TOUR We Want Your Money You Want Our Goods Buy Now at These Low Prices Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs AH Hugs Perfect and Unwrapped in Original Cartons x9 9x10 9x12 $6.50 $9.00 $10.50 Beds Ueds complete with" Cable Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress. Sizes 39-inch, 48-inch, 51-inch. $24.50 Bedroom Suite 3-piece Birch Walnut Bedroom Suite lied. Dressers i Cheffonier $65.00 WE SELL ONLY FOH. CASH Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ELIO'S Phone GREEN 916 THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT Don't let the cold, aus- Were'sdessort a..-,. ...... 41. ..r ri (raasAaaASkirr.ilfaSttk annoy ttedesi- Cod turi Huy a ton of the coal we're selling and send VKW.Y. . . . . . mv , - winter on his wav. ' W., .4m f V5 - " -V 3 NANAIMO -liULKLEY VALLEY FOOTHILLS PHILPOH EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt REFUSES TO TELL Synopses of Laws j' 'MINMjslV ACT . ,??. f .''"r Csriiiratt AA rrson o'rr the aft of niMrm. eaunj: Jaint Stecs; Campaoj i intuit !fr.juno nil waste lands of the Crown nff we" - hj; othrr lands (hereon the mTiejiU.totlier. than coil ere reserved U lha Crown (nrtitlr jlcenseei iwlih upeclfle recrv(!onK for the purpose of prospect-Jrj O'J""1"'!"; ioctif c)imj. and mln-..t: The tee to ta mrtitlrtuil for Free T'".rJ "-'iP'tV U 5 M y" Ir - Jif 'J.'. loc Company hlm capital ?. iiS0"." " th ' r a rear U 5t00: if capitalize sevond thu the lee la ilos aa. The Tree Miners' from date of, liaue and eipire on the. 31it t May neit afler Ita dale or ome aubsmuent 31 t of Mar Crrtl-fltatea ma ne obtained for -any part X ?far tfrnifnatlht on 3ljt of Mae for a pronortjortatelf ' leaa-fte. , ifree Miners-Certificates are also applicable to the riaeer Minim Act.!- Miarrtl CJahaa Si"' 51 M aer'e. Beoordini iei 12. M pr claim. .Renreienlation: .Assessment work ta the extent, of must be done each' year and reeorJed n or before the annlteraarr date f reeord'of .the elalnv Cash Ik the I'irs of SIMM nay: MM I Urn of such .assessment work. Pee for rerordlne assessment work. II. M. If 'the required assessment work has keen performed within the jeer, it not recorded within that time, a free-miner mar within thlrtr daja hereafter record atich assessment work pnsn naygnent of an additional fre of ilolW The actual eost of the turret of a mineral . claim to en .mount not exceeduif ilMM mar alio He recordea at assessment work. As soon as went work to the eitent of IS00 M lor es.h paid ef a like amoueti Is recorded and a surrey made i the claim, the wet of sues claim la entitled to a Crown Grant on payment of a fee nf lili.M and tltlnsT the necessarr notlcea required j the Aet. ri.ArCR MININfi ACT Four types of placer claims: Creek difflnis; bar dutint: dry dlt fluai: and precious stone Hsjmrs. iFor del alia aee Part n. Placer Mlnlnt Act.) Representation: A plaeer claim must be worked by the owner or someone eei his behalf continuously aa far aa practicable during working hours. Lay-overs and leavea of absence may be declared br the nold Commissioner under certain conditions. To hold plsev claim for more than one .rear It must be re-recorded hetore the expiration of the record or re-rewrd. :f1aeee Miaiag Leasee Slae and method ef ataklng, ete. ifhty aerea m eitent. ataked along a "location lleie not more than one-half mil 'it length fa this line en bend m change of direction l permitted. Where a straight line la followed two posts only are necesssry. le.. a "Initial post" and "final post." . Where there is a change of direction a legal post must be placed to mark the. point of the said change The leasehold la allowed a width not m exces of e-urter mile The locator la reauu-ed within thlrtr daya after the date of the location to post a notice In the office of th Mining Recorder setting out the nitre of the applicant: the num-her o( bla free miners certificate; the date of location: the number of feet (ring to the tight and left of the location line: and the approximate area or else of the ground. Dredging leasee n rleera for five miles below low-water mark are alao granted Fees: Annual rental on placer mlnlne lease. 3a.e: annual development wort required t be expended. I2C-0 00; annual rental ea dredging lesse.JJ5.00 per mile annual devclenment work -equlred (a be expended. It 000.00 per mile: the value ol any new nlast or machinery employed te count as'ssoiier expended In dcvelop'rept Fee for recording certificate of work. IJ.50 Lease fee tS.01. rrvlslealr Free Miners' Certificates, iriacrl Act teartaieat ef Mines Art Among other things, these Acta provide for the staking and represent 'n of n'aeci claims without payment of fees ann assistant t prospectors by free assart ota. a detailed synopsis of the above Acta; alao the -Uinta Development Act", "Mineral gjurvey and Development Act"-"troa and Steel Bouotles Act": ano "rh6sphtt-mlnU)g Aet"f are available al the Department of Mines. Victoria Complete copies of the Acts may. be obtained froea tb ting's 'frlntar, Victoria. THE DAILY WlWf Monday, February ut News of Northern Districts Woman's Auxiliary Tea And Sale Was Successful Affair TERRACE, Feb. 14: An Anglican tea and sale In the Orange Hall on Saturday was well patronized. The ladles of the Woman's Auxiliary managed things well. There was a bevy of pretty waitresses. The receipts were Smithers Hospital Is Keeping Busy Number of Patients is Around Twenty-Three Most of Time 'SMITHERS, Feb. 14: The Sml thers Hospital has been a fairly busy place during the past few weeks and hardly at any time has there been less than twenty patients there, the number beinc; around twenty-three most of the time. The reputation of the local hospital has been gradually extending since It was built several years ago and patients are coming from farther afield continually to In- I crease the number of patients Japan Resents Implication ThatJcah year. The institution can She is Building Warships Over Treaty Size TOKYO, Feb. 14: (CP) Japan refused formally Saturday night to divulge secrets .of her naval construction lii reply to demands for Information by. Great. Britain, United States and France. juuuhs note contended mai me nation could not see any logical I reason for assuming that she was'pVpvn f nnrPff building warships beyond the Lon-jAjVCV 11 VUllLCI I aon naval treaty limit of 35,000 tons. KINCOLITH WHARF EXTENDED KINCOLITH. Feb. 14: Extension of the wharf at Klncolith ha, been completed,- the work being carried out by the villagers then, selves. : ItrTMKNT Of handle fifty patients but has not been tested to more than half that capacity as yet. At the last meeting of the board of directors the annual report was read showing a very successful year. J. V. Turner as been President of the Board since the hospital was opened. Troupe Put On Smithers Show SMITHERS, Feb. 14: A variety concert troupe from Evelyn Dut on a concert in the Anglican Hall at Smithers on Friday evening for the benefit of the United Church of Smithers. The concert was well attended and showed a great deal of pre-naratlon on the part of Mis- Hoops, the school teacher at Eve lyn. At the close faf the concert a f'ne hand made- quilt wis auctioned off for the Ladles" Guild of the United Church and brought $G to add to their treasury. Kitwanga W. A. Names Officers .Mrs. Matthias IJryant President of Native Women's Church Body KITWANGA. Feb. 14: The Kit wanga Woman's Auxiliary has elected officers as follows for the ensuing ycarf Honorary President, Mrs. B. L. Shearman. Honorary Vice-President. Mrs. .Flora Sampare. President, Mrs. Matthias Bright, Vice-President, Mrs. Tom Wcget, First Treasurer, Mrs. Phillip Ryan. Second Treasurer, Mrs. Sarah In-nes. First Secretary, Miss Dora Johnson, Second Secretary, Mrs. Maggie Johnson. Committee Mrs. Miriam Washburn, Mrs. Mary Williams, Mrs. Edward Talt, Mrs. Richard Fowler. Mrs. Louise Willtzu, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Irene Harris, Mrs. Sarah Benson and Mrs. Mary Harris. The Woman's Auxiliary lost three members Mrs. Esther Sinclair, Mrs. Alice Turner and Mrs. Martha Sampare through death during 1937. Two new senior and eleven new Junior members have been REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE C58 NOTtCi: TO ( l(i;lllI(M(S In I he lOstatf or Harry struck Kot ho.ter, All pcraoiiH havliij claims agotaat the, Estate of Harry Brock noclicaU-r, Do- t.iimju, iuw cm me city or wince iui-ixrt, British Columbia, who tflwl f.t Victoria, British Colmmba on tin? 28th day ol July lim, nre required US Mnd the wune wlUi ixu-tlculara of security held, If ony, aiul terUletl by Satutoiy DiYrlnrattoll, to thn iiiul-r-.t-nvi cm fir before the ,31st day of March. 1938, a'-ter which tint tlio la&vla of the Estate niujr bo distributed among the part'os entitled tlwroto having regard only to the claims of which h under-alTnerl shall then have notice. uAifcu at Prince nupert, British Columbia, this- 1st duy, of February. 1938, iiuniia A. ICUUJiCblJilt, i!. Scud claims -to I.Mefisr-. Brown Si jtarvcy Prince Rupert, British Colum-4,1ft.?$l;:l,'w; w ttuiiin-tatetrau-u. Officers Of Church Army At Kitwanga KITWANGA, Feb. 14: The Church Army of Kitwanga has elected officers for the year as follows: First Captain, Edward Tait. Second Captain, Richard Fowler. First Lieutenant, George Moore. Second Lieutenant, Jacob Fowler. Third Lieutenant, Fred Johnson. Sergeant Major, Solomon Bryant. Color Sergeant, James Fowler. Treasurer. James Ryan. Committee Charles Smith, Paul Benson, James Fowler and Solomon Bryant. KINCOLITH PIONEERS Charles Barton Elected President Of This Native Organization At Naas Hivcr Villa Re KINCOLITH, Feb. 14:--The Klncolith Pioneer Club, at Its an-nual meeting with William Barton as chairman, elected officers for the coming year as follows: Honorary President.Charles El llott. Honorary Vice-President, Con Nelson. President, Charles Barton. Vice-President, Chris Trimble. General Manager, Herbert Barton, Manager, Ernest Stevens. Treasurer, Charles Morrison.. Secretary, Percy Barton. Clerk, Herbert Doolan. Musical Director, Ralph Clayton. Manager. Howard Lincoln. Stage Manager, Percy Barton. Manager. Alex Angus. Design Painter, Percy Barton. Benefit Inspectors Herbert Hal-dane and George Bolton, Honorary Committee Stephen Barton, Frank Bolton and William Smith. Committee William Stevens Cecil Barton, Francis Watts, Pay Allen and Gordon Stevens. Cemetery Crpss Makers Abel Angus and William Stevens. Announcer, William Barton, Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is CJood The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Rrascll N. M. Rrasell QUALITY PRICE SERVICE Free Gift Tokens At MUSSALLEM'S Groceries Confectionery Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Geo. Coffin d.c., rii.c, sp.c. Chiropractic Specialist No. 4 LEEDS APARTMENTS Prince Uupcrt, B.C. COAL TO ri.KASF, i:KltVH01lT Satisfaction Ouarwitcod Famous Ed-jii Alberta Coal llulkley Valley Coal Vancouver Island Coal Prince Rupert Feed . Companj " PHONE! 68 and 858 Farewell Party Saturday Night Miss Sheila Ulackstock Honored At Oddfellows' Hall by Vounff Friends Some 120 young friends of Miss Sheila Blackstock, who Is leaving here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blackstock, to take up future residence In Vancouver gathered at a farewell dancing party In her honor at Oddfellows' Hall Saturday night. It was a highly delightful affair for tht young people with music by the Serenadcrs' Orchestra and Walter Smith as master of ceremonies while Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Fraset acted as chaperons for the evening. During the supper hour the presentation was made to the guest of honor by Miss June Hanklnson on behalf of the party, of a handsome leather purse. Misses Victoria Stamford and June Hanklnson were organizers of the party, assisted by Richard Mills and John Good, DAMAGE IS WIDESPREAD California is Still Ilood-Slrickci. As Kcsult of Itccortl Itains And Snows SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14: With heaviest rainfalls since 1894 continuing and record snowfalls In the mountains, the Modesta, San Joaqulm and other California rivers were rising at the rate of c foot an hour at the cid of th-week, lndundatinR thouands C ncres of land and rendering no nerous people homeless. At leas' even lost' tliefr lives "toward th nd of the week -two by bein' Irowned, two killed by snowslid'" tnd three pcrlshinir when a fish 'ng boat upset off the coast. TONIGHT and TUESDAY Evenings at 7:00 and 9:og A Comedy Hurricane! Carole Lombard Fred MacMurray John Rarryniore IN True Confession (At 7:10 and 9;IC) ADDED TREATS MQUAUATS" A firantland Kice Speedboat Thriller -PENNY WISDOM" A I'rt( Smith Specialty in Technl. color! NEWS and MUSICAL C0MINO2 Irene Dunne in "IliRh, Wide and Handsome" I Hulld It. C. Payrolls" Pacific Milk In Nation-Wide .'Broadcast If tVaitTr ' At half-past eight tontsht. Feb 14, CUR will carry Purine m. across Canada In a nationwide broadcast. CBR announcers and plant o:- flclals will detail each itep-aj fanners drive up, as milk ;s condensed, homogenized, Irradiated, canned, sterilized, label ed, etc. Monday. Feb. 14, 8:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course A Book of Facts The World Almanac Get Your Copy Now of This Informative and Useful Volume 1938 Edition Just Received. Price 75c A New Chart U.S. Hydrographsc Number 158. The entire Quoin Charlotte Islands on one chart, Including the latest survey. Price $1.00 We Carry a Complete Stock of Charts for This District. Also i Pilot Hooks, Parallel Rules, Dividers, Compass .Magnets, Course Finders and Other Aids for Fishermen eMflcuMvsMd Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAI F Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. K. M.AC THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAII'-IHJITISII COI.UMIMA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium i Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia. Superpho . Phatcs. Complete Fertilizers Pr.0,dli?.crs & Refiners of Tadanac Hrand Metals outer, ucciroiytic I-cad, Zinc. Cadmium. Hismui".