iz Try 1 News’ Want Ad. . For South
2 i Way. : : “prince Rupert... Thursday 8:30 p.m.
i 4 Princess May....... Thursday a.m.
. . . _ }
Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist aes






But Before the Licenses Were Renewed Applicants Were All Put
Through a Rigorous Catechism by the Commissioners


They All Swore That No License Commissioner or Police Commissioner Had Held
a Club at Him or Influenced His Purchase of Goods—Chief Vickers
on His Oath Swore That the Windsor Hotel Was
a Well Conducted House




HOTEL LICENSES RENEWED. Like the Supreme Court. On the question of closing
Olier Besner, New Knox Hotel. With the stern cry of “Order in| teurs the hotel men all equally |
A. J. Prudhomme, Savoy Hotel. | : rt Chief of Police Vickers | aflirmed that their places of busi-|
G. A. Sweet, Grand Trunk Inn. | 1 the entry into the Police} ness were kept open strictly at} REHEARSAL
F. W. Henning, Premier Hotel. | M of the Mayor and stated hours in terms of the}
Peter Black, Central Hotel. Commissioner Kirkpatrick. There | bylaw, but closed in terms of tha
Pate . hy wie scra she their | Usiaw to the instant | ‘ 5 }
Corley & See + eo ug , at gery th 7 Phen came for each applicant | &@8t Preparations for Tonight's
Jd. Y. Rochester, Empress ao . he ense h Ide rs hastily ms cial ad ‘hss Amateur Performance of “Our|
W. H. Wright, Windsor Hotel. | . b rt fw ( rs wa ete be a Regiment” in Presence of Press |
BOTTLE LICENSES RENEWED. eg ; aa a . i ; a sie Proved Promising. |
E. J. Maynard, “One, Two, { \\ ia Wedd ‘olit 4h ; Ae Chew: a cil at :
io Three” Store I reference ; i} } ) ‘ M s of the | s and a few |
J. A. Smith, “Family” Store. : a 5 sc aes . e of threat rerard- |} ged | s essed s- |
, ‘ j sft } f dress |
WHOLESALE LICENSES Police Chief on his s Pe eee ak ieee oi a
RENEWED. j oatl he as | e chief his|be presented tonight by the|
‘ ‘ : f s : © re wy
, Clarke Bros., Third avenus. ~ ne seo 4] eer ery jong | *rince Rupert Amateur Dramatic |
C. Partington, Second avenue. i hod whieh pre ; P ; Society. There can be no doubt!
i . +} ! | swered the Mayor 4
F. Clapp, Northern Wholesale | 4 3 eu 6 ” - ~ / it the performance is going to
Store , uns On Bis oath; * : ; most thoroughly enjoyed by
Chief Vickers had A Pointed Question. [the audience tonight, Apart from
I M W H. Wrigt the he fact that the players are all
‘ € Were Soundly Catchised. W isor Hote was add ALLY | owe known and popular in Rup-
g I : a he } led ques Does) ert, the play itself is a clever and
iy the Board : 4 i ‘ f the I Be | -la sing one, and those taking
s sa ae 6 Police ¢ ssion Or! part in it are letter perfect in
. \\ i searching and a 4 reing | an, awn Suthi f the City Council], ; :
i a h ] ahs he Mavor ad- xe F aetie ehaael ed ! r parts.
vhol heal este nkhnend \ i erest wito you in tae! Under the able direction of Mr.
vere renews a : i Windsor Hotel? Mr. Wi ght) Bullock-Webster, they have
i dignity 4 x ' i Y phatica N } been drilled up to an almost pro-
i : ; | 4 K patrick, | fessiona pitch of perfection, the
the searching ° vho ha ariably ved the re¢ staging of the piece is elaborate,
} s 3} “ aunt's af f wheneve theland the ea even before emp
mh 4 if a i ane . : i th how - for —
1olders Ww 5 ! one Ss n pass S ut ;rows at yesterday afternoon's re-
ys 81 W I P Chie ft arsal was immensely enjjoy-
WW hip tt : ’ ha why a certain] api Some of the prettiest dres-
' . che pay s I the hotels] op. ever donned in Rupert will be
ene Vick s ved - the play, which is f of
8 i why rh i gave as his ver lines
} h ! - I 0 it |
1 tn] . ;
ge of iressed Yuletide Shopping.
} ' g ik se adi Shopping trips during the pres
[ al a ca a Mrs I zze 8, |
Bae jSixth street. Whether you come |
SMALLPOX IN THE WEST |! {iy oF Whether you come to see |
WILL HOLD INT MEETING Re he of ew 7 ings it |
he store o Ne Things n
Thirty Guests are Reported Quar- , rae ny Phi oi, rs
antined in One Hotel. Pipes pele foalee > ROM yell
TICKET i j mas fTerings unparalelled n
| Princes tupert “Seeing s be
Canadian Press Despatch.) j 1 - Ruy Seeing .
oe , : |



WW i} Smallpox 1s
ent certain por- |
quara ed ey cases ¢@
. a BA
S eting ; ! z I {
crs Association in} vestiga : eo Prince Rupert's leading hotel
' ti b ethod : I iL
in Hal resulted : : Savoy
Oecisiol that the tte , 4 j . ‘ . cal
iui Ree ; ie | , | n re co WILL BUY FLEET
ible men for Goun jubside i
hat meantime every furtt ‘ eds ‘ x
. ane ve ah se . 2 OF TRAWLER |
‘epresentatives of the 3 ‘ } inkwa ‘
Association, led by! with | htest notion { ees
W. J. Alder, were pres- | how t! fo Be PRoviiecy WES wp Geo. H. Collins of the Cold
i arrangement was! a ' de a ‘ _ Storage Company on Trip to
hereby the two presi-| Fina ‘ r 7 ere o England—Will Be Brought Out
W. J. Alder and/ then was ready, after lea ew Lhe in Santions.
Will arrange for alactual s ‘ f the city’s tli ces
live meeting some|to demand that the ¢ ne der News has been received in town
his week to discuss althe p ed pla Vays be} iy, t Ste fntaene te Cuadtilin aaa
the Coming eleetion gone on with h gh th va t the A: storage and-fsk
ne were an : mone : pay ! ne int at Seal Cove, is now on his
fast night's property | M! Lynch sta 1 that h had vay Kngland to purchase a
eeting Only one ap-| carefully calculated the cily 8] 4, oedema thaerlman ern eee
ee Alderman | present DOERININE BOWE Oe Oy npany's use Mr. Collins will

h, who spoke for only | little ovel 400.000 i half from New York on December
(time. He condemned | « igh { istall a I ’ sed

| |
ent of the G.'T, P, as-| ade quate sewer system, tel a i It is the intention of the com
though = in guarded|/ other improvements needed He | ane an hata tha tkauling’ Aaa
In still more allegorical] left the matter with his hearers lh in England and shipped out

Ol after Alderman | Mr. Lyneh was heartily applaud a) n sections by one of the big Blue

a4 newspaper man who|and thanked by the meeting lFunnel freighters to Victoria,

| whi re the vessels will be put to-

ize r and o ec t 6: oF

Against His Assessment. Will Hold Smoker 5 the es ; ene : Bi —

' } i «| pected to have some o ‘
Plaint against the local | The members of fhe Kaien I ss nia th ae agenda egy Bi r+
nt assessment figures|land Club are planning a smoker fisheries Che trawlers will be

} |
received, It is from|to be held on the night of Dec | staunchly built eraft
Muir, owner of lots 17 and | Oth Messrs. G. W. Kerr, Geo. ]

47 section 5 who! rizzell and Joe Roerig have the| Gerhard Heintzman.

Wy att umor says that} For thirty ,days Frank D,
hat his assessment is|matter in hand, Rumor sa | ; . ee ae
nfe anc oO y to e smoker will put even the mem j Keeley the exclusive age ‘

: ir and contrary | hee : a ~ 2 nks” night in-}this famous piano, will offer 40
SLICE ory oO ‘ ig ink nip

Ito tt had | pe cent discount on every
}to the shade | nS .
about neckwear, silk | j Pian }

Children’s dresses, | All kinds of musical instru j '

Bros., 8rd avenue, be ments at J. 8. Gray & Sons’, 6th See Sweder Bros, for boise?
‘h and 8th streets zt street tl tailoring ~


l sticks Jabour, House of Qual


Are Awarded Contract to Buiid
the Victoria Waterworks at
Sooke Lake for $3,000,000.
News was received this after-

noon by Mr. M. Albert of the

Westholme Lumber Go. that his

company had been awarded the

eontract to build the new water-

works for the city of Victoria at




Orders Them to Coase Building Station at South Hazelton and
Orders Them to Build at New Hazelton


Chairman of Railway Board Says That if a Private Individual Had Done What the
G. T. P. Had Done He Would be Put in the Penitentiary—Says He Will Put





Sooke Lake at a cost of &3.-





eving’’ and seeing the Chris

lisplay Ss appreciating and ¢

Miss Dunn returned from her

south on the Prince Rupert

Rare and beautiful chinaware
and rockery exclusive designs

Wallace's tf

Mrs. W: Adams, wife of Con-
stable Adams with her four
daughters arrived by the Prince

Hupert this morning

Christmas tovs bring hopes
and joys ry Jabour Bros. 1t

W. J. Leary of Skidegate was a
passenger by the Prince Rupert

Warks are showing a large as-
sortment of Howard railroad
watches. tf


Mr. J. B. Gottstein, who has
been in charge of the business of
Messrs. MeMillan & Co., whole-
sale grocers, since the firm start
ed up here, will leave tonight on
the Prince Rupert for Vanecou-
vel Mr. Gottstein will have a
combined pleasure and business
trip down south before return-

Men——-We have the | presents
you want for the ladies Wal-

lace’'s ti

W. ft. Bent was a passenger by
(he Prinee Rupert today,


Now ladies, surprise your}
gentlemen friends, Presert them
shaving sets, knives, walkiag|}


ity. 2t

a Stop to Railway Companies Exploiting Public Lands in Violation
of Solemn Agreements—History of the Case
The Northern Interior Land|commonly known as Taylorsville, | to the exploitation of public lands
{his morning received a tele-|but upon Robert Kelly becoming | by railway companies or anyone
gram from Vernor W. Smith, one|the purchaser of the land it was | else when in violation of solemn
f the directors of the company,| spoken of as the Kelly lot and/| agreements.

stating that New Hazelton had|later as New Hazelton... But the| Issued an Injunction.
von a decisive victory over South] 29 acres did not satisfythe rail- “I have never known a more
Hazelton and the railway com- | way company. It demanded a} deliberate attempt to deprive an

The telegram was filed|large portion of the townsite and| individual of his rights, and I
ist night at the Government tele-| this not being conceded proceed-/ want to say so most emphatie-
ed to exploit a townsite at Elli-| ally,” he said.

hh station at New Hazelton

ind reads as follows: }son, about three miles nearer “If any private individual had
Just received from our attor-| Prince Rupert. done what the Grand Trunk Pa-
ey at Ottawa news that the Rail-| Two Company Townsites. cifie attempted to do in this case
vay Commission has made a Lots were advertised and sold| he would have been in the peni-

“weeping order directing railway|‘n this townsite, but recently it tentiary, and justly so.”
mstruction and maintaining as held that a sufficiently level “An order will be issued com-
station at New Hazelton and for-| grade for station purposes could| pelling the Grand Trunk Pacifie
bidding erection of station at|not be made there without great | to locate its station at the point
South Hazelton. expense. The company then took| at which it agreed to locate it,
V. W.- SMITH.” up Lot 851, a short distance east-| and an injunction will be issued
History of Dispute. ; ward, and exploited a townsite!| against their carrying out their

The location of the townsite] there as South Hazelton. An auc-| own plans,” he said.

for the Hazelton district thus|tion sale of lots was advertised| This would seem to end for all

[ ipon which Mr. Kelly endeavored| time the Hazelton townsite con-
It was cho to obtain an injunetion against | troversy.

Chief Engineer Taylor of the rail-| such sale until after the decision
Way Company. In his opinion it;of the tailway Commission as to

was the only place within sev-|the rights of New Hazelton to be Metice.
eral miles the topographical fea-| the depot. Mr. Kelly failed in bis
tures of which presented no diffi- action, and the auction took place.
‘ulties, it being on grade and a/ Legal complications are likely to
townsite that would  require| follow as a‘result of this sale.

mptorily ordered is Lot 882.
n as such site by



Whereas, a move is on foot to
divide“up the workers of Prince
Rupert into many weak little
unions, so there would be no hepe
flis. dha seta of ever attaining any benefit to
Lead anak sine: tein this heanets A Scathing Judgment. the working class, since in an

Judge Mabee made strong com- | underhanded way the jurisdiction
}ments upon this evidence of the| of the I. W. W. is being en-

either cuts-nor

s on file at the Government Lani

e and be s e officis noti-
ficatic . of i. eas the | Company s attempts to change the | croached upon by attempts to
Railway Commission that 4¢ 23.4 ocation of a station to Lot 851)| separate and weaken workers in
bighd the naineiioniot tic board | when the Commission had already | this _city, be it understood the
September 24. 1909. }sanctioned it being placed on/I. W. W. will not tolerate any

Lot 882, and particularly the! division of wageworkers and that

Gave Railway 29 Acres. company’s advertising of this|its jurisdiction. embraces hotel,

his plan shows an allotment/change all over the continent.} restaurant and public service

/ 29.03 acres for station and|He declared that so far as lay in| workers. Signed, Secretary I. W.
station yards The townsite was | his power he would put a stop/ W. it


The Royal Princess is a Vancou- |

ot aihentes ia Aenea OF RAILWAY BELT AFFAIRS





Canadian Press Despatch.




Victoria, Dee 20—The new - —
he Princess Alice, will dock here FROM DOMINION TO PROVINCIAL CON TROL—CON-

\ esday morning She has TAIN VALUABLE WATER POWERS.
made a splendid run from Eng- ——_-———-
and (Canadian Press Despatch.) Lo
—— Ottawa, Dec. 20—An order-in- W S FIELDING
Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners. | eoyncil was signed today trans-
Phone 4, |ferring to the Province of Brit-| . ° "
- — |ish Columbia the right to admin- |

lister the railway belt in that pro-| R EN LAND

| The condition is that adminis- Seer

tration is to be paid out of re-| Ex-Finance Minister May Enter
DOCUMENT and any surplus revenue Seth Business and Political
, | derived from district goes to the Life in Great Britain—Had

a | Dominion treasury. Three Seats Offered.
Exact Copy of the Famous Funny| Valuable water rights are (Canadian Press Despatch.)
Letter Which Was Spirited| known to exist in the belt, and | Ottawa, Dec. 20.—Hon. W. 8.
Away from the City Hall onj the Province is anxious to have | Fielding leaves today for Eng-
Monday Night. their administration. In ‘the 8-7 jand to attend the funeral of his
tion now taken no provision is] . 0) in-law who died yesterday.
Following ts a copy of the fa- _— for. the “ultimate transfer) A ithough it is not definitely de-
a . : of any unalienated territory back] , ied, the ex-Minister may re-
mous letter referring to trench- to the province. The foreshores | ‘ 1ded, ees nay re
ing tenders which was spirited | yiehts end tha diketan of the | main in England, taking up a
away from the City Hall on Mon-|.~ = ; : .,| partnership in the successful
; | Songhees reserve at Victoria were | financial business of McAfee &


day night, and which has not! siso granted ; :

since been officially discovered: & . : Co. Eventually he would seek a

A aleapligpeg vy “earn, ee ; seat in the British House. Al-
For Men. reaoy Mr. Fielding has had the

We are a gang of 21 men, and Shaving Sets, Safety Razors,| over of three seats in Liberal
we will take any two sections al Shaving Mirrors, Shaving spnctituensies,
the above prices. Most of us can Brushes, Strops—all appropriate
vote, and those who cannot willl Christmas gifts for men—at U need I. [need You. Try our
get some one who can. We will Keeley’s Pharmacy. tf knitted goods. Jabour Bros, 2t
support Alderman Newton for °
mayor, and his entire ticket, and/* " perescensc ease ” ,
if you let us make enough on (his | Christmas Cantata and Christmas| era! admission of 50 cents. The

Tree for All Lovers of Children, | “4tata begins at 8 o'clock sharp,



job we will buy lots in Seetion 4,


If you will allow us a few yards ak : <
extra we will lay off for three], it pore and itt * 7 ‘ ae LO. Lk.
days before election and holler|?¥*®?!@" Sunday School have pre- Prinee Rupert Loyal Orange

ticket. Wel/Pared a Christmas cantata for Lodge meets Friday night, Dee.

for Newton and his Phi nad: fie the E ae
tursday evening in the Empress/o9 jn the Sons of Engtand Hall,

ask you to think this over. ak ain ; s : ore
JOHN PETERSON & CO. sRentess: Nothing brings to one 819 Secand Avenue. By order—
1¢ spirit of Christmas like a Secretary. at
--— meee good, old-fashioned Christmas ra Ae Lilet
Before selecting a piano see the|tree surrounded by the happy | Smoking Concert
Stanley at Gray’s Jewelry Store.|faces of the children. You will The Longshoreman’s Union

Cannot be beat for tone, quality] be sure to enjoy yourself if you| wi) sive a big smoking concert

jand price, Pianos tuned and re-|come on Thursday night. There on Christmas night, Dec. 25, at


paired tf lare no reserved seats, but a gen-| the LWW. Hall, Tickets $4. 4t