i Read The Daily News The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY RANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. Contract rates pn application. RSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DAlILy, 50c | per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. Ail Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B, C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City. SBATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. WEDNESDAY, DEC. wane 20) A UNIQUE INVESTIGATION. Whatever dissatisfaction Mayor Manson has caused during his term of office among those of the citizens who prefer a} business to a political administration, he has amply atoned by the investigation he conducted yesterday into the charges of lax- ity in the police and license administration. No similar inves- tigation has ever been conducted anywhere else. As the Journal remarked of it this morning in flamboyant eulogy: “It was indeed a happy thought of the Mayor to take the method he did in testing the foundation for such reports.” Mr. Manson should get the method copyrighted and patented. Under some pleasing title, such as “The Manson Whitewash Method,” it should Hive a considerable sale at large prices among those license and police boards who may require an easy method of whitewash, ¢ The beauty of the Manson Method is that all the parties who are on trial—the Police officers, the License Commis-| sioners and the license holders—can get together and mutu-}| ally perform the whitewashing act. Under the old system an | independent judge and an independent jury had to be bothered | with the tiresome business. The Manson Method saves inde-| pendent judges and independent juries all this trouble. Applied to the work of the ordinary courts of justice it would save the salaries of judges and court officers. It would} probably be the means of abolishing the prison system also. | Under the Manson Method all the parties im any way reflected | upon could get together and swear to each other’s innocence | and everything would be lovely. Our fearsome police courts | could then be turned into Mutual Admiration Leagues. Mr. Manson in the days when he was seeking office prora- ised a thorough shaking up and housecleaning in the police and license departments, and he has kept his promise. How widespread has been the alarm felt throughout the | city at the supposed loose way in which the law was being enforced is very well known. Indeed, among those who com- municated to The News protesting against the alleged disorder- ly manner in which one of the licensed houses was said to be conducted was a woman in the tenderloin district. Curiously enough, the plea was based on grounds of public morality. | Now that the License Commissioners under the Manson | Method have secured from each applicant before renewing his | license a statement that he had no complaints to make and that no club was held up to him, the public will feel relieved —perhaps. | | } |e) CANCEL EE Se 2 | SS LS EELS — . ; Empress Theatre : AE RULES, see (cs GFE) aCe 4 Mr. L. Bullock-Webster Se | ah _ PRINCE RUPERT AMATEUR ¥) y DRAMATIC SOCIETY —PRESENTS— “QUR REGIMENT” WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1911 AT 8,15 P. M. In Aid of Public School Library Fund al eames, ae 3 <=a3) Aue P. cogs SS pep aN) pe 5 WSS ewe l Sl Seat Sale opens at Keeley’s Monday December 18th at 10 a.m. Play produced by aC —F, Tickets $1.00 Children 50c re 2 les BAECs aa S| hs (CaM (CAKES RNS = ee 2 When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the 3 qi: $| CARLTON HOTEL 3} $ Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1,00 to $2.50 per day. $ | Hot and Cold Water in each room, $ 4 CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS $ Vancouver, B.C, ; $ ww MAYO beeeerwee THE DAILY NEWS Spot the ‘‘Sealshipticase’ —in Frizzell’s MEAT MARKET And ask for Free Copy of ‘‘Mark Twain’s Oy- ster Story,’’ contain- ing delicious recipes. "SEALsHrOystERSYST™ SOUTH NORWALI.CONN . We sell “Sealshipt” Oysters Fresh From the Sea. . . - APPETISING AS OUR OTHER SPECIALTIES, ASK FOR “BROOKFIELD” Butter, Eggs and Sausages THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY Cambridge Sausages, Fresh Poultry, Turkeys, Chickens and Green Vegetables —THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICE— FRIZZELL’S =~ =: = Aveme LIoIIOLISE NST VSION SL STSL ST OMEN OT tN Christmas vexatious problems easily solved by Sloan & Company’s Script. Sold for any amount, redeemable in merchandise. PRINCE RUPERT, B.Cig..ccccvccsduveccscvweeey 191.... e e Sloan & Company, Limited MERCHANDISE SCRIPT TIBLIVOR UO 0-0-5. hs ic bo ob bs USC CONN Y cae ove Vee 08 COMOPAENMESE UES 4 Up.0' bebe PI GS cad bak dives Ce ae MASS OS PT Ube cbERN SD FTE GC HOE merchandise to the amount GEESE CPR 5 Nea eT RAND VG he WAND 0 'site 04 Tek RASS tO RCTS) SAME DR OO eae Dollars 100 SLOAN & COMPANY, LIMITED Sixth Street SLOAN & COMPANY Christmas Hampers.. NO. 4—"‘INTERNATIONAL” 1 bottle Extra Sherry 2 bottles Chablis NO. 1—‘AT HOME” 2 botties P. & O. Scotch bottle 3 Star Brandy 3 bottles Cheateau Margaux 1 1 bottle Port 2 botties Choice Claret ; bottles Champagne 6 botties Beer (quarts) ONLY $6 1 bottie Maraskino ONLY $26. (All quarts.) NO. 2—“FAMILY” NO. 6—‘GERMAN DINNER” : 1 bottle Cherries in Maraskino i pottie’s ‘etar Brandy” 3 bottles Liebfraumiich 2 bottles Dry Gin 65 botties Sparkling Hock 4 bottle Best Sherry 1 bottle 20-Year-Old Brandy 1 bottie Best Port ; pore pinch : 5 bottles St. Estephe Claret +2 Rettite aoe dh a ONLY $18 (All quarts) NO. 6—"COSMOPOLITAN” bottle Cocktails bottles P. & O. Scotch bottle 20-Year-Old Brandy botties Ale or Stout bottle Sloe Gin bottle Green Chartreuse (pint) $10.26 NO. 3—“FRENCH DINNER” 1 bottle Amer Picon 1 2 bottles Haut Barsac (quarts) 2 4 bottles St. Estephe (quarts) 1 3 botties Sparkling Moselle (quarts) 6 1 bottle 20-Year-Old Brandy 1 1 bottie Yellow Chartreuse 1 Yv ONLY $17 : We have not been established 50 years, but we can sell you 55-year-old Brandy. Remember, we have a complete assortment of all standard Liquors, and control the exclusive agency for a large number of the Best Wines,Liquors and Liqueurs ever seen in the Province. We buy direct from Europe and give you the benefit of the middleman’s profits. ° 10 per cent. discount on all bills Over $5 until the end of the year. ONL Clarke Bros., Ltd, mets Sey Td Are Phone 39 bottle 56-Year-Old Bisquit Brandy | Don’t buy a watch before looking over our stock, Ask the American rail- road man his opinion of the. ... J. S. Gray & Son, Jewelers, WEBB C. BALL Sole Agents. We also carry a full line of Howard, Elgins, Walthams, Hamilton, Illinois, Longine movements SAMUEL HARRISON Vv. (NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED F. G, GAMBLE Prince Rupert - and - Stewart ee tte eee ep ede ee mae re rare Pte ee RE Pe ee ter ere creer me mere ertrmes eres rms Ptr ® LYNCH BROS. { | General Merchandise . an ‘Katies Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. BocBacke rrr es se l ome BE eo Fhe et te ser sms emcee ecille meee mes roms perm srs pessoas parma RE Corliss Coon Collars HOUSE | Harry Smith 3rd & 7th ————— CHRISTMAS _... that will be both useful and appropriate... . Ai GIFTS FOR MEN Men’s Dressing Gowns Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Hand Bags Suit Cases Shirt Bags Collar Bags Dressing Cases Fancy Suspenders Fancy Armlets Knitted Neckwear Silk Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs Knitted Mufflers Silk Mufflers Silk Neckwear MARTIN O’REILLY 2nd Ave. 3rd Ave. AUSTRALIANS WIN. } Crickett Team Is 126 Ahead on First Innings. Sydney, Dec. 18.—The M. CG. 4. has made 3818 in the first test match, leaving the Australians with a lead of 126 on the first Innings, LIGHT PLANT COAL Westholme Lumber Co. is Award- | ed Contract for Next 225 Tons. With a bid of $8 per long ton delivered at the light plant in ae- with strict weight and over-seen by the city cordance measure officials, the Westholme Lumber Co. secures the contract. Their} bid was accepted last night. Messrs. Rogers & Black bid $8.25 per ton, and tenders were receiv- ed from Nanaimo and Dunsmuir collieries to supply 1000 tons of} coal for a year at $4 per ton} f.o.b. al Nanaimo and Union Bay respectively, Rates for ship- ment from those points to Prince | Rupert without dockage fees were THREE DAY CURE FOR DRINK HABIT Appeals to the Business and Professional Man, the Banker, and Man in all the Higher Walks of Life BECAUSE OF THE TIME IT SAVES THEM When a roan's time is worth a great deai more to him than the cost of a drink habit cure he is not going to drag along for twenty-eight to forty-two days taking a treatment when he can get a cure in three days, without hypodermie injections, and be surrounded with every comfort of home. A PERFECT CURE. The Neal internal treatment cures the periodical, occasion- al or moderate drinker and the nervous man who has to drink to keep fronr becoming nervy- |} ous, It takes away all ineclina- quoted at $2.50 per ton by the tion to drink, all desire and GoeT. PaxQa-P. Re and. Union craving to drink, by neutraliz- Steamship companies. “John’s” Special Run. The G, T, P. steamer Prince John pulled out for Stewart at sharp 10:30 a. m today in order to be back in time to connect with the Christmas sailing of Prince Rupert at 8:30 p. Thursday. Choicest liquors and cigars Savoy. the | | | | \ ing the poison of alcohol in the system and ridding the blood THE NEAL 1250 Broadway W., Vancouver, B. C. | of the poison by a rapid sys- | tem of elimination, leaving the drinker in the condition that he was before tasting liquor, so far as the effect of alcohol may be concerned—all appe- tite for drink gone—and he a new man, The treatment consists of the internal administration of a harmless remedy, tonie in | its action, that removes the craving for liquor’in a very few hours. DRUG HABIT CURED. | | At the Vancouver institute | we also treat drug addictions | | with uniform suecess. Call, write or phone for booklet, giv- ing full information. INSTITUTE Phone Bayview 686 Find It Through a News Want Ad. roa eh Lod e745 4 ME MORAN DUM OPEN EVENINGS U We Loaned Per Cent. to Build This House Let us loan you the money to buy or build a house or We Loaned Money at Per Cent. to Build This House pay off a mortgage. CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C,