urday. June 11, i B-t T Ifl RUN is,.. v POPULAR Elf from that previously known "Paddy ureen- nut small Spies of material dyed; the hew and attacnea to impawns Hers have be;n sent out by the Bioratlve body which has the (on styles in colors. nit cover oi tne ioiaer Dears fcly the seal of tho council arid fVord Eire In capital if tters and iourse In green Ink. Inside Is following explanation, faclnp, sample: "This color Is spon Ed by the British Color Council broadcast an appeal for 600,000 wo-t .men to Join for the Air Raid Precautions Service. "Brine to this difficult Job your fresh mind, your keen Imagination, your untlrlnn , M.fci tiiivraujr wave muuc j j r . ,r,m"ii Women w uvarlhr raring 4harft vwnr 'women's work a priceless treasure In our national 1tfn life," he said. mM j For Eire ran So that the public may be as sured the aviation section of the Women's Legion is no fly-by-nlght affair led by young hotheads, official recognition has been given this organization by the air ministry and Lady Loch is taking charge, co-operating with Lady Londonderry and her Women's Legion of officers. Honor Woman filider USED FURNITURE 8-Piece Dining Room Suite Singer Sewing Machine Hand Sewing Machine Kitchen Range With Oil Burner Ranges for Burning Coal or Wood Water Power Washing Machine Doors, Screen Door, Window Sash ictures,Books,gramophone records Musical Instruments We Accept Your Old Furniture in Part Payment on the New PHONE GREEN 910 ELIO'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE THIRD AVENUE l'rincc KuPfrt UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thirrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient pla9 purchase tickets nt ffice Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. mone oo Raymond Penney, for drunken The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held' last night. President G. P. Tinker 1 was in the chair and others pres ent were Mrs. H. L. Landry, R. E.1 Benson, W. M. Brown, Frank Dibb and F. A. MacCallum, directors, and H. W. Birch', managing secretary. HOSPITAL FINANCES presented at last night's meeting of the hospital board by F.A. MacCallum, showed a total of 1738 hospital days at a 'cost per day of $2.48. Disbursements for the month totalled $4294.93. Hotel Arrivals Central ! J. Wilson, Premier; C. L. Watson,1 Quick; H. Grasser, Tatalrose; H. Carslake and H. Jerome, C.N.R.; J. McCrea and W. Jackson, Billbore; H. Rodgers, Prince George; D. Mor gan, Hardy Bay; W. T. Lelghton and D. Lelghton, city. Knox D. Morgan, Hardy Bay; Carl Brentzen, Port Simpson. , -v R. A, Campbell', VancoUverT F;' Waterman and P. Rorvlk, .Seattle; Ft, C. Edwards, Lowe Inlet. Royal Tim Devlin and I. Urseth, Bella Coola. LIKED RAIL WORK STRATFORD, Ont., June 11: (CP) Ernest Townsend, now rural mail carrier who was In' dharge of the special train carrying Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt to Buffalo when President William McKlnley was assassinated Sep tember 6 1901, says his 29 years railroading were the best of his life. TTIE DAILY NWg LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's, tf C. IL Elklat sailed last night On I uy posters ana in tne press tne the Princesjf Adelaide for a busln- By Mollle McOejp) government has asked for 1,000,000 eM trlp Vancouver ..TM.Jiine 11: '(CP) Even Volunteers. In two months 400.000 ions are Impresses wun im-pave joinea. ow mere is a arive; Dr. Hugh Morrison. Inspector of relations between London w interest tne otner eoo.ooo. For ed schoolSi on tne Catala to. Dublin and the Brltlsn color neiirsi ume aunng peace in "n-morrow , ht for tf, to -ii h irivpn lis uie.ssimi 10 a. "wwu women jravc uccu . . ...., !al nne of green caiiea "Eire" aea i0 wne active service in ae n.ln MrflUl HvIAnmBnf BllrK M" -""" .v.... truly Irish manner, the new lence 01 tneir country Terrace-Juiy 1st. C.N.RA. Excursion. Fare '$2.75. Children $1.40. A. O. Franks and son, Stanley", sailed this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver where the latter will receive medical treatment. Sergeant Ernest Oammop, pro vincial police, returned to the city on the Princess Louise this, after noon from a trip to the Atlln dls- ness, was fined $25, with option ofjtrict on official business. seven days' Improsonment, In city police court this morning. , The report of the Fire Chief to: - Jthe month of May, presented at Ellas Green, Indian, for drunk-. the regular meeting of the board enness, was fined $10, with option of directors of the Prince Rupert of seven days' Imprisonment, by General Hospital last night, stated Magistrate McClymcnt In city no- that fire conditions in notn tre lice court this morning. ' Ihbspltal and nurses' home were In . satisfactory shape. The Women's Auxiliary of the Older women who have watched Prince Rupert General Hospital Funeral Notice wie auvuiice ui avuuun irom us 13 planning to hold a tag day on Infancy have suddenly come to the fore, among them Miss Agnes Baden Powell, sister of Lord Bad- Sfjmmemorate the consolidation t en-Powell and the late Major B. F. relations between areat in and Eire." Eood der such pressure It .can bfl 1 for granted that by the end summer "Eire", dresses, hats h and thousands of yards of ferial worn by thousands of Jishwomen will be proclaiming emoval of wigs from greeri. Speeds Training I d from such Impulsive ger-. the most popular colors British women seem to be i and military. Horizon Blue IVvn thpp nrp nnt hplnf Hnn. Baldom. To speed up matters, ge Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare S. Baden Powell, the aviation pioneer. She has Just been elected an honorary Companion of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the second woman to receive that distinction. Miss Baden-Powell's flying experiences were In the gliders of 1903-1904 and she was a close friend of the Wright Brothers, Marconi and Blerlot. She has never flown In an airliner. "I have only flown In gliders and balloons. I don't think airplanes are safe yet," she told Interviewers In all seriousness and as one reason why she Is not an Honorary Colonel of the Women's Air Force. Boys' girls Write todav (enclosing lot in com 77) HFI D PAY Tl-tP VI CT fiPPH CTAKF handling, etcC) and we'll send vou one of. our ) sensational; ready-built; yellow & silver; high-) , utejy Free by return mall SET YOURS TODAY t UMIT 3 TO A FAMILY f BOX 551 VICTORIA July 4, it was reported at last1 fUneral of the late C. E, night's meeting of the hospital board by Mrs. H, L. Landry. Miss Devlria Warner, who has been attending King Edward High School here, left on last evening's train for Walcott to spend tho summer holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Warner. Miss Eileen (Paddy) Green, sail ed last night on the Princess Ade. lalde for a vacation trip' to Van.- couver. Her sister, Miss Rubq Green who has been vttlng here, re turned to Vancouver on the same boat. Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady superintendent of the Prince Ru pert General Hospital, left on last evening's train for Winnipeg to spend her annual vacation. Miss Olive Gordon R.N. is acting lady superintendent of the hospital during her absence. Johnson will take place Monday t. 9-50 n'rlivk from thff FOR SALE Houses. Phone Green 317. (136', KITCHEN Range with oil burner. Green 893. (141) 119 9th Avenue East. Modern 2-storey house, 7 rooms and bath Concrete foundation. Priced lov for quick sale. G. L. Rbrie, Trus. i.ee. y 1 j FOR SALE 23-ft. boat with 8 h.p engine'. Can be used for trolling or net fishing. Only $300. Ap,-ply McLean's Boat Yards, iSeai Cove. t FIVE-ROOM summer house for sale at Lake Kathlyn near Smith ers for $300, half cash, balance one. two and three years at six per cent original cost $1500.-Ap ply to Watsn's Store, 8mlthrs, B.C. (134) WANTED The report of the finance, I WANTED-Housekeeper good cook committee for the month of May, 10 lane iun unurge. ruujie 401, PERSONAL (137) EXAMINATION FOR CIVIL SERVICE CLERKS You have time to ensure success at the coming clerks' examination if you write us Immediately for particulars and proof of our remarkable successes over many years. M.C.C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg, t.f. BOARD AN!) ROOM ROOM and Board. Phone Red 249 (138) LOST LOST Pocket book containing ' Considerable sum of money anc driver's license. Reward. Finder nlease return to Daily News. 137 PERSONAL PRIVATE HOME KINDERGAP-, , TENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. I Winnipeg. tl WE HAVE HELVED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as' Letter Carriers, postal Clerks, Customs Examiner, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Cunada. tf. CHURCH NOTICES i Tim jiu FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. II. G. Funston IJ.A. j Organist and Choir Director, Mrs. E. J. Smith SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.mi. Morning Service, followed by Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Anthem by choir, "Break Thou the Bread of Life" 7:30 p.m. Evening1 Service Anthem, "Come Ye Disconsolate" Everyone Cordially Invited ."' BRIDES IN ARMYWAKE Girls in Thousands Go Forth From Japan to Make Homes In Conquered Areas By DeWITT MACKENZIE NEW YORK, June 11: AP) Several thousand lovelorn young Japanese Immigrant-farmers are sighing under the spring moon of Manchoukuo (Manchuria) and counting the lagging hours until the arrival of 2,400 girls who are being sent out from-the homeland to become colonial brides. These little women and their prospective husbands are among the "covered waeon" pioneers of one of the world's greatest colon izatlon schemes. They are the vanguard of 5,000,000 Nlpp6nese who will be sent out to consolidate for Mikado and country this rich conquest, for which Japan stands condemned by many nations. . The girls will go forward to the youths they never have seen, to build homes and work In the fields Chapel of the B. C. Undertakers,! land bear babies for the glory of tVit SALt Nippon, trusting minaiy in tne om I Japanese proverb: "Love makes every girl beautiful to her man." The slums of cities present ter rible conditions and It Is estimated that at least 2,000,000 people must be moved to relieve the situation. As things are, whole families of six, or seven people live In single rooms perhaps 12 feet square. In the overcrowded country districts the farms are too small to provide livelihood for all who are born to the soil. Sons and daughters either become virtual pensioners of their parents or seek their fortunes In the big cities, frequently to land In the 12-foot cell of the slums. Such conditions produce many serious social problems. One of Ihpm Is Dolitlcal unrest. So the government proposes to ease the situation by sending 1,000,000 families 5,000,000 souls to Manchuria in the next 20 years. Such as are capable among the impoverished of the slums will be sent over-seas, as will the younger sons of hard-hit farmers. Thus far some 20,000 families, totalling 100,000 people, have beenl 'cont-r f!ifTihiirl!i. '''Ther are'be1' lng helped financially by the government. The colonization will be speeded up as the settlements grow. , TWO'S- COMPANY HAMILTON, Ont., June 11: (CP Just married, a Hamilton coupli started off by train with the best man and bride's mother aboard The emergency cord stopped the train and mother-in-law and best man trudged back. Announcements All advertisements In this col-jmn will be charged for' a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea. Mrs. G. Arnold's, June 23. Queen Mary Tea, Mrs Parkiiils; Eagle's Dance, June 22. Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby Island, July 3. MMSffl Fresh Strawberry Shortcake or Sundaes at the U & I C AFE Waterfront Open 7 A.M. 10 P.M. The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4tb St. JUNE SALE Paints, Wallpapers, Pictures, Muresco, Etc. To the highest cash purchaser during this sale we will give the pick of any picture in the store, values as high at $10.00. Prices Were Never So Low As At This Sale WALLPAPERS 1A Per single roll, from , PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT QO fiC At, per gallon WOiO PURE LINSEED OIL STAINS Q-i Off Any color. Per gallon- ?J.Otf Every article in our stock reduced. Don't forget we rati save you money Silversides Bros. Letter Size Linen Finish Writing Pad And English Made Mechanical Pencil With Extra Leads BOTH for 39c I For Car and Household Use 75c Chamois Size 16x18 And a 23c Sheep's Wool Sponge BOTH for 89c I Ormes Ltd. U?ti Pioneer Drtuzpists The ilexnll Store Phones: 81 & S2 Open Dally From t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 1 o.m, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE TOMORROW and MONDAY To Make Room For The Contractors We Must Clear 20 Felt Mattresses All sizes. Reg. 9.00. gQ Phone 775 327 THIRD AV ENUE ineap er Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wh?at it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed . Company New royal HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 11.01 up . 30 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kuprt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box HI Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator