Trinidad Woman 116 Years Old Claims to be Oldest rerson British Empire Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL Brasell Bisell in PORT OP SPAIN, Trinidad, June 13: (CP) A claim from New Zealand that Patrick Hamilton, born in( Always carry WRIGLEVS GUM with you as a safe-guard against fatigue when driving. Delicious WRIGLEV'S fSIIM la lnvlrinrattnriho1no l-Aan whi Sound, adjoining Timber Licences llVl.n .Ann. J a.nnn n . lotte fUnls Land District. Two yr will be allowed for tnoval of tlnilxT. Piovlded ei in reading dally newspapers and gets much quiet enjoyment from his garden, recently celebrated his 108th birthday. But Mrs, Williams said she was 116 years old as she quietly celebrated Mother's Day at her home in Port of Spain. She was born in Grain Boat Coming Tomorrow St. Vincent, an island of the Wind-! Tourist Boats in Over Week ward group of the British West In- dies. Hamilton, who does not use glass- sirs you alert, braces your nerves . . . the action of chewing revives tired muscles and refreshes you. Helps you concentrate at all times. our tamtiy and mends are appreciative when 5U share vour nackatfe nf Wriolev'a with them. Small In cost but BIG In Benefits. CS4I Goin1 Fishm1 We Can Supply Your Every Need And Tell You Where To Get The Fish Headquarters For Sport Fishing; Tackle Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 Stop In At MUSSALLEIVTS CONFECTIONERY For a Dish Of FROSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Bite" Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion TSMMPUHHIHHMBBJin I J TI.MIIEH SALE X8187 I TIMItl It H U K X '0807 There will be ottered for sale at pub-1 There will be offered for .! Junea af "SS o?fC V.Wi V n S etlltlaoi . . . : . - " .... j nnuAX. i r.iiii Hnn npmirti-i. - "... 'wv- w..vmv4 iwl re any one unable to atten 1 rnoval of timber. the auction in nerxon mav submit a waled tender, to be ojjened a the. hour of auction and treated as one bid. Further particular mav be obtaUieJ from the CHlef Forebter, Victoria. B. C, or the DUIflot Forester, Prince. Rupert. On an ajma fatt.llnitvl nn 4Via aa.. -v. of Iyjitlhe bland between Skedarw lj and Belwyn Inlet, adjoining Timber .. : "".ii.-es uvii; umi', and 1684P, Queen re I Charlotte Islanda Ijand District, I Thtt ttHll lw! Aiinlui . i rovracq any one unable to attend the auction In pewon may aubmlt sealed tender, to toe opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid. Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester. Victoria. B C or Uie District Forester, Prince Rupert,' WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront End Annual Sea Hunt On Lion n 1 1 l- i , i ..... MLsc Rnth millm jullor! WtH . V'c mutorsnip Vlliangcr Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, 1830.' afternoon on the Prince Robert for I, Empire is challenged by Trinidad's toria and Seattle. oldest resident. Mrs. Mary Williams D0v, ... " Reach the most pecinb m enj tor ior me united Kingdom or Continent. The vessel Is coming up the outside and will proceed from wno says sne is lib years or age. and distrlct wltn HwrUsement here fter.e to " Portland. ruana. In In connects connection In In the the Dallv Dally New New mtn lne comInS of the vessel. Jo seph Bennett, Pacific Coast superintendent Of Alberta Wheat Pnnl ! (elevators; Capt. Dan McKinnon.l ; pilot, and Ernest Anderson and Archie McDonald. Government weight men, arrived from Vancou- j ver on the Catala last night. j There were 158 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Louise I which was in port Saturday af ternoon southbound from Skag-i way to Vancouver. Seven persons' disembarked from the Princess J Louise here while one person went aboard here for Vancouver. Making her initial voyage of thc season in the summer tourist ser-: vice to Alaska, C.P.R. steamer Prin- cess Charlotte,( Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 8:30 this j morning from Vancouver with a good-sized list of passengers, consisting mostly of round-itrippers. The vessel, which sailed at 10 o'clock for Skagway and other northern - points, will be back here The fisheries patrol steamers Malaspina and Givenchy are now in Rivers and Smith's Inlet waters carrying on the annual sea lion hunt. Each year some 2000 to 2500 of these enemies of the fish are destroyed around Pearl and Virgin Rocks and Haycock Islands. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp liner Northland, Capt Lcn Williams, arrived in port at 6 o'clock yesterday morning and, after discharging one carload of ;mild cured salmon for transship,-j ment East over Canadian National Railways, sailed about an hour later In continuation of her voyage to Seattle. Bringing In one carload of mild cured salmon and one carlnart nf j fresh halibut and salmon for trans- shipment East over Canadian Na tional Hallways, motorshlp Tongass was in porj last evening from Ketchikan, KEN RAYNER- (Over 25 Years Experience) For Your Radio Troubles Let me check bver your set which Includes General Inspection, Testing Tubes, Cleaning Set and Speaker, Realigning All Stages, Soldering Aerial and Ground when ncc-cusary, $2.95. Phone Dlack 712 SAY, TOM- I DISCOVERED A GREAT BREAKFAST TOD Ay ! EVER EAT KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES WITH TRUIT ? WHX OF COURSE EVIRV MORNING. WE THINK THERE'S NOTHING SO DELICIOUS I F YOU'VE never tried crisp, polden Kclloee'8 Corn Flakes with sliced fruit orj berries, you've missed n rpjif mi k Blend those tempting flavors with milk or cream. What a breakfast! Kellojrg's are always oven-fresh and ready to serve. At all gTocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. WITH FRUIT PICNIC AT DIGBY IS. Annual Outing of' Fish Union of Cold Storage Co James Findlay, arrived in port at Boys race, 5 years and under- 11 O ClOCk last nieht. frnm 1 r.,u e i . n i ...... ...... . ...... WIV lf uaYiu uiiatiian, , jcurge rlCK. south and sailed, at midnight for, Boys race, 7 years and under--Stewart, Anyox and other northern 1. J Fleedenr 2 v rnmnn.mnia ' ' ' nnlnt. .. .1 I .... , ijuuits wuence sne win return here tomorrow southbound. returning south after her first voyage of the season to Alaska on summer tourist service, C.N.R. steamer Prince Robert, Capt. H. E. Boys' race, 12 years and. under Nedden, arrived In port at 9 o'clock 1. A. Hammond; 2, L. Campagnola -yesterday morning and sailed at 3:30 p.m. for Vancouver. The rnnce Robert had on board the! Girls race 16 years and under. 1, E.-Krause; 2, J. Krause. Boys, race, 16 years and under Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce '1. A- Leighton; 2, A. Campagnola Alaska tour party of 150 persons) Single ladies race 1, J. Gomez; who naa naa a delightful cruise un- aer iaeai weather conditions. In all there were 213 passengers aboard the vessel of whom one disembarked here. Stronger prices are expected during the coming week. On Saturday four vessels sold halibut at Seattle as follows; Blanco, 18,000 pounds, Whiz, 88c and 6c; Eureka, 10,000, Sebastian, 9c and 6c; Bertha, 8,600, Sebastian, 8V2c and 6c; Swift II., 15,500, Washington, 8c and 6c. Thc Bertha also had 4,500 pounds of ling cod which she sold at 3c per pound. 2, A. Gomez Single men's race 1, W. Vance, S. Dominato. Married ladles' race 1. Mrs A McFarlane; 2, Mrs. J. Murray. Married men's race 1, J. Murray; 2, J. Norrington. Ladies' egg and spoon race 1, J. Gomez; 2, A. Gomez. Married ladies' race over 45 years 1, Mrs. R. Wood; 2, Mrs. A Gomez. Married men's race over 45 years 1. J. Boddie; 2, G. Krause. Indies' place kick 1, Mrs. O. Pick; 2, Miss A. Moorehouse. Men's place kick 1, w, Vance; 2, A. Strachan. Ladies' tug of war Mrs. Allan team. Men's tug of war P. Schroedcr's team. In the softball . game thc Shed defeated thc Office to thc tune of 5 to 3. The Chief Legale and the W. R Lord, which were under the command of Capt. N. McGlashan and J. Boddie, transported all the members and their cuests. THE SEAL of QUALITY mm JjULnvPF i dOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only wlmoD canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert Wanderers Win Over Sand Pit Score of 5 to 2 In Football Game Saturday Evening A well contested football came between Wanderers and the Sand Pit was played last Saturday evening at the High School grounds, wanderers winning 3 to z. The playing on both teams was greatly i improved over that of the previous game. Gomez opened the scoring fcr .the Sand Pit on a penalty shot. tColussi took thc ball down again but was checked by Field. Mc-jKeown cleared from the goal mouth but a minute later Hougan I scored from a corner kick. Slmundson brought the Wanderer into 'the lead by scoring on a pass from Hougan. A. McKeqwn then evened jup the score with a well placed I goal from the field. The Wander- lers drove hard and Weir was call-led upon to save twice. The score was two all at the end of the first half. I In the secona half the Wanderers had the edge of the play. Hougan made the score three to two and Slmundson scored again to pdt the Wanderers two up Leighton replaced Weir In goal and showed some snappy work In that position. The Sand Pit drove I hard many times but Zhura urns Packers i playing an excellent game In .goal ana inn ftillhnrke rfoflAMarl .n.t I of the shots. - , Morgan scored the' ovut vv 1 1 1 g final cmril f mm tUm i. 1 -i iiic aiiuuai iJiwui; ui nic now r ..v.... uic ucm wiiicxi Haturn.iv nfrprnnnn smithVimmri , . ... ... .. mnA u .. a . .. sides. Morgan, Sunberg, H: Hougan k. liougan, Leland and Field. Sand Pit Weir. .Leighton, Colus-si, Bunn, A. McKeown, F. Mc Keown, Nordan, Perkins, Oomez Shrubsall, Hemmons, and Capstlck, The standing to date Is: Won Wanderers 1 Sand Pit o D, L. pfs 1 0 3 I I 1 During last week a total nf - 000 pounds of halibut was landed at Seattle. There waa less western fish than In the previous week and, consequently, prices wfcre better. Having come north from Vancouver by way of Nanalmo,- Union Bay and Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, C.N.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. George Coles, arrived in port at 7:30 yesterday morning and his morning, after having discharged coal cargo, moved up to the dry dock where she Is to be given her annual overhaul, In about a couple of weeks she will enter a general coast freighting service for the summer. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 PICTURE OF G00D0UEEN "Victoria the Great," Which Has Been Keenly Awaited, Now Showing at Capitol "Victoria the Oreat," first production to reach the screen with Britain's famous sovereign as the (Central figure, is an outstanding attraction at the Capitol Theatre here for tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday as well as special matinees this afternoon and Wednesday for school children. Against an impressive background of historical events, "Victoria the Great" dramatically visualizes the love story of the beloved queen and Prince Albert of , Saxe-Cobourg-Ootha. Anna Neagle, British screen notability, ( plays the title role with I Anton Walbrook. Internationa star, as Prince Albert. II. B. War-?, ner. as Lord Melbourne, and Wi, ter lima, as Prince Ernest, are alrd featured. 1 It is the first time that thd regal figure of Victoria has been dramatized with permission of the British government which decreed that such could not be done until,' four generations after her death The last thousand feet of the nle- 'ture shows the Diamond JublieG . in technicolor. , Local theatregoers have lori been awaiting "Victoria the anaf and preparations are belnj madt to handle capacity audiences. Robert Hughes vT -."v,u,,u, ill t-acKers union oi me uanaai?n c n, ic m two ior ine wan-all n there were 249 passengers cn Fish and Cold Storage Co. took derers, McKeown and Holkestad ft CL,.. Tl the Princess Charlotte, Including place yesterday at Digby Island i came very close to scoring. WIWi ulUlpSOn LfieS . . ...... 142 rnnnrt trlnna.. nn.nn .i r ii P : I .H40 an.uue wnoiii wnere everybody concerned had a "anaier reiereea and linesmeli was a Shrine party of forty from most enjoyable time. I were O. Keays, J. Walker and Boston. Seven disembarked from The sports and games were keen- R. Anderson, the vessel here and two went iy contested. The winners were as Zhura, Slmundson, R. Hougan, aboard at this port for the north follows: I Holkestad and Morgan were best union steamer Catala. Cant. 1 a T?ie- v imh Bunn. Cnlnin v .nv.. j i -I w iiau, . 4UVUVUWI) allU lin .. . . . r..i.t . . . i-LiKins siarrea ior the Sand Pit. Teams were: Wanrlprnrs 7hi - I uwu4u, ijiUl UliUdl1 1 uins race, 9 years and under Holkestad, B. Silversldes, C. Silver 1, A. Rice; 2, E. Lamb. Boys' race, 9 years and under 1, D. Murray; 2, A. Gomez. Girls race, 12 years and under 1, T. Krause; 2, Campagnola. Well Known Native of Nei(hborinx Villaje Passes Away At Robert Hughes, well known native of Port Simpson, died at the week-end in the nplfrhhnrln6 vil lage. Deceased, whose death occurred jat 6:45 Saturday night, was 23 J years of age. He became quite well I Advanced Ace I I known as one of those who engag-l ed in the renovation of totem poles at Prince Rupert. He was also ac tive In sports as a basketball relij crce. lie was the son of Samuel Hughes, leading native churchman of Port Simpson, Mrs. Herbert Morrison is a sister of deceased. j The funeral took place at Port Simpson this afternoon. You I Monday, jMt 7 PROUDLY V if 4 J PRESENTS J ITS GREATRST tf i W TORICALnRAVti. & & The true tory of,ro., Ffl nrm mmA m - . $Sa " reign tint W fw the birth of the 6 mm wnrM'i - . . V empire' J. ... Wthheld from stage IB nd icreen for decadei KOWITCANBETOUJ; V,-'.Ana here t ' in -naming puiacei tn, it mg from the burning pigt a of thequeen'iowndiiriei x r-the romtntie trmrA r lt Victoria and h Prince Consort. Victoria? Qreat I If Anm . Arilen 7 y NEAGLE WALBROOK - K-1.WAKNM. WAlTKIIUAi ftUiuti tniitntuH, ! HERBERT WILffiY " f . Tht. greatest panoply of U x empire e Ver icreenedl ... 7 Filmedin the actual cities W P'te Here the ii Queen'i love affair 7 W ahbok the powers of church V mU and state as the British -ron roareui . . . itn Tkf many acenei of speech. feta grahdeur in wondroui TECHNICOLOR. it m ifc YQU FOLKS WHO 6 if I Mil rr-rr J TH? MOVIES I 7 'm- Htr it. your picturtl , , , s f Drama mortthrillint than J. II . M icHi rftoru vj a Human m yho-ttaodt alone amont V' tht ttttt ej tht worUt . tkV tCO IADIO riCTCItlll (Feature "at 7J21 and 9:51) AlVo NKWS and CARTOON tonight, Tue. and Med Matinee Wed. 3;20 Clothes i Will Be SNOW WHITE When you use an .EASY Rasher; Eis for Ease meaning freedom from labor. A is its sure. Action So gentle but Sfor the Saving You're certain to make. Then Ymust mean You finding EASY complete. BUT This is no Fairy Story EASY Washers Make Yashday Dreams Come True EASY Model M $84.50 The Whitest Wash with the Least Wear Once Used Always Preferred Yet EASY Washers cost no more than any other rrfake. It will pay you to investigate Your Old Washer Accepted as Part Payment on a XT s rr '1 uw jvd.i at r . . . j : ; Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONE 51 The Central Hotel BOOMS tnd CAra rhone CI fat Best Household Coal MRS. O. B. BLACK If you lose anything, advertise (or it.