esate tL bas netee wt ee Pat he Do You Ne mimemnemns CA MERON!S swesnenen CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ee EE EE EE ET EE ee es ETE ETT es TT Te Nugget Pins Pearl Tie Pins, 14k Loclcets Si mete Pearl Brooches, 14k Solid Gold Cuff Links Solid Silver Match Safes, Cigarette and Jewel Cases ALL GOODS ENGRAVED FREE Make your selection Early and get First Choice Eh Es TT Pt tt PS Po Ps R. W. CAMERON Select your goods for engraving early and avoid disappointment Necklets gnet Rings Cut Glass —~ Jeweller and .... Diamond Specialist The Largest and Most Austria, Bohemia, France CUT GLASS direct from Eur PRESSED GLASS from the |: STONEWARE, crocks, jugs, Wisconsin. from. LAMPS to light the entire c¢ the cheapest bedroom | ENAMELWARE OIL CLOTH and linoleums. too EASY CHAIRS from $10 up. Reed and rattan chairs ding. A large stock of Second Ave. and Sixth St. HART’S Christmas : Goods We have fancy decorated China and nice line of English dinner sets. ‘opean manufacturers. An excellent line of plated ware to choose BASKETS in all sizes and varieties. numerous to mention. FURNITURE such as fancy rockers from $2 to $20. Cooking and heating stoves and carpets. EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS AT THE BIG FURNITURE STORE Entrance on Second Avenue. Select Stock in the City Japan, China, An especially from England. argest house in Canada. bean pots, teapots, etc.,. from ity, from the most fancy to amp. There is where we shine. Couches and parlor suites. and rockers. Beds and bed- curtains and draperies, too. Phone 62. Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Persona! Bonds Policies Written Direct Mack Realty & Insurance P.S.— Houses and Rentals. Fine View Corner ——— $2,250 —__— SNAP $525 Each Lots 13, 14, 15, Block 28, Section 5 G. R. NADEN COMPANY Limited. Prince Rupert, B.C, Second Ave., Your Friends would like a souvenir of Prince Rupert. Why not buy them a beau- tiful Embroidered Hand- kerchief, a pair of Gloves or an Umbrella? Jabour --- House of Quality Third Avenue, between 7th and 8th St. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE an i. Land District—District of Cassiar. | of Vancouree {at 1, James ‘T. Fullerton, ME Student, intend to ation engineer for permission cribed Jands: 62 chains purchas:: 1) f OMe bang at a p ans River’ - t planted ? ; i hains south of ) Shit thence 40 y ‘ } west, thence Fe & the Naas River; 7 : t int of com- ne acres, more J zy FULLERTON, ( Stewart, Agent. : es hupert, Dec, ii, soft JACK BEATTIE. _ WHARFMASTER Newly Appointed Wharfmaster Hopes to Have Wharf Opened Within Six Weeks—Will En- gage Staff. Mr. J. R. Beattie returned to town on the Prince Rupert this morning, adorned with.the title of master of the Provincial Goy- ernment wharf. He will get to work at once getting the wharf in shape for the opening in six weeks’ time, A big warehouse is to be erect- on the wharf, 550 feet long 55 wide. Mr. Beattie will act as superintendent of construction for the work. He will also en- gage an office staff, to consist of a bookkeeper ard two checkers. While down south Mr. Beattie paid a visit to Seattle to inspect the wharf methods in use there. He has ordered a motor slip aising gear similar to the in at Seattle to be instatled shortly. by one use Mr. Fred Ritchie returned to town today on the Prince Rupert. Dr, Clayton, accompanied by Mrs. Clayton, arrived by the Ru- pert this morning, ey | Mrs, Hamblin, wife of Con- | stable Hamblin, has left for Win- nipeg on a business trip, = | Mrs, Ward was a passenger by jthe Prince Rupert from Van- }couver this morning, sea Mr. Lindsay Williams, Mrs. Williams, Miss I. and Miss Gladys | Williams arrived this morning |from the south. 1 « - Mr, and Mrs, O. Reitehel were | welcomed back today from their j honeymoon trip, Get her a fashionable silk or | net blouse, a wold and pear: han- died umbrella, tea many things to from al Wal- i lace’s, if a set— choose | pete vmsrmnsramereer THE DAILY NEWS ed Xmas Help? - Try the News Wa 7 Seae poet. | eq ooOOOCOOOd eons } ~~ “The | ee me vere —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” mes — as News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertio HERE— nt Ad. Way. It’s a Good’ One , Christmas Giving more than one article here suitable for Christmas giv- 10 f your inspection and assure your selection. meme ims vill compel Loewe, B. B. B.’s own make; G. B. D. special se BEE set se rt eres pe ess! eee 3! 49 A COLUMN OF LOCAL JOTTINGS Little Items of Personal Interest About People and Things in § Prince Rupert That Are‘in the Day’s Happenings. mts me eee emer eres For Rent ciudad i. as } — | For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, | freshly papered and clean, only $10 per month, | i £. McRae & Co, t-f Tee oe t Insurance Perr sree ieermsrarmrs OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. mt metres meme Wanted Os ee rs rs New Government Building. Very rapid work with a large force of men going ahead to repair the mischief caused by the Registry office fire by erecting a temporary building, Is Wanted—General Servant. Other maid kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. tf Maternity nurse open for engagement. Apply t ok 9 Ps ts es Pt pes Three lots, block 7, section 1, $2,500 each; % cash, bs wo % cash, per cent, Two lots, block 22, section 5, cash, bal, Iwo lots, block 2, section 5, 84,5600, Equity lots, block 29, section 1, $5,000 pair; bal, 6, 7 za38 3 Pipes and Peterson patent, meer- 5 Z ; schaum and calabash, cigar cases, cigarette cases, cigar Smokers holders, cigarette holders, pipe racks, smoking sets, i tobacco jars, ash trays, sil- Sundries vue Wo boxes, etc. s Christmas Cigars in Gift Boxes $1.00 Up All of the Leading Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, both imported and domestic. al. 1, 2, 3 years at per cent STORE WITH RED FRONT H. B. Campbell 12, 18 months, at 7 $1,650; $500 3, 9, 12 months ae eae ate Box 2159 News. cash. Fine view lots Christmas Social. Wanted. — Dressmaking, Seeaine B00 peo. One lot, block 6, section 5, $1,500. $300 The Scandinavian Society Val-| "REERENG Med Ne "Pone tar eas sce” | ah 8% 12 inonths,at'7 pet cont $ " > 7 a la : One lot, bloc 28, section 5, $525. 22 halla of 8. H. & EB, F, is making Wanted to rent or lease by first of January, 6 or Hea: bal. $50 every 3 months, at 7 per preparations for an enjoyable | oe modern house, close in. State terms to cent social with dance in K. of P, Hall} One lot, block 11, section 6, $2,250. Half op eos nes ¢ | WANTED—Youtt vith business college cash, bal, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent 07207202 O42: oPaePee, 3 eeeeeeee Saturday, Dec. 30th, at 8 p. m. | training (to earn ‘wnolesai trade, in| One lot, block 17, section’ 7, $800. $200 R53 ESHER sic , irav’ . stp office. Apply, with particulars, to box cash, bal. 3, 6, *2 0 8; cab cnt by 3 el “ax ae 13, News office. 9-295 One lot, block 16, sec tion 7, $650 a 300 +h, ee . a Ce eee MARRY——-Why remain lonely? The Ideal raise - ut th xs e4 sah ‘One | e e +44 d16-23 Introduction Club leads to happiness. A awe Lee 4 : 1. 't Mf 1 | years. at 7 per | ge strictly private, high-class, up-to-date third cash, ba and 2 years, q ose Y0 Yla > Q medium for properly introducing worthy, cent it j 3 ece ee ose Cadbury’s Christmas Chocolates. marriageable people of any nationality,| Two lots, block 42, section $5p0 each. | $3 *y ‘ Sa » ne i i ¢ religion, age, or financial condition, 1%) cash, bal, 6, 12 months | S34 $30 Cadbury’s famous candies in a} Many people waiting, rich and poor hwo idte, Hidak 3. gention- 9. 8660 ceneh RG G3 argea ¢ arta assortme Partic rs free, *lain, sealed envelope. “ede pal.6, 12 8 months ¢ *s lay Be and ona d assor tme nt and | hte Wilson, Dox 1170, Vaneouver, BC Ne F oy ae F zi Sear os $550: each a “3 Christmas gift boxes at Keeley’s, rr mel ¥% cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per iy Handsome pieces of FURNITURE gives to the home COM- Pas 3rd and 6th, tf 1 ; cent ; 336 — Lost and Found l Four lots, block section 7, $3 ‘ \, Fe FORT and SERVICE. ot, rid | cash, bal 12, 18 months are som ae Well Known in West. if eee cee corte c Our LARGE STOCK for select choice is at your o “3 H, N; Boss}the well-kfiown tim-|\ 3. Ae RM TR ie. te me hart. oe 38 A good, comfortable chair or rocker for evening room, co Os ic of Sez Cove o Ss I h al 8s m 18 i “ * ; 2 peretnact and mgont.| © ayaa never hock cee ln teathes cane | cant is BUFFET, leather seat dining CHAIRS, quartered oak 735 is in the city again from Victoria} Kindly return to News office. 289-291 a ata acc Se ae ie TABLES. an I is ’ 5 i ' ? acer on local business. waco ee ms Sy 3 DRESSERS and CHIFFONIERS; any finish for the bedroom. 335 - — Ww ts 2 5 es & , 1 : ; arga | For Sale t cash, bal. 6, 12 months i FANCY TABLES and CHAIRS for drawing room. 33) here arrived yesterday a large | Two lots, block 49, section 8, 8400 each. | K3} 336 shipment of Cut Glass, Royal | dermermemmermer ems ermermermnermirmede $50 cash, bal. $15 per month $e ‘i $4 } > Chins § ainte \ block 10, section 8, $275 each; | Ses 322 Crown Derby China, pn oe | FOK sale—Furniture for 5-room house ; ba , is per month a For the Little Ones i China and many other beautiful} Box 851, city 289-295 FOR RENT. ese y : ' | : lines especially attractive wi eT st Second avenue at Sixth street 33 CHILD'S TABLE and two CHAIRS finished in natural, Early i appropriate for Xmas gifts. Call | FOR SALE. : nglish and golden. $2 appropriat f r Xmas gifts. Call Siiicranher i]. tien ia tac ean al , English and g ; ee se i at Wark’s before you buy. tf enograp / pied ee ‘ {33 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW—THEY ARE G i i acer k acer aki Sh ate s0-mnboractomesad meri A 32 A large assortment CARPET SQUARES and RUGS. New a edestrians war Ei 0; »her oF ide experience wants lane, city | parasites creeoes want! Jovemiah H, Kugler, Ltd.|# bravery materiais to hans. 2 As the condition of the city | dove St: Vaasoure:, 0. te ’ 3 ss streets is decidedly unsafe, espe- | | s 336 Pe ers eters | oo Ge cemee i e ne are ES cially at night, a general notice | j cm ? a re warning pedestrians that they Fi Business Chances j 2 4 use the streets at their own risk Sito iolictc ass ielctadadle zt TITE Th H F . h i s ) , oste yrrder of the f eee A . Hare Maree PTO | ver, mnt Fawr aie ee # GEO. D. e Home Furnisher ¢ A . family washing at 25 pieces or one ‘ vee THIRD AVENUE, PHONE 20 Ses Chri tmas C rds | Phone’ 418 Pioneer Steam Vaundry. We Pay Highest Prices Bs SOSSESESEMEMESEMESENENE SEN a ris a . 289-300 » Rrace ‘ . < a PROPLOPRE, eeeee | for E rass, Co er, Lead, S00 000 C00 cveseecse eee ee ee eceeces Extraordinary assortment at|——— aera vane s m DI : 7 SESSESSESESS ESTES ESE: seastgebashssersbaoesen ses Keeley’s ; ; tf , : Rubber Boots, Solder, ee rs | Water Notice Dross and Bottles a Xmas Windows. | I, Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc- | —— rf It’s worth while comparing the | gupation Mining Bnicineer give notice that om th Prince Ry ert Cash Store e . . ‘ 28th day of December, 191i, Lintend to apply to | various excetlences of the Christ- | ewe Gpmiatierat Mee Prie| p Christmas Needfuls for Holiday Enjoyment nas window decorations in U-— | feet of water per BEC nd 735 THIRD AVE — pert Just now. .Note partjoular- 1-4 mile ara 223 rae men Station, ( : Ebony Hand Mirrors Military Brushes Travelling Cases ly the different ingenious “snow- ses tettieate oh ah rey ioe ged ia th bo uae’ aniioe Manicure Sets Perfumes Toilet Waters storms” devised by enter Drs ing | cotlet of said ra quary sit e| putiet of said cr ng the Railw ~ + Ty : . dealers. | ated neg, GALPRED CHRISTIAN GA LINDSAY’ CARTAGE and C. H. ORME . - The Pioneer Druggist saticenndihionil ; Datec Jov. 28th, One Heintzman Player: Piano | —————___ + i c | STORAGE e to be sacrificed for cash at} | G. T. P. Transfer Agent ThA St i Phone 82 Warks. tt | MADE AND| ney. 2atee e 2. oeeeeeawe oes e ek EPAIRED |} Orders promptiy filled. Prices reasonable. CG “nig werennine rent: A | OFFICE—H. B, Rochester. Centre St. Phone 68 | © 100K yrogress s > x ade | on the new warehouse for W. J.|__ JOHN CURRIE 1 a ~ep AY, or. MeMillan at the wharf, near the | 8®°ON? AVENUE . ee & EM ye QED OA Ae yy LDA) G » > foundation is about complete and At Pt Ys th tt ly work will start soon on the superstructure, Call and see our select stock of diamonds and gemrings. J.S§., eee es This special trip of the Rupert's is a popular and appre- ciated arrangement, gifts ever shown in Rupert. Our Cut Glass display is a worthy one—inclusive, exclusive. Then hand-decorated china makes 4 dainty remembrance We have Moorcraft and Royal Crown Derby. Our Jewelry outclasses anything we have ever before shown, and In ail our experience we never had better goods for the money Christmas Gifts in China. Keeley’s elegant display of hand painted China in wide range of variety and price is at- tracting the Christmas shoppers. tf | { ! | missina!—a LETTER ! Sprightly Document Disappears From the City Hall. -.» THIRD AVENUE JEWELERS... | | cai { { ! { { { i { ! ing tenders was a letter addressed | | to the Mayor and accompanying tetramer rma | a bid by twenty-one men for the work, Its writer averred that all Learn to Dance his gang vere voters or could in- Se paiiiaiaie ees ae Piatti fluence votes and went on to ork | { t that they were all going to work | KING’S DANCING ACADEMY { He asked that the| be considered and said | that any extra yardage allowed | would be appreciated. The letter | caused laughter and was een in| for Newton. tender We refund your money if we do not { teach you to dance for the price of one ticket. Wednesdays and Saturdays in Sons of England Hall; at 8 p.m. around the board, Last. seen in| — — the hands of Alderman Newton,|} LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED j it had next morning disappeared, Neither the Mayor nor the City Clerk could discover it. \%, Cee ail | At cost, toys, dolls, games—|TRY THE ‘‘NEWS” WANT |» Wallace's tf AD. WAY OF FINDING ES i SY. Among Monday night’s trench- | ise a TA wi Sy. J GM C 1 yW . Nem a 4 * Gray & Sons’ Jewelry Store. tf rere | ey er By 2G eS G. T. P. Xmas Ship. $ The most priate and most WAG Thursday night at 8:30 o'clock appreciated Xmas gifts are usualiy rAS the Prince Rupert will pull out found in well appointed jewelry Me on her way to Vancouver, Vic- stores. > y toria and Seattle with Xmas pas- Today we have the most complete $ | US and best assorted stock of giveable r hg G i vo ( he G awas Vi Yate Prince Rupert Hardware & Supply Company hristmas Present A Useful - WILL BE A CONSTANT REMINDER OF THE GIVER... bs AS ny eens es - % 4 <> We list a few of our goods that would prove very acceptable to your home or your friends. 7 6V% Carpet Sweepers Scissors Footballs Ory ™ Bread Mixers ~~ Sugar Spoons Punching Bags ‘6 3 Sadirons Embroidering Scissors Boxing Gloves Cvs, Carvers Gillette Safety Razors Air Guns 3 ‘ Fish Carvers Shaving Brushes .22 Calibre Rifles KS Eread Knives Razor Strops Alarm Clocks ‘6 . Rogers 1847 Cutlery Razor Hones , Skates A, Butcher Knives Nut Crackers Boys’ Axes ON Coffee Percolators Ladies’ Companions Pocket Knives. Ks Nickel Plated Teapots Reading Lamps Hunting Knives We have an endless list of goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. ow ana Rx Pas) wy f OF Z \A RY Wt TY) SAS" ne , 37.4 wr, Le Sra ma ORE: RCD EM RCE LHAACUACS -__ 4