U.rtaiwr 15, 183S. Shredded Phone 7C3 Wheal CISTIlllO, IttNDIO WiSS- UH.I" SCOTLAND 40 ci. 4 .5 lie BLACK & WHITE Tuna I'ish Vs I'eanul Huttcr 1 lb. Peanut Butter 3 lbs. bulk WT Og JAMES BUCHANAN CO. LIMITED Famed the wurUi over M OxlUlrrtof tbe fincit Scotch Whuky Spites All kinds. 3 tins I'incapplc-2's. Tin FKF.E DELIVERY ... This advertisement Is not publlsheG or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The woricmen s vompeiwaiion lrd will, be In Prince Rupert on day of this week to hear claims i appeals, according to word irh has been received. J. H. Isbury formerly of this city, Is f of the members of the board o is expected to be coming. 1TMB James Innes and Sam Cecil, Indians, appealed In city police court yesterday on charges MANNERS It's bad manners to cough in public places. Keep Smith Brothers Cough Drops (Black or Menthol) handy! Real relief for just 10c". M SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS Specials At lelvig s Cash & Carry Flour- iatler- 1 ,1-3 -First for Five Roees, Purity or 1 Royal Household Orade 79c Nabob Catchup 16 C E "!e Campbell's Vegetable lip XL Soup- Tin Campbell's Tomato Soup Tin Brilllack " lb tikg Ma?lc llakinjr Powder Crisii lb. Crlsro S lh ToiW Tissue 8 rolls P and (J. or Tearl White Soan- -6 bars 9c Campbell's Pork anil OC Qp llfans. Tin Swansdown's Cake Flour 25c 27c 23c 23c 65c 25c 25c 49 lbs. $1.69 Uoyal City 13c .Munro Mall Dark with hops. S1.25 Hops 3 pkgs. Knox (elatlne far ltottle Capti-12 doz far 25 c 20c 30c 17c 15c 35c Brine Your Container i Itrown Means 25c Windsor Salt Shaker tn L Each 20c 10c -Phone "CS SILVESIDES BROS. 1939 Wallpapers Now Arriving CILUX ENAMELS MURESCO WINDQW GLASS Our Years of Experience at Your Service Use Canadian Industries Products Only Pninia vnrn;ci,o F.tc. for Every Purpose j a. eaaier, provincial welfare officer, left on last evening's train fnr a trln tn fimlthm nn rtfin! business. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, left on last evening's train duties. Regular fortnightly meetings of, th British-Israel Society have' cbeen suspended for the remainder j drunkenness. The former was, J fined $10, with option of seven days' Imprisonment. Sentence on the latter was deferred. A charge against Magnus Car!-J son of supplying liquor to Indian.! was dismissed In city police court yesterday afternoon. F. Waterman, who Is interested in the shipment of clamshell from this district, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for his home in SeatUe. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pustuk lefti erland DS.O. of Victoria, district officer commanding, who is due to arrived from the south on the Prince George tomorrow morning, returning to Victoria on the same vessel tomorr Methehtfoo, vessel Thursday night. Merely routine bnslness was dealt with by the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council which was In regular monthly session the latter part of last week. It had been expected to discuss the question of city managership but this was deferred pending (Communication from the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce on the sub Ject. President J. the chair. Lutheran Sewing November 18. J. Glllis was hi Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for & full month at 25c a word. Circle Bazaav Eagles' Bridge, November 16. Cathedral Christina? Bazaar No- St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov- ember 24. City Tennis Association annual dance, Oddfellow's Hall, November 25. L. O. B. A. St. Andrew's Dance, Oddfellows Hall, November 30. 1 United Bazaar December 1. S.O.N. Play DecemDer i ana j. Christmas Fair. United Church, December 2 and 3 Carnival and Dance, December 5. Metlakatla, St. Peter's Seal Cove Parish Hall Dance December 9. NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE T!MU AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS IIILLMAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service TEE 1JATLT NEwS TE3Z3 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. on last evening's train for Roch-J ester. Minnesota, where Mrs. Pus-j Financial returns rrom the an-tak will receive treatment at Mayo; nual bazaar last week of the dinic. i Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian 'church show the affair to have Chareed as an alien with beinajbeen completely satisfactory, the in possession of firearms a 22 calibre rifle without a permit, 'John Hakla is appearing before Magistrate McClymont in city police court this afternoon. Annual Inspection of the 102nd. Battery will be conducted tomorrow night by Brigadier J. C. Suth gratifying sum of about $200 hav- Rev. L. C. Jensen, pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church here, and Mrs. Jensen and Peter Leland re turned to the city on the North land on Sunday from a trip to Petersburg, Alaska, where theyil attended a Lutheran Church con ference. They also visited In Ket chikan. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen wll;. be leaving in a couple oj weeks for Montana, Mr. Jensen having) accepted a call to that state. CUllFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE 40-foot halibut boat complete with gear. Apply N. M. McLean, Seal Cove. t.f.) FOR SALE Stock and fixtures. Second Avenue Confectionery. (270) FOR SALE R.C.A. chiffonier, table, household articles. 365. 1 A i. D-ll 1 Tonight's train, due from the Three East at 11 o'clock, was reported this H. B. Stiles sailed this afternoon ' afternoon to be on time. , 1 Victor Radio' miscellaneous Phone Blue (tf) SALE China cabinet, bureau, etc. Suite 4, Smith & Mallet Block. Thursday afternoon or evening. (271) FOR RENT " Kit rr-r-. FOR RENT Two room furnished suite. Phone Red 444. (267) WANTED WANTED Young man with some knowledge of book-keeping, state experience and give references, Box 33, Daily News. tf. FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Thirty-six rooms newly renovated and mostly fur nlshed. W. J. Alder, City Hall. (271 Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 Walker's Music Store Larje Stock Music nelntzman, Nordhelmer and Lessee Pianos Piano Tunlnr with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Hrmisiice can Held At Armory Hundred Guests Attended Delightful Affair on the Catala for a business trip' j under the auspices of the War- to Vancouver. Lutheran Sewing Circle's Bazaar, rant Officer, Non Commissioned of- Vail Wutnaetftif Tao .. tkA 1 fl1 A XWmfllrxi xvACbiwpuK; Ai.aA, TiLUiJuaj. ic, iicers anu m"ii vi jnic vi4 j Mrs. A. Wick sailed this after, homecooking and fancywork 2 tc Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, noon on the Catala for a trip to . Program 8 pjn. (267) a most enjoyable dance was held Vancouver. 1 . j-t th Armorv on Armistice night f Miss Frances Stegavlg returned ' some three hundred persons were Hans Hanson sailed this after-'to the city on the Princess Adp- j present and the smart dress "blues-noon on the Catala for a trip to laide at the end of the week ni thp artillerymen and formal Vancouver. from a trio to Vancouver. !m,.v whit- nf the male euesti , - UlUVlk w ' 'ccntr"'4 with the delicate shade! WEDNESDAY of ladies' gowns, making a most col orful effect The spacious hall was attractively decorated with flags and buntinp anrf Minsnieuoujav dlsDlaved war the motto of Remembrance uaj "Lest We Forget" in red popplet I while mammoth popples flanked ! the battery numeral "102nd'V also i of red poppies, music was saw by Charlie Balagno's orcnesira. Lt. Col. S. D. Johnston and Mrs Jjas Hadden led the Grand March ! while Sergeant J. A. Teng acted ar I master -of ceremonies. Attractive i favors were supplied the guests Following were responsible for tlu affair: J General Chairman, Lance Bom I hardier Mirtin van Cooten. 1 Invitations, Lance Bombard lei Walter Cross. Decorations, Bombardier William Slater. Punch Bowl, Gunner Elme; Thompson. Refreshments, Sergeants T. A McWaters and Jack Mussallem. Novelties, Bombardier Waltei Johnson. A buffet supper was served al midnight. Headed by Lieutenant Orme Stu art, the Royal Canadian Naval Vol from! teer Reserve was well representee" of a large measure patronage the ladles of the city. among the guests. II Beautifully modern. ttMefully simple, curved to fit the wrist here is a new CRUEN that ex-presses all your ideas of a fine watch. Accurate, and handsome in a rugged masculine design, the Cruen MASTER is the kind f watch you'll always proudly wear. St the MASTER and a com-tlttt ft lint Crura Wttchtt r tt on stori NOW CJEWtLLtKo ant STORE WITH THE CLOCK Dressmaking Nubone Foundation Garments EDITH MILLER Room 14 Smith Block Phone BLUE 276 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. BLACK Tea for every Taste "SALAM TEA Finest Assortment Reasonably Priced Make Your Selection Now BOS Christmas Cards Ormes Ltd. Vhti Pioneer Druqgiats The rtextU Store rhones: 81 D Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 P-m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till. Z -m 1 p.m. till 9 j.m. r , t WLm.iAt'J'iZMIM' -I I ITT jJiia r-mHAM rfk i ' I ' uua'upr Jr Jmt II m . m.w.'w.v.v.w.v.'aww 1 lie "... I! Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Rulklev Vallev Coal i Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone o3i or t3i MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE KAPOK FLOSS For cushions, lb. :....v...r..:i CUSHION FORMS Kapok filled. From ....---..- ::..-&ixt.!---. EL' BLANKETS and SHEETS Finest quality. Fromt each ,. Blankets White and Grey Phone 775 RAILWAY ftt Jy, 40c 35c $2.5T 327 THIRD AVENUE Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide"- Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT November 7th, 17th, 28th. December 8th, 19th SS. PRINCESS NbRAIU' QAl Winter Excursion FaTe Vancouver and Return Tlck- VOO ets on Sale Nov. 1st; 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit-March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. Fresh Local Raw And - Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rHONK M7