XXVII., no to. UYY.1W 1:58 a.m 19.3 ft, 17.8' ft, 6.2 ft. " 14:53 p.m. 7.4 ft. ncie oam ans i i ii moassaaor nome To Discuss Situation WASHINGTON, D.C., November 15: (CP) The, nri vrnruu 1 1 m w r ti ;t 11111 iih , iiiii i.ii 1 it 11 1111 i rr i and consultation, indicating that the government . m t 1 i ? I , lMf Vrt nrH.TPu.'i&h -i itu ottnnlf nn VrilPl- attrlbutcd to British adminls- a Inn iiHInrr 1 j 11 UaM rtwmanv Hp Iffto DISTRICT iuri d ii ir ivdiu la Generally Disagreeable or rain is ecneral In this Burns Lake reported a sun wind and snow. It was also inn 4 O UUaks Anrl Uri Vl f U1K HL il II I 1 L11C1 j attu uu - - billA Illfll IlllllZ lib 1 day's weather report: ia e is ann itainiiiK. suuni tOUKtl, mnrtt i ri Ann 1 :t r u du irpn i'nm i it iiiiiiiik'. iiKiib MfW Tin n nff cnilT niJL'P.SL 41 light easterly wind; bar- nd, 18 miles per hour; bar- f ter, 20 fin PPPA . . . -.c- naming, cairn, o. " iiiiining, cann, oi. r nnk.. - . new snow. tviinunK. cairn, a- wart Raining and snowing. 33. avail . . -"wit- -iouay, cairn, oo. i lrnAMn ri itiii. i . ...via- anowine. inue wmu, "ms Lake- -Snowing, stiff cast BAR SILVER EW YORK Bar silver was un- n8ed at 433.4c per fine ounce on New York metal market today". GOOD YEAR IN CANADA t II r All fU I . . . ..- r.lM. a. unxm r.inrri il i hi lie mni II n,. mituhl Signs Seen o iiniit'i ukim.ii liiv wttniut t ailU Mil. vv- " t'l nilii nt "lor. ws sekir. refuge. United Amb&r:?.ior Joseph P. under' x:'. t6 be author of . . ... H.l I .1. I nnrl pr ievitit; iiiuiiiir-ti4i Halifax Foreign Secretary, a long seion with the am-l-,r nnrnprl in rennerate. MONTREAL, Nov. 15: (CP) Canada has shown "surprising resist-' ance" in the last year to the recession in the United States and a remarkably stable level of business activity Indicates more favorable conditions .next year. President S. p: . . inr n i n .- uuuiuif,, " ' II II JO L lLllUt,l miles per hour; barometer. ictoria- Cloudy, southwest wind. " f-l tlUUlt LC Wiliv vw ancouvcr Fair, barometer 4' rm.IL . , a M . ..av r. "ce ueoree Cloudy, soutner- t-im nm TTnn np.W YORK. Nov. 15: (CP) General John J. Pershing, commander-in-chief of United States rnn. in Vrnnpp durinc the Great OTTAWA, Nov. 15: (CP) Liberals gained one seat as a result of yesterday's federal by-elections in three ridings to fill vacancies caused by the death of three Conservatives. Brandon in Manitoba was the seat which went Liberal. This reduces Conservative representations in the west to a negligible quantity and gives the Liberals 180 seats in the House. In London, Ontario, Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, Leader of the Conservative Opposition, had a majority of more than three thousand over E. O. Hall, C.C.F.; his only opponent. In Waterloo South, the Conservative, Karl K. Homuth, defeated Mayor It. K. Serviss of Gait, Liberal, and John Mitchell, C.C.F., his majority being about four thousand. ;In Hramlan, J. E. Matthews, Liberal, finished ahead of George Reaubier, Conservative, and J. II. j Wood. C.C.F.. his margin over Beaubier being about one thousand. Beaubier sought to succeed his father in the seat. Will Collate ers' Association at its annual meet-. iJOnilcltlOn Ke ing nerc. Mr. Dobson found favorable signs P0Q,0 Ollf lat In bountiful crops, mining develop- I CClLC VSUllCl ment, paper Industry Improvement and a determined effort on the part At a jolnt meeting of the senior of most governmental bodies to live 'and Junior chamber of Commerce within their means. BUILD ROAD h 1 IK Nrl Vr 1 panles to proceed with the work atj Settlers on Stuart River Drive Out To Prince George Over Twenty .Miles on Own Highway i PRINCE GEO'RGE, Nov. 15: (CP) i Settlers Settlers alone along Stuart River in the vicinity of Mandalay Peace River committees last night 5 In the City Hall It was decided to collate information In regard to the industries and possibilities over the proposed route of the railway with a view to inducing the railway com- , an early date of constructing the western ran ouuei irom me reatc country to Prince Rupert. C. O. Ham was appointed secretary of 'the joint committee and he will have the work in hand. H. F. Pullen was asked to communion ti tt-ith the Peace River commlt- Ranch x ,,j i.f if irnnnr pvnrtlv what have hewn out a road for them-, wa$ belng done' here selves for a distance oi auuiiv . twenty miles to connect at Sylvan, S,cihi a pa,r -.Mining Convention mcrs consisting of Musgrave Nor- AC D' M man, J. W. Hamilton. J. E. Teng HearS Ul Dlff lYllSS and Oeorce Vinson has arrived here in a light delivery truck after travelling over the new road. Pershing Urges Vigorous -Action 7 Operation of Mill At Important I Portland Canal Mine Described I VANCOUVER, NOV. 15: (CP) At , the annual convention, a description of the new underground mill now In operation at the Big Missouri mine In Portland Canal dls-S trict was presented to the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metal lurgy. The Turner Valley oil fields of Alberta were also discussed. Dionnes Are lUlVVd . " . War, In an Armistice Day message,; T Mipplv declared that immediate and vig orous action to increase the na tion's defences was urgent. New Brunswick Coal Mining Is Expecting Help FREDERICTON, N. B., Nov. 15: (CP) The New Brunswick coal mining industry hopes to receive similar treatment ,. In - the way of government bonus for shipment of coal to Ontario as is accorded the mines of Nova 'Scotia. Back On Solid Food Following Re- moval of Tonsils And Adenoids I CALLANDER, Ont., Nov. 15: (CP) Back on solid food follow- ilng their operations last week for removal of tonsils and adenoids, I quintuplets continue the Dionne . .... -,tl U IV..., In recover rapiaiy aunuugu mcjr .nnfMH in Dr. Allan Roy- Dafoe that their throats were sore. WINIPIXTWHEAT PRICE WINNIPEG, Nov. 15: (CP)-Wln ntneir wheat prices were runnlni about V2c higher yesterday on the winning market with November closing at 59'bC REGINA, Nov. 15; (CP) Chechoslovakian workers from Sudeten-land, following the taking over by Germany, may be brought t; southern Saskatchewan to engage in the making of glass and bricks from clay and sand which abounds In the district. MAY MAKE LOW RATES Agreed Charges Provision of Transport Act is Now Being Proclaimed I OTTAWA, Nov. 14: (CP) The new agreed charges provision of the Transport Act comes into effect to day. Under this section, the rall-, ways will be able to 'carry freight 'under special agreements with shipper? at rates 'below regular I schedule. TODAY'S lOourtenf S. D STOCKS Johw.um Co.) ' Vancouver ; Pacific Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .25. Bralorne. 9.60. Aztec, .05. ' Dentonla, .06. into. .03. Fairvlew, .0434. Noble Five. .04. Pend Orlelle. 2.00. . Pioneer, 2.50. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier 2.20. Reeves McDonald, Reno, .22. Relief Arlington, .32. 132. Reward, .053,4. . Salmon Gold, .03. , Hedley Amalg., .03V2. Premier Border, .003(i. Silbak Premier, 10. Congress, .01. Home Gold, .01 (ask). Grandview, .08l2-Quatsino, .04. Oils A. P. Con., .15. Calmont, .25. C. & E., 2.15.. Freehold. .03 Vi. McDougal Segur, .122 72. Mercury, .06. Okalta. 1.08. Toronto Beattie, 1.32. Central Pat., 2.42. Gods Lake, .35. Little Long Lac, 2.80. ' McKenzle Red Lake, 1.28. Pickle Crow, 5.20. San Antonio, 1.25. Sherritt Gordon, 1.50. Smelters Gold, .05. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.15. Oklend. .18. Mosher,'.18. Madsen Red Lake, .40. Stadacona, .46. Francoeur, .24VS. Moneta, 1.30. Bouscadlllac, .12. Thompson Cadillac, .30. Bankfleld, .34. East Malartlc, 2.20.. Preston E. Dome, 1.39. Hutchison Lake. .03. Dawson White, ,02. Aldermac. .57. Kerr Addison, 1.63. Uchi Gold. 1.47. Int. Nickel, 54.65. Noranda, 80.50. Cons. Smelters, 63.00. Athona .08. Hardrock, 1,82. Barber Larder, .20. Dominion Bridge, 37.50. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Galusha of Helena, Montana, were here aboard Tomorrow s I ides Today sWeatherm 8:41 am 21:10 pm, mm NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1938. , MOTION THROWN OUT In- VICTORIA The Legislature yesterday supported by a division of 28 to 13 the Speakers refusal of a non-confidence motion introduced by Harold E. Winch, C. C. F. member for Vancouver East. The motion expressed regret that the budget did not provide for additional financial aid for the municipalities and that additional taxation would not be levied on excess corporation profits. GALENTO BEATS THOMAS PHILADELPHIA Tonv Galen-to won a technical knockout oven Harry Thomas in the third round of their scheduled ten round bout here last night, PRIEST SLUGGED, ROBBED VANCOUVER Two armed men entered St. Joseph's rectory last n!ht, slugged and bound Father Malcolm MacKinnon and stole $60 from his safe as well as $5 from the priest's person. The nripit conducted regular mass today. . FltANCO-GERMAN ACCORD PARIS A French government spokesman today announced that basis had been reached for. anj accord with Germany renounc iWHAT WILL F.D.R. DO? Has Not Said Whether He Will Reunite With Conservative Element "No Change In Course," Roper WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 15. President Franklin D. Roosevelt-who returned to Washington at .the nrf nf tho wppIt from his Hvde Ul ------ . IlftU Park home, is still silent, on the i question of whether or not he will unite with conservative elements nf t.ho npmocratic uartv In vlem of the Republican gains In last Fascist Decree To Be Protested Vatican Takes Exception To Order Prohibiting .Aryan-Jew Marriages j VATICAN CITY, Nov. 15': (CP) The Holy See, it Is reported, will protest at the Fascist government i decree prohibiting marriage be- k,ween Aryan Italians and Jews.) I The decree Is interpreted as threatening the authority of the hurch to perform marriages. DETAILS OF TRIP Their Majesties Will Arrive in Canada May 15 and Sail For Home June 10 Prince Rupert Overcast, wind, 28 miles per hour barometer, 29.30 (falling); temperature, 40; moderate swell. : PRICE: 5 CENTS: m States Disapproves Purge i r -ii His anv Answers British Protest at Cruelty to Jews By' Ia1ntino nml f nlnnios llpnrnw :itinn:il I Home Plan Further Discussed GAINS FOR 'Czechoslovaks I LIBERALS Ma? Come Here Took Rrandon, Manitoba, Scat Yesterday Manion Wins London Tory Also Waterloo South To Engage duslry Glass Making Saskatchewan Bulletins STOPOVERS LONGER AT THIS PORT 'Canadian Pacific Accedes To Re quest of Chamber of Commerce Committee and Grants? Half Hour Extra ' (vice northbound and southbound OTTAWA, Nov. 15: (CP) Further WRh the exception of the Princess details' of the projected visit to Can- Louise southbound, ada next year of King George and This. Is a valuable concesion and Queen Elizabeth have been an-. the committee has wrlttten thank-no'unced slmutaneously In London 'ing Capt. McMurray for it. -nd Ottawa. Their Majesties will 'and at Quebec on May 15 from H.M.S. Repulse, travel to the Pacific Coast and, returning East, will be met at Niagara Falls by President" md Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt andk proceed to Washington for a four- day visit. They will sail from Hali- ing war a-ainst each other. It i? jfax for home June 10 hinted that the arrangement will I soon come into force. -' TRADINO vSHlPSTnANlk SE.ATTI.E The veteran Alaska' trading ship Patterson, which went aground last night in Wrangell Narrows and sent out distress signals, worked free at 6 o'clock this morning and proceeded towards anchorage, the coastguard announced. The sturdy old vessel suffered Jittle damage. i ctions To. Toronto Beer Parlor Dances TORONTO, Nov. 15: (CP) A delegation of women appeared be which they declared to be demoralizing. The Liquor Control Boardi quickly pointed out that dancing was not allowed in beer parlors and. if it was indulged in, It was subject to prosecution. Was In Germany At Crisis Time Dr. G. E. Dickinson Here on Way Back to Ketchikan After Trip to Europe Dr. G. E. Dickinson, well known physician and surgeon of Ketchikan, who has been on a - four months' medical postgraduate trip to Europe, arrived In the city irom the East on Saturday night's train wci-b.o citununo. c,i0j c1inHov mnrnlnff on At Houston, Texas Secretary of ptincess Nofah for Ketchikan. Commerce Daniel C. Roper said there will be no change in the direction the administration has been pursuing. Lake St. Clair Has Grass Fires Conflagrations Yesterday Could be Seen For Sixty Miles WALLACEBURG, Ont., Nov. 15: Grass fires on St. Anne and Wal-pole Islands In Lake St. Clair Sunday could be seen for sixty miles. There was no damage to summer residences. BAR GOLD the Catala- today returnine south LONDON. Nov, 15: (CP) Bar after making the round trip on the J gold closed at $45.03 per fine ounce vessel. Mr. uaiusna ,is auditor of on the Lonaon meiai marKei, je. Yellowstone National Park, terday.-. Dr. Dickinson was in Germany at the time of the recent Czechoslo-vakian crisis when Europe was on the brink of war. He also visited France and Great, Britain and viewed many "of the Intensive war preparations which are visible Weather Fof ecast (Furnished through th courtesy of the Dominion Meteorological Bureau at Victoria Mia iTince ituperi. ira cast is complied from aDservaiiona ua ken at 5 am. today and covers the 3 hour period ending 5 pin. tomorrow, npneral Svnonsls A storm Is centred northwest of the Queen Charlotte Islands and Is causing gales with rain on the coast. It has become milder over the Inter ior of British Columbia. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong southeast gales, unsettled and mild with rain. West Coast of Vancouver Island Strong southeast winds or mod The -special committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce; appointed for the purpose of trying to Induce the transportation companies to" give l&nger stop-overs at Prince Rupert, has received a letter from Capt. R. W. McMurray, manager pf the .Canadian Pacific Railway Co. British Columbia Coast Steamship ' Service, (announcing that, during the coming summer half an hour extra will be allowed at, Prince Rupert on all boats on the Alaska "ser- SERVICES RESUMED Roman Catholics to be Allowed to Worship Again in Madrid MADRID, Nov. 15: (CP) Roman ..Catholic, Church. ,exvjces which? have been banned in Madrid' since early in the civil war, will be re-1 sumed with official sanction within a month, Havas News Agency is I told. Former Local fore Toronto's Board of Control iit rk last week to protest against danc- VYOHian i clSSeS !ne by young people In beer parlors Mrs. F. F. Steeves, Who Left Here Nine Years Ago, Dies in- Drumheller Word has been received In the city of the death at Drumheller, Alberta, of Mrs. F." F. Steeves, for merly of this city. Her husband was for many years identified with the mechanical department of the Canadian National Railways here but the family was forced to move from Prince Rupert nine years ago on account of Mrs. Steeves' falling health. Mrs. Steeves leaves, besides her husband, two sons Audrick and Eugene and her mother, Mrs. E. J. Robinson, who now resides In Edmonton. Pathfinder Car Is Held By Snow Overland Expedition from Monk-man Pass May Not Get Through This Fall " PRINCE GEORGE, Nov. 15: (CP) The Monkman Pass pathfinder, which was due to arrive here yesterday after coming overland from the Peace River, is snowbound north of Hansard and It Is now considered doubtful If It will be able to get through! this fall. It is already blocked by two feet of snow. Poppies Run Out Before Sale WINNIPEG, Nov. 15: (CP) Poppies were so quickly sold un tha streets of Winnipeg In observance of Armistice Day that the supply soon ran out and the canvass had to be discontinued. Slxty1-flve thousand poppies made by veterans, had been provided as suf- erate gales, cloudy;, and mild with ficient to meet, the requirements rain. v ' ' but these were soon exhausted.