I I 5 Nanaimo-Wellington att v imrnp- Telephone 651 or 653 Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS. rRLNCfi RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, 0y Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avtnue a. P PULLEN Managlnz-Edltox Paid In advance, per we:i Paid in advance, per month AUVEHTIS1MO RATI Classified aaverttsing, per word, per insertion local readers, tier line, per Insertion SUBSCRtfllON KATLS City delivery, by carrier, yeutiy period, paia in advar.ee By mall to all parts of British Columbia, ihe British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year , ... News Department Teiepnor.s ... .. SS Advertising and I'uculatmn Telephone ' Member of Audit Bureao ol Circulations 98 Saturday. December 3, 1938. LIBERAL VIEWPOINT The Victoria Times, while often independent in its views, does as a rule hold the Liberal viewpoint on most matters. Here is its view on the public utilities control as brought down by the government at Victoria: "Under the Public Utilities Bill introduced in the Legislature this week, the regulatory powers of the Public Utilities Commission to be set up in British Columbia wil' be limited to essential and monopolstic public services. Active hostilities came to an end on the of nower. local transnortation and transmission comnan-Lnth e-mv whirh th iirhtMlv;,,v a comraissionin British Columbia .has ibeen .agitated. BahffJSSTv'iS political parties have been committed to the principle in-'that the consumers of the horse-volved, but have postponed giving effect to it. It is prob-fih had been the retreating able that the City of Victoria is responsible for the gov- soldiery. tection of the nnpi atino- companies here against anv such financial operations in the future cannot be viewed as any- thing but rnn"?tr"H?"- fn B'tish Colbia indnqtp "tr1 9 .,...i ' vnyjenincr of the earning power of our utilities through increase in population and the li- quidation of early liabilities should inure to the benefit of British Columbia consumers through lower rates and not to eastern financial opportunists." tyf -. '. feSf GRADUAL SETTLING DOWN S Since the crisis at Munich there seems to have been a j& gradual settling down in Europe, interrupted occasionally m by minor eruptions. These interruptions should not be p taken too seriously. While at any time there may be an- 5f other flare-up, the probability seems to be that we shall tf gradually settle down to a more or less peaceful time for a W few years, so far as Europe is concerned. That seems td W be the view of internationalists of repute. At the same W time the countries are devoting most of their efforts to jtf arming which is not a very good sign. When we hear of slight disturbances, thev mav be for $ the purpose of offsetting some other move. For instance the latest Italian affair may be found to be indirectly re- $2 J 1-J.JJ.11 Ji T 1- ....... !..-!. . 21. lated to the anti-Jewish pogrom in Germany. Financial gecrelary, John Stor- Jnc DiiViKnntl'nn rt VQ Villi ?c fVlllc VOO C C11 V? n fT tn Vll 1 Cin OCC I mntlnn r,11 Vi it.tnnal ! TreDSUrer. R. Huheide. ICO. X UUllV.ai.lUU Ul WIG UlU lO UIUO llUJUUllllg iu iik;,-vjv- in general. "In creating a Fublic Utilities Uommission, tfntisn On the heels -of the reUrins1 dud "n" i? Wfrfli sights that reflected the straits! Inner Ouard. Alfred Hanson. Columbia is merely following in the footsteps of other L wnlch enemy had been outer oiard. h Heiiand. governmental bodies across this continent, which havr!duced. In roadside ditches werei Trute-John Murtofd, j. found a control Of monopolistic Utilities necessary in theithe bloated bodies of dead horses. public interest. For 20 years or more institution of such iwlth portions, of meat gouged ' . . : r. ... . x , , , t- :from their hanches The embers tln;en and Claus Aune. tViA TiPPPsnrv lpo-klntinrt at The route of the Canadians took Oeneral synopsis The Mar- Refreshments- were served. ' r i- Weather Forecast WINNIPEO. Dec. 2 tCP Trans- ft Canadian Airlines' first stewardess, Miss Luclle Oarnor. told reporters ? Western in arrival here her chief worry was 2 i Front on November 11, llJlb, with the sighing of the Arm- not the peril of fog. sleet or hW t ? document contained condi- but proper use of English istice; but the terms of that winf. y 5 Mhns which Imnoseri further duties on the Allied Armies. tion, . Si - w. w ----r " nPA n rmnnir wriii r Mime & J One of the most important was the occupation strategic lhlng 8bout me on(j he faid that 5 5 areas in Western Germany. These w'ere chiefly Rhine- he pilot 'learned' me. can youinv ? f land cities, from Strassbourg - " aglne that? It was terrible the which, as the principal city of Al- by two companies of the bat- mcunt of kidding I had to no tf sace now was restored to the pos- ",c u hrough before It die down." Miss rj session of France to DuesseMorf. unit loUowed-,the first orsanizca 0arnor M on the fringe qf Uie industrial ol Cnndlan troops to ret Sn? u a registered nurse, gra- vUr Hit riot foot On German SOil. -tnaturi frnm lhi Rnvnl Victoria To the British troops was as- The "grande entree" was re- hc,ual in Montreal. Her home Is & signed the uoUhern part of tlu- served for 11 am. when Oeneral -n Re,na. but for the last flvn occupied territory, comprising Slr Arthur Cufrjt. the Corps Com- .,ontris she has lived m Vancou- W uuesseiaori, uuisDer?, uoiognc. ana ....... ver oeiween air man irj Bonn. The precaution was thus battalions of the 1st Canadian In- Vancouver to Seattle. "Oh, It M?hed. from tjy n In- In I taken that, in the event of hos- fantry Brigade across the frontier Miss Oarnor. who has been tillties being resumed, the Allies nlht ,ne CorI' tervlewing applicanU for T C A 02 would be In Dosltlon to traverss .ny on Oerman solL , , rtwardess cosltlons. said appll 25,the great barrier of the Rhine . ants must be registered nurses, dtltens, less than W In- M Without difficulty. Bridgeheads TwniT TT Cfncdian 5.00;tvere established on the eastern VISIT llNl I BY KY ches In height, weigh less than lli &y was wonderful,' she iORE IS OF I HIGH VALUE ! Glacier Gulch Property Get Gratifying Returns From Local Samples SMITUERS. Dec. 3: High values' awuiuinippea 10 me wmpiing piani ai this time. This citv forced the issue during recent months 'h!? !hougl i"d!i!l? fl l"!" W. R from' Smith' , , v . , .... .eecuwns 01 easurrn oeiKium. uast lower oiuisa vuiumoia cuusi iSjOlytnct by seeking powers to set up its own municipal public Utlll-jthe historic batU-grounds of Wat- dispersing inland and the weaUv ; in October a shipment of twelve ties commission ?n the absence of the long-promised OVO-;erloo. Llgmy. Fleurus and Charle- Is clearing In this province. I tons of gold ore from the Olacler Vincial body. Establishment Of SUCh a local commission rl Turning south at Huy. they . Prince Rupert and Queen Char-0ulch property owned by Camp. would have been followed by setting up similar bodies 'in ,fT lnto the f.L?8, of 10hU! Isla"ds-0deraie- variable bell, Loveless & Banu. ran 2jj municipalities throughout the province. This would havelllrr r l A0. 5ld..!r a.:ue..of created a Chaotic condition for the Utilities, haced With Many times the troops had to be- Moderate wind, shifting to south-lond and smaller hlnmi.nt frm -ku.f: XtSSIO I , ' . 7 . a j i. i j- e ii i.ii . . soaiea ttndfr. wni b resrtTrt tor ie "u ra " a goou argument can ue maue lur uiik MtteiiieiJL rr-r Cros? the German frontier. This Dittikt ForrT, pimc Rupert not -'nrlv an ounce of gold per ton the Utilities themselves WOU1U De netter Oil lOUay nan mey nisionc evpnttn" entry into the t v "?ah. 7 ri better than the first shlDment been placed under such a commission 20 years a?o. A couniry-toon piace at tnr measure of protection would have been afforded the com- vuau about 8JC panies themselves against their own follies during the or- At 7:55 am: the scouts of the gy of over-financing and pyramiding that characterized 2nd Canadian infantry Battalion the years before 1929. It was during these years that marched through the little hamlet, eastern financiers stepped into this province and took They were followed lt a" hour scores of millions of dollars ot quick protits out of our Hemlock inn Balsam, Tro (J) years will be Allowed for removal of tknber. Further partlcuUri of th CWef For. e-ter, Victor la, B.,7. ' he DIMrlct For. erter. Prince Rupert, B, C . Ranger J. B. ecott. Prince Rupert, B. C. nto the hill, next year with a vler mtfTmm&tt all SSSSSLS BBH V excellent gold values that ready been encountered on U)o property are far in exceM of hs best hopes and things look ti .tremely good for a very successful 'operaUon. Mail Schedule For tne East Monday, Wednesday, and Friday From the Eatl Tuesday, Thursday and Tuesday Thursday Friday December 8 and 19 From Vancouver-Sunday . .., , ', SUCh a development ;they no doubt now welcome the COm-,ein their march, ahead of their east, mostly fair, not much change this property on November 8 and Fo' A"' ,nd s,ewmrt paratlVfc security against unreasonable local pressures "aons; and not always were their in temperature. I they have Just received the grati- that. will hp assnrpd thpm under the shelter of a nrovin- bllIets comfortable. But the. Corp? fylng returns of tmM from s'r. . , . . trudged on. , ; ,t0ns CiaiCUIIlIIUSSIUIl. rw.mhr 4 101U saw fhpr.i . TIMIlF.lt i iinr. ifcvann. tui a tv...k. ir.. r d . T ve the owners a vprv nVn.tiint. to out 1.S97.000 Xct.rf spruoe. Cedar, ' surprise and they expect to tie Sunday Wednesday From Anyox and Stewart . 11:00 pjn K y - v 'It. I. EeftlfdaY Deremh U ?nv two 5-, CANADA IN GERMANY TWENTY YEARS AGO (Written for The Canadian Press By CAPT. W. W. MURKAYM. C.) DICTION IS HER WORRY Don't Buy Your ,lrway ' Stewardess I Concerned When llenorter Misquotes Iler Interview SLIPPERS Until You Have Seen the Flneit Selection of Slipper Ever Shown In Prince Ilupert We have Just received 600. pairs of Ladles' Men', Ho Misses' and Children Slipperi In all the very latest styles colors and variety of qualities fo suit ?veryone. Paris Maid, Steel Arch, Rib, Crepe, Velvets. BaUns, Kids all Colors. Mules, Dorsay's aiid Opera and Moccasin s and FelU. .12, bank of the river. , 1U1 A U k pounds, between 21 and 26 years vtvwjyp&Jjlvgiittgf& AO 3.00 9.00 As a tribute to the Canadian Corps and to the magnificent part soldiers of this Dominion had played In bring the conflict to.aj victorious issue, the veteran 1st'. and 2nd Canadian Divisions were Lotal Sons selected to form part of the Army of Occupation. Not an Easy March In the third week of November Jthey began their long march, The Armistice had found them in the OFFICIAL ft- of Norway Received Supreme LoJlf e Officer Oscar cf age and have perfect health ann vision. First and great consideration o( a Trans-Canada Airlines hostess is th comfort of the passenger, she -iid. "You tell then about their ears and chewing gum you know, plug . I 12:30 noon .. 10 pjn.' 0:30 pjr , 4 pjn 4 pm. Wednesday 10:30 ajn, Friday 4 p.tn, Dec. 4, 15 and 2J 4 pjn. 7 pjn. 3 p.m. "Mewisv 11530 ara Thursday t pm, For Naas River and Port Slmpion Sunday tut j from Naas Rlter and Port Slmpwn Tuesday . 11 -30 pi to getting out a much larger ton- Tor Queen Charlotte Islands we than was shipped this year Dec. 2, 16, and 30 9:30 pjn I tne property has not been sold From Queen Charlotte Islands In the meantime. Dec. 14 and 28 KlOPIESi Give the Kiddies the Treat of Their Lives With a Visit to Toyland KAIEN HARDWARE a,m. British Columbia utilities companies. They increased the capital overhead on these companies, fixing the burden $ wwmttatawm of carrying it on the consumers in British Columbia. Pro- vjt mm rz s - m k $ KIDDIE Yourillcadquarter.s For Slippers Is Here ! Family shoe store lt The Home of Good Shoes ShSrlS of JLrnd , 'attendance principal speak- menu on the plane on the longer Ita "or 8r Belgfan ttSr XrtlnV hs f NorWay. had f1"!,. T' ?nMn,Z Standard mlnat New Hazelton. cUy was 'and Uw1H be the plane at the Sin At i?ufw thMr rnS interesting largely attend. put on 8mUhm and Fears that powers would be sought to regulate all business at a street . . comer in ... iiuy. unui ... i i j i i i.j ii 1 l..Mt. urn flnnllv rfptrmlnp1 ;hlh" Sather Re-elected President With Erling Smedwig of Seattle representing the, Supreme Lodge. In ana innusiry nave proved uniounaeu. it is proposeu imiy ij- - !,eth- to exercise control over the rates, services and financino i as 5 , move Recording secretary. Mrs. o. go aloni. she signed the neces' statlnv she Is not con Silver Standard Looking Good your ears with cotton and chew Manager of Ilatelton Property Well gum to make you teei more com- rinsed With Propecl forteble while in flight Then later we'll serve refresh. 0irniinB rw. t l r wii. he is very pleased with the devel-irmcnts and the prospects on hi property. He has gotten his mining Other Meetings Of Army Here It IS i Carpenter who dealt uf of particular interest ( t Mrs. Oarfleld MeKini- y folot and M'w Clara p.. sided at the piano, T.t -? n senrW of dedication f son of Mr. and Mr ' ten who was named A. . V v Johanien. Mrs J. W a vote of thanks lo ... v taken part in the m" forty omen attended. On Tuesdav there w council both monunt ) noon. Commissioner "nlr ,Md, lhc o pjn. which were largely ! , (character Tliere A Hot was tea following the after In- ItCX ft il ft Women's 3Ieetlng on Wednevlir J Afternoon Officer' Countlli neia un luewiir mainmony. .miss war- , n,riv .nrf with Mn finbert Ciunm nor nor observed observed the the most most wonderful wonaeriui .. , .'. J..w. r,,V,irt0 iinr ih mui ir,? Uw..v.o... - officers for the year which resuN -booby-traps- A set at unsuspected Swr' while crossing the Rockies lZl SSLT 7 tne ear,le4t POlble date points. (For many months a par- teSLr5,i 0 o cn her trin from Vancouver v"v" tn Ually-dlsmantled motor-lorry feod ,? enttB' Salher'R " 'Vlnnip?g The large silver valueiand thr Vice-President. Vlr.Prlrtnt flunnar Ounnar filv!f? Selvlg. , , Winnipeg. i j t, have al Lt One of the features of lo the city this week iloner and Mr. Oeorge L ' 'pc ter of the Salratlon A. n a voxnen' m-iUng in the C uuf Wednesday afternoon r wi.i Time Is What You Want This Winter You ean get it by ulng ur famous, KdKin, Dolkley ViUtj or Nanalnio-Wclllnrtoii roiL PRINCE RIM1 BUT FEED CO. Phones 38 or SS8 Bowling Alley For Health and a flllm Waist Line Dowl For Reservations Thone 65 THE . SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only canning ompny with an all th yeax round payroU w Prtnct Rupert i1