4H, frtfttbtr. I' m' A Wedding With No Gifts Of Jewelry The array of prevent would I remarkable wouldn't It? Too proale. Too practical Nothlnc to appeal to refine, ment. tfolhlnr i admire particularly. It wouldn't do, would It? Well. It needn't becaue here a jewelry store ready to mppiy an; or all of the newest In wedding lifts. MORI WITH Trfc CtOO TODAY'S WEATHER I'YMAQEAIP. INTERESTS Over Two Hundred Pernons At United Church Ut Nljht with an audience of over two hundred people, the Christmas Fair at First United Church got away to a successful start last night. An even better attendance Is expected tonight. Several appreciative comments were voiced I last night on the excellence of I the many wood, felt and glass novelties which have been made by the girls' and boys' groups them selves. I The fair anened with a concert In the church auditorium which was under the direction of Dr. F.1 D. Pug&ley. Pleasing musical numbers Included two vocal solos by Mrs. Bernard Lundahl and a quartet by the Misses Betty Wilkinson Harriet Phllllpson. Joan Adams and Marlon March. An Interesting Item was a campflre play given by Ker. iDakin and the Trail Ranger group 'A Christmas play, presented by Miss Joy Oreen and her Canadian Qirli In Training group, was beau tUfulry performed and much en , Joyed by the audience. Costumes and make-up for this play were In the hands of Mrs. E P Jenner Mrs. Krikevsky and Mrs. O. V ; Wilkinson. H. T. Locke proved to i be a very capable chairman for the evening's n roc ram I FVllnwlne the concert, the crowd .migrated to the basement of the .church, which contained many tastefully decorated booths for the . 'sale of refreshments iConslderable time and gift was spent on Triple iing-ri uu,,H.- arrangfTOfnt and decoration ol east two. iwcniy mun i., booths and the result was ver Usbtmu. 'gratifying, while they were tht Lint srs Xsurvd-Pan ciouay. nrodu.. of emun mmvmtv lovthewt wind, five miles per hour; MU Dorothy stile and Mr. E buorarter w.iu; temperature. ,;tnner were primarily retpon ttocfrw iru. slbie. Especially interesting were DeadTrre Point-Overcast, calm; workshop, the cand) Urometer 29.75; iemperaiure.lbooUl and doU ar5or .... . tf, vim mil. I A thrivlrur business was done at BoJ Hirbor Showery, southerly vtnd. IrfjTe miles per hour: bar-omtut, temperature. 41; light isell Alert Bay Overcast, southwest wind; ten miles per hour: barom-etrr 29.B3: temperature. 39; light carrp. Eitevan Clear, northeast wind. four miles per hour; barometer. 29.' the refreshment booths under the general charge of Mrs. Arthur Sut ton where hot-dogs, coffee, dough nuts, ginger-bread men. Icecream and candy were sold. Members ol the Tuxls group dispensed "pop' at a good rate from a novelly constructed booth. The Chinese Laundry proved U. be a great attraction for both young and old. taking the place of Vlttorla Clear, westerly wina. io ,he USU1 IUnpond lt was undei ttCei per hour; barometer. 29.98. tne enthusiastic operation of a Vancouver - Clear, northwest , busy group of Chinamen, who wer tlnd, four miles per hour: barom-i In reality members of the Exptorei .... v.j .group of Junior boys, with Maurto southerly " R"'"1" Prince Oeorge-Cloudy. ' . .lively place of business was th rind four miles rer hour; barom eter 29.M. H7elton Cloudy, calm, temper iture 28. Smlther -Clear, calm. 14. Burns Lake Foagy. calm, 18. TerraceFoggy, calm, 32. Alyansh- -Cloudy, calm. 32. Anyox Raining, calm, 33. Stewart Light rain, calm, 32. coconut "shy" where Trail Rang ers plied a good trade. The Canadian Oirls in Training . slit booth was In charge of Joan Forrest and other members of the group. Malcolm Wilding and Gor don Stamford were in cnargc o the Tuxls workshop which held an CHURCH NOTICES' ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH itEV. k. M. nisnEiin, Pator 11:00 a m. 8ubject -A Child of Cod" (Fnlih 12,30 Sunday School VJO Subject- "Reward for Labor in God's Kingdom" (Norwegian) Everybody Welcome UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTKU EXCURSION KATES 'TO VANCOUVER NtOM ritlNCK RUPEHT $36.00 ,l,m",s' "S? VHOM PORT SIMPSON 39,75 UETUUN. Bcrtlu Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate polrils. November 1st, 1938 and February Special Tickets on Sale Between JMh, 1939, lncl!nlve-Ooml lo Return uj to March 31, 193?. Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S.CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from M-,e Rupert A,ent-A. W. Hckct at tliJ Office If Convenient Hesse l-urchaw Miss Muriel Brewerton sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to take up future rest dence. Rupert Rod and Oun Cub An nual Game Dinner, Commodore Cafe. Wednesday, December 7. Tickets limited, get yours now. (280) Miss Grace Good, sister of City Engineer F. M. Good, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Bessie Carmlchael, who has been on the staff of the Prince Ru pert General Hospital, will sail on the Princess Norah tomorrow morning for Atlin. Albert Lund, who recently sus- Brigadier Walter J. Carruthers, Salvation Army, having spent the past week here In connection with the visit of Commissioner George L. Carpenter, will sail by the Princess Norah tomorrow morning on his return to his headquarters Wangell. Adjetaht C. A. McKlnnell of Dun can. Vancouver isiana. wno nas been travelling throughout Alaska during the past season on Salvation Army work, has become attached to the staff of the Salva tion Army here for the next few-weeks In connection with the program of winter and Christmas in charge of the door last night LiRhtlns and scenery were arran- bcii cdby Tobcyack Davls and srne y aUnct.ve doRs were on sale at the doll arbor wltli Miss Joy Oreen and her girls In general charge. There was also a Country Store In charge of Rer J. C. Jackson and a booth foi fancy work by the Ladles' Aid. Ned Tube y and Bill Haddon wert tructd by these three and othci members of the Tuxls group. Give tlwc Christnu gifts in pci'tm this year. Winter fares with kwg limits on sale now, Specully rnccd holiday trawl commences December 20. You don't have to leave destination until January 7. Fare and a third fur the round trip. If you can't penJ Christmas with them, have them come to you -by prepaying their fare I We'll arrange ticket deliveries anywhere ... at no extra cewt. Ride the air-conJitioned CONTINENTAL LIMITED djy ciwchei I Juf or ecoiwmy T.rta For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE J28 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C THE DAILY ldhfrlL PAGK THRE1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES You will find a nice line of men's drew socks at the Dollar Store. tf. Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tl Mrs. Letness returned to the city on the Cardena this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Kathleen Klelback sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. H. B. Stiles, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Cardena last night. Sons Of Norway : Entertainment talned an accident at a logging play In Norwegian camp near Hartley Bay, sailed last) night on the Princess Adelaide lor. Vancouver to receive further treat-1 ment. I Olof Hanson. M.P. for Skeena,1 and T. W. Brown sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Ocean Falls where they will attend an an nual Liberal Association dinner tonight. Delegates from Bella Coola, Bella Bella and elsewhere In that area will be In attendance. The regular monthly dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been postponed from next Monday until Wednesday of the week following when John D. Healy. assistant to A. E. Warren, vice-president of Canadian National Railways, will be here and give an address. BAZAAR WAS An Interesting and well present- tractive ed play In Norwegian was staged were in l atj A nf Vf r Jfthn RtnrsH.h. Mrs. Mrs. Lindsay Is President cession to Mrs. Norman Fraer The annual meeting of the Ladies' Air of First Baptist Church was held last night at the home of Mrs. Frank Morris. Reports were presented and officers for the ensuing year elected, Mrs. J. A. Lindsay becoming president In succession to Mrs. Norman Fraser who has retired after three years of very suc cessful leadership. In recognition of her services, Mrs. Fraser was presented with a handsome silver Inlaid- compote dish, the presentation being made by Mrs. Lindsay with comments suitable to the occasion. In addition to Mrs. Lindsay as! president, other officers for the coming year are: Vice-President, Mrs. J. Armstrong. Secretary, Mrs. Frank Morris. Treasurer, Mrs. P. H. Limey. Tea was served at the close of the meeting, by the hostess. LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON, Dec. 3: (CP) Bar gold was up 2c at $35.02 on the London metal market yesterday. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged tor a full month at 35c 4 word. S.OU. Play December 2 and 3. Christmas Fair, United Church, December 2 and 3. f Carnival and Dance, Metlakatla, December 5. Toe II Bridge, December 7. Moose Bridge, December.iS, St. Peter's Seal Cove Parish Hall Dance December 9. Eagles' Bridge December 14. Varden's Entertainment, Dec. 15, Snowball Frolic, December 23. : ? Moose Hall, SUCCESSFUL Christmassy Affair By Ladies Aid Of First United Church On Thursday Last of the pre-Christmas baz aars, the annual sale of the Ladles' Aid of First United Church on Thursday afternoon In the church parlors drew a large crowd of. ladles and was completely success-) ful. Receiving the guests in the, a .,. u,, f.rf,..-.r'haU. which was gaily decorated nOOll. , j luui. tfr T R Trvln , president of the Ladies' Aid, and! Mrs. J. C. Jackson, wire or tne pastor. I Presiding over the dainty tea table were Mrs. W. H. Kergin. Mrs.' T. C Wilding, Mrs. Arthur Sut-' ton and Mrs. R. O Large. In charge of the tea room were Mrs. J Clavring, Mrs. E. P. Jenner, and Mrs. Hugh Killln. Berviteurs were! Mrs. O. C. Young, Mrs. R. Web-J ber, Mrs. E. J. Clapp, Mrs. M. F. and Dance Nlckerson and Mrs. O. Clccone. Whole Affair Will Be Repeated i Cashiers were Mrs. N. Thomas ana Tonight I Mrs. F. M. Davis. I 1 The stalls, well laden with at-, and seasonable gifts, charge of the following last night by the local Sons bf Nor- ladles: I way Lodge before an audience of. Fancy Work-Mrs. D. Banter-) about two hundred persons In Odd- bane, Mrs. Petroff. Mrs. James ( fellows' Hall. The play was follow- Krlkevsicy ana miss uoromy omcs. ed by the serving of refreshments Home Cooking - Mrs. Lane; after which there was an enjoyable SUles. Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson and dance. The entertainment will be Mrs- - F repeated this evening. Candy-Mrs. O. L. Rorie and The play was under the direct- Miss Edith Connery. tion of Oscar Bather and those tak, Men's Stall-O. F. Davey and ro mr in h cajtt vt Mrs Tjirrv Rev. J. C. Jackson. i Arnold, Miss Jorun Skog. Clause piano solos by Misses acceptable Aune. Hans Peterson, R. Hunelde and Elnar Johnson. Jean "'u Music for the dancing was by . . Fossum's Orchestra and Oscar. Sather was master of ceremonies. 1 rmrMn The committee in charge consist- uauiiua High In George Anderson. Mrs. John Mur-.CLftnl KniAlinGr void, Mrs. Knut Slatta and N. Vas- uviiwui ""b eng. ' 1 John Slatta and Larry Arnold ' nt.u school Bots Turn Out Again presided at the door.. Today ' In Saturday morning bowling In the Bowling Loague of Booth Mem forial HUh School, Oamma House ' won with a total of 2340: Beta next' J with 2175 and Alpha with 2084.. High average scorers were MacNab I of Alpha with 183, Timmermllst-rj Heads Baptist Ladles' Aid in Soc-jof Beta with 185, and Morin o! i the winners of theatre tickets. There were about thirty boys In at tendance. League standing to date: Oamma, 10952. Beta, 10406. Alpha, 10054. Try a Dally News ciawitled ad R.E.Eyolfson Chiropractor 210 EIGHTH AVENUE W. rhone BLACK 318 Ladies' and Children's Dressmaking EDITH MILLER smith Block Phone BLUE 276 Give A Kodak And You'll Know It's an Appropriate Gift For Snapshots at Night Try Our New High-Speed Kodak Super-XX Film Wrathall's Photo Finishing NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot& Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 ( TWJhWAY fSS&jtoil nSKLr nil I l I OLDS.. JW&OUGHS Buckley's 2-WAY TREATMENT fights coughs and colds from within and without and gives even quicker relief than Buckley's Mixture alone. Buckley's White Rub is the only rub with a snow-white base. It is medicated with healing, analgesic oils that stimulate circulation, help break up congestion, and ease breathing. Its medicinal vapors freely inhaled, combined with Buckley's Mixture help to heal and soothe the raw, congested mucous membranes of the throat and bronchial tubes. The Mixture eases the cough and aids in correcting the over acid condition that tends to prolong coughs and colds. Try this combination Buckley's Mixture and Buckley's White Rub. It must give relief in HALF the time or your money back. 11 CHAMBERLAIN . . Some People Like Him Some Don't POTATOES .... All the people like snow white flakey potatoes, We guarantee them for Boiling, Mashing and French Frv. 100-lb. sack 2.25 Phone 872 FREE DELIVERY COPELAND'S Fruit Market IT I RAILWAY I LINES l TwV4, law hi I Have Just Come From the ifa DRYGOODS And 1 NOVELTY SHOP Where they have the newest things v Mie things that really make Christ- 2 mas. Whenever I go there I want to buy almost everything I see. Why Don't You All Drop in and Talk Over r Your Christmas Problems with Mrs. Dowth- v2 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. er and Miss Watson Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY fllONi 457 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT November 7th. 17th, 28th. December 8th, 19th SS. PRINCESS NORAH" QftJ Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tick-?OD ets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1D38 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services, Tickets and Reservations from ! W. L. COATES, General Ajent Prince Rupert, B.C. i t, Ml I it 1 1 -it 'Ms m r M 4'J ' ' 1 ! 1 ..i ( r' in