f AOK TWO THB DAILT NEWS Easter Footwear DAILY EDITION Styles of Distinction See Our Wonderful Variety of Styles in GABARDINE, SUEDES KIDS and CALFS ... In all the Latest Shades and f priced to suit you. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .... local readers, per line, per Insertion ..." SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery,- by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ce' Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall' to all parts of British Columbia. :he Bntbh Empire and uniiea states, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year News Department Telephone .Advertising, and CucuUtien Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulationi TARIFF REVISION 8b 98 .02 .25 - $5.00 .12 .50 Thursday, Aprit 7, 1938. TWO QUEENS SHOPPING When Eliza lie th and Mary Inspect Products of Home and Aliroad ' By MOLLIK McGEE Canadian Press Correspond nt LONDON. April 7: CP Wi.rn a Queen goes shopping and r... the assembled products of an Emuire to choo&e lnm. what does he cuy4 This question was answered twice on the first day or the Briti.sn Industries Fair when Queen Elizabeth went shopping in the morning and ; Queen Mary followed the .sum ar- ternoon Queen Elizabeth arrived on.' hour after the vast Earlscourt building that hour:! textiles, fashions and furniture was opened. She went at once to the stalls where Empire produce was displayed and an her way passed through the special Canadian section. Though she admired shoes made in London. OnU, and supplied to the Duchess of Gloucester, and dolls made in Toronto, she made no purchases. Ap-, pies and canned fruit took up the remainder of the space. At the Malta booth, the Queen In spected hand-made lace made toj rival that previously Imported rrom Italy. After looking over several tea cloths with a microscope and commenting on the new venture, she chose a fine specimen. She then waited from booth to Socks For The King Unconventional Pose HiflafliflaflaflaflaflaflaflHHH Thr Most Rev Arthur Cardinal Hinsley. Archbishop of Westminster, is caught in an unconventional pose here. Cardinal Hinsley one of the five cardinals created by Pope Pius last year, was snapped a he lighted a cigarette, even as you and I. during a luncheon he attended in London England. MCMILLAN HONORED booth, met by frock-coated man- aging directors of firms with world-' wide connections, but there was Drv Dock - Employees nothing haphazard in her choice of Best Wishes in a what she wanted. Dress lengths . And -'Tangible were selected in becoming pinks. and blue? for the little princesses! ' 9 0i In good heavy weight with colored .wisnes w yn Vnrrier nnrt ifh an wonW he found iger Of the dry dry Queen Mary, on arrival at Earis-j vertlsement for beat results. i n in for Mr. and Mrs. their children. Show Thcil Handsome Way AicMiuan. man a- dock, on tne occa- North Star Wins In Bowling Match Defeated Biological Station Two Games to One in Postponed Commercial Lragur- 'ure city Commissioner W. J. Alder Is , , ,'in receipt of a letter from Olof North Star defeated Biological tne member Qn ip Jn whlfh Station two games to one last night refers to a com. in a postponed fixture in the Com-1 munication he received from F. W. merciat uownng league. NU.h o h)Uslng ln the a few games are still outstanding department of th, federal thn second half issue ( in the Com-( nmet mercial League has already been j anson lhat decided in avor of Printers who ba nad jnpreased her wil play off with Canad Ian a- 0Q Ontarlo tional Recreation As at . ,n No 2. sed hers 100 per winners oi me urn nan m me . DrlUsh . he tM by . . . Columbia people that this province TtTrfTwSea8"e P TJnlyTfar scratched Fhe sur-to t date is as follows: ' IftCC WCrt Lo5t Ptf. j Zi4m fcn nhnnfri in Printers 27 12 27, Rupert Motors 23 16 23 Electrical Workers . 22 14 22 CN.R-A. No. 1 20 19 20 North Star 18 21 18 Gyro Club 16 17 16 C.N.R.A. No. 2 15 27 15 Biological Station 14 19 14 LAUNDRY CHAMPION; Defeats- C.X.II.A. to Take Five Pin Bottling League Honors for Season Pioneer Laundry defeated Canadian National Recreation Association by a score of 1073 to 1052 last night in the decldlne erame of the Five but first it was found they wasnea Members of the various depart-, pioneer Laundry Houston. 169; well and cost on Shantung about iments of the Prince Rupert dry Kln.?tar, 203 Brasell, 180; Stiles, 30 cents a yard and In cotton aboutj dock staff gathered at the noon 90; Asemlssen. 231; total, 1073. 26 cents. 'hour today in the machine shop j Canadian National Recreation ,oi tne, yard ana mere expresses Association Comadina 175; Proc-in a handsome and tangible wa : 201. Morin. 220: Mcintosh. 222; . a. - i n m . a mm m Innir Half a dnzen nalrs of the 'Steamships with headquarters at. new self-suDDOrting socks for the Vancouer Mr- McMillan was pres- For Vancouver- I Vrr .f f Via mral Hc4 flf C11I.CU Wiili A purchases, together with Irish hiw". ih tr ,,it nr! v,ivpt fnr nn lng made on behalf of the stafl CLExNER ELECTIONS evening gown. .by Thomas Boulter, englneerlnt . In this part of the country there has been little com-'o plaint at the manner in which elections are conducted. SSihi'ST tl lowing Mr. McMnian-s de- rAwyooay seems to leei tnat it is the right and privilege had supplied four monarchs m suc-'Parture- I 01 e ery person to express his wishes as to Who will COn- cession with bed Imen. She asked! Mr. Boulter In making the pres ' stitute the government of the day and the sanctity of the nta 10 86,1(1 her simi,ar sneets but.'eritation. referred to the apprecia-; ballot seems to be carefully guarded wnen he mentioned that one of the.tion the staff held of Mr. mcmh- I In thp Mnfkpnvia Winrr.oi-u mainstays of the linen Industry. t lan's efforts to obtain work for . i nMv iSifndl 1 ?? 1 eoernment bringing down its damask, was going out of style, she I the yard, often ln the face of con I new electoral legislation there is no sinmpst-inn nf tfnniAi v,- rnnctoH iHmhu Hiffinuv .n. in elections generally but rather the idea is to Sl'mn- that finest of damask cloths from Mr. McMillan had been a great V, ' c'cv-luuu cApieNsion anu 10 prevent the undue in-fhience of wealth in the conduct of election campaigns h ection expenditures are to be controlled and restricted Also publicity is to be given to contributions to election campaigns. this firm go to the Palace. -pleasure lor all. Everyone wai She asked for darpets woven in happy at the promotion which he tartans. She also asked for the. liad received although there was a new "Ugli" fruit from Jamaica 1 feeling of much regret that tlu j a cross between tangerines and change Involved his departure grapefruit and tasted it. She spoke from Prince Ruoert. In hta leaving It has hppn snoro-pcrl nftnr. it,of i . in the South African booth of us-.'Prlnce Rupert lost one of its beat' " , : " ",at .i,c"l"e. to ,n, ing Kpnwt Kenya MffM coffee an, and toM triH th. the In- In. citizens citizens and ana everyone everyone at at th the secure favors from crovernments are in rhp Vmhit nf nh ing cash contributions to electoral Mm ; kTu dian "J Trade yard Commissioner of her a rai irienci. in maKing tna gin siaes so that whichever wins they may be on the right wa,ked mlIee- he pent side. If the new bill becomes law people will know about the farflton show artfl or mee conirinuuons ana they will soon become a scandal. Buys Curtains Then, having'0' the tsa service to Mr. MoMillan , an hour at Mr- Boulter expressed tho hope ordered three that 513 lne teapot would-p filled jwith its beverage, the future would be filled with Joy and hanptno McMillan and It has become the custom to accuse manufacturers 001111 ln the afternoon- went at; Mr- McMillan found iu difficult who wish upward revision of customs tariffs of makine- once to the fasnion arena where 10 voice hls appreciation of tht large contributions to funds iHm manneJuln8 ln lenn,s shorts! sentiments that had been ex-lio-M party If itistrno rhpWMt nf nWU 'il L i , Ue, the White and divided sports skirts were tak- nressed and the beautllui gift i'a !nt ''"""v "c "ciy iu fetop tne practice. Jf it Ing part in a parade of summer that had been made. He was find-' IS not true, the publicity secured Under the new act will fashions. Queen Mary appearediing it hard indeed to leave Princt i ii ee tiicse peupie irom Demg Wrongly accused. most interested in tne variations oriKupert tut there was gratification In Eastern Canada there are larce nower rnminniVe.ports st,eg' stayod an ht)U thentnat his duti would bring him L0.inI)anies Uhe lour of the stalls. back here Prince Ra that Wish to marker fhpir too made a frequently. nm,. on, I Wh0 .!, i. haVe eLl l it , P,0W4er ?,ml been ac- Lace curtains were her first pur- pert had been good to him In a v-v. v.m.iuuuuuj; laigeiy io me campaign tunds of (chase, then several dozen pairs of personal way by means' of ad! those irom Whom they expect to get favors. Publicity eauze silk stockings at the moder-lvancement and he could not iiopi j would have a similar effect to that in the case " of the man- ate price r about 51-25 a pair Snefor a DeUer future. h- expeteni ufacturers. "iwa? punctilious In her choice of that affairs of the local yard, Thn rliVfinnlftr .m11 n,.,!- i . , shades and evidently intended them ' would bV"carried on In the future i . uV S U? S?1 ?le)er men fiml means evening wear as- she showed as in the past. As far as was in hit j f OI (leieatmg the law. If this IS found to be true it will preference for lighter tones of the -owcr he would do everything to nave wi ue amenueu irom time to time m order to make it new favored tans. ,maKe tnmgs betterhere. nwrncra enective. Unly experience will show whether the annlf- v.auuii ui me iuw iimKtjs ior improved electoral conditions. SOCIALISTIC LEGISLATION' The Conservative government of Great Britain is securing the passage of legislation for the nationalization of coal mines, a decidedly socialistic move. It will take the' ownership of the mines out of the hands of the-four thous-' and who now own them and make them the property of the-nation, just as the' C.N.R. is the property of Canada. I It seems tb have become a habit for theConservatives irf the Old Country to be responsible for most of the radi-' cal legislation. The more radical parties educate the nub-! i. 1 .. :.. i. i .. i uv; uij iu a termm pumt anti men tne conservatives take hold and pass the laws, being careful that they are not wildly radical. bers of the staff could reiy. upo- 1 it that he would do everything hi ! Try a Dally New classified ad-!could to help them. Mr. McMillan' ispoKe appreciatively of the co 'operation he had alwav received j ' from the staff of the yard and ; for his successor, he bespoke &, similar measure : of support. Aftei (all. the boat could make no pro J , cress if those at the-oars, did nol 1 tTlve their best efforts, no matte ' who happened to be sitting in the i stern steering It along. Success de ; fended entirely upon' this. After the formalities of the- pre j , sentatlon. the members of the staff j ' gathered around to say heir good , I byes to Mr McMillan who leave.' j tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver j Tuesday cataia 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Cardena 9 p.m. ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. April 7, 18 and 28 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cataia 4 p.m. OFFICIAL Head of Home Huildins Department ! At Ottawa To Visit City in May J nection with the campaign. The news received from Mr Alder was the first intimation he had re- cetlved ln connection with condl-" tiom. in Prince Rupert. He said he would take the matter up with the loaning companies and, if they did not decide to make loans. It might be necessary to form a local organization at Prince Rupert to handle the business. Mr. Alder said he was planning to call the local committee together I and arrange for an active campaign! with a view to getting home build-' ; ing going Irr Prince Rupert this ! summer. onme Sniytlie: Pin Bowling League championship ' pp plinrr Rllia play-offs and thereby emerged win- CCIIllg, UlUC .nert for the season. The individual vcores were as follows: 3.00; Towels bought by the Queen were their congratulations and best ;Irvlm, 228; total. 1052. Appears to Have Jitters Following Defeat of .'Via pie Leafs Tuesday ' Night Must Win Tonight TORONTO. April 7: (CP)-Still disappointed at- the defeat of his National Hockey League champions Tuesday night by Chicago Black Hawk? In the opener of the Stanley :)n any middle-class home. They : appoinimeni aur- Sfnorrichin SlllinaQ' 'CuP serie5- Connl Stnythe appears o intendent of Canadian National .. , r 0 lQ c be somewhat pessimistic about ; winning the world's 'championship, "If they don't win tonight," he ;says. "the Maple Leafs won't win the cup." President Frank Calder of the National Hockey League notified Chicago today that it could no longer play Alfle Moore as substi tute goalkeeper during the remain Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 ajn. der of the Stanlev Ciin serlM Mnnrp Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. substituted In the opening game Ss. Cardena p.m. Tuesdav niaht for Mike Knmira April 3, 14 and 24 ss. Prin who Is out with a broken toe. Safety For Valuables There are many "small things of large value" which should have the protection of a safety deposit box. Following is a par tial list of "valuables" which caa be kept safe from fitc. theft and carelessness, for a rental of a cent or two a day. Probably you-will think of other valuables, which we have omitted. Agreements Armjrtnd Navy Papers Auiographi BnnJj Certificates Birth Baptismal Marriage Charters Contracts Court Decree! Curioi Deedj Design! Diane! Mementoi Diploma! Mortgage! Document! : Naturalization Papers Gem! Old Coin! Heirloomi Old Lacei Important Letter! Patent! " Insurance Policiei Payment Record! Automobile Photograph! Casualty Plam Fire Promisiory Note! Life, etc. Stamp Collection! Jewellery Souvenir! Leaiei Willi l Lodge Recordi BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 "a link ubtrt mall anunti an utlccmt" Modern, Experienced Banking Service tin Onlnmt if 120 Ytan' Smtisful Otralitu For a Safe Courteous Driver, Call 456 Taxi AL French Thursday, a- Tune-lTp For Sprini;! ISC0MING Winter Ha! Been Hard on Your Car ...harder than -,,u thinki The strain of ccia narb sklddy roads, and uiycrUll( weuuirr nxs pui; j f parts out of ad;m .;.-r"' Now is the time o nui aU'flV th mlnln. and sluggish w .',:t ,item aajusi wneeL a::d brakej tune up the mc ,r. Take advantage of c a, pM;al raie ior COMPLETE m. apvutiua, cjf an up and f i n n . . . J iuhc-ujj aug oe cure of trouoie irne sprlrr drivw, ROYAL MOTORS General Motors Dealer! Jra Avenue rhont52 "Service Willi a Smile LUMBER AT .MILL G-lnch and 8-inrIi Shiplap Untrimmr:; No. 1 Common 2-inrh Rough Cedar Plank $12.00 818.01 Fr Prince Hiiprrt Delivery Phone BIM.5IOK Billmor Spruce LTD, Learn To Play Violin, Viola, Cello, Hasi O. C. WALKER, Instructor 213 Fourth Street Ear Test Condj . v.'h the ' Resonas oie Free HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. IN SUMMER IH'HX Dry Woot BIRCH JAGKPINE CEDAR Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph one 580 THE SEAL "f QUALITY ,fo OCI'V . r Mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Jj 4 & canning company with the- year round payru Prince Rupert