r 5 & -1 i Buy Your White Shoes N OW Sweeping Reductions on every white line in the store Eruhai Urn To Gear 1.95 9- Vr The Eszae of God Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. " :.it te Lirtzvt, yes vtri rut Ut itttwsjt, --Kg xrxL w- tuzjex, ivut rXTSL iaM iz. xtYtmt t'ltr-trmom- FJH5.VES3 POUCY SUCCEEDS 1 - Jil l i r m JO rxrctt -2. 2jM t-ll j&xzA rd May 21, apparently the thrtzc of Bril- r&xta. ' fi r?hrj eifesihefy ztopfxd the imzzUm ol r CzrVrJia ly thfe Gra army, mtwt re r&strrM 2 Pnx toWf prtAm&m the present periri V&r the Winnipeg Fre- Pre in 2 r- gji, famfenA t'jrrtxirr nriniIr.1 if niainn Alaaoct. wired of a place or i-AIf .(tn '.At.,. ; wwt it?.v RP ta It U a toush break may f ind orne corrtf ort in recent events.' This tte'riodical Bhiw the piaye b- able concludes it survey with the comment that there has heh tranter to the cpm, Prince Bn mKjueKtionahly revealed a jdight mov by Mr, 'Chamber- TfTt .wuid;be able liiin frttufi1i,kj t,f,r..l r ...v,,. iZ..A-..i.t.j-Ai.. ne uceao Faii. talent m c- ' I?., "nyi! "L awuKn;-. a preUy snappy team in thdr Une Ji ur rcauy j me irena 01 me I'rime Ministers llne "P- Arrangementi to play a mind, we may yet find that today's lull d'oeH not mean that m 600)31 m2Ld( . ; on arriraL rv u v in mc wiJiu vcnnu m nic iiui j Jtdjitr, iut iiiat we are aciuauy waning mut smooth fcean'j TIIK WILL OF THE DICTATORS RiiRnja ha completed thV 'cornjiiiatlri its census returiH ahd Is not pleased with the result. In fact m dis-plea?i?d are Stalin and his friends that they have decided1 not to publish the figures. According to the report they sjipw a very decided decrease in opulatidn so another census is to. le taken next year in which" the census" 'officials mut show an increase. j ; ' Another fh!no'th Rf;tHn5i;t An nnt iu in V. returns iVthat too many of 'the people list them'selves as professing fume kind of religion. They haV6 to' be in- wreckers" 'who took the first census were too honest to do the-job again so they have been "disposed of. ' It seems iU'ii i.xrt.n fttnawa ityvrtti nltcif irAit fn tti .i.tlT .f 'i U..' .If ) Liixb tun kLiinun nuitu inunii um iu nit n ill til tile till;- tators. If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. , B-vOm 21. Losix ... 2 Amerku Lase C as 51 C3 C2 25 57 7 U 5J 71 73 -5 J7t .44? 5t2i FOOTBALL CENTRAL HOTEL HWaKff ind'CAfE Pbone 51 Fr Bet Houstbold Cfcal -MRS. G. E. BLACK Fresh "Local 'Raw And PasteuHred ..'Milk VALENTIN DAIRY Walker's Music Store Larte Stock Mutic Helntzman, 'ordheimer and Letafe Pianos Piano Toning with "Kesonowope" " Pbone Blue 389 212 4th St. to a 'SPORT' BOTSBURG Preparing Far ! EICP(TUB Soccer Stria Fi Is JLnKS-ie&s Lue 3 FxJi VasA 1. 1- ttsa-efi. ' - v-.if tsKEKs a- Tvw&ja i 'mi iit nam mat - 2JT 3B iUT AfckCZXilw iC3- msffeg ?ft aBafBS&t I 11 jvsf!Tts.fOf 2BSest de zrxiaa far CL- is gastt ae-jt V ae TmX -awre ncraiit-a -sans- ? nrsMte r cassis; j&ss rrTirys tlcd x siife jfiiaHiefi la aau: t eura- , Casts ay vasxSaf aigtrwi fee vmi an; an" t niwurf .? ( - r.iyrrmj imc ur ikru. - - - icr vj mat zzex. xsut tenrtc jiifctr -t pim- 2L Stkss. SL aDiat. A KETCHIKAX Am S Zrtctai- Itajd ttse dhf to fRyMfiM fnr: Ufnhemaiat tifes act Ti8 TO3BXC tam simpm ae Later Dr Old Country Soccer 5tti0i Leaxae. TirsX lUriiivai PL4YGR0UNDS CLOSE SOON la gtwuwat iSHtll wtar. qk ham. Mtsnex nu-t ut wff a eShamr?" ikjS ajuulli 4 HfkMu Zsmne A DrtB F T iffli imi Tvrtusm. R Mr-liUCteaoaCKxgML ICeao; A. 2JM:-' r -ngii r .ifcii -: Spf Tanee Z 9K3ffc a Car-' Im C Tfe J -SPiarx. 1 I Ketchikan lennis Baseball Standings riayers piav.rc p OKrnrr iSP5US??jS- Preparing J. ?! devastating period of uncertamty 4f CBmafa 'did mtbing to check the arrogant PR A 4 PTf f P lsmrfe of TOw and of the dictators of the Rome-Berim I 'AVAl IVEr w w; orawng w a dose, n it nanot already (jefUMtdt enfal it apparent that the policv of . nwit laid Yehrunry in ynxtut of adoption and that1 tbe policy of retreat arid Veakne, cloaked 'as-eoncillation' OCEA-n FAUS 25A Pl"' awl apfeawroent 1 t abandoned T1 P04 fraJ1 'ttl'1?&wl,Wtotf&fafta: Intel to tutntdym the tfeaa t fed the XmnatAh of th CVvnant fH I -foi V. I3t Prince Rrwrt AHhrth t? twnK,vrin be truly deHehted. Meanwhile th riWnt wi. A. c. Cbajnpteuhip etp temmrnto modthtte degree of optfent The Econo ,2JS wimy IrtliUtoiid rrit rfr that jace ha b far heen matatog tt tor nu 7ea prtrrryej: inu reiieciJOn '11J not satlJtfy those wh to eotn. H. Oifchrict had the mut Jrll'eVe that the onlv wav of maintaining rrf-fl fa fr.n(lv fonun break his kr in thf i St4.VS SJfjCCVt. Jjsuirtinc. Xsr. t. Crv. XtT. - FrrxvMis. Xmli, L Gcfne. LrinB. 2. H LtitLeM, Lee, 2. Kiltiiif. Mmtual. X BUtntxA, Mtrrtixau. X CTStm. MmhxtAz. X D. C-&n. Mertkaatt. Vre. LecMB. L MiLfcxa. Ltomk, X Harj, HrrhxBtf. 1. Tae OfluaV Cap FtataaH tfand- A2 RoftTi 3 Arbrwith 2 jXan Hnm.tori Ataudttiiiraii 4 HBeni-'McilMnta KtarU 4. Lacark X XflaarnoeJc Ctatte t. MiiaVlAlxfi W . 3 2 1 L F A fit 1 12 4 4 2 13 4 3 S 13 2 PaUh Bmm t Vr.: ' Ayr : duplet -rltb ai. xoittlten.nl Vmvzi A B i-A.r.ijTJt 2 fa the D3y Km LaVaBVaBVaBVaBVaBVaaVaWaaWBVaaVJ a. tontrci Ecard or by the Gernment of Brit; i Colombia UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 6&merg Uaye Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJiJi. CATALA EVERY TUES- TSA. CAItOENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thura. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. 1 Conrenlent, Pleate Purtbate Tlckett at Office Further Information Regarding Reeryatlonj and Ticket From A. W, NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ae. Phone 5S - 'MTij.ijtS'it'i'ikn li III jzu. 3atr or tj si Grreiel d 2SSC: c YOUTH ARE QceanTaHs FOR PEACE Softball Is Nearin? End COL4-V FA1XS A KCOE3& Srv Tart. At MfUiaa KAa js crxv '-"WltMi iS -Task n imiiran tortf the Pmt Jiu: - ! kLwKi. awrtaai ikere. iSfdirften eat aC tfcre . jan iitin iM.au toaMjaal mar G-d1 Ssare. tbe t. jf aniai Baj sam Oeuar av oV Stral ir V 'acar tac aa3r mjnartaat. aata aat . JTn fame m t . -raatcamuat as i&u "Kacat ftaarrea asaxss MX L Sjt .-j af TaeX aaaaS Jar Sfe atrrf- i CXS. gMnrr Fnact Chart Sare. seKaed 'A be r Ckpi 3?v larLraa. Is tee la part tea jocew ir.. ilj! u '.. -s-.trM. -JLH hi wait iaaas Via- ftmpen tilsi gm-s- , rr rs ii Qeaj CaatleSae It- prr bays poesafcu - laaaa aatf -aC t h aete 3tr3 ' arccaS ts-S1 Sataroar ricas she as oa - ber rrtam aoatfc wrr u ur Xj yaa ana so crCJ. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE .... . v ' . We have received a shipment of Coffee Ta.c T r are reautifully matched wood and uf 1 - Ph;,-fe design- t ' C() Priced from Prince Kaprrt, K. C. w SEE OUR WINDOW ltne 77X 327 THIRD AYTVn Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic ' - Trans-Parific To Vanroaier Tla Or tan Falls and Way Port SS. -PrtM AdeUlde" Erery Friday II p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS. -Prin'rf-M Unle-' SS. Prinreis Alfre" SS. PrinreM Cbari" Au. e. If. 27. 7 Spft J- spt. -Aug. 10.20, - Aug. 3. 13 14 Ccinnrrtioni at Vanroorer with Canadian ParlHr Serf Tirkefs and Renratioru From" W. L. COATfcS. Gen;raI Ajent- prinre Raprt. B-c December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Go. Ltd. Prince Rupert, D.C. I