DALADIER ENDORSED PARIS Premier Daladler's plan to abandon the 40-hour week as an emergency measure in order to speed up naval and armament construction in view of the international situation was endorsed yesterday by the Popular Front party which called upon other parties to also support it. The dominating Socialist party Is, however, opposed and a seamen's strike is threatened if any attempt is made to carry the plan to conclusion. CONVENTION OPENS KELOWNA The provincial Liberal convention opened here this morning with delegates In attendance from all parts of the province. Hie Alaska Highway will be one of many important matters to be discussed by the convention. The resolutions committee is now in session. ITALO-JAPANESE FRIENDSHIP " HOME Another token of Halo-Japanese friendship came yesterday with the decoration of Premier Ilenito Mussolini with the Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, highest hontir in the gift of Japan for a foreigner. TOKYO PLANE CRASH TOKYO Two large airplanes, one a transport, crashed in mid-air over Tokyo yesterday and twenty-clght persons, perish rd. In the resulting disorder, 130 persons sustained injuries requiring: hospitar treatment. ' DEMOCRATIC RIFT WASHINGTON Posibility of a rift In the Democratic Party involving President Roosevelt and Postmaster-General James A. Farley appeared Wednesday night to hinge on the decision of Senator James 1'. Tope, Democrat, whether to run or not as an independent candidate In the November elections in Idaho. The New Deal senator, who was defeated by Representative I). Worth Clark in the recent Democrat primary, apparently, holds the key to a situation which may result in confirming whether M.r. Roosevelt and Farley have broken or are on the verge of a break. AGREEMENT WITH CHURCH VATICAN CITY The Observalorc Komano announced Wednesday night that the Fascist Party had agreed to permit its members to Join the Catholic Active Vatican Youth Organization as a result of the Vatican government agreement Saturday. MUTILATED HERSELF MERCED, CaL Mrs. Ola Irene Harwell, 26-ycar-old religious fanatic, obsessed with the idea that she had sinned, was in critical condition Wednesday from shock and loss of blood after she had gouged out her right eye with a pair of scissors and hacked off her left hand with an axe during family prayers Tuesday night. BANKER'S SON WEDS DUNDEE, 111. Guy Stillman, 19-year-old son of James A. Stillntan, once head of the National City Hank of New York, was married Wednesday to Miss Nancy Holbrook, 18, in a noon ceremony at St. James Episcopal Church. MILK MARKETING AGREEMENT ALI1ANY, NX Dairy farmers In seven states who supply New York City's fresh milk have voted more than four to one in favor of a Federal-State Milk Marketing agreement for the metropolitan area It was announced Wednesday. TO HELP NEW DEAL s HYDE PARK, N.Y. President Roosevelt on Wednesday for the second time this week discussed the critical Ohio political situation with Charles O. West, his Tormcr congressional contact-wan, and It was indicated later that West will Invade that slate o stump for hard-pressed New Deal candidates. DROWNED AT KILLARNEY KILLARNEY, Ireland Five English tourists were drowned Wednesday when a boat carrying a party of seventeen struck a bridge side and capsized while trying to shoot the rapids between the Upper and Lower Lakes of Klllarncy. REBELS SHOT DOWN HAUCELONA A government' war communique said today 'hat 33 insurgent planes were shot down in air battles over the Thro front during the past two days while Loyalists lost six. TELLS OF TAKU MINE One Hundred and Fifty Men Employed at Property Are, There are 900 men working regularly In the big Alaska-Juneau mine at Juneau and 150 men in the Taku Polaris mine at Tulsequah. As a result Juneau Is the best town a. ii i tt r on ine coast, accortung io n. n. I Shepard, pioneer of Juneau and ! representative of the Canadian Na VICTORIA, B.r ! PHONE (Joe Brown) 80Taxi TomorroW s Tides High ... ' 1. 1:30a.m. 22.8 ft. NIGHT SERVICE 13:58 22.2 ft. p.m. ,6 AT Courteous Driven Low 7:51 a.m. 1.1 ft. Plymouth) 20:11 2.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER p.m. w v PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS ort Day Is Centre Of Interest FINAL BULLETINS PARALYSIS IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Vancouver's first case of infantile paralysis in the present epidemic was reported yesterday, a small Point Grey boy being stricken. One other case Is receiving treatment here a Pender Harbor patient who has been kept alive in an iron lung for some weeks. A girl, who developed the malady in a summer resort, died on Monday. HUGE CROWD GREETS WORLD FLIERS IN NEW YORK Bearded and Weary, Hughes and Crew Land After Circling Globe in 91 Hours Its propellors still whirling slowly, the bis transp0rt monoplane World's Fair. 1939. In which Howard Hughes and four companions hurtled around the globe in 91 hours, rolls 16 a stop on the concrete apron at Floyd Bennet airfield, New York, while a rinr Prince Rupert Gives Itself Over To First atic Celebration; T Witli Superb Weather Prevailing, Holiday Atmosphere Pervades AH as Program of Harbor Events Continues Throughout Day With Grand Crowning Dance Tonight With warm, sparkling sunshine streaming forth from a cloudless sky, the glistening, dancing waters of Prince Rupert's spacious harbor form the setting today of the first annual Port Day to be held here. The waterfront is the gathering place for the majority of the people of the city as well as the many visitors who are in town for j th'e occasion. Much Interest Is be ing manifested in the various items on the nrngram of marine events and the whole celebration under-1 taking gives promise of being an unqualified success, even beyond the hopes of Its most cnthuslostic organizers. With a general holiday spirit prevailing, the proceedings commencec at 10:30 a.m. with a parade of decorated boats followed by a morning program of events consisting of salmon collectors' boat race, gear baiting contest, cruiser race, row- boat races and trailers race. Re suming after a luncheon intermission, the card continues this after- tional Railways at that town, who.n0qn with outboard motorboat race was in the city yesterday alter a trip to Seattle. Mr. Shepard has been there for 42 years and has been agent for the railway since the boats commenced to operate. Mr. Shepard sees great prospects at Tulsequah. He says they have a 175-foot vein of twenty dollar ore and, while he was there not very long ago, they cut Into another vein 35 feet across going $35 t0 the ton. The company buys all its sup plies in Canada and only Canadians are employed at the mine. They are a Tew minutes by airplane from Juneau. JAP BOATS ARE SEIZED Thirteen Picked Up For Fishing in Howe Sound Without Having Licenses t VANCOUVER, Aug. 25: (CP) halibut gear setting and hauling, sailboat race, native war canoe race, salmon gillnet casting and hauling, canoe race, dory race, Inboard speedboat race, surf board JERUSALEM, Aug. 25: (CP) J. S. Moffatt. assistant dls- trict commissioner of Pales- tine, died last night from five f bullet wounds received when gunmen invaded the district administrative headquarters at i- Jenln. Refugee Problem Causes Concern Switzerland Takes Exception Jews Rein Dumped There to LONDON, Aug. 25. George Rub lee, executive director of the Inter national Refugee Conference, visited Lord Halifax at the Foreign Office on Wednesday and was said to have discussed prospects of approaching, Chancellor Adolf Hitler to enlist German co-operation in the refugee plan. Meanwhile from Berne comes word that the Swiss government has decided to take swift steps to J control the now oi Jewisn retugees from Germany into the country. Protesting against the German government driving them into Switzer land, the Swiss government points out that it already has its own unemployment problem. f police and officials keep back the huge throng of welcomers. V reception as great as that accorded Col, Lindbergh on his return from Paris awaited the fliers on completion of a historic flight. Commissioner In Palestine .Assassinated IJAPS ON ADVANCE! Progress Towards Hankow is Re I newed Twelve Dead In Chinese Air Liner HONG KONG, Aug. 25: (CP) Air line officials said today that atj least twelve persons were killed yesterday as a result of a plane be ing forced down and machine-gun-1 ned by Japanese bombers between Canton and Macao. The drive on Hankow continues- and, with reinforcements, the, Jap Power Company In Costa Rica Expropriated SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Aug. 25. President Leon Cortes has approved a senate proposal for expropriation of properties of .the American-owned Electric Bond & Share Corporation, which serves San Jose, with light and power as well as street car service. The proposal climaxed a lengthy dispute between the government and the company over terms of a new operating franchise. Train Service ; Changing Soon Will Revert to Thrice a Week in Either Direction Next Week Next week trains on the local line of the Canadian National Railways will revert t0 falPand winter schedule of three trains a week In i each direction. The time table will jbe the same as last winter with (trains leaving Monday, Wednesday I and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock and arriving on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights at 11 o'clock. Today's Baseball American League Cleveland 2-3, New York 5-15. Chicago, 0-5, Boston 1-9. St. Louis 8, Philadelphia 5 (13 in nings). Second game St. Louis 1, Philadelphia 4 (seventh Inning). . Detroit 2, Washington 8. National League Philadelphia 2, Pittsburg 1. (Sec ond game Philadelphia 2, Pitts- anese appear to be making definite burg 1 In eleventh inning.) progress again toward the provis-, New York 7, St. Louis 4 (sixth ln-ional Chinese capital. nine). . Boston 6, Cinncinnati 4 (twelve LONDON GOLD PRICE Innings). Second game Boston 5, Cincinnati 0, end of fourth Inning.) LONDON, Aug. 25: (CP) The Brooklyn 2, Chicago 3. (Second London gold price was off lc, clos- game Chicago 4, Brooklyn 4, end Ing at $34.91 per fine ounce. of sixth Inning.) Totalitarian Stroke May Be Coming It Is Believed In London Suspicion is Held of Definite Connection Between Fresh International Complications Over Spanish Intervention and Czechoslovak Minority Negotiations riding and comical stunts. ll'IMUIli' JCdbUU .1 LONDON, August 25. Great Britain feared Wed- cuiminating feature of the day p . r j j nesday night that the resurgence of the Spanish crisis Hall hibitlon tonight when, with ' 1 1.1 11J L 1 1 1 J. L 1 L due ceremony. Miss Ida siatta win might coincide with some bold stroke by the totalitarian be crowned Miss Prince Rupert, Se,ners a"d Trap operators niyen hoc m Central Europe. Suspicion was strong in informed Queen of Port Day. Also at this 'oup,e 0Dysl7Jn KelT" .diplomatic quar quarters that there might be definite connec- Hanna will toba nlonA H a nrnenn n 1I4 ' -HV t tlon of prizes won in the marine sports. With an advance, saie miwuww. .;-'' of 1500 tickets for the dance, a- waawieBuureauoirisnwiwuuy-, ln allowed two-day extension in a monster attendance Is assured and it will be one of the biggest events traP "d seine fish!nS ln, ft1 of its kind staged ln Prince Rupert trict- thc sca,so" e"? tonW-ln : salmon run is holding up well and many a day. I the canneries are very busy here Port Day is going over with aijnst nnw. with the fishlntr s-a- bang ln Prince Rupert and, with all son ending, some of' the canneries conamons iavonng it, tne lnno-. wm be closing next week, vuuon appears io nave oecn luuy Justified ns a regular annual event. An interesting feature of the day WINNIPEG WHEAT SLUMPS- WINNIPEG, Aug. 25! (CP) Thirteen resident Japanese fishing! Is the presence in the city of the wheat prices dropped sharply yes- boats were seized in Howe Sound yesterday and the operators charged with fishing ln waters ln which they had no license to operate. Greenville Concert Band which ar rived this morning and is providing music which even further enlivens Continued on Page 3. terday, being down almost 3c. Oc tobcr dropped 2?sC to 64j8C"aftcr tions between the fresh International complications of Spain's little world war and the Czechoslovak minority negotiations. The refusal of the Spanish Nationalist leader, Generalissimo Francisco Franco, to give up his foreign volunteers in accordance with . the 27-nation withdrawal plan and Italy's frank admission that regular army men and officers have been sent to the Spanish battlefrant recently was the immediate worry of Prime Mln ister Neville Chamberlain. But beneath the dangers of Spain lay fears of some diversion move by Fuehrer Adolf Hitler in Central Eu- Ketchikan Mayor Home With Bride Reception at Home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hcckman in Chief Magistrate's Honor KETCHIKAN, Aug. 25. Mayor A. H. Zlegler returned to Ketchikan with his bride following a honeymoon trip to Seaside, Oregon, and Harrison Hot Springs, British Col umbia. There was a reception at having slipped llAc. o.n Tuesday jo I rope. Chamberlain conferred with(thc home ot Mr and Mrs Jt R 67&C - '-' ' (Continued on Page Three) Heckman.