You Have Foot Troubles, See Us FIf AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month . By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance .. By mail to all other countries, per year , rates Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per Insertion u' , DAILY EDITION Member of Audit ot Circulation! $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 .02 .25 Saturday, April 23, 1938 AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX til . . . it nas Deen suggested that Canadians have an info. lority complex, that they feel they are not as capable as'nonaid me people oi trie United States or rhp npnnlp nf n,aat ;Kinsior xiiuiii ana ior mat reason tJiey are lagging behind on the continent of North America. Discussing this subject "Le Jour" of Montreal says: "Not far from here is a nation which began about when Canada did. Canada had permanent settlements when New England was being founded. The area of the Dominion is greater than that of the United States. We! have more natural resources. Yet our vast Dominion is' sparsley populated; it is a debtor nation; it is split into jealous and squabbling factions. We are nobody among the peoples of the world; the Americans are a power Which must be taken into account by every race and government. Most, if not all, of our progress comes from them. What we have is ours because we imitate them, or because their most energetic and far-seeing men come among us and help us to develon ourselves. Wo rnw this. Our spinners of oratory tear their shirts and howl blue murder when they talk about it. Yet the fact remains that they lead and we follow. Why? Thev lead and c luiiuw uecause mey are looking lorward we are look mg backward. They aspire to be ancestors. We are n tent to be descendents. Thev want thPiV Philrimn v,0 - . . Viiivi wsi V7 kjs better educated, more comfortable, wiser, better citizens than themselves. They are building for the future. What was good enough for their fathers is a diving-board from which they leap to better thintrs. We Want our rhnrtrAn to speak with the accents our grandmothers used when they scarred us with ghost stories by the fireside, in candle-light. We think the 145,000,000 persons on this wealthy continent who have evolved and have profited by adapting their mode of life to the natural conditions of America have lessons to learn from 5,000,000 who have chosen to stand aside in poverty and ignorance, picking up crumbs under the table and criticizing the man who is slicing the loaf." WHAT ABOUT PRINCE RUPERT? Let us as a local community imitate "Le Jour" and ask ourselves in Prince Rupert why it is that we do not maKe better progress. Is it because as a result of circum stances we have developed an inferiority complex? Looking back we realize that we have made little progress in the quarter of a century as far as population is concerned. Possibly to some extent we should blanle ourselves for this . We have not that spirit of unity which helps some places make a place for themselves in the sun. We are told that something like a quarter of a century ago a section of the people wanted a new library. They arranged With the Carnegie Foundation to build it for them hut tho completed its play last night. Bill Schriaberg made the highest single score for Prince Rupert 558 comparing with 595 by Daniels for Ketchikan. Teamed with Nels G underson. Schriaberg also figured In the high doubles Prince Rupert but the scores not come up to the high doubles made by Daniels and Howard cf Ketchikan. The team totals and averages .for Prince Rupert were as follows: I First Team Schriaberg 2652 Ciccone . 2560 Gunderson 2538 Smith .'.2567 Morln 2611 Second Team Donald 2529 Klnslor 2479 Young 2429 StUes 2529 9.00 ! Asemissen .-. 2423 The Individual games: First Team 1 2 3 Schriaberg 558 515 523 Ciccone 499 Gunderson 551 Smith 522 Morln 515 Totals 509 430 502 516 430 480 498 526 4 554 519 514 522 541 175 168 165 5 502 523' .2645 2472 2457 2050 2004 Second Team 1 2 3 4 5 524 551 483 423 543 451 514 476 545 484 496 487 527 529 529 516 450 455 495 470 503 Totals .2457 2470 2522 2372 2563 Young played this game for Stiles. FEMININE- BASEBALL MAGNATE Mrs. "Dearie" Mulvey Sees All Games But Never Yells At NEW YORK April 23: (CP) She probably has seen more base ball games than any other living woman 2,200 straight running and a total away up in the thousands but the woman known to the baseball world as "Dearie" never has yelled in a ball park. "Pop always said, "don't talk too miifh nnH Ifppn vnnr purs nrwn.' ' Bookmakers lost about 40,000 SIGO.OCCi when Ajax and Maraud er won In the Newmarket Handi cap-Australian cup double at Mel- bookmaker laid 1000 An unofficial compilation of the!"- .. m fh WMrhiVnn.PrWn: -000 to 3 $32 against the two Rupert telegraphic bowling com- petition Indicates a victory for Ketchikan by a close margin of a little over three hundred points horses. on the aggregates. Ketchikan's 1928' nas en appointed captain total was 25,535 points and Prince .of Somerset county cricket club In Runerfs 25.217. Prince RuDeit England. He succeeds R. A. Ingle 493 Stiles 435 Paul 505 Asemissen 500 178 who led the team since 1932. for two did Germany defeated France 3-0 at Frankfort recently to chalk up Its second victory over the Frenchmen in 14 rugby matches between the countries. An orthopaedic surgeon from a London hospital and a masseur will accompany Davis Cup candidates to leading teniis tournaments and will oversee training. Dnp nf fhp lp.irilne- enlf .xtvllsts 171 1 early In the century, F. Mackenzie. 16Sis dead in Glasgow. lie played 171 J twice for Scotland against England In 1902-03. Convalescent treatment for at the Seamen's Hospital So- 1P2jciety in London will Include darts, 16,3 Indian clubs and other games. 162 in October. Caught by a single strand of tape around his neck at the starting 53iDost. Tickle came home first in the Goulburn City Handicap at Sydney, Australia. How the horse becam 5' ' entangled was not known. All English county cricket teams received 400 ($2,000) each from surplus funds of the Australia-New Zealand tour In 1936-37. Playing field societies also received grants. Alec Leaks, 66, who played In five soccer matches for England against Scotland, Ireland and Wales, died at Birmingham recently. He performed for Aston Villa and Throwing back his head to avoid a blow, Jack Fletcher was struck in the neck and had his windpipe dislocated in a boxing match at Sydney, Australia. He was instructed never to fight again. j K. O. Wagg, veteran doubles i champion, broke two racquets InJ his singles racquets championship match with J. W. Greenstock who won three games .to two in London, England. i i It wa? a family atlair when the Kneebone-Harrii cricket match was played off at Easter at Wang-aratta, Australia. E Kncebone, who has eight sons, challenged W. f;ald "Dearie," now 39, whose real,IIarris and hls faml'y 10 thc Bame name is Mrs. Marie McKeeverl Mulvey, a power In big-league baseball today as one-fourth owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers. She's always quiet and calm. She never talks at a game, never misses a play a real student of the sport who can quote records and who has been going to sDrlnc; Final Display Of Recreation Centre To Be Held Monday training camp and on the road Prince Rupert Recreation with the ball club since she was Centre final display is to be held 13. on Monday evening next. The pro- Four-and-a-half years ago, tall Jram will comprise demonstrates white-haired Judge McKcever, sit-1 of llle various activities of the ting out at Ebbets Field with his centre and is tentatively arranged silver-topped cane, decided to give as follows: Grand March, "O Can-: his daughter all his stock in th.i ada" chairman's remarks, short club. address, march off, fundamental It was no news to her when gymnastics, men; wand drill, girls; his will, filed recently, disclosed mat tumbling, "B" tt.en; parallel she was one-fourth owner. Sha bars- "A" men; vaulting, spring had been for four years. "I didn't board tumbling, girls; spring sell four years ago," she said, "so Doard tumbling "A" men; vault -why turn around and sell nov'.'nS "B" men; mat tumbling, "A"' No. I doubt if I ever will." .men; wrestling, boxing, "A" men; She's also an expert with horses. ' 'laming club swinging, pyramids, , She and her mother used to drive Birls; high bar. "A" men; fencing, together in Brooklyn and wer hl8h vaulting,' mixed; Grand, called "The McKeever Sisters.'' March, "God Save The King," j She worked the trotter Rosalind1 There will also be an exhibition all sprin.'r before Gibson White , dancing and weight lifting. citizens voted against it and later, when they wanted! drove Rosalind to victory several 1 what they formerly refused, thev were unable to pet it 'years ago in the Hambietonian is jailed That is the sort of thing that holds a community back. ITBut baseba11 Is her favorite sPrt-' . Thm'P urns n fi'mo V,n if ..,l j gets into your blood," sh- LONDON, nymnx, April 23: ' riI 7X i V l l';1 f, tu Kul 111 a said. "Pop was always crazy about times folks fool the doctors, re- power plant to seive the city but again the people were it. i do wish he'd lived ion,? marker Magistrate c. w. Hawk-divuled and, they voted against it with the result that enough to see the Dodgers win ar- shaw, as-he sentenced Donald say there was another setback. So we see other places going other Pennant " jlor. 3'- to is to 20 months for for- ahead because they have a sense of civic solidarity. y Thev' Y "X Ca at 84, F,7u.Ba.y,or had sald docUiTS had go after things and get them. Se " thC P"naul I fo d leM tha" tW yea" St. Mirren 1. Celtic 3, Falkirk 5, tfundec 0. f PAQ1 TWO TD DAILT NEWS Saturday. April SJ. i Men! If You Need Oxfords SEE US Our range of Men's Oxfords is exceptional! large. Latest styles and sized to fit every foot. Priced From $11.00 to $2.95 KETCHIKAN IS WINNfcK - I Defeated Prince Kupert By Some-I thing Over Three Hundred I Points in Telegraphic Series ;! SPORT THAT CELTS WIN SCOTTISH Hearts of Midlothian Defeat Glasgow Hangers and Will Finish in Second Place E. F. Lonerigg, who played fori hard race with Hearts of Mldlo- Cambridge University in 1927 and Uhlan fpr the honor. The Celts brought their point to- Division, scores: Hamilton Academicals 3, Clyde 1. Hearts 3, Rangers 2. St. Johnstone 3, Partick Thistle 1. Old Country Soccer English League, First Division Birmingham 0, Everton 3. Charlton Athletic 0. Manchester City 0. Chelsea 3, Derby County 0, , Orlmsby Town 1. Blackpool 0. Leeds United 4, Brentford 0. Liverpool 2, Bolton Wanderers 1. Middlesbrough 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 3. Portsmouth 1, Sunderland 0. Preston North End 1, Arsenal 3. Stoke City 1. Leicester City 2. West Bromwlch Albion 5, Hud-dersfield Town 1. BASEBALL SCORES National League New York 3, Brooklyn 2. Philadelphia - Boston postponed,! rain. i Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 7. St. Louis 6, Chicago 5. American League .Washington 0, New York 7. Boston - Philadelphia postponed, rain. Cleveland 4, Detroit 3, Chicago 4, St. Louis 3. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder mnd Kn(ie. Kfectri and Aootjlipi elding. SfMialUta n Sawmfll xl Mbdog Machinery. AO Tjp Caa KnliUa Kfaifd and OrrhaalL a V-dlaaaV REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchan Block PHONE CS8 LUMBER AT MILL ANYWAY ,6'lnch and 8-lnch Q1 0 Aft ; Shipian Untrimmed vXSaUU (CP) Some- No' 1 Common 2-incli Rough Cedar Plank For Prince Rupert Delivery Phone HILLMOR LTD. $18.00 Billmor Spruce Milk RECORD 0 F SOCCERISTS Islington Team Attracts Huge Crowds on Tour; Soon in Canada WINNIPEG, April 23: (CP) Is-lineton Corinthian soccer club j which Is on a world tour and will (Start Canadian matches at Vancouver May 7, has compiled a notable record since leaving home j Since leaving Great Britain (October the team has won 54 out 'of 73 games, tied 16 and lost three : , .They scored 174 goals against their GLASGOW. April 23: (CP)-Cel-opponents. 26 i tic won the Scottish Football Lea- Tnls rccoro- is remarkable as igue championship loaay auer a tney nave orten piayed five or s'xj games a week on all types of. pitch and in many different climates, i tal to fifty-seven by defeating St. i Four garnes in India drew 200,000 Mirren three to one at Paisley. spectators and at Chlttagong at- The Edinburgh squad" overcame tendance was 77,000. j the Rangers three to two but were two of Corinthian's tie games left three points below the Celts, jwere played on the Malay Penln-' Each team has one game left to sula where they engaged In 10 ex-close the schedule. Ihibitions against strong naval and Today's Scottish League. First military teams. The eleven games to be playtd In Canada are as follows: Vancouver, May 7; Nanairr.o May 9: Victoria, May 11: Calgary (May 14; Edmonton, May 16; Saskatoon, May 18: Reglna. May 19; Winnipeg, May 21: Fort William, hbdsonSbm ' (Be&t filocuAtiUc. SCOTCH WHISKY ThU ndwttaenirtnt U nst publish or displayed by fch Liquor Cc.:ral Board or by tive Oc ferrjnmt of Tnhe-Up For Sprint! May 23: Toronto, May 25, and1 T . O Montreal, May 27. (Oil I OUl Vai CUP FINAL GAME TIE East Fife and Kilmarnock Play to One-All Draw Will Meet Again Next Wednesday GLASGOW, Arrll 23: (CP) Kilmarnock and Cast Fife played to a one-all tie in the Scottish Football Cup final before a crowd of nearly 100,000 spectators today. Both goals were scored In SNAP POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtub, Washbasin, Window, end Mirrors. Cannot scratch. I i I the fll-st half, Mi Lend making the counter for Fast Fife arid MeAvoy for the Klllies. The teahis will replay on Hie same ground next Wednesday. FISH CATCHES UP KINGSVILLE. Out.. April 23: (CP) Despite Rood fish ruhs In more northern lakes, fishermen on Lake Erie declare the average catches this spring are decldldly' below those of other years. i Winter Has Been Hard. . . . harder than you think! The strain of cold stam, sklddy roads, and uncertain weather has pulled taaaj parts out of adjustment Now is the time to flash away the winter -worn u and sluggish water system adjust wheels and brass tune Up the motor Tab advantage of our sped. Talc 1 UL wmrLoiu - spectlon, clean up a u tune-op and be sure i trouble-free cprlnj dririnv nmr i i if ATAflP General Motor Uearrs 3rd Avenue Phor. 55 "Service With i Smile"' Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Pood Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Wwm The Seirlce Friendit The Rates Are Reasoniblt KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. BrneU GARDEN SUPPLIES Fertilizer Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds Lawn Seeds Poultry Netting , Lawn Mowers Garden Tools THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE FOlt COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAX 2 NEW CARS ON CAU, liAY and NIGHT The Central Hotel ROOMS And CAFB Phone 61 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK riione Fi'esh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIUV PHONE 657 If you lose anything, advertise for it.