Saturday. April 23, 1838 Women Of Mdosfe Have Card Party Fourth Avenue rs, 1.1 aitnc Kitjoyable Affair Women bf the Moose held a v o j &n PnJui ty last night at the home of Mrs. Chrlstensen, 124 Poiirlh AV-enue 11 K East some thirty ladies be present. The prize wlnneu r ere Mrs Bam llougah at bridge and Mrs Hugh smith at whist. Delicious refreshments wert served. Mrs Christiansen Was assisted by Mrs Chris Wilson. dance is enjoyable a very eiijoyable dance was held by the Serehaders' Orchestra lh the Oddfellows Hall last night. About or.e hundred persons were in at tendance and dancing was m proves from iu P-m- utl1 2a m- Hotel Arrivals. Kimx M;nu Strand and Den Kirk, Vancouver Prince Rupert V A Rollins. It P Cahlll, 0. A. . .. . 1 1 A DcnneiC L A. nargrave ana a. u. ClHED FOUND- Pair of pliers Third Av enue Owner can have them on paying for advertisement. t.f. FOR SALE FOR SALE The White Apartments ith Avenue near McBride: com- nlptp in pxMllent rnrirMtlnh: i- ;on. ',ructed; central; well-rent- J tonight ed: ex :e lent tenants; economi-fi future commercial site. Com-uwa and good self-'man-aged income property, Reasonably-priced for quick sale for Cash or substantial payment, considering revenue possibilities. Address 139 4th Ave. E.; P.O. Box 399: phone 427. Mrs. Mary A. 0B White or brokers. WORK WANTED WOMAN wishes work by hour. Box 17. Dally News. (96) FOR RENT FURNISHED house, near hospital. Piano, radio, etc. Call Red 785 Vacant May l. (95) Fpit SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Comfortable house at Seal Cove, four rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, shed arid garage Good deal for steady ten- jnt, Phone Don Passmore. (06) PERSONAL MEN! BEWARE LOW VITALITY If taslly exhausted. Try New OSTr "t-A Tonic of raw oyster lnvlgor ators and other stimulants. Get vlm, vigor, vitality. If not delighted maker refunds price, $1.25. Jjold by all good drug stores. . tf PRIVATE HOME KINDERGARTENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. tf WJHAVE HELPED HUNDREDS T0 OBTAIN nnqitlnna as Let er Carriers, postal Clerks, Cus- ""ns Lxamlhers, Clerks, and -""Kiaiiners, etc., ana can helP you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. fcnools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldeat jn tanada. If LOST "JtT. -Brown purse. Initial M., be-l"een ocean Dock and Ore "impung Plant, Please leave at u"y News. t.f, Xnli... - . I'ANII ACT intention to apply to irat T - . 1.HIX1 On t- W..1WM WIM - MUma p ny hlantt on !(W Ion CampbeU Island, occupa- or 1Mlt to WPly tot a . OjomV,1?, blowing drHeU laaKta:-1 north a iDoat DLarUwd on rr corner or iwie aauuierii "with- 7k2t1 CoTe thv( alt cMln " ohnilr11 tWe'v ChatoB at thru.e "fUia north! rt.hjnu-.. hinlu nhnlnji eintii!..Palil,,i 01 conurwcioniient and nor p ' ffflid oTuo-auartrr bctm. W leu. titrt "M FRANCIS UARTIN 'a February Obh, 1038. I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Weather Forecast (Furnished through th courtesy of the Dominion Xfeorolojlcal Bureau at Victoria ana rnnce Rupert. This forecast In compiled from observation t-kn at S a.m. today and covers the 3." hour period (tiding S pjn. tomorrow A depression seems to be centred off Vancouver Island. Showers have occurred in southern British Columbia and It is cold In the north. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to fresh westerly winds, part cloudy, becoming rather cold. West Coast of Vancouver island-Fresh east and north winds, be coming cooler, probably with rain Smithers Hoop Players Given Party Thursday MlsS Margaret Mussallem entertained Thursday night at her home oh Fourth Avenue East In honor of the visiting Smithers High School girls' and boys' basketball teams, the Jolly party started after the feames that night and continued Until 2 a.m. Delicious refreshments were served. WAR LORI1 (Continued from Page One) benerat Werner vbn Bldmberg ft War minister tnid placed Keltal n- unreme command. Aside from his army duties Keltal seems happiest when will, his wife, three sorts and tu- daughters. All are ?rown up; ont son, ah army. Officer, recently announced his engagement to von Blomberg's youngest oaugnier. KMtal is said to be a voracious reader, but chiefly of works deal hig with the mechanical sme oi warfare. Like many Oermans he likes music. 28. Announcements All advertisements in this col-nmn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Prince Rupert Operatic Society present the "Pirates of Penzance , -Capitol Theatre, Apru n 28. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass's April Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakie's, May 6. United Sale, May 8. A Y. P. Ai Variety Entertain ment May 6. St. Peter's Bazaar. May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13, Eastern Mi Maytime Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus , May 17. Canadian Legion Tea May 18. " lonienrs train fim. tv, inn rifa AnA. i i i "cjjaiuucnu ixaa a cau a n tol. ... . imperial Oil Co., returned to the on Taytar Street. No damage was city this week from a business trip done. to Vancouver. 7TT ' 11115 ANNUAL MEETING of the , . i Hi.. A. P. u Allison, Queen Charlotte Is- Navy League of Canada, P. R. and log&lhg operator, arrived in Branch, will be held at R.C.N.V.R. t tl B if 1 4 V n V A tlrln am... 1 J.1.IJ. 1 ;"r, v"' " .:, nueiame neaaquarters on Tuesday, April otner island points on official dut- taia tomorrow evening. ies. A; L. McConnell, travelling auditor for the Canadian Pacific Railway, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide last evening from Vancouver. He Is here on of ficial business and will sail on the!and Mrs. Stanley Brooks. Princess Louise tomorrow morning to make the round trip to Skagway. Mrs. T. P. Smith of Burns Lake and her two sons, Thomas and Kenneth, have been spending the Easter vacation in Prince Rupct as the guests or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrathall and at Terrace with Mr. Frank Gale and two daughters and son sailed lost night on the Prince John for Queen Charlotte City where he will go Into business. For years Mr. Gale has been located at Southbank on Francois Lake. Mrs. Gale and other mem bers of the family left for Queen Charlotte a couple of weeks ago. MARRY AND LIVE LONG King Hears of Many More Diamond Weddings Than In Other Years LONDON, April 24: (CP) About 745 couples celebrated diamond weddings (COth anniversary ) last year in the United Kingdom am. 112 nen and women joined the ranks of the centenarians. . Ten couples in England celebra ted their ruby wedding (70th an nlversary) and 14 couples in the Dominions had diamond wedding celebrations, making a total of 76? marriages that have lasted 6C years or more. Ten years ago thf total number of diamond wedding' was 181 and the total number of centenarians was 67. These figures have been worker! out not from Insurance statistics but from the records of messages of congratulations sent by the King and Queen. Actual anniversaries probably totalled more, but these were the numbers sertt tc the Palace. Every year hundreds of requests for these messages reach Bucking ham Palace. Before the royal con rapidly, but highest nonors cm be scnt d(jcumeh when Hitler ousted Field Marshal . t . VUl vww - - rinfprl and every year a numoe? it crises cannot be checked. Last year 20 centenarian claims and 63 wedding anniversary claims failed Figures going back to 1920 Indicate either, that longevity and last Ing marriages are on the increase or that more people wish to receive messages frdm the King and Queen, because from 1920 to 1920 inclusive, only 552 messages le.':-than 100 a year were sent on diamond wedding anniversaries and only 245 an average of 35 a year I to centenarians. 93 YJCARS TltkltE BRANTFOltD. Oi1t., April 23: (CP) Pioneer resident of "Maple Grove, near here, hiving lived there all her life, Mrs. Mario Grantham, 93, died leaving tour child ren. 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. itE-ROUTE HIGliWAY TORONTO, April 23: (CP) Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Ontario minisier of highways, Is proceeding with plans for re-routing No. 2 trans-province highway running from Quebec border to Ontario-Michigan border waters. PERCH RUNNING TORONTO, April 23: (CP) Fish, particularly perch, are running heavy in Lake Simcoe and rivers flowing into it, following early disappearance of ice. I'lRED FROM GRASS MEAFORD. Ont.. April' 23: (CP) In the path of a grass fire and. frustrating efforts of a, large buck- et-brlgade, the barns and house of j F Doran, five miles from here, vfcro destroyed In an April blaze, ' TH2 DAILY PAOE THBW Pay Full Wages In Confinement . . East at 11 n'rUnv ..t Employers Oeorge Dybhavn sailed last niofc, " u ti, ... . J ." " nB 10 De running on me nunc uim lor u business time 1 In German ThuringLi Concede To Expectant Mothers Man in the Moon Next week don't forget shave occasionally and to bru!h , casionally and receive a shine. Mr.: "I wish you would quit driving from the back seat." Mrs.: "I will when you quit cook-' ing from the dining-room table." i Mother: "Clara, what are you doing with all that . jam on your Hps? What woUld yon say if you , saw me looking like that?" . "I'd think you were going to a dance, mummy." .,,t, . 1 A man went wearily lntd a barber's shop and slumped Into a chair. "Gime me a shave,'' he said. The barber told him, that he was too far down in the chair for a shave. "Ail right," said the customer wearily, "give me a haircut." A Voluble man was giving evi dence in an important law case.; and the reporters "were having" a difficult time. The more they ex erted thenlselves, the faster he went. They had about reached the point of exhaustion when he suddenly turned to them and shouted. "Not so fasti Not so fast! Don't write so fast .How, do you think I can keep up with you? " PHONE RED. 60S. Factory Owner Is Labor Head Egyptian Sock Maker Starts Party To Boost independence CAIRO, Egypt, April 23: (CP front has been Reuters) Mahmoud Abdell Rah- campaignlng in Thuringla to get man Korra Effendi, owner of a wage concessions for women work- small sock factory in Cairo, has ers who are expecting to becorie- announced formation of an Egyp-mothers. More than. 500 employers tian Labor party under his leader- of labor in this-district have now, ship. announced the following; concessions: -Six weeks before the expected months of the pregnancy an ex pectant mother may only be given The new party has an executive of 52. Its first aim as shown In Its 20-polnt program Just lisued Is "to last evening from Vancouver and 26th at To P rn All lntereated Trl , "T"1- t sno"'a secure the independence of the Nile sailed later on the Prince John for welcome ' .o Si! JSJSL-Z S,BieJ Valley, from its source to the Med- his camp 'at Curhshewa Inlet. " Local school teachers, who have Sergeant Ernest Gammon, pro- been attending thv Easter conven-vlhclal police, sailed last night on tion of the British Columbia the Prince John for a trip to Mas-1 Teachers' Federation In Victoria sett, Queen Charlotte City, and (will return to the city (n the Ca- sence me employer win pay ium upi.rannn " wages; and during the last fourj it rrroclalms its alleeiance to the present monarchy and the const! tutlon and proposes that the Sudan light work to do, but she must be;shou,d be represented in Egypt's Dald her usual weekly waee. ! .. . .. ... , ; parliament, ine pariy ,avui tum-ipulsory two-year military service. is clean-up week so lr a'! while an income tax and bachelor tak would be imposed. Freedom of the press would be guaranteed and to take a bath, to ' free education would be obtained immigration into Egypt would not' be allowed, while foreigners al I ready in the country would not be I allowed to acquire and possess real Jake says he thinks it would I Property. be a good thing to clean up some I beve' auempvs w -ot bor party In Egypt In recent years. the language one hears at tho favorite lounging places. nave provea iruuiess. We'll start to pTck'up cans AIRPORT SHAPING UP, And ugly pots and pans TORONTO. April 23: (CP) It And make the place as decent as has been announced Maltbn air- we can iport. near Toronto, will be ready We'll all sweep the backyard f0r Trans-Canada Airlines July 1, clean i runways now being ready for pave- Keep from being mad or mean merit. And be a patriotic kind of man. . Music Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS " Practical- Jun'hd July rWy- Jun 9th, 10th and 11th ' AppKcttiont and fM u Mich Ihm Conwrvatory not latrf -bmm MAY 1st, 193 1J5 College Street, Toronto Holiday Camp Mrs, Dunn Announces That Her SANGAN RlVER HOLIDAY CAMP Neir Massett, (J.C.i.. is open for visitors iaiitl advises early booking. GRADE A MILK fiivc Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily Our niilk is produced twice daily from; our own Gov-di-nmeht tested' coVs. ,v DOMINION DAIRY NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor A Ht)ME AWAY FROM nOME" Rate $1.00 nf SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 1M Cheaper Feed Having a surplus oi Bulkley Valley wheat It is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS , J will come to your home tvery day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Ah Internmlhtat Diilf Ktwpaptr It rtcor4i (or ou lie Horld'i lin. eonitrnctlra aolntiTJ Monitor I doei not fiplolt crime or enitlon: neither don it ignori them, but deala correctiviij with thm. rfUnrn for butr nen nd U the lemllr. includlnt the Weekly Mme Bectloo. The Chrletlen aVlence Fubllihlnf 8olety I Ont, Nor atreet, Botton. MaMeehusette Pleeie enter mr tubaertptlon to The Chrletlaa Science Monitor fit a period ot lyeerHM Jmonthitl Bd 3 thonthl J. . . 1 month 1 Wedneidai luul, Includlnt Matilne Section: rear MH, I lartee IM fame - i... , , . Addreii - 1 .1 CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Kev. J. C. Jackson, Minister Miss S. Olafson, A.T.CM., Organist Miss S. Olafson. Director Junior Choir Mr. J. S Wilson, Director Senior Choir 11:00 a.m. Subject "I Believe That Everyone Has a Right To Be Happy" 7:30 p.m. A pageant will be presented entitled The Easter Message," by the membsrs of the Sunday School. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Rexall Soap Special Three Cakes of Soap and One I'ottle Cashmere Bouquet Perfume Try Mi 31 Tooth Paste All for Small tube .. 25c 20c Cold and Vanishing Creams Ormes 2-oz. Jars A. S. A. Tablets Vial of 30 five-grain tablets Do not harm the heart. 25c 25c Ormes Ltd. "Jfifi Pioneer Druqgists The teiW Store Phones: 81 & tx j, Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 o.m, 7 p.m. till S p.m. C0NG0LEUM CONTEST WEEK Call at our store and place your guess on the hidden number. The correct guess or the closest td it receives a Congoleum rug, 6x9, Free. This is given away by the Congoleum Co. Ltd. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince tiu0fett fdr Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDEnA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 Due Vancouver, Thuts. a.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If tonrenlent picas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ate. Phone 568 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whqle district are doing the same.