faqi reran nu DAiLT kiwi WHIFFLETS From th Waterfront Alter caving Deen moored at the ocean dock since her arrival yesterday morning, the Alaska Steamship Co.'s liner Baranoff. here to hTe a r.r" propellor blade installed alter ha Tin? lost one while on her vay to Alaska on Monday, mored up to the dry dock at It o'clock thif morning and was im mediately taken on the pontoons. It is expected she will be able to proceed by tomorrow In continuation of her interrupted voyage to Western Alaska. The Baranotf has 152 passengers on board. They art destined for Seward and other westward points. Word was received at the local Indian Office today of the saf? arrival at Alert Bay yesterday of the departmental cruiser Nas ,keena which is being taken to Vancouver for installation of a new engine. On board are Indian Agent W. E. Colllson, Dominion Constable A. J. Watklnson and engineer Tom Mcorehouse. C. N. R. steamer Prince George Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Occar. Falls. The vessel sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart and, on return here tomorrow evening from the north iwill be withdrawn from service t enter local dry dock for annual overhaul. The steamer Prince Rupert, coming out of the dry dock today after her annual overhaul will go back into service with the scheduled sailing for Vancouver tomorrow m&nt. HAK SILVER NEW YORK: LP) -Bar silver was unchanged at 41ic ppr fine ft'incc on the New York me al market today We Want Your Money You Want Our Goods Buy Now at These Low Prices Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs All Hugs Perfect and Unwrapped in Original Cartons 71x9 9x101 G51 PHONES C52 9x12 6.50 9.00 10.50 Beds 1 Reds complete with Cable Spring and Cotton Felt .Mattress. Sizes 39-inch, 18-inch, 51-inch. $24.50 Bedroom Suite 3-picce Hirch Walnut Redroom Suite Red, Dressers Chcffonicr $65.00 WK SELL ONLY FOR CASH Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ELIO'S Phone GREEN 916 THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT Don't let the cold, aus- Wcresaessort tere, month of February Wf f annoy you. tAebest- co&f 6uri lliiv a inn nf in m1 we're selling and send MjtiV " winter on his way. iskwi .,,1..,: KTyiCOaiX mm NANALMO IJULKLEY VALLEY-FOOTHILLS PH1LP0TT EV1TT & CO. LTD. i z.zr 1 I District News i. i TRIBUTE TO DR. WRINCH Resolution Is Passed Br Natives ol Kitiecukla KITZEGUKLA. Feb. 16: At the Kltzegukla United Church the following resolution was passed regarding the work oi Dr. Leonard B. Wrinch, medical superintendent ot Hazelton Hospital who Is lea ring Hazelton at the end of the month. "It Is with the deepest regret that i we. the native people of Kitzegukla i leam of the resignation of our local doctor. Dr. L. B. Wrinch. We feel i that his departure from our district j will mean the breaking up of a long .line of useful Christian seruce as well as the closing of a faithful ministry of healing. No one real izes more than the Indian people what a debt this district owes to the Wrinch family. "We had hoped that for a life time perhaps. Dr. Wrinch would have carried on the work begun by his revered father. "During his work among us, Dr. Wrinch has made a deep and very favorable impression upon our people. While he Is different than his father, he has his own particular attractions. Through these he has won the respect and confidence of our people in a remarkable way. "For many years he has been our loctor and, since his appointment c the position of superintendent bout a year and a half ago, has :arried on the policy adopted by hl ather. Whenever any Indian attends the hospital he Is welcomed ind received with courtesy, wheth er he Is there as a visitor or patient. We the natives of Kltzegukla Reserve, wish to assure Dr. L. B. Wrinch that his services have been appreciated and we wish him every uccess In his new field of service. BURNS LAKE Earl Gerow. formerly of the For-2st Branch Service at Burns. Lake, after spendlng'kix months at Van couver, has proceeded to Winnipeg where he will be employed by the rransCanada. Fred Bach has returned from a hurried business trip to Vancouver, travelling the seven hundred miles each w ay by truck. TIpv Prank Rushfleld. United Church pastor here, was in Prince Oeorge last week attending semiannual meetings of the Cariboo Presbytery of the United Church or Canada. O. Blckle returned recently from a trip to Prince Rupert with a car load of beef cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Hazcn Long and daughter, Ethel, of Francois Lake returned home last week from a trip to Vancouver. Nearly Gouged His Eye Out Rabih Dieter of Smithers District Ha Serious Accident With Ski Pole SMITHERS, Feb. 16: A serious accident befel Ralph Dieter o! Driftwood while he was skiing In . I . ..i i I r.a. traw nftn. fall In such a manner that the end of one of his ski poles caught him In the right eye, almost gouc-lng It out and making a deep cut over the eye. He was rushed to Smithers Hospital by car where he was given immediate attention and is now doing as well as can be expected. It Is thought that th? eye mltrht be saved without any still too soon to know definitely. Mr. Dieter Is a young man about 22 years of age and was raised in the Bulkley Valley where he has many friends who will regret to hear of his accident. ALLIGATOR IN SCHOOL CHATHAM, Ont.. Feb. 16: (CP) the principal's radiator warm enough to roam till it's Paralysis Ban At Topley Has Been Taken Up The infantile paralysis quarantine at Topley in the Bulkley Val ey lias now been lifted from the homes of the two young patients and no new cases have been r; oorted. The little girl of four has no paralysis although her condi tion is weakened. The boy of el even has a slight paralysis on the left side which it is expected wiL be corrected by treatment. The lad will be leaving Smithers Hospital soon for his home in Topley. Body Of Smithers Man Comes Home Funeral of Late John A. .MacDonald To Take Place Tomorrow SMITHERS. Feb. 16: The body DUNNE AND Address Given To SCOTT HERE!Local Sea Cadets "High. Wide and Handsome," Touchinj Romance, Mid-Week j Feature at Capitol Theatre Early days of the American oil industry form the background for a touching love story. "High, Wide and Handsome." starring Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott, which comes as the mid-week feature of fering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. The romance Is motivated throughout by oil which brings the couple together, almost smashes their love and finally re of the late John A. MacDonald of demonitrate her along thLs r irom Prince George The mppolXlnz cast Includes vhere he died on Sunday. Ri.rmnr.rf wai!,rr, AHm Tv,mir. Hb brother. Hugh MacDonald of off nteabetti Patierson, wimam Borden, Sask will arrive In Smlth- ;rs on Thursday and the funeral will be held from the Catholic Church that afternoon. The Canadian Legion will have :harge of the funeral and inter- r.entwni be made in the Legion h cemetery. Salvation Army Congress Held Kitzegukla, Dela'ation Take Tart In Hazelton Meeting i KITZEGUKLA. Feb. 1C: Sunday and Monday the kltzegukla United Church choir accepted an invitation from Adjutant Halvorscn of the Hazelton Salvatiort Army to Join in the winter congress. John Smith was host. On Sunday there was a reception service In the United Church and a large nu'rhber of young people as well as older ones Joined in "Confession of Faith." During the afternoon a special 'service was held for the election of officers. A number of changes were I made. Four of the older members Iwerc retained on the church committee to which four men were ad-jded. It was felt that the enthusi-jasm and inspiration of youth were needed. Walter D. Wesley, Peter Brown, W. D. Milton and Edward Wesley were the new additions. TERRACE Mrs. E. Cole left on. Saturday's train for Prince Rupert where she will visit with Mrs. J. Stewart. Mrs. H. M. Wilson left on day for a trip to Vancouver. KITSEGUKLA Peter Mark has been re-elected the president of the Epworth League. He has held this office for many years. A change was made, In the superintendent - - of the choir. me unitwouu area ouuuuj aia;-i j noon. He had the misfortune to j Sam Wesley replaces Ed. Wesley J Other minor changes were also made. The organist, Walter Wesley. I was re-elected with his brother as! assistant. After five months in the Hazel ton Hospital, Mrs, J. II. Johnson Is home again with her family. ' All Kltzegukla men and some of impairment of vision but It is tneir lamines are now away m ine logging camps. The logging Indus try Is thriving among the Indian people. (iOKS AWAY BACK ST. CATHARINES, Ont., Feb. 16: (CP) Meadows Sharp of this town hag a copper disc commemorating The latest pet-mascot of one ot the opening of the first bridge at Niag-schools here Is a six-Inch alligator, ura Falls, In I860, by Edward VII, ; from Florida, boasting the name of then Prince of Wales. This bridge largo and touting himself beside preceded the steel arch structure which collapsed In the lee crush of 1938. Lieut. Commander R. Durke Visits Naval Headquarters and is Pleased With Unit Last night at the weekly instructions of the local Sea Cadets. Lieut Commander R. Burke. V.C DJS.O., R.N.V.R., one of the heroes of the Dover Patrol during the Great War. was Introduced to the cadets by Lieut. Geo. K. Greenwooa DS.O., commanding that unit, and who .Kam tu.n..nn. nirth:had served overseas in the same , j , , , Ti.,.t ram part of a spirited young carnival n l"c - toger while Scott is a Med -willed vania. Scott has a fight with Charles Bkkford over Miss Dunne and they are married. Then he strikes oil and the birth of his new business forces him away from his young wife to whom he becomes almost a stranger. Neglected Miss Dunne runs off to sing in a camlval but at the nne of, tha made UP the 1 e also showed again and find some color and ga-, un"; lety in life. Scott runs Into dlffl- kcen mterest whUe .A"gUi' M.cDuon" ald the cadets how-Dunne was Instructing of which culties upon hearing Miss to aPPly "rst aid ta the taJured-climax goes to his rescue. A happy ensues with the couple fac- . ing life again side by side. The entire story is Interwoven with music and Miss Dunne Is given ample opportunity once again to Frawley. Lucien Littlefield, Dorothy Lamour and Alan Hale. FLORIDA IN CANADA ' NEVBORO, Ont.. Feb. 16: (CP! ; here but they are growing in a conservatory' mander Burke. After inspecting the cadets he addressed them for a few minutes in a very Interesting manner on the work done by the Navy League, not only in Canada but in Australia and New Zealand. He expressed him self as greatly surprised not only at the smartness and appearance WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bd in the Morninf Rtrin'to Co Th liver S .'d pour twu lK.und of liquid bU intu "ur bcwi-t daUj. If thb bile ia not flowini f rl . i-ur fid duna'tdicnt It jnt d-car ia tb buwrli. Ga bluaU up Mirttonarh. Yoa (HrnxliralH. Harmful polaoni ko Into tb bud. and joa fcrl auor, uBk and the world looka puak. Ann bowH motrrara t dumi't alw a yt trt at tbraa. You need auinrtbiac tbat work oa Om Urrr aa wrll. It Ukra tbuar Kuud. old firvr'i Link Livr Pilla to rrt ibre two Posada of bikr Bowioc frrrly and make you frH"up aad up". Harmkaa aad (rotlr. thrr make thr bile flow freriy. Tbfy do tbr work nf calumrl but bare do ealomi or mrrunr f n tkrm. Aik for Cartrr'a Uttl IJrrr rill. U aamt I StubbersJ rtiuac inrUiiBi clac Sic PROOF of MERIT By actual count of circulation the following selections head the list of books people are. reading and enjoying most. IN TORONTO IN THE U.S. The Citadel. v The Citadel. Turning Wheels. Northwest Passage. Northwest Passage. And So Victoria. And So Victoria. ' The Rains Came. Enchanters Nightshade. Enchanters Nightshade. Gone With The Wind. Katrina. Katrlna. The Turning Wheels. In PKINCE KUPLRT YOU can read ALL of these Leading Hooks Without exception they arc In our Rental Library. Read them for tlit nominal sum of "3c per month and read also many other leading books right from the publishers. Additions for February include tbe following Europa In Limbo Briffault Chinese River Van Dyke The Mother . Asch Truth To Tell Rosman The Lenient God .:; Jacob One Life, One Kopek , Duranty Oleander River Stearn JOIN NOW Rental Library Section HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. I'rincc Kupcrt, B.C. Wednesday. February 16, TONIGHT and THURSDAY Two Shows At :00 and 9:; Irene Dunne IN "High, Wide and Handsome" With Randolph Scott, Dorothy Lamour (At 7:21 and 9 U) Technicolor Specialty TOP-EYE AND ALI I5AK.V Prices of Raw Furs Up 30 Ship Your Goods To GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable And He Sure To Get The 30 per cent for Yourself Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House. Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Itrasrl) N. M. BrasfU THE SEAL r QUALITY mm 8 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only aalmoo canning company with an U the year round payroll l" Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZarelU Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" IUte. $1.00 up oO Rooms Hot Cold Watef Prince Rupjrt, B C rhone 281 P.O. Bo IM COAL to i-i.msr. i;vr.KVi!" Satisfaction auorentow I'aiiiuin IUIkoii Allcrtft CWl lliilklry Vallry Coal Vmuouvrr Ixlanil l""1 . Prince Rupert Feed f'fttmiunf Reach the moax pcop'e ,u and district with m. Htfvertiflcffi' ln the Dally Hcwi.