4- If You are in Need of Rubber FOOTWEAR )Ve carry the most complete stock in Northern British Columbia. Agents for Gutta percha; and'other leading makes. AMILY SHOE STORE LT0. fcjDAILY EDITION The Home of Good Shoes DAILY NEWS. PRINCfc RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA I Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert f Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. P PULL EN ... Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATLS City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In ad va tee . Paid lh advance, per week 'Paid in advance; per month "ZZI!Z"ZI"" 7 By 'mail to' all 'parts' of British Columbia, trie British "implreand United States, yearly period, paid in advahce ;.. : By niall 'to all other countries; per year' ADVERTISING RATES 'a'dTitrtlslng, per word, per insertion iocai reaaersr per line; per insertion Advertising and' Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit' Bureau or Circulations 9 86 $5.C0 .12 .50 3.00 9.0C .02 .25 Monday, January 3, 193a WELL RECEIVED The announcement of the appointment of W. J. As-. selstine, member for Atlin, to have charge of the portfolios of miiiihg arid trade and industry in the provincial government' is being' well received throughout the province. It is pointed out that this is the the first time a prac-tical mining man has occupied the position of minister of mines arid the riew position recently created should also " rrjake- d good start undfcr such a vigorous and capable RADIO RECEPTION There is almost general protest being made around the city at the terrible radio' reception during the past weeks. It' was particularly marked during the cold snap ,i NM OF THE MINES Important Mining- Deal at Stcrwarthogging Com pany (Joes Into MirtihPremier HhV rwnP 'PnV TUP I lllmirnll .nbmnaui nnri ! n m. .iBv I recent visitor td-Stewart;- Mi. -sn'ellincr. wnib c6me's f rorfi w Haahtl, he had visited the Dun-well mill and, found everything to be in satisfactory- coh'ditfoh ' Ills visit at this time to Stewart was to' make sure that everything In and about' the Welldun Company plant was protected for winter. The Kelley Logging Co. of the' Queen' Charlotte Islands' has branched put lrito'the mining business lq the Omineca district north of Vanderhoof as operators of the Torn Creek Placers. They ara mak- tions, etc. In an excellent manner, each item being well received and applauded. The program: Address by Rev. B: Sheaiman. "O Canada," all scholars. "Sleigh Song," by juniors. Recitation by Hannah" Johnson. "Empire Song," all scholars. Recitation by Judith Morgan. "Good Morning, Merry Sunshine," by juniors. "Canadian Boat Song," by senlors.' Recitation" by Hazel Stafford. , "Christmas Cradle Song," all scholars. "Nursery Rhymes," ten juniors. "Good King Wehceslas," all Recitation by Mazeri Harris. ...o, nvs cUUlu ncaiu uuw u,e iiuibe . ships Sailing In Song," all made by various electric gadgets around the city. One scholars. person remarked that for four days running he heardi Recitation by Lily itartia. nothing but the local station, even late at nitrht the local' "Soldier song," by Yvonne rwasH noises continuing with unabated Vigor. The condition from the point of view of the radio fan was-unbearable. We have a great deal of sympathy with the protesters. Those who pay a license for the right to listen to radio broadcasts should get at least a measure of protection, scholars. against those who use noisy gadgets, especially during the holiday season. burn, Leonard Bright and Judy Morgan. "National Song," four senior' girls1. Recitations' byseven" senior? girls. "Good Night to 'You1 All," by all National Anthem.: A loud knocking was Heard at the outer door and in came Santa . , " Claus. Clapping and cheering ac- PRINCE RUPERT BENEFITS ' eompanled Santa to the well-laderi T. Many Prince Rupert people have invested in mining Christmas tree. After distribution companies and at this time of year nlany of them are re- 'LSSSe&S Ceiviflf? dividends. Of the totnl nf nnp hiinrlrprl milli ',1 , i 7 .7 , 7 ed Wltn gins,- nuts, r, .oranges nu - . ' jars paid out to lhvestors this city and district . cets its ner randies eou-.k all around the hail. . ''TnUitn nli A At.- ! I i-A -i? IV . i . 1U. .1.11 ccin.i tjiicii e, ine i ebuit ui investment oi ineir savings. Tne concert over, we uiuuicu, EXCELLENT RESULTS - Iiast week the Salvatidn Army published in this paper a card of thanks to all who so willingly helped in the work duririg the' Christmas season. Mav we add our annrepin- nome exciicu unu iiai had been such a kirid frlerld to them all. The seniors remained' behind for games. Carol Singing on Christmas five the St. Paul's tion of the good spirit with which the Christmas appeals ' ngl,cart cholr' itartd IT ih? are ahyays received. Since the Daily News undertook the 2K S'XSto-iSS Luiiewiiuiit) yeais ayu tne respunse nas aiways peen excel lent. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE January Clearance" , CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM SUITES . : LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUMS Phone 778 ershlp of SolomJri Bryant and Edward Talt. Av special service was held ln St. Paul's Church. A" letter and message of' goodwill, received from the Right Rev, Bishop G. K. RltfD.lJ., was rtrad'tb the'eorf-gregatloh by Hev: B.' Shearman; Special carbls were" surigT alid the aritherhs "Olory'td Odd In theiligh-est," and "Behold'l' Bring You Oood Tidings.'" Edward Talt was' the capable organlsl and Solorribrt B"ry-ant'agaln'showed'excellent Reach the most pepplfc in cit) and district with an advertisement in the Daily Newt, uiB aiianeciiicuu iu iukc uuuucf,- Hnnrn n l,,Qf hrool-lno- oilefl night long in order that God's House should be warm foi those who wished to worship the phrlst Child op Christmas morn' The Church, with Its beautifu! iV'TilB1 St PKE.ini voi'nt OF himtimi I ULU.MIU.V IX PKOntTK lit tliip .Matter of tlr "Ail mlnUtrntlnn Art" Anil In iht Matter' of'thrklatr or Marsaret nr nnain, iirrriisru; intFMatP Honor. W. E. FIhr t.V. l-7tW ... tJeweSntK; A. D 1937, I' was appoints AtUnlalsUutcr of the estate of Mar. aret Jane Swain, deceased, and tCK .Ttlff lia.Vtn-2 claints- acalnnt. t.h um estate- are herebjr required to furni tome, properly verified, to me on or before the1 18th day of Jtnuary, A D 1938. and .all parties' Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount w m-cir uiuouiecmess .to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT, Official" Admirastratar, . , Prince Rupert, B. C Dated December 18th; 1937. REX ALLEY Basement of tfxeharign' Block PHONE C58' Happy New Year To Everybody From Transfer Hyde 315 SECOND AVE. Phone 580 Yuletlddecoratlohi'ot cedar' garlands' and hand - wrought' festoons, formed a picture in the dirr.' light peeping through thV stained Klass window, that would not soon M forgotten. Impressive Devotions The worshippers assembled ! forty-seven in all young and oia , men and women youth's arirV maidens of all ages. There was An important mining deal is impending at Stewart ;only one lamp ln the cnancd 10 as' he' read the Communion rvlce and the Haida' organist hd-nroduced ! such' erahd swelling Seattle, had no comment to make at Stewart in respect to!,r'usic from thc tiny organ-his his activiOps activities other nfKKrK'itf than fliVf in in ohmndmr pnmnnnv unth untv TKWwi IhHW The congregation liv semi-dark- wvaaa i'"v ay ri IV11 MU1111, """".ncss iness lust just . ... lit nt . by ny the me glow giow of the " " ' ' 'ill XMAS AT MASSETT (By E. J.. Smiley, Old Massett) . . xi "i ' ' . ivw u grey sea una tnr healer, while the 'damf gleahwd through the easterrf uflhdows with their colorful1 gleams of'lfght; What' a: picture" for' ttfe" brush of Ian artist! And the star that shone over Bethlehem so many dh'rlstinasei iago seemed to shed ; Its radiance How Christmas Morn Was' itslicmV over the village church as the In ISy The" Hilda in' the Wind swept Queen Charlotte's worshippers r6se to1' sing the Christmas carol. What matter' that they had but the light of-' the' fire' j they knew" the words by heart! j i How gloriously they sang-mert's mellow basses mingling - with tho team, and ten tons of wagon sup-. mornjfts when sutfffcnly th e cIe; sweet SOprnno of the wb- KITWANGA .c .v.w. d,n? . dong of the -cKurth bclJ men as they made the-rafters ring; broke the silence of the little fish-; with' the rouslne notes of' "O! wun tne aeciarmg or anomer ing village at the' "northern, end regular dividend of three cents per of Graham Island. It was bltterlv share, Involving the distribution of cold, the' north' wind swept in fur jiou,uuu, me aivmena town o: ine clown the Inlet to herald "The Premier mine has been raised to birthday of the King." $20,108,075 distributed since 1921. Concert By School Pupils, Carol church Singing and Special Church" Service Kitwanga Indian School held its concert in the Community Hall; Thirty-four children tookr part. The Hall was crowded. Many white people were present. An excellent program waif carried out. The children had been trained by Rev; B. One would think that few would venture out along the wind-swept Come all ye Faithful," these' faithful worshippers of God who had braved the' stbrrh on Christ-, mas morn to worship him In rtl Haida village! j How reverently these fjsher-folb1 partook of the Lord's Supper and; street to the white church on the made their prayer response, walk-1 hill but, as the bell bravely clang- ihg to and from the1 Lord's Table cd its message, figures took shape, "t by the fire-light's glow! in me semi-darkness and, with heads bowed before the biting blast, men" and women steadily made their way to the dimlv lit, What a welcome awaited them there. Standing at the top of the wooden steps bareheaded in the wind, their earnest warmly clasped each Ah impressive sight that will. linger in the memory for many 1 Christmas morn I The service ended, the last carol was sung! No cathedral choir could have ooured forth sweeter music thari these few as they sang the dear missionary familiar "While heph'erds Watched hand and Their Flocks by Night:" gave every one the Christmas greeting. Inside, the white building, the red glow of the big heater wel comed all. Eager young men vol- Shearman. Mrs. Shearman' arid,unteers had tended that fire the Miss Dorothy Shearman prepared ' whole the costumes and arranged the "dressings." The scholars carried out their respective songs; recitat The service over, triey gave each other warm hand-clasps- ahds "'A Happy Christmas to y'6u' all erii they' filed ddwn the' steps and along the still dim. wlnd:swert street tb their homes! Truly a splendid" way to ushcl. 'rT the Christmas- morn in a tin) village a Christian outpost In tHt stormy Queen Charlottes; I..M ACT', : NoCrr of Intrntlon to Appt; to Lf 7n Prince' Rupert Land Recordlni District of British Columbia, and altui at Eaat of Prince Lehew Island 1 Hutlsonf Bay Ptui. south' off Dandiu Island ft conspicuous whit rock 8? hlgti (marked on' chart). Take notice that Prank" Watorman' oi ! Prince Rupert. B. C, occupation iUnef lntnds to apply ' for' a leiafie" of the fol. loving described 14nd U of a" corfi tptcuouj! whit rock 85 feet high and Its surroundings" (Rock' marked1 oil chart). : Commencing at v post planted cn, a grassy rock 200 feet 8.' E of N. W Corner on Northeast- eld' ihene 800 feet Southeast; thence 800 feet south west thence 800 feet Northwest; thence 800 feet Northeast and- containing 18 lcrea, more or lew. frXjoc Waterman. ; naW October 4 193T i;.sfj Atrt oiU-f. of' Intrntlon' to Aptity' to I.'rtie una , In Prince Rupert Lano Reccrdlnc District of British Columbia, and fattu ate on zayas1 Island on" the'N: W. pbtut on west side of Zayaa pa a reef off Aramzazu Point. Take notice' that Prank1 Watefmani of Prince Rupert, B. C. occupation "Mine' Intends to appljr for a, lease of Hhe'fol-' lowing' described lamds! all of; the-ree't 3ii Aramzazu. roini.- commencing at a post planted 6ft ure jugn grassy point on the South Side of the reel thence 1800 feet Northeast; thence 1500 feet Northwest Jtoence: 1800 feet Bouthwenr? then.- 1600 feet Southeast and ' containing 54 acres: PRANK WATERllAN 9 iv Tiur sri'Rnie- voviir 6t iraifisil rtiLi'.-MiiiA . IX TROI1ATE In the' Matter of tlie' "ArtnilnWratlort And i. ..MlU!fr "f ' Kfal'" f KrnM tl.vlliilti; DecHisedJ IntrNtale' ". TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills """"i c" ine ma aay oi DectmbeTi A. D. 1037. I was" appoint,! Admlnlsitrator of- the entrnt.. nf irrn.f pylleiwpltz. deceued; and all partlei Iwivlh? claims against the aald' ettato re j7iy requirea to rurnlsh somt, ?!?jPe.rl- vei;', to me' on' or' before the 15th day of Jimarv: A. n1 1091 and all parties Indebted to the estate cur nujrea io pay tn7 amount ot tnaeoreaness TO-me fortHWIth NORMAN A WATT) Official AdIIi1ntt.Mi.t, ... .... Uft.' D.C.- 1037 uecember, A'.D, Nobody KnocksThe mm The Food' Is Goodi The'RoomsAre ClefttH The House" Is Warn The Senlee Friendly' The Hates Are Heasoriable' KNOX HOTEL It. BraseU N. M. BriaeU I JiOCAL NEWS i ,M. P. McCaffery Is planning to leave this week for a holiday visit to'Califorlila. A where ecveral days had been spent salvaging mine cars and or which went Into the lake' there recently when a scow capsized. Archie Tho'mpscn, who has been spending the Christmas and New Year htlidays here with his parents, and Mrs. James H. Thompson, Mr. -Dr. and Mrs. W. A.Rlddcll are ex- by the Princess Norah this af. pected home on Wednesday. They -alls on his return to Vancouver have been spending the Christmas terpoon -resume his law studies, tb holiday in Vancouver. Dr. Riddell is much Improved in health and ex-1 pect'th b'C'back at hls wtirrf soohr Mr. and Mrs. H. Olsen of Juneau, wjio hate' been vlritlng hers with Mr, dlseri's parents, Mr. and Mr, Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant are leaving Thursday for Vancouver em Frank Fecro, are jailing this after-route the Princess Norah for CaU noon on to California. They are plan- nlng- to go as far as San Diego but lfornla to spend the rest.ofthe win-have not arranged their trip beyond ter. that point. They may possibly vis-! It Honolulu or they may drive Joseph Schwartz, who has been around the Gulf of Florida. nere for the past year or so as man- age'r of tn'e'Rupert'People's Store is Cant.' Paul Armour with the Ar- tilling this afternoon" by the Prln-mour Salvage Co.'i big power tug cess Norah for Vancouver enipute Aigle and salvage" outfit returned back to his home in Sherbrooke tb 'port last night fr6m Surf Inlet Quebec. New Start Begin- 1938 Right t With a good Diary, Daily Reminder or Memorandum Book or Scratch Pad We Have a Coniplctc Stock of All tlic Desirable Styles Pocket' Diaries- teatHer bounl 50 c 10 31.50 Oesk-Dlarles Daily reminders. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and up Calendar Pads Complete with ztAp stand Calendar Pads and'-Iemo Pads Included 71 Complete: NO:. 1' Ideal-Calendar Pad HZo Pefils- 3K' U PEP l POWER Better Motor Performance THE "KING" TESTER That Is what you will have after we have gone over your car with our "KING" Tester; which Is the last word ln equipment for diagnosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY one Is only a matter of minor and .Inexpensive' adjustments. It doesn't take much'to put a high speed motor "out of line," but It doea take special equipment to locate the trouble s0 that It can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and It eliminates all GUESS WORK. Bring your car m and get PEP for the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS riMNCE HUrEItT, B.C. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled' Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. FISH & GOLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.