riczrcrz THE DAILY NEWS tttitft! Itcxxt ktv fnW net UMin cH-cf mt. crsettc o4 la rh& w imt! Txa-i fn U tkt cratUH; GAY STORY ON SCREEN JTirte E&nd Mite." with LurrlU Thb; and Jd MtCrea, Here : la -Tfers-BSasl IQee the savm of ee Caastol ax tb Tk-KJ feztare ofteaKg. (it 2. trio of aafvestoa sals psM' the ticr eattre iabernaace ea tbe tcrr that is jast as easf to US m w? ink a nen 3ac as xttii a penr tLre Kaasas aieti trefc to Saata Barbara ia Maxcfc of "Ma-Ma! Tbcfs Kellogg's RJCE KRJSPIES!" wfkf c-cnf W cm ke far sca4 Arp mif mttc txt tmfin J mix. UU fry ln i UU. Ort. J8fcU UN axe tbe co-stars azd tbe cast also adads Dind ISro. Etaart Edsin, 3ixjoeje 7saTer. Pzaase Mcorr. Btante Bamex asd Jare Durtfl. Soebcs oa a Kaaszs rhirl'fn Uzn, ate at a altieBatre pfaiftoj cotej. safBB erait exzixBf at gar fiesta scenes and thrtx ie- Bfbttal lore stoeia ESiaa; a staal- jars the jsriaezpel hteii- t0 Bhtx td 0 lrMTm af senorttas and cabaaews cavcrt to1 leteSes of Mrrican rsaras-j otebeatn. "Three Band TkxT -nas directed Tife. UarJaa ixsa, Tinted Prince fcsa&anit The experiences and ad-.Eapsrt feat year. Tersbxres sale an eaaertanaac; n- rranslif sttzy not -sttlaat tU dra- rr.itic zza&asx. B ks s wvat ada. Lcret&a Twos and Joei IfrCrea. Trr a DUrr Nrr riv-ad. iClub Brings Out Creddie Morgan ! Etaria Hot Tae B Sprrr At Lncixvs Mrrtinj Trrtrriay AJttraa i The Prince Bapert aotirj Cafe las iU laKfama yesterday, decided I to pat ! Cieddae Unu L a iz crdsdie lor the popahuity cae.-jtest fa esKtw irttt the Pact eeiesrataas. ' Tbe apeaier of the day was WS-j bis Tafeat secretary af the Toe H tor Erf; ah OotaBOts, tntti head-! amalr-i ax 7aamKr. He totamlil bRd at Ketovaa sad be tofcl of a1 boys dab ".he Toe H had fanned at, that place as a resatx of -seats xae favenOe cook imisr had been allowed to go a ao laaxer needed. The Tbe H. Ok sp?aisr stated. tz prnaary concerned with tbe of aan to rasa. It b- 10c WHY PAY MORE Hotel bat It made Talaable csataets 3 CristaH. Eac c 3 If V3zn. Ou. ;k. tare, efceap. Ai ?w Dtr-itt, Cnm e Cexnl CO, H.OOSTCCS. OKI. Arrivals 3- SBfxwnwm. cat; Ea?al H. J. UeOanaH C-aubex; J. CoObia. TTzmbr. . S. CW- ftend as tbe tripartite tatetest ac.rrttt, Clalcirai , tdjr. adad aod apiiit. VThat Pxiace Expert aeedfd nt tbe -veil balanced per-, p. Wateesaa. Seaxxie: E. J. Bed-son. Io Ki terra as ic Prince Ba- gins, Itx. and 3xs. L. VT. Struhirn pert tbe torn depnted on a ssz-:soe and J. GOfctftt. Yktotci: J. O. mmal ceenpatMn. 'XnOe Prinee Ba-i MaertomM. VT. H. Ste-sart, E. Ur- pnt existed as a resait of tbe fish- Kanan, E. MaGstrf. . J. Carratn- iaz indasttT Krkrraa existed be-'ers. C. B. tltmttt. W. Btssaa. B. eaase of tbe trwA mdartrr- T&e dif-' C. rrantxm and C. D. Johaer. Yaa ficnttf is both ptaees m to find eoawzT. L. 3. 'ffmhi'in Iaaaaatt: oscapatacB. foe people darin? tbe B. Itxxe and Fraat Barbs-. SrA resazais? part of tbe year. It m tbers: W. J. Uatbte. Otxava: Cbris-to raeet tbe proc?r of tbe joan; ty it Farrar. SC Lams: lir. and aen and bosFS thit tbe dab ras Un. L BssmQ Ks4e Kacs&s Otj: forrssd tbre and a dab along Rayaond "VT. lUaber and Daaald jcsTB-foat riTar fines nt started H. Madsen. San Jaee: John A. Uas-in Prraee Rspcrt. He asked tbe Bo- pjr. IndxanapaBs: A. "K" Kfiry. Ter-tarr Cfcb to pre tb their sap- race: XL Uargaertte MrLeOsn. Cal-port. zarr: O. Tw n i im' Bena VrgBQ, that friendabip -sss one of CentcaL the srtateat awU, tbe apeafcer said ?- Daiidson. K. Dand-on. H. Ber?. that ha aB peoafe tbe diffescaccs 3r- a"i Oscar. Hansen and sere not as sarl:d as tbe stanari- C. Oaat-BvH, toy : lira. G3C?e ties. Tbe To: H -bs not a set ike SeanerriBe and ebfldxen. Yanamdoi. Aceocdxttdy, the by WlraaB A. Stter vho -sltb bs! xh3X td of reat Tatae. Kan. Armm tK tatin tn ak ias uswos aac joRpBine rerca vere T. H. JohnsCoc of the Victoria Botary Ctab. -srbo spoke briefly. 0 Oiof BasacBL 1LP. Lieat-Oass- dty: J. S, Otsen. VaneosTer. Ladies' Drill Slacks-Values $1.75. To clear Oonper Riiei : sasder EVxiaji Jamz H. UcLmd. His Srah rJaeber!y. bo ha? Ber Boy Daa-r.ford of Sea: Co, be-s h-xjdayrnz "at Ifassett. re-and Wdaas Darkey of Moctra. :rr.ed hrx jast Tr. CLEARANCE LINES AT Bryant's Stock Reducing Sale Your Opportunity To 3Iake Bij Savings! Our Loss Your Gain Youn; 3Iens "Caw-eho" Style, Zipper FronL, Alt-Wool Sport Jackets Y shies QO Qff 15.75. To clear at Vt.t7i Vhite Flannel and Serge And Grey Flannel Trousers Regular .values to $7.00 Q Q c; To clear at vO.lU Young Men's Sport Tweed SlacksValues up to CO QC 26.00. To clear at ?AvO 3Ien's All Wool White Pullover Sport Sweaters Fancy knits, values 33.00. Ci QC To clear at $l.VO Men's All Won Pullover Sport Sweaters Fancy color values to L& e-l Qff To dear at 7J.tJ Men's Jurabo-Knit and Half Cardigan - Knit, AH - Wool Coat Sweaters Some with zipper front, black and nay colors. Values to ?5.50. CO 7C To clear at ?0iO Men's Zipper Neck Polo Collar White Sweat Shirts Values To clear at .. 95c 1 1 Forsyth and Arrow Collar At- ! tached Shirts Values from $2.00 up. CI To clear at t?t43 1 Wolfe Tweed Caps All sires, ' colors: brown and pravs, values $1.00 and $1.25. 7Hr To clear at I XJK' Odd Borsalino Hats C1 QC To clear at QVO Stetson Standard Weight $7.50 and $7.00 Hats AC To clear at t?1VO Heavy Grey Humphrev Tweed Pants G.W.G. and Caribou brands, $-1.50 all-wool pants- To clear V & Ladies' Flannel Slacks Values $3.95. CO yfff To clear at V&ttO Bryant Company Limited SIXTH STREET MEN'S AND BOY'S STORE 95c Phone tn WHIFFLETS Froa Tbe Waterfront 7i " a iiTEr kit of pwruatsi - : icoss rmnrfatj at rck :ra ..--rjSs tor Atawrt, CPE. rtessec P--.tews Lbwhc CiC S SL Gixy i. i m part sttr Vuti S : axi ibk ii liii iai HJifi a :: as. far S&xgraj aad atbrr rmrs bar aext TTe iiati .'jf aller- C X X ssbssb-t Priace Geocc? Sersord Uxbs. arrmd aa port at teds ia-abiig 2rs: Txncaaver. Pavial Btrer and Oceaa FaBs and saak at 3 tftfcx tbts aT- far Sxymx and Sznnz. hte -sal retera here te- aaonav i 1 1 aaij. sastjasd. Tbe Sst af passeaers HKia'm; qfatte TSe parser ese! Ty Scant of Seattle, aa Ms i it Aiaxla erasst I pirty of sacae t-reatr-fovr sea scans aa board, -sax 3 Don a Se-s- boats late yesterdaj af It earse bs trees, tbexcctb and ieft for KeSebttzri. Tbe tag Saa Laanarrmd ht port htf peoterda- afteraooa from YaacovTtr to pick aa tbe tcz Sea W-aTe -sbich saffered a broim tanabaft u tbe fin of tbe vtek resa Lawyer iaaad aad Cenn Usnd -Bbfle caeaaaj north tib a rael-laden bar tor Haese OB Dis-treators Lid. Stoppered bj Capt Henry Dsr- Phone S3 Sterling Suggestions BUTTER First Grade Qi- 31bs. Oil, Beef Pot Roast Jg S R03Sl- 18c 'It 28c Lamb Shoulder OAn Trimmed Lb Lean Breast OCT, Lamb 2 lbs. EGGS Brookfield A Grade $1.00 3 dozen . Shoulder Veal Jg Rolled Roast Off Veal Lb. AjTfcshire OQn Bacon Lb "Ol' K-9 Dos Food Off n 2tins New Spuds Off 10 lbs. Bakeasv O ff 2 lbs API Frym, Chicken g0c CoUage Cheese 2QC Beraeiaber Ysa Can Get it at The Stettin t J. H. BULGER Optometrist Ryal Bank EUg. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 2. ZareHI. Proprietor -A DOME AWAT FROM HOME" Rate gUf l SO Rooms Hoi b Ccta Water Prirxe Knpert, BjC. Phone ttl TJO. Bz ll! -sbo li bo rrarir?r to Prtnre SaprrL iai been 3 rrraij' aa fecated bere u sepper, a-ui Sioraie as as haiicc alsa isat of Oceajuc Canoerr- tc Seat pwser yacnt Arnrs. Uh pi.vr of Seatse aad PortUxid pecfut on baard, arrired in port tt tbe eosrte ot aa Aisjla erase and proceed ixoc bere to Keteaataa. tbe pc boor, to so as tar oorU; as jaaeau. Vr and Vrs. Le ! Portland. bo nniir those on board tbe ArrsT. gteed "sord last zdthi that Ur. Lee's aether bad been taw m a trxlfsc accsdrst at Port bad MroFdtanaj- tbey vfll retara atb trass here PJt Hera xzaif af vi-ii bavaas bees caned bere to 2e taera soatb bts me. Be is doe to arme la Priace Sapct as soon as tbe -vtather dears. Try a DaTy ccstibed td-eraiernest far best rtr'v. Friday, Armt 1 TOXIC HT AXD SATCKflij 2 Shows at ? OQ trjj 3 5) Ob, What ran Wba ThrM Shters Ca On The Eaa,, For A Mil&aaaire! THREE BLIND MICE" With LOR ETTA YOCXG JOFX McCRCA, Staart Lrwia At 7:ti and 8 U ADDED OUR C.KXG IX "CAME TIIE BRAWV -CRDtLNAL IS BOW WORLD XEWS "Check-Up Offer" Standard Radio Check-Up For 2-00 S2.00 What You Get 1. Inspect and clean chassis 2. Check speaker and connections 3. Check all power connections 4. Test and label all tubes 5. Gean tuning 6. Check and lubricate dial drire 7. Inspect aerial and ground connections 8. Retouch cabinet markings 9. Check operating controls 10 Free estimate of necessary repairs. All work fully guarranteed. &MaAs.d Protect Your Home It Pays To Paint Good paint is tbe only insurance that yoa can pat on year borne that -sin protect it from the weather elements. II your borne Is not protected again it dampness and beat, dry rot is the resolt which takes a beaTy toil in property each year. Drop in and let as tell you about B&H English Paint It carries the manufacturers written guarantee, pure. You cannot buy any paint finer or longer lasting. Let as help yoa with your RAILWAY I UM-J aaat9' B mM& T We will sate you money GORDON'S HARDWARE PDOXE JI1 McBRIDE ST. Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To VancotiTer tU Ocean Falls and Way rts SS. "Frlncesi Adelaide" ETtry Friday 11 p.m. TO VAXCOU-ER DIRECT SS. -Prinem LonU" SS, Princess Alice" SS, Princess Charlotte Aug. 6. 17, 71; SepL 7 Aug. 10.20. Aug. 3. 13, :4: Spet 3. Connections at VsncouTer with Canadian Tsclflc SerflcM Tickets and Reserratlons From W. L. CO.VTES, General Agfnt. prince Rnpert, BC