THE DAILY PAOB THREI Friday. Auust ,121938 " "I COMB DOWN OUT - i OF THAT TREE, BILLY lt$ TIME FOR YOUR SUPPER I When little folks must go to tit'tl inX after Hipper, there's no niore wholesome meal than KelloggV Corn Flakes with milk or IM COMING , mummy! get my kellogg's corn flakes Heady crearit. CHdip anil delicious So eaVy to digest they aiil restful sleep". At all groeerc, oveh-fresh and ready to' seine. One of the higgest values you can huy. Made by Kellogg iu London, Ontario. FOR THE CHILDREN'S SUPPER Jergens French Milled Bath Soap Assorted Odors SPECIAL 3 CAKES FOR 23c OrmesLtd. "Jim Pioneer Druqgtsts " W The iUU Store Open Dally From m 8 .m. till 10 p.m. Sundays nd Ilolldayi From 12 noon till t W.-7 .m. tUl .m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE AUGUST FURNITURE SALE 2-3 Piece Chesterfield Suites-Covered In tapestry ggg Sale Price rA BA 1-3 Picve Chesterfield Suite In tapestry !)J)" Sale price " ... mnK m tihiip avenue .p.... a q LOCAL NEWS NOTES dwlng to Inclement weather. Gyro mystery cruise tonight was postponed. Refund may be obtained Irom sellers of tickets. It. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, aftpr snpndina' a fpur rtnvs fn thfi Prince Charles yesterday after a six-week's holiday spent at Tlell. Hugh McKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alice McKenzie, returned on the Prince Charles yesterday from a month's holiday spent at Tlel!. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook,, who Has sp"ent the past month around North Island and at Massett, re turned home on the Prince Charles last evening. Miss Myrtle Crawford left nri this morning's train returning to her home In Ottawa after spend lng a week visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cook. J. H. Bulger and G. F. Davey of Prince Rupert were elected to the council of the British Columbia Op- tometrlc Association at the annual convention held in Vancouver during the past week. Phone 112 Taxi; day and night.. Meetings Of the Prince Rupett cvirlna Pliih hav hppti siisnendpdl for the summer' months; T.,t. "?.,. itnu" STOPPED U . ! f- If If Ml Ml . 1 Mrs. H. F. Pullen and daughters. Betty and Peggy returned to the city on the Prince Charles last evening from a holiday visit at the North Beach of Graham William Dancey, assistant editoi of the Canadian Fisherman, aftei spending the past week in the city C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade-1 and district, left by this morning's lalde, Capt. Henry Anderson, is duel train for Winnipeg where he will .In port at 3:30 this afternoon from' spend a few days before returning 'the south and will sail at 10 p.m. Ito Montreal. bn her return to Vancouver and waypolnts Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stephenson W. B. Grant', manager of the drug department of David Spencer Ltd., Victoria, and Mrs. Grant ar- who had been spending the past I rived in the city on the Prince monm on yueen tnanoue lsiana ueorge mis morning irom ire came In on the Prince Charles yes-j south and will make the round teraay ana wui proceea 10 Victoria -trip 10 nnyox ana oiewan, icvum tonight dn the Cardena en route to their home at Brentwood. Mr. Stephenson is In the government radio telegraph service as engineer. 1 J. Cr. Bennett of the contracting firm of Bennett & White, who arrived in the citv on the Prince lng south via the Queen Charlotte Islands tomorrow evening. J. A. Ross, chief treasury offlcei for the Department of National Defence with headquarters In Ottawa, and Mrs. Ross, in the course of a western trip, paid a brief visit hortfero w mnrninfr from Vnr.-'to the city this morning, arriving I 'Maxine Hailbroner I.O.D.L Candidate .Carobral Chapter To Back Her In Port Day Popularity Contest I At an executive meeting of Cam-, city, left by this morning's train sail on the Prince Charles tomor-; Maxme neiiDroner as a canuiaaie on his return to Smlthers. Miss Ethel Cousins of King Edward High School was among successful candidates in the recent Junior Matriculation examinations. Misses Suzanne Ward and Marie and Lois Nlckerson returned on the ibrai Chaoter held yesterday alter-. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Fraser will noon it was decided to sponsor Miss row night fof a two weeks' visit to, in the Port Day popularity cdn-Tleli, Queen Charlotte Islands. ' test. Sale of tickets is In the hands (of Mrs. G. L. Rorle. The regular monthly meeting cfi "" the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, scheduled for this evening, has been postponed until Monday. wtlvl William Talbot, addressing the Mr. and a Mrs. F O. Weeks of r OS 1 clubs thls week the after spend the past week awa ng f friendsnlp. His idea seem-in the city, will leave by h2'ed be tnat a frlendsnips were Prince George tomorrow evening vaulaDie ' for Vancouver. , IfC Man in the Moon A friend In need j Is a friend Indeed But'ware of the friend That a friend would bleed. The great Conservative party an jnounces to all and sundry that it (is ro longer liberal but that it Is national. A rose by any other name Is ' , blessed with the same delightful aroma. As Jake says "a Tory is a Tory even if you call him a skunk" or as a friend 0! another party once said "a Liberal may be a Grit but what he need Is sand." lust come over the mountain; that they weren't at all thrilled over the new stretches of hard sur-l face. Their whole attention was-".entred around Cameron Like and. through the tall timbers. What iid we do when we met a stage? Cars could not possibly last any time at all. And the dust. They I admitted the the new grades wen. grand, but Mrhy hadn't it been. done long ago and all of it? Their tndicmation was squelched some what though, when they were made to realize the drastic effect;! m the people of Vancouver Islarld 1 1 f .anything like that were to boil eouver to visit the post office the Prince George from Van-. completed in less than five or ten . '.niimir The shock WOUld be terriflCt 1 L,.iiji iw a nri nrnnoorilntr Pfist nn t.hf ve&rS. nospiiai UUUUIII juus, was uiwm- -vu.w o I - , and morning train. cupie womu .iu m men ...m panied by Mrs. Bennett daugh- . i.r hnnrp maUns the round trlnl: driving on the highways and woiild to Anyox and Stewart. All will ic- j Albert Farrow, steamboat in- turn south on the Prince Geor!T?lspector, Vancouver, was in the city tomorrow, evening. Oden Twins Are Six Years Old Entertained Thirty Younp Friends Witli Birthday Party Last 'Evening at Parents Home The twins Evelyn and Elvlnal Oden, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.' Helge Oden, entertained about. thirtv euests yesterday on the oi casibn of their sixth birthday. All, had a delightful time playlnr tumei. Delicious refreshments ware! Served and hats and novelties were distributed. M. F. W. Chandler, Mrs. W. J. JJ.eham, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. B; Jensen and Miss Eva Chandler assisted in making the dffair a success. There were numerous sifts. The guests were Dorotny Haiae. Phyllis Llndquist, Bernlce Lind-I qulst, Louise Llndquist, Ronald. Rolhwell, Gordon Rothwell, Billy i Rothwell, Evelyn Aylexander, -San4 dy Ormlston, Dicky Ormlston, Irene t-n,ioi Pnipma Llneham. Gien " - ' xaiu., . Chandler. Patsy Hill, Dorreen Lover, Irene Hanson, Hjordls H61-I kestad, Clifford Knutsen, Joy.-e Jensen, Tlnty Bond, John Bond, Sidney Alexander, Norman Eby. Marlssa Wlndle and Benita winaie. I m.o tirirtcrsnn jirrived at Massett' I IVlkO, ..0 - JwpHnp.sdav night on the Prince Charles from Vancouver ana wun spend1 a month' with' ner daugiucr, Mrs. Holland at Sarigan Beach. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. First annual Port Day Ball, 'hursday1, August 25. Moose Hall. Rebekah Tea, Annette Fashion Show, Sept. 1. i Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No- vemper it.. ilaboard the Princess Louise this stopping over. science. A young iaay signing nerseui "Sylvia" writes for the West Coast Advocate. This sweet young thing for I feel sure she must be young because of her humor, has this to say: "You know, it is a funny thing, but the tourists don't seem to take very kindly to our roads and highways. I was amazed to find -n talking to two girls who had be so anxious to get going that 'hey wouldn't stop to eat their food properly which would result in severe attack of Indigestion morning going through to White- eventuaiiy m their ruination norse on oinciai auues. ne ex- and you couian t imagine tne neaas pects to be here in about two of our government having a cataS-weeks returning south and will be trophe like that on their con- m V DICEsffBLE I coHOMicaC Swiadiated - Sate MILK Wc Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy fFNTRit fffitPf Fresh Local Raw And LCLmsLc"e Pastcorizid Milk Phone 51 For Best Household VALENTIN DAIRY MKS. C?0e!LACK 1 V0-1 Add one "for the pot" Via KM a crockery -tea-pot ( Put in dneteaspoonful'. of ted fofeacli person ancf one "for the pot" B..Add fresh,BOIUNG water Steep 5 minutes and serve. Only Firie Quality gives Fine Flavour h AAkfUIA TEA D. EACH. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue GREY WOOL BLANKETS 64 x 84. Pkir '- . Size 9 x 10-1-2. Each . ..... Size 9x i2. Edch;.;'-V:v Phone Green 916 fifeD-Complete with cable spring and B97 OA cotton felt mattress. Size1 4.0' and 4.6; VA l ,vv Spring Fili'ecl" $17, $20and$Sl5 Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on-new.- ALL FEATHER; PILLOWS 75c, $1, $2 and $3 GREY WOOL BLANKETS Si26 60!.80: Pair SEAMLESS AXMINSTEiR1 RUGS $7.00 $3,00 BABY CARRIAGES $23, $25, $29, $32 Floor Covering CONGPLEUMQJJ). SEAL Size 7 1-2x8. Each Size 9x9. Each; $6,75 $8.50 $9.65 $10.75 oj rv h ir-l, V. Olie V A v. iiitii UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers teave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVEUY Tl)ES- T.S.S. CARDENA FltlDAY, DAY, 1:30' p.m. ' 10:30 p.m. D'ticr Vancouver, Thurs. a.hi; b'ue Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further information1 Regarding Reservations and Tlcketa From A. iV. KEAVM AN, Prince itiljieiif Ajf ent. Third' Ave". Piione 588 If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in tfife paper will' Soon let; you know If there is a buyer iii thi (ifo . . : v i 't ; '1 m mm Srim mm 5 mm m i