OlIVl . , i nn A . I JMr. Jn ing Japan and Russia, was reported today trom &aK- .. t..i.i ...tinfn tVn txi'r nnwors fUviflp control. Dome! ilisnatches declared that Kusso-Japanese Arrnnpv wav as an outcome of pv. flared a train over aliened shooting of a member of j civil war. ,v... ci . , , ., i . 4.. X TFJt. Eng.. Aug. b: : ; an In the front lints ' added that It had in hat France was anxious i '.he Pyrenees pass so that in rnnhncinvfi ir in n nrius t n inrmmn m inn iiiv;iiilAa MRS-PARRY ouju lyciuv vjav.c .1.1 w i u n wm n - fi u .a r LONDON. Aue. 12: The posslb Hopes For Peace In Holy Land Secretary of Colonics Malroln. MacDonald Reports on Recent J Trip To Palestine I LONDON, Au. 12: Reporting yesterday on his recent trip to Palestine, Secretary of the Colonics Malcolm MacDonald referred to the difficulties which Great tr writ iviinwn it tc uuihh icninin wii-s iiavuiK ... . j . . i i a rVifnrtintrv . but expressed hope of an early . I 1 . ... . J irmfAMAAC nnl U'tfll a ... . . i. rl I I n MArlncolinn of Mrj. Richard Parry. whoi0f peace to the Holy Lana. t iLimrrr npr 11 iin;ii in i iti ink immtosary agent ttJIUUiiv v , Flvine'Club At for the Ca- ' ... 1 1LI ii im : i inn ni i i 1 uviivk ;i l. liiu m ' If - f,r!!."'3 yVZlT Ketchikan ivetchikan Is is paued away after an illness i n n tvirtrt ihn it H'n e o rvi 1 1 t ipr a: o that she had left Princes Being Planned i ' iur w miiiiii'ir wiiii iit:i iiu.7 . t.i.i ri j tt a aiict iiiuu I--C. , t tU 1 yiliiiit b and family consisting of two Js belnB madc to organize a flying men and two sons. r,h hpr similar Parry was the daughter of T,.npau ntl Mf rVinrlna IWinlmnn sr . rrlu nf 411.. Mil, nnrl vtntf, nf 1 a couple of months ago wna, was a brother Of Mr. Will Fight On to the one ai at : Says Loyalists Sam Brown Returns To Winnipeg After Serving With Loyalists WINNIPEG, Aug. 12: (CP) - People of loyalist Spain have th3 in 18f,n .1 w nnmort Thnr- will to ficht and to win men liv nn m, Tr- n,k ,nr,A -i -wrrrirt ccie acaiuM' nrrnhist General tTancc .....v( en j , - . i i r..itm fT WinnmPLT. It DUUVUit ni-Hs . . . ...un- fuktinir w th the MacKenzie-'icei.. the Spanish tiancse inspection pariy oy a ouviet fctxi jjuhw agwu ,rnn ATi ttx incident came wnne nussiun anu .Japanese uuui u YI.kI II Iruil an armistice on the Siberia-Manchoukuo border. 1 1 saz'J.vy una - . . TR A CK MEET IN SPAIN tlon eague Kcnorts Persist That Baltic Coun- . . a . i rri 4 Support to Insurgents Wcstview Took Tearn Honors Grimsson Best Senior, KilpatricK Intermediate 12: nit,, PniinH wUhrtrawinir from .i. i Cove, was easily the class In the spectacular pole-vaulting event while Bussey of McClymont Park LIBRAP rvicroRiA, b c Today s Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 2:13 a.m. 20.5 It. price Rupert-Cloudy, calm: 14:44 p.m. 19.9 ft. rcmetcr 30.12 falling . temper. Low 8:36 a.m. 3.1 ft. ture , -v 20:54 pjn. 4.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII No. 188. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS notker Russo-Japanese Incident mpers nare -vgain iiymg iu vn rmi r nvv s Kesu t Kjr rurair On Sakhalien Island! i r vinnmu'xn Insure! inn Partv Is Shot Bv Soviet I ir i til iiii'i''"vw --'i- m M a ft i mH.. m nrwi I In Vlhni1'lt1. Manchoukuo Border. BASES IN PORTUGAL Great Britain Would Use I'orti There as Safeguard Fur Gibraltar LONDON, Aug. 12: A British mission has returned from Lisbon where It went to negotiate with the Portuguese government regarding the possibility of using Portuguese ports for the basing of British warships In the event of Gibraltar becoming menaced In any BULLETINS MILITARY HEAD HERE Brigadier J. G. Stewart D. S. O. district officer commanding military district No. 11, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Victoria to conduct an inspection of the 102nd. Heavy Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery. Brigadier Stewart is accompanied by Major 11. L Sherwood of the Royal Canadian Engineers, district engineer officer, and Major J. CMurchie of the Royal Canadian Artillery, general staff officer. SIX ARE ENTERED Miss Frances Stegavlg has been named candidate of the Moose Ledge in the popularity contest in connection with the Juniot Chamber of Commerce Port Day celebrations with Miss Ida Slat-ta representing the Sons of Norway and Miss Elsie Johansen the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union Thie mtii civ rnnriirlalf The Gyro playground trackmeet nale inc,udin(J Miss Alice for boys was successful run o'f, G Gyro Club; Miss Maxine with West-, -ebroner yesterday afternoon Cambrai Chapter, view taking top team honors wltn ,n.pcria, 0rder Daui,hters of sixty poinw, a m6iu ui .-u u.cx Fmnife; and Miu Ccredwyn " "' ...,-. M'ynl rarK- luclr "V Morean. Rotarv Club. r Guardian charged lh Lpacuc 0f Nations and taking ;, u-. a -i .i.....v. a Dioc oi uamc nauom individual winners were John ndlng new troops to u hf-rnmlni? tncrcaslnnlv mentioned. , T Act v a, tit tVio-contnl I that iat Italian Italian- soldlc soldiers r - ZJl .' " 1, i t.i f set some kind of a record when he! Immcdiateiv to Paris all in won the senior softball throw with ion avanabie a heave of 216 Tcet. I Other stellar individual perfor-j TOBEY IS GOVERNOR V.KlMAThp District " No. 1 class and Norman Kllpatrlck conVention of Gyro International Acropolis In the Intermediate. openpd here ,esterday. William Grimsson pulled an Iron manj H Tobcy f rri1)ce Rupert, lieut- stunt by placing first In the 50 enant govcrnor, automatical!) yards, second in the 100 yards: bfcame district governor, rcplac- flrst In the half mile and second; ,njf KuRene Vy of yakima. Mr. In the open pole-vault, besides be-1 Trbcy am, n G Borland of lng number one man on the win- rr)ncc .upcrt are attending the nlnt Wcstview relay team. ! ronvction. Albert Alah, competing lor &eai NAZIS GET READY PARIS France today instruct ed diplomats abroad to transmit forma- concerning c'rning mili tary preparations now takint place in Germany. Forei?n Office mers were Bussanlch, wno piacea 0riioials said that reports of Ger-high In the Individual standing. man mjijtary measures of un- wltn one lirst, one secona ana iwo thirds; Magnet with a first in the 100 yards dash, one second and one third place and Stan Scherk who seems to be always near the too Stan had two seconds and twe 'thirds. Individual results were as fol lows: Intermediate, Boys under 14 50 yard dash First. Nick Makow (Acropolis) second, Norman Kllpatrlck (Acropolis); third, Joe Davis (McClymont). Softball Throw First, Donald McDonald, 140 feet, (McClymonM: second, Nick Makow, 136 feet, (Ac-Cropolls); third, Joe Davis, 135 feet 6 Inchest McClymont). Relay Race First, McClymont (Santerbane, Simundson, ' Ander son, Keays). son, Keays; second, Acropolis, uob-erton, Makow, Kllpatrlck, Menter-ko. High Jump First, Vuckovlch, (Westvlcw) 3 feet 10 Inches); second. Kllpatrlck, (Acropolis, 3 feet 10 inches). Senior Boys 50 yard dash First, Grimsson (Wrstvlew)' 63i seconds; secona, - , par in i.. I n h a iniirizi'iiLa. in wiv u .huw.. v - vU.,Uuui.i.u ... H... ----- " . ., . crthnii ; Throw urst. An .. . . . . . . cmn th rivii war. mcl; ymunn "--' 8 Bussey Inches t ij miirs nnrt.iiwpst. nr norp. tnrnen iroiu "P"""1 i : .... n m . i.j ih... tlmAtlswnnrt Maznei, intiuiiuiui ui m, s. Plumper, under Captain Brown, wounded wounucu v. - Race First. Westvlew - niut point wncn tne news , r apinewu " . - t , .: o-v, mnin nncean. 'wauiv wuo n.wiitvi,n,i w.v ,'4oV,l- cnnH ArrODO S (MCntenKO, mnnhu ti i r i i v. wnir v iiiij iiicii t " t - - ..w. qi,iiiu WiU I1UIIICU . 11J.A1I. - ...... ... a. r ..r, 'KTftlll ........ . . i i.. Airnntiatlnn hnsn till Macnci. ivcajra, whih, "iu winnnt nH n conrtu rrtvn nnra iTinir in uit vi , - . . n - i i f iiiam i ii i UA.H t r i : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 (. . -j- - - kWt; n , "? ""I wn,rided ones do not wlrli-(McClymont) 4fec 4 incnes sec- "uvwouwi, - .. .. . fi.j ct,, srhprk (wesiviewj ieet .w huiuiH iiiHrmrrs h.l mui. l. lu iiutib. named nftcr Thormailby's man said . a Mr. Merrv. whiln Ensnm t v, .. " .. """'w uic scene oi uiu it . enrrv I.n CUIUU uativ, u- 3 Inches. 100 .yard (AcronoHsl: . - ... t Mir..i.Uit . . i iit .ifrtnTH iiir in nave ivvtwuw;. dash First, Magnet, usual siie were being followed with the greatest attention. BILLY EVANS DEAD . VANCOUVER W. H. (Billy) HOLD UP JAPANESE Russia In No Hurry About Finally Settling Border Dispute MOSCOW, Aug. 12: Russia, It .s thought, will endeavour to prolong peace negotiations In the Siberlan-Manchukuoan border dispute as 'long as possible so as to hold Jap anese troops in that area. Japanese, on the other hand, are anxious, for as f-arly a settlement as possible so as to release thrl: forces In the north for the Chinese1 campaign. FIRST DAY'S Evans, who drove the first train j (cRA). Into Port Moody fifty-two years ago, died in hospital today at the age of seventy-seven years after an operation. MRS. HETHEY LEADS OTTAWA Mrs. Owen Spencer Hethcy of Victoria, wife ofkPre mler Pattullo's private secretary led Canada's greatest marksmen throuch the first stage of the Governor General's medal, competition in the Dominion Rifle Association meet by scoring a possible 103. She is the fifth person and the only woman to make such a score in medal shooting history. SHANGHAI IS TENSE SHANGHAI The city was tense on the eve of the first anniversary of the outbreak of Chinese-Japanese fighting In Shanghai. Anti-Japanese agitators threw bombs at a Japanese cotton mill and caused the deaths of two Chinese and injured fifteen. Halibut Sales American Results Yesterday In City Championship Tournament ni.nn co an I noun, vi-, u-v. ; Mrs. west beat Mrs. Morrison i-a, 12-10. W. Blltch beat F, Rush 6-3, 6-3. O. Young beat S. Jurmaln, 6-3, '8-6. - -3. Stamford . -1-6, 8-6. I G. Tvler beat J. O'Nell 6-0. 6-3. With Arbitration At Deadlock, Conference In Private Is Now On Impasse Reached Over Demand of Fishermen For Independent Auditor Of Books Of Cannery Companies Alaska Getting Yesterday s play In the city en-oOtle Halibut Landing of Illegal Fish From Area No. 2 PETERSBURG, Alaska, Aug. 12: ' v. .. it . . i . Mm rpiriilnr mnrkpt. jm3. cany uiiu nuiujigiuu unu - Elsie Finlcy and Brockelsby 6-1, 6-1. Norrlngton and Barry beat Llnd- n 1 llff 1 seth and Davies 6-0. 6-3. DritlSll lYiember S. Jurmaln and W. Bremner beat J. O'Nell and D. Houston 6-3, 6-3. Ct Povl iamPTlt I W Rlltch arid D. Rlake beat Da., Vl uuminvm vldson and Lowan 6-0, 6-4. O. Young and A. Mitchell beat Rlddell and Hill-Tout 6-2, 6-3. Following Is draw for play fori Friday. Colonel Roper, a member of the 5:30 D. Blake vs. Lowan (CNRA) British Parliament and commls-6:15 Stamford and Davis vs. sioner of forests, Is expected to ar- Scott and Joy (CNRA). 'rive In Prince Rupert on the Prln- 6:15 Rlddell vs. Brry (Rupert).1 cess Alice Monday morning and will 6.15 M. Ellison and S. Jurmaln leave Immediately with the district V VANCOUVER, August 12. (CP) A round table conference of representatives of fishermen and salmon can-- i ners with members of the arbitration board is being held itoday at the suggestion of Mr. Justice Denis Murphy, chairman of the arbitration ooard, in an attempt to de- TFNNHl PI A Yltermine whether a compromise can "be reached in the dis- 1 UllllltJ 1 Lll 1 pute pute concerning concerning 1938 1938 salmon salmon prices prices ' r 1 " " I for Northern British Columbia. The meeting Is private and discussions are off the record. The suggestion of the conference was made after an Impasse had been reached In regard to the fish- , Frances Thompson beat Molly EI- vmbtlA Petersburg Of "men request In regard to an in dependent audit of cannery books. The board rescinded Its previous order requiring an audit of books. for Uie five year period from 1933 to 1937. It was claimed that the cost, t . ReDorts persist here of bootlrg $15,000. would.be Drohlbltlve and l5Jnor--4, naVibutfromsArean delay arbitration at'least two - secretly to dealers at prices lower m0nths. As an elternatlve the flsh- than that commanded by legal mil ermens representative, Fred Rolley, proposed an audit costing $1000 which would be paid for by the ners. vs. Mrs. Barry ana Norrmgton iku- iorester at rrmcc ivupciu m v.. JA of 2Q & touristf Jullus Warne. Pert). I charlotte Islands, returning in time from Callfornla vW 6:30 Brockelsby and Rush vs. O - to eaten tne irmcess iaiuc ; Nell and Taylor .(Imperial). 7:00 Elsie Davis vs. Mrs. West 6:45 Evie Rivett Thompson (Rupert). Ketchikan Not Interested In Fair Proposal vs. Frances KETCHIKAN, August 12: Not much Interest Is being displayed i in the proposal to revive the fall fair here. Previously such events have not been marked with great success. Say Women Are Best Patients CANBERRA, Aug. 12: (CP) Australian doctors had their hats off today to women's fortitude. A statement by the medical superintendent of the Canberra Conv munlty hospital that men were more apt to malinger thai women was endorsed by a Sydney special Coming To City lowing Monday for Alaska. t TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnton Co.) Vancouver. LOST BODY RECOVERED Remains of Julius Warner of California Given Burial in Indian Cemetery KITWANGA, Aug. 12: On May drowned near here through capsizing of a small boat. His, friend wai I rescued. On August 8 two Indians, Mrs. Willtzu and William Turlcy were fishing when they saw a body : floating down stream. They took it I In tow and brought It to the ferry. B. C. Nickel - -08Vi Bob Burton phoned up the police Big Missouri 32 j at Hazelton and Rev. B. Shearman Bralorne i 9-50 itook charge of the body, pending A?tcc 06 'instructions from the coroner. The Cariboo Quartz 2.50 :body was placed in a hurriedly Dentonla Vz made coffin and laid In the church Mlnto 1Z..L... 04 hall for the night. Falrview 06' n August 9 the police and cor- mki ctvo Q2Vi.'oner came down from Smlthrrs. P?nd Oreille ..: 1-85 Pioneer . 2.97 ;. Porter Idaho 03 Premier 2.20 Reeves McDonald ask .40 Rpliefv Arlington ' ask .18 Reno 43 i Reward .;. 0334 I Salmon Gold 10 Taylor Bridge 03 J Premier Border ..! 01 1 SUbak, Premier .. 1-80 Congress 01 Vb Home Gold ask .01 Vi Grandvlew. 03 Indian .01 Vi Quatslno Copper 04 Vi Hataa uy2 onld. Bussanlch. iness. but If a major crisis develops McDougal segur 14 y2 iioys 14, men jump-nrst, san-.you win una Mum stanas up to ui ivieiuuiy second. Grimsson terbane, 4 feet Official starter cpnciuaro, x -.. Vaultlng-Mah, Grimsson George Soles, seen the war out. , ,v , V . 1 lncn.- i better than Dad. was let ttrViri nIH ho Vinrt npvpr l-nnu'n ! Betty. 17.000, 9.4c and 6c. Royal. ' ,., 'a. P Con. . Oils. - - - - I "Women have much greater for- Calmont ........! .29 (tie 7 feet 11 Inches). tltude than men," he said. "Thev C- & F. 2.16 Half Mile First, Grimsson; sec- may exaggerate some-cases of M-1 Freehold , .05 A wayouf'b'y malingering." .17 .10 Okalta 1.15 Pacalta 06 ',4 Home Oil 1.10 Identification was established and an order for burial given. Friends in California were notified. Interment took place In the Indian icemetery by kind permission of the I Indians, through J, Ryan. Several .helpers came forward and with-Rev. B. Shearman a reverent and respectful Interment was able to be carried out. A word of gratltud Is due to Gus Sampare, Mr. Walker. Mr. Burton. Jack Berg and others who so kindly helped. Today's Weather (Government -ln.pru) Hazelton Cloudy, calm; temperature, 50. Terrace Cloudy to rain, southwest wind, temperature, 54. Alyansh Ralnllng, calm; temperature, 58. Alice Arm Raining south wind, temperature, 58. Anyox Light rain, calm; temperature, 54. Stewart Cloudy, calm; temperature. 51.