T x
ive Library sien For South
pegs Way. e Rupert.. Thursday 8:30 p.m.
Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist
VOL. I, NO. 294 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, Decent: 23, 1911. Bass een PRICE FIvE CENTS

















City Council Harmonious Last |

Night—Very Short Session.



Digby Island Man Has Not Yet) “Old




wmermascanonon |THE NEWS GIVES SANTA A


Tested His Invention

Last Night.

——_—_ '
With a heavy cargo of Christ-|










\n amicable spirit prevailed} To thaw out frozen water pipes |
- throughout last night's meeting| with a shot from a rifle fired in-| mas freight and Christmas mails | we
FOR CHRISTMAS EVE'S ON SUNDAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY'S of the Council, the Jast before| to the pipe is the latest scintilla-|the Gamosun arrived last night| LIST OF USEFUL GIFTS THAT SHOULD FIND THEIR
ON MONDAY, AND HERE WE ARE iN RUPERT Christmas. Even when Alderman]|tion of genius. The idea is said| shortly after 8 o'clock. Rapid WAY INTO THE STOCKINGS OF SOME OF
FEELING GOOD. Newton again trespassed on the[{to emanate from Digby [sland | work was done by the longshore- : OUR TOWNSMEN.
famous “Enquiry” clause in the| where only determined effort on|men in transferring the cargo to} —_—_—_—__——
Ww! you've seen it in the Em-,bill in time of peace and good-|Procedure bylaw and asked ajthe part of the others prevented | sheds, and the Camosun pulled; Just to help Santa Claus in his The City Solicitor—A law to
vod been told it’s in the} W!!!l, which should certainly be| question without giving notice,|the inventor from putting his|out again for Vancouver with a| work of distributing Christmas| prevent boy lawyers beating him.
i and eagerly perused it punished with a will the Mayor was most gentle in his| plan to the test. He had loaded| number of Christmas passengers | gifts The News makes the fol- Mayor Manson——An easy chair.
; ” ss But, get busy now, forget it. | reproof The principal business|his rifle and was about to jam for the south. |lowipge suggestions for the old The G. T. P.—The head of J. P.
rhe News, just forget the local Look as if you'd never met it.}/at last night’s meeting wes »| ; zie i » icek ipe | ——  - | se ; 8
: : ‘ i } ! t.}é i ght's me g wes the! the muzz'e into the icebound pipe ——_———____—_—_. | saint: Mabee on a charger.
ind the City Council) This is Christmas time, what/discussion in committee of the|and pull the trigger when his NEW ALASKA VESSEL | Alderman Hilditeh—A_ patent Second Avenue Residents—A
prattle, and the candidates for} matters else at all? Peace and| whole of two plankway bylaws] friends intervened, So, at least, on | swift acting vacuum house re-| view of the steam roller at work.
ul vith their views. ;}go0o0d will for our city,” is the| which will come up for final|the story runs. The pipe was | The Liner Mariposa is to be Rati-| mover. The Skeena District—A good
; Christmas Eve's on Sunday, burden of this ditty Merry | passing on Tuesday next. Strange|thawed out the old way by a fied for Northern Run Chief Owen—A model Indian | live member.
Christmas, Rupert people, one|to say, Alderman Douglas missed | blow-lamp. ————- | village. Prince Rupert—An end to
s Christmas Day on Mon land all! ist night’s meeting. amtisdepiatomeretiliferenneetn (Canadian Press Despatch.) | W. Godson—A tiny totem pole|Couneil biekerings.
iy, and here we are in Rupert} . dil ‘ —————-__-— | NOTICE Seattle, Dec, 22.—The Alaska} conductor's baton. To Our Readers—A right merry
feeling good. So let’s bury ovicy | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. The way of the east is to buy A meeting of the Property Ow-| steamship Co. have purchased] L. Crippen—The D. 8. O. for| Christmas time.
het where we home it or we! Phone 4. cheap at the Mussallem Store. tf| eps’ Association of Prince Rup-|the Oceanic liner Mariposa, sis-| the last Indian uprising. Supt. Love—‘Burning (in)
ind live the good old} . How about neckwear, silk |ert will be held in the Presby-|ter vessel of the Alameda, for use| C, C. Perry—A combined bob-| Daylight,” with apologies to the
- we should. | SERVICES CN CHRISTMAS EVE onas children’s dresses. | terian church hall on Fourth ave.) on the Northern run, Extensive} sled suitcase. author.
In the East and in the Old Land, . Jabour Bros.. 3rd avenue, be-| 00 Friday, the 29th Dee., at 8 p.!alterations and decorations will Chief Vickers—The Gift of The City Engineer—Collapse
} irm land, whether cold | Special Christmas Services in tween Tih and &th streets. 2t m. All members and intending | be carried out to cost $50,000, in-| Tongues; to save time with for-|Proof Culverts, and Competent
friends are making! Empress Theatre. schipniaticeiaainnistagsitnhepsibenedeatl members are requested to be pre-| cluding an additional hatch for| eign witnesses. Critics.
rstreets. They have} Following are said to be can-jsent for the purpose of recom-|the shipment of the heavy car- Captain Barney Johnston— City Clerk Woods—Self Record
ading to encourage} There w be a real Christmas|didates for aldermanic honors: |mending candidates for Mayor| goes of copper ore from Alaska.| That medal for starboard land-|ing Council Minutes.
rading——their path-| spirit abroad he Empress The H I McRae, P. 1 Palmer, |and Alderman The annual fee —_—____ ings. W. H. Montgomery—A _ city
no gymnastic feats. | atre n Sunday evening Last| Thomas MecClymont and one ofj|is $1.00. Enrollment of mem- Call and see our select stock L. Bullock-Webster A toy|where they pay fortnightly wages
no hills nor ditches | vea n Christmas Sunday an ex-|the McRae brothers of Sixth | bers will take place Everybody | of diamonds and gem rings. J.8.| theatre. weekly, with six months holidays
g their civie riches, but] cellent musical service was held| street should come, 3t Gray & Sons’ Jewelry Store. tf | S. P. MeMordie— Section 2jtwice a year.
1 mostly Man-sons/and greatix appreciated This ee . i “a | grading contract. Major Gibson—-A smooth pav-
: Ate Their city are-| year also there has been prepara rena ag ees Section 2 Owners—A suspen-|ed Second Avenue.
k s, while we mush it/tion for the very best kind of R SANTA CLA US PLEASE | sion bridge. Our Young Men—A proper ath-
ckers, dodging light) Christmas Eve The old Christ DEA ’ - | Neil Mackay—An executive to} letic park.
ir ~s(lantern’s feeble|/ mas hymns w be sung and the ve manage, and an editor-mayor. Rev. W. H. MeLeod—A new
best Chris is anthems. and a GIVE PRINCE RUPERT THESE : | **Mack"’—A never-failing news|church with recreation rooms.
sh they were as we! Chris AS Ser n preached by * | magnet. Rey. F. W. Kerr—A wedding at
prospects as they see/ the pastor, Rev. F. W. Ker MET, ey coreg | Alderman Newton—Themayor-|which he weds but doesn’t offi-
finest any city ever Strangers and visitors are al ° | ship, of course, ciate,
| boom like Section | ways welcome at our services. One Road Round Kaien Island---One Road up to the Top of Mt. Captain Babington—A shadow The Bishop—Silver from the
I e just get in and do Morning Christmas service is V ° H T | that never grows less. Sea.
we dust get in and do) Morning Christa seme’ Oldfield---It Would Please Us All Very Much and Help Us | Hays Creek Residents—A sewer] Arthur Little—The glad hand,
| be glad. avenue . . pipe with an outlet to it. because he gives it se often.
ied cp wel Re ee eee in eae to Love the Provincial Government Better Sus band Tense ae Vepact ie shine
in a hurry, for it's/as usual, when a social evening new fire hall. Fresh Eastern Oysters in
and turkey's on|and informa! concert is planned Mr. T. D. Pattullo is responsible for the excellent sugges- Alderman Newton—An_ inter-| shell at Shrubsall’s Market, Third
Italians it's a food- | Evervone is vited to the elub tions contained in the following letter to the Editor: | view with “John Petersen.” avenue. 2t
Dear Sir: | _-—_—— —_—_———<—.. $$
‘ 9 Another two years will see the transcontinental about com-
REAL ESTATE IS — HAS ‘EVELYN poted and it i tnorefore desiabie Chet very posible preparaion THE TABLES = THE GAEKWAR
should be made for the reception of not only the large number of | |
people who will come to Prince Rupert to live but also for the
MOVING UICK CHANGED HANDS entertainment of the thousands who will only be visitors, but whose ARE TURNED OFFERS APOLOGY
npress s may b incalculable benefit to the cily.
It occurs to me that this is a most opportune time for the | —— ~- ae
McCaffery & Gibbons Have a Big Rumor That the Dominion Quar- Provineial Government to begin the construction of a road around Girls Who a Few Days Ago Were Native Indian Ruler Brooding
List of antine Launch Has Been Sold Kaien Island and also to the top of the hill. The cost will not be on Trial for Shooting Now Sue Over His Troubles Offends the

Sales—Something to














Judge Your Values By. to the Provincial Government. very great and in any event the Provinee is reaping so much benefit Millionaire for Damages. Kiny and Queen at the Durbar
through the opening up of Northern B. C, that at least some of the gree ea gies Whee
g list of sales put wit \ rou the money derived from the sale by the Government of Prince Rupert (Canadian Press Despatch.) (Canadian Press Despatch.)
the last few days | waterf: hat i Do n real estate should be reinvested in public conveniences for the city. New York, Dec. 23,—Lillian} Delhi, Dee, 22—-The Gaekwar
& Gibbons will be} Government quarant auneh The view from the top of the hill will be one of the scenic at- Graham and Helen Conrad, the|of Baroda has formally apolo-
nvestors in Prince| Evelyn has changed owners and tractions ef the Pacific Coast jtwo show girls who were freed/gized to the British crowd for
Most of the sales|\has been | hased by the Pro In addition to the roads already referred to, a road should be jlast week by a jury of a charge | bowing only once and then im-
1 the advertising | vincial Govern! t for use by the built around Schwatlans Lake and a park laid out ai the upper of attempting to murder W. E, D,
The Daily News. cal membe ind the road build nd of the lake | Stokes, the millionaire hotel pro-|
ck 7, section 5,/ing staff for | : Rene It is not too soon to start these things. They will take a couple | prietor, have each entered agtion |
W. A. Ferguson. around the islands. The chang of years to complete and the more advantages the city can show for $50,000 damages for false ar-
, block 4, Section 7,/of ow! shy supposed to have with the completion of the railroad the greater will be the impetus j rest and eet |
° Ka mata some ¢ h the ft h to development, Me, SLOPE, we AG ee ; Pd
1 4, block 22, section} coming Prov al ge al elec A concerted move ought to be made on the Provincial treasury. trial lay bat “ ee i’s door, |
5 s recovering his health.
iir; P. Blaek, tion h eft Faithfully yours, |" recovering ee |
ot 5, block 2, sec- | Phis ning the launch ; T. D. PATTULLO Crreeeeren ere tt |
) A. E. Bainter. with a Pre cial Government » D. Ps ore freee Smoking Concert 2 |
t 42. block 45, sec-! party for a trip to Refuge Bay and The Longshoreman’s Uuion)
L. Br we. i neh 7 ts Porcher Island , ee oe F oT will give a big smoking concert
’ * : or : , ) ‘hristmas r ns OF aft
| 10, block 35, section | Accompanying Mr. Manson W@*| E41 SWORD HAS BEEN ABOLISHED TO MAKE WAY FOR THE RIFLE [0 Christmas night, Deo. 25, al
1, & ' ngs ie TL.W.W. Hall. Tickets $4.
ir; O, Nelson, his brother and Messrs Jen 5 .
11, block 4, section 1,/and Gillingham, the Provincial Serene
CG. Pete hain ae a i yerintendents U need I. I need You. Try vur
] k 35 ection 7 . knitted goods. Jabour Bros, 2t
ck { sectic 7,
“ D. Fraser, Turkeys, Cranberries, Celery. ——-
1 6, block 44, section] Fancy Washinglo! cal tu | CIRCUS NOBLEMAN KILLED
K 8 | fowy j ‘ks -—
5 Ange}l. keys, the best ! Wn, GUUCA
1 lot 19, block 4, sec-| geese and chickens; evel ything | ‘Lord’ George Sanger Murdered
500; J. A, Adams, Van-| forthe Christmas dinner. Fruits by an Employee in England.
land vegetables 1 big variety | omusiliaeeenenr
d lot, block 7, section lOvaters and fish. Shrubsall is at Canadian Press Despatch.) |
§ A. Holtby a aan service 3t | London, Dee. 23.-—Lord George
14 block 28 section 14 | | Sanger, the famous circus show-
. C. ¥ une & Co on. | Church Notice. man, was murdered by an em-}|
Vv ‘ 4. ‘ > “
: : ature of the even-| ployee on his farm at Finchley, |
A special feature f | ae aay
3, section 7, $550;|ing service of the Baptist ¢ hureh London, last night. rhe mur |
; “I, » 8900; 7  naid in the McIntyre Hall | derer escaped. Sanger sold his| THE GAEKWAR OF BARODA,
i k 3 tion 7, $650 Poni t th inging of Xmas ¢ irols | | show to P. T. Barnum in 4874.
‘ Cn J, SeCLION 7, BOOUL wi ” ® SIDEINE © .
M.A Mep} ’ 4 vy school | ee eee eer |}mediately turning his back on
iil by members of the Sunda) t 3 fin ; ve ee af . ,
» and 6, block 29, sec- a Beate 4 hearty invitation All kinds of music al instru- | King George and Queen Mary
1, $4,600; M. EB Kendall and|to all on Sunday next, Dee. 24. pene at J, 8. Gray & Sons’, 6th during the Durbar ceremony, He
*. B ve : : : street, is in a very nervous state,
l 14 and 15, block 42, sec- Remember Us, George. | | eT ae me It is thought here that he did
1,200 pair Pie Mr. George Frizzell has rt | Cornet solo by Mr. Peyton, for-/ not intend to insult the British
Lot ind blook 10: wanting | naive & ans packing case full |merly of Winnipeg orchestra, | sovereigns, but felt embarrassed
9, BE pa M. E. Ke dal! a ida ’ chocolates from Mr tenor solo by Mr. John E, Davey,|in their presence as a result of
I ‘ hlaal 6 on r . me wi Mi rrow, with instructions and other excellent Christmas | the scandal hanging over his
r M. M Stephen & oe he algueit ul th mm among Mr musie in Meintyre Hall tomorrow); head in London.
‘phens & Uo, ‘ distribute . wr ‘vening are > j _ . ; >
! and 12 blook, 22, sec- Sat i s friends in the city &s jevening., You are invited, | ‘The Gaekwar was in England
S00; W, Dotter. path . Christmas gift Remember us ——-——-—_—— as one of the representative rul-
| id 2 block 34 section annie Get her a fashionable siik oriers of India during the earona-
eo I. Keefe res —————— |net blouse, a gold and pear! han-|tion week, Since his return to
Lot 9, block 29 section 4 Champagne, port, claret at d all died umbrella, a tea set—-many/India he has been publicly named
ve,( W.G Nictanant ‘lother glasses for the Christmas things to choose from at Wat-jus co-respondent in an action in-
Lot 1949 Lakelse Valley,| dinner, Wallace's | lace’s, tf | Vorwints the name of a woman of
’ I, O'Neil, o OWN BROS | Fr ese | the nobility, This is thought to
Lot 1284, Porcher Island 8300;| Special—-$375 high grade pian a : | Umbrellas in both gold and / have had something to do with
J, Seot te fae #25 down and $10 pel month ITALIAN FIRING SQUAD WAITING FOR THE OFFICERS’ WORDS TO SHOOT PO DEATH THE | Especially selected for Rupert his confusion during the Durbar
at ——— ea Only three instruments will be} RAR SEATI DON A LOG OF WOOD NEAR THE WELL, ENVELOPED IN THE WHITE SHEERT/ weather and Christmas giving.|ceremonies, causing his inad-
a Cest liquors and cigars—|sold on these terms. Hiayees a T SERVES AS A CLOAK FOR THE SONS OF THE DESERT, At Wark's. 2t vertent actions,
a st f > | h BS / sha i
Bros, ,