m :. f i ft s. K t. Si at R 3 t V :t M :f H !l ii I I M '1 l M 1 I I! 1! H If It ii SUBSCRIPTION KATES Cttj delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paia In advat.ce Paid In advance, per west Paid In advance, per month Z.ZZ.ZZZ... Member of Audit Bnrema ot Circulation! PA1LY EDITION tuerits evidently would like h $5.00 .12 .50 Tuesday, July 19, 1938. WOULD SUPPORT NRII.I. The Liberals of Comox-Alberni have promised their support to A. W. Neill if he will consent til hp a fnnrliri of a toi re-election. He had announced his intention of j . - --wfcwv juli iiiLrni 1 1 1 1 1 ill retir- i t- i i r is, the stain of an eIection campaign which, Mr. ieill feels would be too great for his health. 1 1 , We mention all this to show that Mr. Neill, an independent m poliics, is a wanted man. He has fought learlessly for what he thought was rio-ht nnrl Vile? afft.if have been appreciated. He was a man who could say' no when he did not agree and he is a man who can sup-! port anything he thinks right, irrespective of party strings. It is to be hoped that the services of Mr. Neill! will not be lost to the country but that he may be induced! to continue to represent his constituent. ' GREAT AMERICANS During a recent trial in the United States courts, a witness, who was formerly a storm trooper in Germany, joined the German-American Bund, the form of ceremony being that he and the others joining at the time, raised the right hand in the Nazi salute and took the following oath: k?$s? faith t0 m lea(ler Adolf Hitler. J promise Adolf Hitler and those nut in nh CALIFORNIA ALSO British Columbia is not the only place on this continent that is suffering from having too pleasant a climate. California is complaining bitterly that it is being impoverished from the number of indigents who come to th,a,t state from other parts of the country, hoping to get employment and induced by the fact that, if out of work, life will not be so difficult as in the more rigorous climates. An attempt is being made to have indigents kept out of California. ':, , UTTLF, LEAGUE OF NATIONS. The British Empire is a little leaerue of nations and may possibly prove a model for a greater league later. That is the opinion of Malcolm MacDonald, one of His! Majesty's ministers at-London. j If the little league is to be a success it must hold together as a unit and not bolt the Empire just because it.. happens to dislike its policy for the time being. It was' failure to live up to its obligations that caused the fall of the League of Nations and, if Canada or any other hmpire country fails to live up to its obligations, success cannot be attained by the British Empire. We cannot expect to haye all the benefits and take none of the responsibilities. Prince Rupert Tennis Winner Scored Clean Sweep Victory Qvei II. M. S. York in Tournament Last Evening Q. C. Young beat Lieut. Com mander A, A. Murray 6-1, 6-1. W. L. Stamford and Alex Mitchell beat Flag Lieutenant J. S. H Lawrence and Paymaster Midshipman R. H. Martin 10-8, 6-0. Deat ueut. uommanaer A. A. Murray and Paymaster Lieut. O. H. L Kitson 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. MONDAY'S SCORES National League New York, 4; Pittsburg, 7. Boston, 6; Chicago, 7. Philadelphia, 3; St. Louis. 5 Brooklyn at Cincinnati, poned on account of rain. Baseball Standings Including Yesterday's Scores 1 National League W L Pittsburg 47 28 New York 49 31 Chicago 45 35 Cincinnati 42 35 Boston 34 39 Brooklyn 36 43 St. Louis 31 44 Philadelphia 22 31 American League New York ....... .. ,.W..;11.49 .27 Cleveland -, ...47 28 ing at the close of the present parliament but his consti-lSn 2 I Detroit 38 Chicago 33 Philadelphia 29 'St. Louis .23 31 40 43 38 46 54 Football TONIGHT, 6:45 LEGION vs. NAVY Defeated Sammy Snead Saturday In Final Round of U. S. Pro Tournament 8HAWNEE ON DELAWARE, Pa. known to me or by means of insignia to be recotmized asiJuly 19:Paul R"yan, fiUDeriors. Invnlt.v ami nhAnna T 1 JKU eolfer from White P .62 .613 a pint- Plains, ,r oil ' " 7 '" ,Y. . Vu m11 ex-;shed off Sammy Snead, West West Vir Vlr- vuiiiiuaiius v-aieiuny anu wunout personal regard, because I knqw that my leader does not ask anything unlawful of me. It is said that there are nearly half a million members of the Rund who have taken the oath in the United States. Paul Runyon Takes Title ginia walloper, 8 and 7 In the final round of the United States professional golfers championship. The Dally New i.ns an audlu-i rtrculatlon. P)ay safe I DICK TRACY, Box JOO. Saskatoon, Sik. Strttt smJ Sumhtr.. Prince Rupert Soccerites Beat H.IW.S. York So Hanson Trophy Is Kept At Home For Another Year prince Rupert tennis players After a scoreless first half in the second of the two made a clean sweep of a touma- game series between. H.M.S. York and Prjnce Rupert SSS SlTlS SSS? lo' thf Hanson Football Trophy, five goals were regis-men's singles and doubles with re- tered in the second half and, with Prince Rupert claiming suits as follows: ' fmi1. r n,OOQ fV,n VV.,.L'- n . mander p. J. h. Bartiitt iQ-8, 6-?. possession of the cup. York had won the first game on Saturday, 5 to 3. The first half was rather quiet . with the Navy having the better In,?, songbone was always in the iof the exchanges. Morgan was mellf ht and varied his pantos 'safe and saved, well from Qould. J. A. Barry and Geoffrey Wlllctti Longbcne was always dangerous, hls ball control and placing always being a source at danger. j Evelelgh did well to save Camer-jen's high centre. Davies blocked a i hard drive by Tong who later had I luck, .with a grand header from two shots away from Lakeland and posi. Gould. Norman stopped Dickens. I Rupert got the ball in tne net but No American League gamesi" was clearly offside. Murray scheduled. I cleared off Goulds toe. Cameron hit the upright. York pressed from the kick-off and Gould hit the crossbar with Morgan beaten. Tong hit the upright. Then Gould headed the first pcj (goal from Lakeland's corner. Mor- .' gan saved grandly from Longbone .545 .466 .456 .413 .301 .645 .627 .597 .512 Then the local eleven took a new lease of life and, following Cam- From Armstrong's pass McMeekin added a second and, after nice combination, Dickens , scored a third. Murray saved an awkward situation and Ronalds headed off the goaline. McMeekin ladded a fourth after Smith and Cameron combined well. Morgan stopped a terrific drive at full length and then threw clear while on the .469 j ground. Excitement was at fever 4C3 nltch and Gould and Longbone .385 1 tried hard but Davies and Murray .295, cleared. Morgan fisted away two j corners well taken by Lakelaro Dickens got a fifth but it was disallowed. A thrilling second hall found the local team worthy winners. Teams: H. M. S. York-Eveleigh; Norman, Phllpott; Past, Charvllle Doyle: Lakeland, Tong, Gould Longbone, Mitchell. Prince Rupert Morgan; Murray Parsons; Glllls, Davies, Ronalds, Cameron, Alan Smith, A. Dickens Armstrong; McMeekin. time to the opposite wing. All shot hard and often. Morgan gave a splendid all round Then they clicked, combined well The first half was slow. The York 10 oppose OXIora ana cambrldgt , did most of the nressine and at tne cltv' lnon, July display while some of his saves Ferdinand MUM I DOUBLE 'V f (, :r Tuesday, July J PAGE TWO 19 THE DAILY NEWS. CLARIDGE SHOE For Style and Durability this line of Men's Oxfords are the tops In medium priced shoes. Six styles to choose from and every one a winner. Priced at $5.50 ani $6.00 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. WINCE BUPEBT - BR1TISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avnue H. P PULLEN Managing-Editor I There' 3 no waste-unused papers are protected' in. this DOUBLE Automatic Bookie (Contlnued from Page One) were outstanding. Both backs were prince. safe and resourceful. The halves! n was during the World War were always trying hard. Davies However, and the troublesome Improved in the second half and had a lot to do with the win. Ron alds again played a great game and Glllls justified his selection The forward line did not get going until the sailors were a goal up years after the conflict that Queen Marie by her conspicuous activities attained international prominence Ferdinand, who had been a prjnce of the house- of Hohenzollern, asr cended the Rumanian throne In J94. His queen was a former prin- and shot hard. McMeekin's three cess royal of Great Britain. goals were the result of good sup- At the outbreak of the Great port. Dickens opened out the playWar, the king announced that and Cameron on the other wina.Roumanla would remain neutral centred and shot well. In the Inside positions Armstrong and Smith played their positions, checked hard and fed their outside men unselfishly. All told the locals put up a grand show. There was a big attendance of supporters who got full value par unless attacked but h's government's sympathy in the conflict was indicated when the king wa shouted down during a speech from the Uuone in November, Early in. the next year the for mer Kaiser stnt a note to Kln3 Ferdinand declaring his intention tlcularlyjn the last half hour. The j to send a special envoy to Rou same will be talked over for a long. mania relative to the latter's posh time. tlon in the war. A few days latet IRoumania entered the conflict on The team to represent the Cana- the side of the Allies by declaring dlan Legion against the Royal Na-.1" f lnst Austria. That decision val Volunteer Reserve in football' was to have been influenced this evening will be chosen from the following players: Pierce, W. Murray, J. Currle, J. Currie (Jr.). Howe. Scherk, Slmundsen, Alan by Queen Marie, After two years of fighting, two thirds of Roumanla was overrvii by the enemy. The country, cut off smith st. npnu n,nti rnm. 'irom ouisme aia, was-lorceci to ac- dlna, Sam Currle. W. Vance. Rol "pt drastU ;,Pace scntivbi . . . Germany with an ultimatum that showed clever combination hnt 23- arrived yesterday In England Ouf en Mnrlf nrn twin En.t rarely found a good opening to and wU1 stay at Brasenose College wei, Park) Kent( Englandi (.1 shoot. When Prince Rupert brok nere 1 kmm mHhm OmLm r am FlokM, Oot Pvt. mo 1 St. (Ilk IkJtCMBOa I Of yam BtUM , Pkh Tracy Secret, UtClO-Klt, Plena tend nc a Ditk Trtcr Secret t)ttecio-Kit. I encloit 2 box lost from either Quaker Cora i laker, (juaker Puffed Wheal or Quaker PufleJ Rice I Sc. 201 I A. .1 -m -aissssssi. -liitia Oat. Born in England ,29, 1875, Her father, the second! away they were always dangerous son of Queen Victoria, was Alfred but Norman and Phllpott were very THRILLS AT REGATTA , Duke of Saxe-Coborg and Ootha safe. Evelelgh kept a good goal too. STRATFORD-ON-AVON, July 19: and Duke of Edinburgh. Her The hajves tackled strongly and (CP) Spectators at Stratford-on- mother was the Orand Duchess their feeding of the forwards was Avon Regatta got an unexpected Marie Alexandrovna., only daughter ?ood. Doyle was ready to shoot and thrill when the Judges' tent was i Alexander II. Czar of Russia save Morgan anxious moments, blown away In a thunderstorm ar.d Mar'e was married to Ferdinand The forward line threatened but a competing crew was tipped at in 1893. They bad six children of found the Rupert defence unyield- he finishing post. whom Prince Mlrcea, the youngest, dled ln childhood. The others were: ' Prince Carol, born Inl893, who This Genulnt, Official Deteclo-Kit Contain t 1 bottle of Secret Dick Tracv Formla Q-i 1 'rnouKh to print 144 pictures); 1 set of negatives for printing pictures of Dick Tracy, Tess Truebeart, Pat Pat too nd Dick Tracy, Jr.; 1 official Dick Tracy Detective Secret Instruction Book; 1 stylus for secret writing ; 1 package of Hypo-Fixative; 1 special printing glass; 1 let of four printing frames, clips and blotting pad. I tl I-1 - e r mr-r nr-rrtfr-r O INVISIBLE WRITING and XT W FINGERPRINTS 'aooear like made. Also print real pictures of Dick Tracy, friends etc onanyplain paper with this amazing new SECRET DISCOVERY ImI mall f tui inamea rnncess Helen. of Orforp. Princess Elizabeth, born ln 1894.1 "MU ucvame ine wire or former King Oeorge of Oreece; Princess Marie, born In 1899, who married King Alexander of Jugoslavia- Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Bog 515 Stop In At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY For a Dlsb Of WOSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Bite' Ice Cream 8undaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion AUTOMATIC BOOKLET 5$ NONf I FINER I MADt I . . . . . .... i niiPFV marie PLAYED Prince pocnoias, Dora in is03,Tl PROMINENT PART eloped with Mme Jana Lucia ll when she took up per residence n Rumania after her marriage to when he was sun a Jet, a Roumanian commontr t Princess Illeana, who nurr. Archduke Anton of Austria. greater Influence than did Queen Although Ferdinand and lt Marie during the reign of net ascended the thrones of Roumr husband, King Ferdinand. et iq 9 14., their coronation wu ( great interest in her adopted coun- jayed because of the World v. try and its development began Jan(j post-war conditions in ft country until October 1922, fcl Ferdinand died July 20, 1927, In October of the previous j Queen Marie, accompanied prjnce Nicholas and Princeall leana. came to the united Ste and during a five weeks stay u a tour of many of the prtntif cities. The royal party was wcei enthusiastically everywhere vi J the White House President tl Mrs. Coolldge gave a state dinil for them. They sailed for til November 23, their visit somfiil abbreviated because of the u of King Ferdinand. Queen Marie spoke Esil French, German, Roumanian cl some Russian. She was an atari pllshed painter and pyrognthl an expert in the cultivates flowers and was Intensely Intel ed. In music and Uteraturs First New York Guest At Jasper ' Park Returning JASPER. July 19: PerhapiB juoge, j. tiremner. they accepted ,n u hmn the sharp ho i Queen Marie Insisted that she nls mountain pony have (- RUGGER -LIFE" SHORT would never recognize the treaty off -more than four thciKar.4" " had bC6n frCed Up0n hCr AUCKLAND AUCKLAND, N N Z z Julv July 19- 9 (CP) (CP) country and immediately took the -Emphasizing the short "life-ot ,ead Jn a movement to ave Rou. New Zealand rugby players, onlj manla re.entfr lh t seven members of the team that of the A1i,c3 WMh tne coUa visited England two years ago have the ... 0erman arm on th t noon nnm nolo1 r nlmt nnn Mel Australia this year. STAY AT KRASENOSE e-. rront a few months later, thf treaty that forced Roumanla out or the war became ineffective noted trail rider derived theft from climbing into elev:tai New York skyscrapers ana rion-atoD fliehts to the ts? stacr lor wamer Jones, wno airracj along the skylines of Jasptr tional Park, is on his way baclt 'he saddle. Warner Jones was the first Xr Vnrlr vlcltio or tn r"lstr I Jasper Park Lodge, That was j atro. Since then every new ta has found him hasttnlns vtAVP- Mo will ln tVit. ti'nolf t) TC During the war the queen was among the first to ride the neieree A. leveit III. M. S.' active In rPllpf rlr . Vork)- OXFORD, Eng, July 19: (CP)- , people and also served as a Red From the Sidelines Princeton and Cornell track stars Cross nurse In the war area. uvcmruu ouie ifom ianB- - to the famous Columbia IcefM HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. Furniture moving Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and paps? Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MKS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized JIH VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNE-37