I r m : t t i i a e u B X 5 jPAGE TWO Buy Your White Shoes N OW Sweeping Reductions on every white line in the store Your Opportunity to Secure flieh Grade Footwear at Exceptionally Low Prices Broken Lines To Clear $1.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. MtLscfc jturT - Bians u Columbia nbllsbed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, toy Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third -Avsnue H f POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor ; SDBSCKirnON UATtS CRy flellTtry, by carrier, yearly period, paw in advatce AM - r-aui m acvance, per west iaid.ln advance, per -month , Bl all parts of ntlah Columbia, ihe British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year , ADYEBTISlNa EAThs CUlslTied afiverUiEg, per wore, per insertion local readers, per toe, per insertion fitwt Department Teiepnont tt AdvertbOar and Oiemaiitm Telephone tt Member I Audit Burr an ot carcnlxtlons XUILT EUnON 5JOO J.2 0 six) j02 J2S MUST BE MODERATE fiueions of wages and prices of products have been much under discussion as a result of the shutdown in the tomato industry in the south. A millinn rlnllarc awnuie, aim nuixnai-oi me inuiviuual bent ipon his own ehnchment at the expense of his fellow-men. It will be' recognized that the people of a country have the first claim on the goods produced in that country, a preferred right, and that until the necessities of life are provided on adjust basis to every individual within its borders, no nri- yiiegeq person win get tne luxuries. ' The .new spirit will be one of unselfishness and bro-' therhpod4 It will allow no man to enjoy the good things! uijue as long as otners are starving through no fault of fheir.qwn. It will demand from men an active interest in the .welfare of their fellnw-nitizenfi. ThP whnlp aim nf productive effort will be the promotion of ithe common' rrnnrl -Incf ul nf f i.!nn r rmf .r..,1tl, ., .1 e R.elf, a man possessed by the new spirit will strive to make his part of the world and ultimately all the world a fit habitation for .mankind. "The,placeto start is right here in Canada; the-time to start is iiow. If the new viewpoint and the new .Spirit can be gained, the new method will soon be found. If it is not already invented, individual and collective effqrts iui uiruwi uitLiuii. ,up to tnepresentxime,! inventive .genius has been applied wholly to ways.ofmak-ng thinirs more efficiently; the same genius will find ways .of iliatrjbutinG: them to meet human needs, as soon as .the .demand for ,the new method makes .itself felt. ' Power, displacing human energy, has produced huge' supplies of commotlies, and bread-lines. The latter byproduct of power must now be made to disappear forever, and humanity begin to enjoy the fruits of its intelligence. Local Ball Team For Ketchikan Will Pay Visit to First City in.CenJ nection With Labor Day J Celebration I team wiii be made shortly. PITTSBURG AND GIANTS WIN AGAIN Standing Brooklyn, 2; New York, 4. Bcston 3; PhUaderpfJa 0. Cincinnati 8: Chicago 4. Pittsburgh 4: St. Louis 3. American League New York-Washington postponed T, bn rated but the price set for the iSSXSrJSSS. rtUt hv trio XT Qi-l.Hn. Dnn.J . . . l: . t 1 .. .... . . - . "incu xjuuiu wtb tw mgn ior ine can-i miaaeiprua 3-u; Boston 4-5 nprs .10 operate protltablV and the raisers plaimwl tWI LonU 10: Cleveland 7 they could not sell their nrodnrt fnr lac xrr.ori tvQ,r t,o,i . .- . J .1.111 nil,, UOU IU menage betjy tne inaustriai itelations Board. The result is that much of the fruit has been spoiled. The danger in all these arbitrary setting of wages and prices is that the cost of operating in the province becomes so high that competition from other Canadian provinces cannot be met. In Ontario they pa v lower wag- than in British Columbia and in Quebec the wages are still lower. British Columbia workers have to compete with these cheap workers with disastrous results in some cases; What is needed is a minimum wage law for the whole of Canada and even then Canadians have to compete with the cheap labor of Europe and Japan. THREE THINGS NEEDED . According to "The Canadian Unionist," published by the AlUCanadian Congress of Labor, three things are needed, a new viewpoint, a new spirit and a new method.1 Discussing this, the iournal savs : 4,The new viewpoint will be the good of the people asl Chicago 3-2; Detroit 4-3. SEASON'S SOCCEK SCORES Smith, Navy, 10. Bryant, Navy, 8. Christison, Navy, 8. Dickens, Navy, 7. Armstrong, Navy, tj. Vink, Merchants, C. A, Dickens, Merchants, 5. Cross, Navy, 4. jHowe, Legion, 4. Smith, Merchants, 4. Ferguson, Merchants, 4. II Dickens, Legion, 3. McMeekin, Navy, 3. Simundsen, Legion, 3. .Campbell, Legion, 3. .Cameron, Merchant, 3. Ritchie, Merchants, 3. Morgan, Navy, 2. Holkestad, Merchants, 2. vO'Neill, Merchants, 2. D. Gomez, Merchants, 2. Glllis, Merchants, 1. O'Neill, Navy, 1. Vance, Legion, 1. McLean, Legion, 1. . ilusoy. Merchants, 1K ' Currie, Legion, 1. " F. Gomez, Merchants, 1. Morgan, Legion, 1. Smith, Legion, 1. Thursday August 18 i38. THE DAILY NEWS alas roos .Henry Armstrong Wins Third i i ST. LOUIS, August 18 ( Canadian New York 70 i Press j Pittsburg Pirates defeated 'Cleveland 61 the St. Louis cardinals in the lat- joosion 57 ter stages of a class 4 to 3 hall Washington 55 game yesterday to hold their mar- Detroit 51 gin of leadership In the National Chicago 43 TencniA ?t fitr full cramoe nvor Vi. Jhrladelnriia 77 I h . . fc.llllVtf V.VA U1V ' -.. iNew York Giants who downed the3- Louis 37 ijipuiuu uuugci5. 1 tit; uuicuuiair Red; replaced the Chicago Cubs r in third position by virtue of a I miraair Ip victory over them. j iUUluc; " The Cleveland Indians lost to - - the St Louis Browns in the Arr- Npnt rinal erican League and dropped deeper ' into second place below the New: Concurrent Rin Title . With ---- - Unpopular Call Oyer Ambers . . . .1 -xtt-itit TATTr i . nr tt a i Arrangements nave been mafie irj I UIUY, August 1 : K.fl n en ry Armstrong, l for 19 Prtrire Rmiprt Vo ceVvnTl team T -.- A t,.,.., ,7 r:r. j. , xiiigcjcs u, iiaiiuhcicu uui it lmeeii ruunu uectsiun iVSSSZ Jg' t0 take the world ent and become the first Labor Day raurshm or the championship man in ring steamer iruice iiuperc. iracuces wj iivju un uuee at. unc iwu mc stiiue tunc, vnii-wiii I start this week and the an- strong already held the feather and welterweight crowns. nnrnNmvnt nf the ruinrmnol f tha art. -ji4. . w vmi. .pwwa fj hM( Baseball Standings Including Yesterday's Scores Pittsburg iNew York Cincinnati .Chicago ... i Boston Cleveland Indians Drop Further 'ffv"3? n. . ;. St. Louis National. W L 65 C2 59 59 51 50 46' I i iliUlUCiJJIUil A American League 39 46 48 49 54 6 Pet York Yankees, now being eight- Th'ee Games Plaved Last Nieht ii and-a-half games down. The Bt 7 Championship Tournament Louis Browns, as a result of the victory, are now on even terms for The "Prince Rupert city tennis seventh place with the Philadel- chamnionshlD tournament is now jphia Athletics who dropped both approaching the concluding stages lenos 01 a double-header to the ana. if weather holds -fair, it ix tike Boston Red Sox. Thursday. August 18, J938. ; National Leaene 33 41 44 53 55 55 65 65 MA .500 .481 ly the'flnals will be played on Sun- i day. In men's jingles Davis and Blltch have to Tneet to decide who will play the winner of Young vs. Nor-jrington in the final. ) Pinalllsts in the ladies' singles are Miss Evy Rivett and Miss Elsie Davis. In men's doubles Stamford and Davis have reached the final and will play the winner of O'Neill .and Tyler vs. Mitchell and Young. In the mixed doubles Miss Rivett and Blltch are already In the final, their opponents to be the winners of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Young vs. Mrs. Miller and Blake T-flriies' tffauKls fln.l w.ln . w Football TONIGHT, 6:45 LEGION vs. NAVY jjj The decision was unanimous on the part of Referee Billy Cavanaugh and tw0 judges -although .heartily booed by the crowd of 184)00 roaring fight fans which was completely won over by the same stand of Ambers who entered the ring on the .625 short end of the betting odds with JSli expert -opinion generally expecting 551 Armstrong to be an easy winner. .54 Ambers .put up a cagey fight, gave .426 Armstrong .plenty to think about .472 ! and maintained his record of neve 3Ihavtng suffered a knock-out In his jud . career. I CPHPT THAT II knockout, lost three rounds on ac- V I T count of low blows but, despite &byr pPf" hlt .l lck- that, was able to carry the deolsTon.;"4' L ,fr WUlnerS. He narHeH the f1(,V,t K. most throughout and -had the! v, , v . . . , . j .Researchers say Yorkshire has , . 4. the . - champion against ropes al ... ZT:. great deal defending mself. How-c in wnU ever Hen(te hl vountawl itMnnth .-- "k ..... - """6i.nralians were taurine RiioUnri and power, he was unable to visibly hurt Ambers who would either lip out and dance away or tie him up. Ambers took countless blows dir- ilzh Amb?r pUt up will undoubt-(dly entitle him to a return bout. He wa given a reat hand as he climbed put -of the ring. o ..... .The ,de v. ' " i.iiuj r iii ivira. - Roy Morrison and Miss Elsie Davis ' flslon was protested boh .by Am .meet the Hnner nt Ditt a ' 'jers and his manager MifJION ,MNE-UP Line-up for Canadian Legion in norringion O-Z, B-Z .... r ':' " " " Btamford and Davis beat Blate mint's M,s u,y ,t,up HDau ,,x , and Blltch 6-3, 6-3 'lure Is announced as follows: Davis beat Blitch 6-2 6-3 iKrau.ie; Murray and Currie; Cur- . ' ' rie. Howe and McKay; Scherk, Sl- , mundsen, Smith, Vance ahdsCamp.i ibell; Comadjna and, .Bremner. BAItltS TOR 'TRANSIENTS CHATHAM, Ont August 18, (C Pk City Council, worried about a transient, "Jungle" at a riverside -ark, have decided to erect a barbed wire fence. City workmen are barricading the hoboes' haven. tMy lfjtt,ttl ftmow Moon) rUinii j4t. nmcd Ctpttt .VMconii t Kowow ot Bfiliiti A6miti. B tvatyon .ttmtmtxn Cndiii Btf BURTON typ, AL SIUVESWIINO Wt4mlntttf Bftwtry Lid. Thi. .dvmiKmtirt puhlhed or di.piayeo by the liquor Control Board or by but precedent may be set this yea' The Yorkshlremen arc leading. The jhc European curupcaii roller ruuer figure iiguresxai skat- ected ... fortberyrm . his , forearm.,ne . chamnlonshir for men wn Armstrong, in return, look many men and M, wm ,n nft 1r stiff ones around the Jaw It was one of the most actional fights which has been, seen in -many a day In Madison Square Garden. Neither fighter spared any effort and there was not -a dull round. Manchester, England, Sept. 18-17 under rules of the Internationa' Roller Skating Federation. Middleweight boxlne chamDin inf Vila ronimiMir twut. There was leather throwing aplenty, Malley of the Somerset Llghtlnfan for the crowd which ws on Its feet ry was drowned at 4ona India toward the closing stages. lHe represented the armv ire-. Both fighters were still fresh at J fully for three years In his dlvi be end of the flfteerith round and lon. '"lther shnwer! nnv nnrtlii1nr m -J JM.t.bUWI tarks. The courageous battle - -----. V.. ... . kb iUlU J 1 f ..Mrs. West vs. Miss Francis Thorn- i ;11 w a hot and sultry. nl?ht al- The Oilhuly.Cup F&otball stand-"i, -sonandAIrs. J. A. Barry. enough Madison Square Garden was to date. i ncsuiis oi maicnes played Wee v-wmutwuic. ine gate "j. Inesday in the tournament were n ! amounted to close to $100,000. Am- follows: tjaeri?. as the defending champion, I Mr. and Mrs. O Ymini? hent n 'ets the bulk of the fiate. ' O mmw ' ' j trances Thomson and Davidson 4 :fi, 6-4. ! Miss Rivett and JBlitch beat Mrs Erclalmln-i with he 'pieasun after landing a perfect shot In a bowls game at - Worthing. (England Mrs. A. A. Morton collapsed nnt-died. She was 70 years old Merchants Legion 2 2 0 ,1 i2 1 .7 .2 5 4 11 Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music lieintxman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Phones 18 Si 84 P.O. Box 675 .Money-saving Values Every Day At MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More ' Cents Quality The liest Service The Best Opposite Canadian Legion CERTiriCATKH OF LMI'IIOVKMENTA Twin Moow, and .IlUrkle llnrral Claims TAKE WrTfrff ... 1 linT AUJlBrt tJMT,iTITA Viv s.t ot urituZZ l,TOWn uOt uch oworicfttr. of- Impmv". Datid thu lrt dy 01 Auut, ljjg. , rrcp),-Attackerf k ! birds one eve ,. v.Tl bittern wu Wu T o n Tomalln. Roval Air "Force. 'head InremrK ... T4 lYUtliiCU .lUtyM Hiuuii AWkCil springboard diving championship - at Weston-Super-Mare with 10L lt- Augiia v. "RwpridBre vak second -James Law.m r. - . W.. & with S7.71 points. ' . :L . ' :onarv A farthing was one oi uie coins - "-. iv. j j - - n maI iwtt ntt IfM tHa tivai UUIiUUI ltd & benefit of Lesue Berry. .ejcestei- ,i i-ed L, dpad hfrp i j . i anirr u&wuuzui, uumm uk uioim with Lancashire. A farthing Is ont- half cent i, .Fined' fpr selling liquor without a llcensp in nmhrhlted Timirs anri ii Pr rhaus It .wasnt .football but a ! garre In "Calcutta, India, was .f in ished in a hllndlne ralhstorm Spectators couldn't see the .ball and A toucn-unes na auxer -markings i Were not .visible. A Hart, former English and Leeos soccer player, has .been ap pointed player-manager of Tun- bridge Wells Rangers. .Believed oldest ex -Jockey .In England. William .Hunt. 82. died at his home in Bletchley .the other day. Using the premises for unlawful! gambling, the North Foreland! Country Golf Club at Klngsgate ! Ambers was knocked down twice reccgnl2ed lists ' for short periods the first time at '. f the end of the fifth round Jrom a A honeymoon couple who neve Hht ti t.he Iatl tvVien Via tniV t Vio . Yifi. nn n Virnrsf Vfnre IaayiaH i inimt T nn o c tho .KaII I lin .RrintVi Africa vlth .fuir nrtnTwrn' . - " - v.av t OUUllUtU,-' www... .... .uw " . m . n ...... ... rnminp tn nnlrlrlv trie umnrf tlm In tlx rareK TThev dnmlv chut thel D j ...w V " , to the sixth round when heppar- eyes and poked their fingers on the j'enUy. merely sUpped. I entry list. Armstrong, who showed i tend-i " !nrvtnhe,meerrit,Htwrrf. (hJ The GoveTuorfs Eleven opened Uri rmm ,n,i.i. tn H.. o .the cricket season at Poona.Jndia """ J w u' r, F. LARSON Masseur and Electa Treatments THONE OULXX JIJ 25 8th Avenue Wen Prince Ruper B. c B.C, Messenger 'Senia I'lio.NE tr.i Prompt and Coorttou Service R. GILLESriE Stand 6th St Rick Royai Hotel NEW ROYAl HOTEL J Jiarelll Propntor HOME" Rates 11.01 tf du lUMimH riiu. rfu ijkd hi Prince Rupert, It. Phone 281 P.O. In I HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone THF. SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the onlj ' canning .company witn the year round pa'"-Prlnce Rupert