August 18,1938. T.,.. THE DAILY NZv73 PAGE THRE2 ACS" Is Laid At ftest In 1 1 ri LOCAL NEWS NOTES , .111 i This Afternoon jjjl Cklldrtn, pelolly, lava Ktll99' Met Kriiplti. Tkty at that tatty, toattcd babble of rlca wlthaat coating. That tamptln? "mp.craelU-pop" toind arett thtlr Intt rttt aid nsDliUil Tfc aalv ca. r I r - rtal to ,crltp'lt crockltt la milk or crtaml Rita KrlipUt ara rtody ta tarva llht. wkoUiomt, and ailly dlgtittd. Madtby X1II099 In London, Ontario. 1 r cm I RAILWAY I VHff-ftlAlllll J iHAVtl Jw 'That ain't shootin', stujHd tint's Kellosg's RICE KRISPKS" Enjoy the advantages of modern kitchen equipment .with ;a McCLARY RANGE For COAL, WOOD or OIL Drop In and see the new McClary Ranges Inspect their .many features of superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Making Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly Polished Top Economical Fuel Consumption A McClary range with oilbumer Installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service-: It can be changed back for use with coal or wood In a short .time. For Satisfactory Service Get a .McClary, GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDB 'ST. PHONE 311 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific T Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports- SS. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS. "Princess Louise" SS. Princess Alice" SS. PrlncesCharloUe Aug. 6, 17. 27; Sept. 7 Aug. 10.20. Aug. 3. ,13. 24;:pet. a. with Canadian Pacific Services Connections at Vancouver Tickets and Reservations From Wnc Rupert, B.C. W. L. COATES. General Agent. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE AUGUST FURNITURE SALE 2-3 Piece Chesterfield Suites-Covered In tapestry ggg Bale Price mrwv Bi t 1-3 Piece Chesterfield Suite In tapestry iC))U Sale price Prince Rupert, B. C. Phone "75. MILK 387 THIRD AVENUE We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own -Herd t Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red G08 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Pair that the interesUng people of to-knowwl the whole district are doing the ame. Miss Mvrlle McGrezor. who has been vlsltlne here with Mrs. E. P. Jenner, last evening's train or Saskatoon. Mr. and 'Mrs. E. P. Jenner and family will leave on tomorrow even- fn&s trnln for a vacation trin to Edmonton, the Okanagan district and Vancouver. R. E. Moore, manaeer of P. Burns C. Ltd., sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Juneau enroute to the Tulsequah district on company business. -Mrs. C. H. Ilanklnson, after a brief .visit to. the city, left by lait Levenlng's train on her return to Lake Kathlyn to .spend the . rnainder ol the vacation. -Piovlnclal Constable H. L. Mc- JCenney of Terrace returned to the interior on last evenine's train. He had come In Tuesday evening with a prisoner, JohnMaxam of Terrace, who was convicted on a charge of Betting a fire without a permit and frill serve thirty days' time instead pf paying a fine of $25. i1 Announcements All advertisements In this col-nmn will be charged for a full .month at 25c a .word. First annual Port Day Bali, Thursday, August 25. Moose Hall. Rebekah Tea, Annette Fashion Show, Sept. 1- 'Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No vember 17. Phone 112 Taxi; day and night Wiflllam Leverett, well known in the Government Telegraphs service, was a passenger aboard 'the -.Princess Louise yesterday afternoon o Ing through to Seattle. D. G. Borland, who has been at tending the Gyro district conven-i tlon at Yakima, Is expected home on the Prince Rupert tomorrow momlng. Jack ' McRae, who has been lri Victoria attending a convention of R.C-A. Victor Radio dealers west of Fort William, Is expected to return home tomorrow. Miss S. Stewart arrived in the city on the 'Prince George yesterday frqnv Seattle !to .visit, hen mother, Mrs. A. Frebourg, who Is a patient In Prince Rupert General Hospital. Sister Mary Holy Cross of Dawson and Sister Mary Armella and Sister Mary Ambrose, Roman. Cath-. olic Church nuns, were In the city aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Victoria: An Invitation to Men Mr. ,Lombardi will be here on Friday and Saturday with the davance showing of Fall ami Winter Suitings and Overcoatings. As Mr. Lombardi personally supervises .the his shop, an opportunity isiafforded local men to have measurements taken by craftsman. We invite you to call and meet him. WATTS & NICKERSON Exclusive Asents for Lombardi's Preferred Clothes ,W. J. Crawford, well known Stew the citv on the Catala Tuesday ev fining from the north and proceed ed by train to the uarmoo aiiinti. Mrs. D. Zarelll and daughters; 'Louise and Evelyn, who have been on a trip to Chicago, will be returning to the city on the Prince Ru-rt tomorrow morning, having travelled west by way of Vancouver. Prof A. T. Cameron of Winnipeg, hnirman of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, was the speaker at the Tegular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today with President W- L. Coates in the chair. James L. McMillan, public works foreman, Hector Matheson, W. C. .Ynunu and R. Stanlch arrived In I . " - . iU. h pitv Tuesday evening on me atala from Stewart and sailed yes-VorHav nftmoon on the Prince jjoeorge i? Ketchikan enroute to I tho Tlnuk River district where they I" . . . . ,wlli be engaged in mining trail construction. Earl Batt of this city joined the party here. Mrs. F. W. Crawford and son, art transportation man, arrived in Billy, who have been visiting for the F . . t ' Inn. ...anli- week ni or so n as a Ill the A guests P11AST.K Ol ol last Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, will salt bv the Prince Rupert Saturday ev ening on their return to Vancouver, Evan Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Love, returned home on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from the Dawson mining district where he has been employed during the summer. His brother, Bruce Love, Is still in the Yukon. Olof Hanson jr., son of Mr. and Mjrs. Olof Hanson, Is spending a. couule of days in town in the course of a vacation from his legal studies in Toronto. He arrived on Tues Hav nlffht's train from Smlthers nnri will be returning there tomor row. Next Monday he will leave Smlthers on his return to Toronto. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.nii Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vaiicouvcr, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 Weather f orecast 1 Many Attended iFuneral of ..Late A.I JR. .Gordon From B. C. Under-itakers' Chapel .to.Falr-vvlewi Cemetery Manv friends assembled this ai- temoon ,at the chapel of .the B.C.; Undertakers to attend the funeral of a iwell known and "esteemed pi oneer In the person of .Alexander Robert Gordon whose fleam naa occurred earlier in the week. The service was conducted by :Rev. J. C Jackson, pastor of First tUnlted Church, and Miss Lois Judge pre-: sided at the -organ to accompany the; hymns which were "Lead. Jlnd-ly Light" and' 'tAbide With -Me." interment In Falrview -Cemetery fol lowed .with James Dick, James Black, T. iH. .Priest, William Bees lev. S. E. Alexander and :B. Li.Mc Lennah acting1 as pallbearers. There were many beautiful floral tributes General Synopsis The pressure remains hiah over the British Col umbia coast and the weather has been cool with rain In southern districts but fair In the north. ;Prlnce Rupert and Queen Char otte ilslands Moderate to fresh westerly winds, cloudy with not nuch change in temperature. West Coast of Vancouver Island Tesh northwest winds, mostly fair ind moderately warm. TODAY'S WEATHER (GoTernment "lesTpao .Prince Rupert Cloudy 10 ,fa3r, :asterly wind, two miles per .hour; jarometer, .2956 (steady); temper-, ature, jsa; sea smooin. . . - .Inland 6c. Saturday afternoon In the oom-modore. There will be accommoda tion for visitors Including ladies providing they advlse;Mr. Brooks- bank before noon Saturday. A wire of protest has been .sent to Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena. at the unsightly . hue, -ol yellow iwhlch the new post office building ,'.s being painted. Similar protests are beinE made In other quarters The general opinion appears .to b:, that what Is otherwise a spienntd acquisition to the architecture of ,the city is being marred by the suddendecision to change the color from the attractive white originally planned to the sickly yellow. Triple -Island Clear, northwest wind, five miles per hour; light. n iweii. .' Langara Island Part cloudy, I lorthwest wind, sixteen miles per lour; barometer, 30.08; temperature. 54: light swell. .Dead Tree .Point Part -cloudy, ;alm; temperature, 53; .barometer, 30.06: sea smooth. Esteyan Clear, northwest wind, 6 miles per hour; barometer, Bull Harbor Overcast So fair;; vesterly wind, 15 miles per hour; jarometer, 29.81; sea choppy. -Alert Bav Overcast, fresh west erly wind; barometer, 29.95; tem perature, 54; sea rough. Victoria Cloudy, southwest wind, 18 miles per hour; barometer, 29.96. Vancouver Cloudy, calm; bar- imeler, 29:88. Prince George Fair, westerly wind, four miles per hour; barom eter, 29.86. Terrace Clear, calm, tempera ture 58. Alyansh Clear, calm, 58. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 56. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 52. Hazeltoq Clearcalm, 58. Smlthers-Clear, calm, 53. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 54. Halibut Sales American Sentinel, 25,000, Cold Storage, 7,8c The cnamDer 01 'v ,, Mn innyA nra entertain Sir Henry Page uroiy-v,,, MiiJ-i-AzAA n.rt nnrf Tiritf. General Hombyllintl 6' and party at early dinner 5 o'clock bound over for one year to keep the peace. Fxnest .Pierce anoeared lnclty.po- llce court yesterday afternoon on a rhanre nf common assault ana was bound over for a year to keep the peace. Tonlffht's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. neorsre.Casev has withdrawn his tender for supplying rock :to the contractors for the Post Office grounds so the second lowest -tend erer, John Gurvich, ets the .Job. Discovers Hpine Skin Remedy Thi ripan stainless antlseotlc known all over America. as Mopne's Emerald uu, is so eiucieni m im treatment of skin diseases that the itching of eczema often stops with one nnnlication. ,to use and It Is ,so antiseptic and n.n.trti nf tnnt pvn ma siimnom cases have yielded to Its Influence, Moones ameraio. wu,m me vvttlo i srtlrt ha OI-m.T.M aVid druggists .everywhere to elp rid you of stubborn pimples rm tm signuy siun mm AND SHOOT' Arg 4w us Candid Camera jF4.5 Anastigniat .TrjpleJLens 125 to 1S200 Shutter double (Rrame 35 mm Weighs-Only .14 Ounces Loaded rice $16 Ormcs Ltd "Jhe Pioneer Drug? tats The ilewU Store Phonea: 81 Open Dally From S . a jn. till 10 .m. .finndays ,and Holidays iFrom 12 noon till 2 aJn, 7 p.m. Oil 8 p.m. D ELIO FUMTURE EXCHANGE 3rd Arerroe Phone Green 916 4-piece Bedroom Suite Including bed, chiffoneer, vanity and upholstered bench., j)f)9 00 Special Spring Filled MATTRESSES 17, $20 $35 Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new. .ev:.... .... . .. . .1 -Pioce.Chesterfield Suite Covered in 7Q Aft tnnpstrv Snlo nvfen vWV Floor Covering CDNG0LEUM GOLD SEAL $6.75 Size 7 1-2 x. iEach Size S) x$. Each ... ..... $.8.50 .$.965 "Size 9 ?cdO -Each ., . . . . Size 9. 12. Each .. f 10.75 'SEAMLESS AXMINSTER JtUGS- 99 Size 9x 9. ,E ach ....... If you lose any thing, advertise for it.